
Vengeful Ascension: The Rise of a Demon Emperor

Adrian, a desperate man on the edge of suicide, is unexpectedly transferred to another world. Stranded in this harsh world, he must confront the harsh truths of his new surroundings and find a way back home. Adrian has to have the resolve to keep going on, even as he wonders if he'll ever return to the life he left behind. Will he give in to despair, or will he find the strength to overcome the trials that lay ahead and become the universe's most powerful entity? This compelling story of survival and self-discovery will keep you riveted. Join Adrian on his journey to return home and become the most powerful being in the cosmos! ====== NONE of the reference art in this novel is mine; it was found online (no reference to artists found unless otherwise). The art serves only to give the reader an idea of what the art corresponds to in the novel. The artwork that I used in the cover is not mine. All credits to the owner.

Naysay3r · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Why Is he here!?

The training room was alive with the sound of swords clashing as Adrian and Lucas engaged in an intense duel. The two powerful aura knights were testing their skills against each other, preparing for any battles that may come their way.

"Impressive, Lucas! You've gotten far better!" Adrian declared.

"You too!" Lucas responded eagerly as they clashed blades, their skills growing with each passing exchange.

After their swords collided they backed up, readying themselves for the final confrontation that would determine the victor. The tension was palpable as they steadied their weapons, both eager to lay claim to victory.

"Let's do this, Lucas!" Adrian called out, energy radiating from his being.

"Bring it on!" Lucas eagerly responded.

With a simultaneous burst of energy, Adrian and Lucas surged forward and engaged in fierce swordplay. In moments, Lucas was overwhelmed by Adrian's might and power, dropping his weapon to the ground. With his sword at Lucas' throat, Adrian declared himself the victor.

"I won!" Adrian crowed triumphantly, raising a brow at Lucas.

"No way!" Lucas groaned, his shoulders sagging as his defeat sunk in. "Guess I'll be paying for dinner today." He sighed with resignation, grudgingly accepting his loss after the bet he and Adrian had made the day before.

After their vigorous round of sparring, Adrian and Lucas sheathed their swords and headed for the showers. They finished cleaning up in no time and prepared to go out for dinner. It was the perfect way to celebrate a successful practice session, reinforcing the bond between them.

Several hours later, the pair emerged from the barracks into a bustling cityscape. Arvendale was alive with activity, a vibrant energy that welcomed them as they stepped out onto the streets.

As they continued, Adrian and Lucas were awestruck by the countless shopping stalls stretching out before them.

The noise of the Arvendale citizens formed an excited buzz in the air, their conversations testament to the vibrant atmosphere.

With one last scan of the surroundings, Lucas's gaze settled on the restaurant - his destination. He had heard good things about this particular establishment, and now he could see why.

The aroma of succulent dishes filled the air and drew him closer until he was standing in front of it. Taking in a deep breath, his mouth already began to water from anticipation as he stepped into the building eagerly. His search for an enjoyable meal had ended - this was it!

"This smells great!" Lucas exclaimed, prodding Adrian's shoulder. "Let's go inside, buddy!"

He was eager to experience something new and exciting, and Adrian could feel the enthusiasm emanating from his friend's excited laughter.

A few moments after ordering, a female waitress approached their table carrying two trays of food. She carefully placed them down on the table.

"Here you go, sir," the waitress said as she set down two trays on their table. Her polite grin and slight bow revealed her politeness, and shortly after she left to attend to other customers.

Meanwhile, the two of them were eager to try out the dishes they had ordered. The smell wafting up from each plate made their mouths water and heightened the anticipation of what was to come next.

Adrian was overwhelmed with delight as an explosion of flavors met his taste buds. "Incredible!" he exclaimed, savoring each and every bite, as did Lucas. The duo's enthusiasm for the dish was palpable, and they couldn't help but marvel at its exquisite taste, both lost in its complexity of flavor.

After polishing off the meal, they tidied up the table to help their server out and chatted to let their stomach settle from such a large feast.

Lucas eagerly suggested, "Let's find out our innate abilities and elemental affinities - now that we're official Aura Knights of the Empire."

Adrian nodded in agreement, remembering how powerful their crown prince had been on the battlefield. "We need to be able to fight like him," he said determinedly.

"The only way to unlock our dormant talents and magical affinities," Lucas declared, "is in the Tower of Mages."

"Maybe if we could get ahold of Princess Fiona, she could help us get there without too much trouble," Adrian proposed.

Lucas nodded his head in agreement, a subtle smile playing on his lips as he considered Adrian's suggestion. "I like it - let's do it," he said with enthusiasm.

After they had finished talking and their bellies had settled from their eating spree, they headed to their respective homes to rest and prepare for tomorrow's destination.

The following day, Adrian stepped into the barracks and saw a crowd of his fellow knights or soldiers reacting to the upcoming event with a blend of worries and excitement, and then he heard the hum of conversation as he pressed onward.

They plotted to assemble at the barracks and then advance to Tower of Mages, a common building that could be found in all cities.

"Word is Baron Durk is coming to town," one of them said.

"If he takes a shine to us, maybe we'll get something out of it," another replied.

The third shook his head and said, "I'm not taking any chances. I'm outta here!"

Adrian hastened to find Lucas when he heard the commotion, for fear of the baron dealing him another beating like last time - when his inexperience in combat led to his son thrashing him.

As he raced to find his best friend, Adrian trembled with fear of Baron Durk. His strength was legendary, and even greater than that of Adrian's own captain Mohan.

'Where are you?!' Adrian shouted desperately in his mind as he raced around the barracks, fearing the worst. His heart pounded rapidly in his chest as he frantically searched every corner. He prayed that his friend would be safe and sound, but something told him otherwise.

When Adrian found Lucas, it was already too late for him to intervene. Baron Durk stood in front of him, accompanied by Rowan and numerous other knights and soldiers who were training. They all spoke hurriedly in heated conversation.

"There he is, Baron Durk—my best friend," Lucas announced as he gestured towards Baron Leonard Durk.

"Ahhhh. The brave rookie who wowed the battlefront yesterday!" Leonard Durk's excitement was palpable as his gaze settled on Adrian.

"You're too kind, Baron Durk," Adrian replied, attempting to compose himself despite the immense pressure presented by Leonard Durk. Inwardly, he was stifling a wave of anxiety.

Just then, Baron Durk strode towards Rowan, shooting him a menacing glare that displayed his superiority.

"Could I spar with this young man? I'd like to see what he's capable of." Leonard Durk questioned Rowan while eyeing Adrian at the entrance of the training room.

"What do you think, Adrian?" Rowan asked him to make a decision on whether to take up the spar or not.

For Rowan, to be chosen by the empire's most revered fighter was a huge privilege. Going up against such a master would provide invaluable knowledge. He anticipated that Adrian would take up Baron Durk's invitation.

Fortunately, Rowan's expectation became true.

Adrian nodded. "I accept," he declared, unwilling to back down and lose face.

"Great! Let's go to the courtyard then!"

Baron Durk's eyes glowed with joy when Adrian was in his grasp. He eagerly anticipated his chance to punish Adrian in front of the onlookers of the Barracks.

As they made their way towards the courtyard of the barracks, all Adrian could do was pray. He prayed for someone powerful to come and save them, just like in the stories where the protagonists faced someone more powerful than themselves.