
Vengeance Unleashed

Satuo A young man Who is trying uncover the mystery behind what the pendant holds on

ItzMeSora · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Mana core

The morning sun casts a warm glow over our small village, signaling the start of a new day filled with adventure.

I wake to Ayaka's urgent voice, her words pulling me from the comfort of sleep.

"Hey, wake up! Rae's calling us for a meeting."

I rub the sleep from my eyes and nod in response, promising to join them soon.

Stepping outside, the cool air greets me as Rae and Ayaka engage in conversation with others from our community.

"What's happening?" I ask, joining the circle.

Rae's gaze meets mine, his expression serious.

"We're heading into the forest to strengthen our mana cores. It's time to prepare for the challenges ahead."

Excitement bubbles within me as Rae unveils a cache of weapons for our journey. Swords, bows, and arrows lay before us, relics of a forgotten era but still potent in their purpose. As we equip ourselves, Rae's voice fills the air with determination.

"We must be prepared for whatever lies ahead," he says. "Our mana cores are the key to our strength."

With our preparations complete, we set off towards the magical forest between the elven and human kingdoms.

The journey is filled with anticipation and curiosity, my heart pounding with each step.

"This is it,"

Ayaka says, her eyes shining with excitement.

"Our first adventure together."

As we walk, I can't help but marvel at the stories I've read about guilds and hunters. The prospect of earning nor, the currency accepted throughout the kingdoms, fuels our determination.

Ahead lies the dungeon, ranked among the lowest for new hunters but still filled with the promise of discovery and danger.

It's a D-tier dungeon, a humble beginning for our journey into the unknown.

Rae's words echo in my mind as we press forward, his speech about survival and past hunts guiding our path.

"No matter what," he says, "we'll face it together."

With weapons in hand and spirits united, we venture into the depths of the forest, ready to confront whatever challenges await us in the hunt for mana cores.

As we delve deeper into the forest, the air grows thick with anticipation. Every rustle of leaves and snap of twigs sets our nerves on edge, but we press on, drawn by the promise of adventure.

The dense foliage casts eerie shadows, and the sounds of the forest become our constant companions. Ayaka's laughter cuts through the tension, a reminder that we're in this together.

"We're getting closer,"

Rae says, his voice steady despite the unknown dangers lurking around us.

Suddenly, a clearing emerges ahead, revealing the entrance to the dungeon. Its stone walls are weathered and overgrown with vines, a testament to the passage of time.

"This is it,"

Rae declares, his eyes gleaming with


"Our first challenge awaits."

With cautious steps, we enter the dungeon, the darkness swallowing us whole. The air grows stale, and the smell of damp earth fills our nostrils.

As we descend deeper into the dungeon's depths, the walls seem to close in around us. Shadows dance in the flickering torchlight, and the silence is deafening.

But we press on, our determination unwavering. We may be inexperienced, but our resolve is strong.

Suddenly, a low growl echoes through the chamber, and we freeze in our tracks.

Something lurks in the darkness, something hungry for blood.

With weapons drawn, we steel ourselves for whatever comes next.

The hunt for mana cores has only just begun, and the forest holds many secrets yet to be revealed.

As we cautiously navigate deeper into the dungeon, our senses are on high alert.

Every shadow seems to conceal a potential threat, and the air is thick with anticipation.

"We need to stay focused,

" Rae whispers, his voice barely audible over the sound of our footsteps. "Keep your wits about you."

Ayaka nods in agreement, her grip tightening on her bow. "Agreed. We can't afford to let our guard down."

With each step, the darkness seems to press in on us, and the weight of our weapons feels heavier with each passing moment.

But despite the uncertainty that surrounds us, there's a sense of camaraderie that binds our group together.

Suddenly, a faint glimmer catches my eye, drawing my attention to a corridor veering off from the main path.


I whisper, pointing towards the dimly lit passage. "There's something over there."

Rae nods, his eyes narrowing as he surveys the area.

"Let's check it out, but stay alert."

As we cautiously make our way towards the corridor, the air grows colder, sending shivers down my spine. The walls are lined with strange symbols, their meaning lost to time. It's clear that we've stumbled upon something ancient and mysterious.

"Be careful,"

Ayaka warns, her voice tinged with concern. "We don't know what we might find here."

But curiosity drives us forward, and we press on, determined to unravel the secrets of the dungeon.

As we reach the end of the corridor, we're met with a sight that takes our breath away.

Before us stands a towering statue, its features weathered by centuries of neglect. At its feet lies a pedestal, upon which rests a glowing orb—the very thing we've been searching for.

"This must be a mana core," Rae whispers, awe evident in his voice.

"But why is it here?"

Before we can ponder the question further, a rumble echoes through the chamber, shaking the very ground beneath our feet. It's clear that we're not alone, and whatever lurks in the shadows is none too pleased with our presence.

With weapons at the ready, we brace ourselves for the coming battle. The hunt for mana cores has led us to this moment, and we're determined to emerge victorious, no matter the challenges that lie ahead.


Sorry for the short chapters

It's been hard to write the chapters cuz of overwork and there some mistake here and there I will rewrite the chapter as soon as possible.

Author - ItzMeSora

This webnovel is might be similar to TBATE

I hope u guys will enjoy these chapters

See ya guys :)