
Vengeance of The Broken Lycan Prince [BL]

[MATURE CONTENT] "Kiss or Kill?" "Karma." ***** Broken by a pack that was supposed to be home, Tamiko swore to never attend any mating ceremonies. He knew they would eventually reject him, so he didn't want to risk the heartbreak even more. However, a lonely best friend in need of a mate and a bunch of convincing later, Tamiko found himself at the entrance of the mating ceremony. As if that wasn't enough, the midnight moon gave him what he didn't want the most. A mate. But not just any mate. Gabe; the alpha's dark son, a man who made it his mission to make Tamiko's life harder, and also the man Tamiko hated more than life itself. As their eyes glowed in the night, Tamiko didn't see a mate, he saw a very rare opportunity; a chance to run, or be the one that Gabe ran from. He chose the latter. Like a gift from the moon, he realized the one thing that could burn down the Grealor pack. He bore the mark of lycan royalty, more precisely, King Zaffuto's mark. The outcast, Tamiko, was the lost lycan prince.

she_osprey · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
150 Chs

Coz It’s A Fake Love


In the Kawai palace, reality was hitting a group of men a little too hard and it had gotten them worried and irrational in every way. They had done things that even the moon goddess would frown upon, and now that the devil was sane, karma would come.

It was the kind that wouldn't wait for them to take a breath, let alone catch it, because the bastard devil of a dark king was as sane as he could get, and even worse, he had a smile on his face you would think the world was filled with roses again.

"What the hell have you been doing all this time? The kid we took to Grealor showed up and his father is so interested in him. It's just a matter of time before Zaffuto realizes what we did and he comes after us!" a frustrated Lycan spoke as he paced.

He was currently in one of the rooms in the Kawai palace basement, which no one had bothered to keep functional after the king had lost his queen. That day had been the worst for the kingdom that even Lord Sadako hadn't kept count of the messes.

It was also the first time they had been free; they could use this place to monitor the king and the kid they had sent to Grealor. It wasn't even surprising that they had come to this place today. They were the traitors that the long king had sworn to root out.

Or maybe they were feeling confident because King Zaffuto hadn't taken any action since the time he had locked himself up. Maybe they were counting on the fact that the universe hated Zaffuto like they did, but would that really happen?

"You can't seriously be asking us that! The potions we mixed in Zaffuto's food should have kept him out of touch with his reality for the next hundred years and even more. That would have been enough time for us to make his son a weapon against him.

"You didn't plan well and now you are pointing fingers? Need I remind you, Sirius, that the kid wasn't even supposed to get out of Grealor in the first place? So, what the fuck happened and why the hell didn't you stop it, Ashton?" another man questioned.


Ashton Grealor.

Alpha Ashton.

The wolf who had been handed the kid to keep safe and make sure that the kid and his father never met yet here they were again, with another obstacle in their plans. First, it was the way they had lost control of the kid and now Zaffuto was of sound mind.

"You think it was easy to keep the bastard in Grealor? Need I remind you who put me in the damn wheelchair in the first place, Leo? He knows Zaffuto is his father, it's just a matter of time before he comes clean to the man.

"We will definitely be doomed when that day comes, unless we find a way to stop them before they do anything else together. The father-son duo is worse than the Liana-Zaffuto duo, and you all know it," Alpha Ashton said and they looked at him.

They had not expected that to come for his lips, but then it also made sense the way they had seen Tamiko interact with the Lycan King. They had hoped that the father and son wouldn't ever get to see each other now that the boy was a rogue, but here they were.

Danger was looming over them and they had an angry kid who was determined to wipe out Grealor in his vengeance. There was no telling what was going on in both the Hinatas' heads at the moment. 

"Where the fuck are they then? The king suddenly disappeared and left Kawai. Lord Sadako is running Kawai again," one Lycan said and they looked at Ashton, hoping to the goddess that the alpha anywhere Tamiko was, but did he?

"Tamiko isn't in Grealor either, and he is mated to Igor Konstantin… Just our luck, with how protective the barbarian is of the kid. If we don't die by Tamiko's hand, then we will surely die by Konstantin's. That is one horrific sure bet," Alpha Ashton sighed as he wheeled around.

He had been trying to live his days quietly but then his son was something else and the crazies were already unleashed and they weren't even in Grealor. There was no telling what would happen next and that shit scared the hell out of him.

"If the Hinata boy knows, then the king definitely knows. We have to be ready to defend ourselves," Leo said as he looked at the team in the room. They had been planning this shit for over thirty years and they were about to let a kid ruin it for them.

The Zaffuto regime was one that scared even the dead in the afterlife. And if the king was sane then that meant they would be thrust back into the life they had struggled to get out of, a life of honesty and one in which justice was something the mad king valued.

At least with the king away for the past twenty-five years, they had been able to make things right for themselves. They had thrived and even gained an inner following. They had managed to convince a few Lycans to join their revolution.

Or maybe it wasn't as stupid seeing how theta had survived the past years, right? Oh, how this was a gamble that they had to work through very carefully because the mad king was still the mad king. 

Surely they had to know that just because Zaffuto hadn't come out of his shell with murder on his lips and claws for his Lycan didn't mean that he was a tamed beast. He was still the same beast and the sooner they understood that, the sooner they would save themselves, right?

"What's the point when our leader isn't even here to let us know what is next? We have to be careful around Lord Sadako. He likes his nephew and he won't just sit by and watch as we bring his best friend and nephew down.

"He's the greatest flaw in the plan other than Konstantin. What the fuck are we even going to do with him?" Sirius asked as he looked at the group in the room they were trying their best to hold on but nothing was working for them.

The plans were being undone one by one and it wasn't even funny anymore. Tamiko wasn't supposed to be strong or even get mated to the barbaric devil that roamed the realm. He wasn't supposed to meet his uncle, ever, and yet he had.

"Add my son to that plan too. Tamiko apparently rejected him and Gabriel isn't taking it too well. He might fuck us up and I don't even know what to do. I'm on a fucking wheelchair," Ashton said frustratedly and they stared at him like he was bonkers.

"If your son will be a nuisance we will kill him. You have to already know that by now, right? Unless you find a way to keep him in check, because otherwise, your precious Grealor will be doomed," Leo reminded Ashton in the calmest of tones, making the alpha gulp thickly. 

This had never been part of the plan, but was there even a plan at this point when everything had taken a life of its own? Their plans were going in the wrong direction and they didn't have any sense of assurance to make them keep going. 

This was insanity regardless of what they were thinking. But then hadn't it been insanity the moment they decided to murder all the expectant wives of Kawai as collateral to their ruthless murder of the greatest queen of heart then?

"You can't do that. I will talk to him, but don't even think of threatening my son's life, because we all have everything to lose here. I'm not the only one, and it's best for you to keep that in mind too, Leo," Ashton said, his voice coming off as a growl.

His son may have been a little cold in the head because of the rejection, but he would never let someone hurt his son. And if he had to give up his life for his son, then he would do it without a second thought.

"You all talk too much. Instead of focusing on creating a rift between the brothers, and the father-son duo, you're here whining about useless things. I didn't bring you together for that," a voice interrupted and they shut up instantly.

"Master Sanjiro… You're here."

I really hope this 'Master Sanjiro' isn't the ever-happy Sanji we now, cause then it would be fucked up lol

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