
Vengeful Ascension: The Rise of a Demon Emperor

Adrian, a desperate man on the edge of suicide, is unexpectedly transferred to another world. Stranded in this harsh world, he must confront the harsh truths of his new surroundings and find a way back home. Adrian has to have the resolve to keep going on, even as he wonders if he'll ever return to the life he left behind. Will he give in to despair, or will he find the strength to overcome the trials that lay ahead and become the universe's most powerful entity? This compelling story of survival and self-discovery will keep you riveted. Join Adrian on his journey to return home and become the most powerful being in the cosmos! ====== NONE of the reference art in this novel is mine; it was found online (no reference to artists found unless otherwise). The art serves only to give the reader an idea of what the art corresponds to in the novel. The artwork that I used in the cover is not mine. All credits to the owner.

Naysay3r · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs


It had been three days since Adrian Falter arrived in the empire. He had settled in the city of Arvendale and spent his time gathering information about the land he now called home.

The empire, known as the Breles Empire, was made up of 12 major cities, with the capital at the center of the empire, and with Arvendale situated in the southeast. It bordered the kingdom of horned individuals, also known as the demonic empire of Danivir.

On that day, Adrian and Mohan left the house they were staying in and headed towards the barracks. Adrian needed to be introduced as one of the cadet soldiers, so Mohan, who was a captain in his unit, decided to accompany him. Three new recruits also joined them.

As Adrian and the company approached the barracks, a mix of awe and apprehension coursed through him. The building towered before him, a long, rectangular structure fashioned from sturdy materials like wood, stone, or a combination of both. It spanned two or three stories, and tall, narrow windows had been strategically placed for ventilation.

The entrance was an imposing sight - a massive, heavy wooden door reinforced with iron bars. Adrian pushed it open, stepping into a bustling scene of soldiers going about their daily routines.

The barracks were divided into sections or levels, with rows of Spartan bunk beds lining the walls. Each bed was outfitted with a thin mattress and a coarse blanket, and a small chest or locker was provided for each soldier's personal belongings.

In addition to the sleeping quarters, there was a vast common room or mess hall where soldiers could gather to eat and socialize. Long tables and benches filled the space, and a massive fireplace or hearth provided warmth and a means of cooking. The tantalizing aroma of hot meals being prepared filled the air, making Adrian's stomach growl.

As they drew closer to the barracks, Adrian's nerves got the better of him. Physical activity had never been his forte, and his previous world had revolved around computers rather than exercise. But Mohan, who had years of military experience, offered words of encouragement and advice.

"Don't worry too much about your lack of physical training, lad," Mohan said. "They'll teach you everything you need to know here. Just focus on staying motivated and committed, and you'll do great."

Adrian nodded, grateful for Mohan's reassurance. He knew he had a lot to learn, but he was determined to put in the effort and prove himself as a valuable cadet. With Mohan by his side, he felt a newfound sense of confidence.

Adrian couldn't help but feel intimidated by the strict military atmosphere as they entered the barracks. But he kept his head up and followed Mohan's lead, knowing he was in good hands. After all, if Mohan believed in him, Adrian knew he had what it took.

As Adrian and his fellow recruits entered the barracks, the sound of clanging metal filled the air. They could hear the soldiers practicing with their weapons in the courtyard - the sharp strikes of swords and the whistling of spears slicing through the air.

The soldiers' eyes followed them as they made their way towards the center of the room. The busy hum of activity died down as Mohan, their captain, stepped forward to introduce them.

"Attention, everyone!" Mohan's voice boomed throughout the barracks, commanding the attention of all the soldiers present. "I'd like to introduce our newest recruits: Adrian and his fellow soldiers, who will be joining our ranks."

Adrian could feel his face grow warm as the soldiers' gazes bore into him. He stood at attention, trying his best to exude confidence and composure.

The soldiers eyed them warily, sizing them up with a mix of curiosity and skepticism. Mohan continued to speak, introducing each of the new recruits by name and giving a brief summary of their backgrounds.

As the introductions came to a close, Adrian could feel a sense of relief wash over him. He had made it through the initial hurdle of meeting his fellow soldiers, and he knew that he had Mohan's support to guide him through the rest of his training. With a newfound sense of determination, Adrian set his sights on the challenges that lay ahead, the clanging of swords and the whistling of spears a constant reminder of the hard work and discipline that lay ahead.

Several hours had passed, and Adrian had started to get along with some of the soldiers who had interacted with him. He found that some of them were willing to help him learn the ropes and were generally welcoming. However, there was one particular person who caught Adrian's attention. The man's eyes were full of contempt every time he looked at Adrian.

Adrian couldn't help but wonder what was bothering the man. Was it because Adrian was an ectomorph, with a slender build that didn't exactly scream "warrior material"? Or was it because Adrian didn't have the combat skills to back up his position as a soldier?

The man's disapproving gaze made Adrian feel self-conscious, and he began to doubt himself. Was he really cut out for this? Could he become a capable soldier despite his lack of physical prowess?

Adrian knew that he had to prove himself to his fellow soldiers, especially to the one who looked at him with such contempt. He was determined to work hard and learn everything he needed to become a skilled warrior. He would not let anyone's doubts hold him back.

The following day, the recruits were once again summoned to the barracks courtyard. This time, a wooden stage had been erected, and the Master-At-Arms stood atop it. In front of him stood hundreds of newly recruited soldiers - some eager to partake in the training, while others had been coerced into joining.

As Adrian gazed around at the vast crowd, his nerves began to kick in once again. He looked from left to right, taking in the sea of soldiers before him. He wondered how he would fare in the grueling training that was sure to come. Would he have the strength and determination to persevere, or would he crumble under the pressure and suffer the consequences? Only time would tell