
The Bodyguard and the Whore

Having heard all the rumours about Gomorrah, I was left in two minds in how to approach the place. Half of me thought just walk in like I owned the Strip and put the Omertas in their place, and if they didn't like that idea, fuck them. The other half thought I investigate them first, find out where their interests lay, then use that to my advantage. Discussing it with Swank, Marjorie, Cass and Veronica, the former two visiting the Lucky 38 incognito, they all agreed that going in and checking them out first might be best. Swank and Marjorie admitted they had little idea what the Omertas actually got up to most of the time. Plenty of rumours, not a lot of fact.

What I didn't want to do was head in dressed like I normally was. I'd be recognised within seconds. Wearing anything provided by Swank or Marjorie wouldn't be of any help. It took most of the day, but Cass eventually found some ordinary clothing, worn by labourers and farmers around the Mojave. In somewhere like the Gomorrah, I wouldn't really stand out, long as I had the caps to buy alcohol and time with whores.

I made my way across to Gomorrah once darkness descended upon the Strip, hoping the crowds that flocked there would make me look rather invisible. I did go with my revolver tucked into the band of my trousers. Thankfully the bodyguards at the front door didn't pat me down. There were plenty of NCR soldiers about, none of them carrying weapons as per the agreement struck with the now deceased Mister House.

I learned within a few minutes everything that Gomorrah had to offer. Seriously a casino of any vice and sin. Any alcohol you would want seemed to be available, no doubt a few hooches that might end up leaving you blind, or worse. Every drug on the market seemed to be on offer. The gambling barely earned a glance in comparison. And then there were the prostitutes. Many young men and women, many of them high on the drugs on offer. Some looked completely strung out, I would be surprised if they even knew what they were doing.

Within fifteen minutes, I felt a little uncomfortable but I remained, simply keeping any eye on anyone who looked important. Couldn't really hear anything over all the noise. The atmosphere was charged. Violence seemed to be on the verge of breaking out at any moment. Sex happened in view of anyone interested in watching. Drugs were openly displayed and taken. It was an eye opening experience.

Ending up in a courtyard, I was amazed at the number of tents and it was easy to figure out what was going on inside most of them as I certainly recognised when sex was taking place. I turned and wandered back inside towards a bar, sitting down and watching a couple of girls dancing on a nearby stage. It was provocative and like nothing I'd seen elsewhere on the Strip.

Nursing a drink, I was thinking of just heading back to the Lucky 38 to give myself an all over scrub in the shower when a woman sat down on the stool next to me. Wearing a sleeveless dress, the first thing I noticed were the needle marks along the inside of her arms. When she glanced my way and grinned, it in no way met her eyes. In fact, it was easy to figure out she was an addict.

"You okay?" I asked.

"Fine," she said, taking out a cigarette, trying to light it. Taking Benny's lighter from my pocket, I leaned over and lit it for her. "Thanks," she said, glancing my way, "You looking for some company, baby?"

"Not sure. This place is… something else."

"It's certainly an eye-opening experience. First time on the Strip?"


Her foot quickly found its way to my leg, brushing up against it. "What brought you to the Gomorrah tonight?"

"Heard stories about what takes place here. I was just interested in seeing if they were true."

"Oh, they're true, baby. If you imagine it, there's a good chance you'll find it here." Her foot made its way up my leg to rest between my legs, her toes not shy in caressing my crotch. "How would you like to join me upstairs?" she asked, her voice all seductive, no doubt trying to tempt me.

While I wasn't interested in sleeping with her, I figured she might be a good source of information. I finished my drink and returned an easy grin. "Sure, I guess some company for a little while would be nice."

She smiled, again not reaching her eyes, but she took my hand and led me towards the courtyard, though then we approached stairs, heading up them and we arrived at a door. "I get my own room," she explained, leading me inside. It was far neater than I expected, left thinking she might have lived in the room.

Turning towards me, she wasted no time moving her hands to my belt, so I definitely surprised her when I moved them away and simply hugged her. Definitely caught her by surprise. "What are you doing?" she asked, sounding more confused than anything.

"I need your help," I whispered.

"With what?"

"I need information. About this place."

She struggled in my arms, so I loosened my arms though didn't let her go. She leaned back and met my eyes, now curious but also a little frightened. "Who are you?" she asked, not missing the hint of nerves in her tone.

"Someone who need information regarding the Omertas."

Putting it bluntly, she was smarter than she looked and portrayed. Her jaw dropped, but she was smart enough not to shout anything. "You're… him…" I nodded. I'm not sure whether she wanted to laugh, cry or something else, but the hug returned suggested I might have been just the person she wanted to see at that moment. "Thank god," she murmured.

"Are you okay?"

"You've already asked me that. Now I can honest. No. No, I'm not. What do you want to know?"

"Anything you can tell me."

"You'd better sit down then because it's a long story."

She made sure I had a drink in hand, sitting next to me on the bed, as she started to explain her life at Gomorrah. Not just her life, the life of everyone in her position. Her own life was, in parts, horrifying. I made sure I would remember the name of one specific person as she described what was done to her by him. But despite the horror, there was also a chink of light, a sign of hope that she might escape the life, but it was going to take more than just some hope and dreams for it to happen.

"Is it like this for everyone?"

"I don't want to make my life seem so much worse than everyone, but let's just say I'm the favourite of certain people, and I can't say no in my position. None of us can say no, but because of my popularity…" She didn't have to say much more.

"Fuck," I muttered, "And I'm meant to work with these arseholes somehow."

"House wouldn't give a shit. All he would have cared about is the caps kept rolling in. Otherwise, whatever happens within these walls wasn't his problem. People like me are suckered in by the bright lights, the supposed glitz and glamour. They make it sound like an easy lifestyle, doing it a few months to make caps before we move on. Then they offer drugs, make it sound like something everyone does, knowing it'll hook us. Once we're hooked, that's it. They own us."

"Should just wipe them all out, find someone else to take charge."

"A lot of blood will flow before you've swept the scum away." She sighed. "I can't tell you what to do. I can give you suggestions though. Kill Nero, there's a power vacuum, and perhaps with luck, those wanting to take the big chair will kill each other. Big Sal is someone you'd need to watch carefully. Cachino is another worth watching, though he seems to believe we're in love."


"As I said, I can't say no. And if I'm not enthusiastic… He's a bastard. But I could never tell him I love someone else." She turned towards me. "Can you get me out of here?"

"I can try. You're awfully trusting though."

"You're the Courier. You're the one who will give people like us hope that things might change for the better. We all heard what Benny did to you, and how you crossed the Mojave to take vengeance, then you faced down House and dealt with him too. But what gave all of us hope was that speech you made. Nero and the others think you're a fool obviously, that you won't do a damned thing."

"How do I help you?"

She shuffled closer. "There was a member of the Omertas who… we fell in love. His name is Carlitos. But he's been on the run since Cachino accused him of stealing caps. It was a lie, Cachino just wanted him out of the way so he could have me for himself."

"Do you know where he is?"

She nodded. "I obviously have friends. They've let me know he's at Vault 21."

"Say no more. I'll start putting things together."

"I'll talk to some other girls. Most are happy here, and no amount of convincing will have them join me. But I know a couple want out as much as myself."

"Leave it with me for now. I'll return incognito again and make contact when I think things are ready to move."

"Thank you."

"I'll receive those words gratefully once you're safe." I paused and grinned. "Here I thought I was going to make contact with some rather unsavoury types… Still might end up doing that in the end, but I could end up cleaning house at the same time."

"The likes of Nero won't be missed by many people. Look, many of the men and women working in the tents down there? They enjoy what they do because of the caps. But, as explained, they're stuck doing it for various reasons. I'm sure many visitors feel it's all a little unsavoury, but once they've been plied with drink and drugs, any inhibitions disappear."

"I'll do what I can."

"I think that's all any of us can ask."

Leaving her room, I wandered downstairs, had a drink at the bar again so it didn't look too suspicious that I just walked straight out, before I eventually wandered out onto the Strip, checking the time to see it was rather late, or quite early in the morning.

Cass was fast asleep when I slid under the blankets next to her in bed, smiling as she immediately moved back against me. She did murmur a question, just kissing her cheek, assuring her we'd talk in the morning. Her hand did caress my chest and move down to my cock, and I think she was surprised I had little reaction. That's when she seemed to understand I wasn't in the mood, so she snuggled against me and was fast asleep again within seconds.

After breakfast the next morning, Cass and Veronica listened in as I explained everything Joana had told me the previous night. To say they were horrified themselves wouldn't be exaggerating, but while I might now reside in Lucky 38, my own power and influence was still somewhere limited. I couldn't just send in Securitrons to deal with the Omertas. The Chairmen and White Gloves might not have liked them either, but the agreement with House still applied.

So I agreed with myself, though Cass and Veronica supported the idea, that I would help Joana and anyone else who wanted an escape, and then I'd deal with the Omertas. I figured they had plenty of skeletons, bodies buried, and secrets that they wouldn't want revealed. In the end, I admitted my only concern was a power vacuum. I was somewhat filling the one left by House. I had no idea who could take over running Gomorrah if I wiped out those in charge. I couldn't let the other two families take control. They'd become too powerful.

Dressed as I normally was, I headed for Vault 21, hoping to make contact with Carlitos at best, and if possible, discuss with him ideas of how I could help Joana and the others. As I was becoming a regular sight on the Strip, I did find myself approached by more than one stranger wanting to introduce themselves, generally just wishing me a good day, wanting to shake my hand. The guards outside The Tops were friendly as always.

Walking through the entrance of Vault 21, I was greeted by a smiling, blonde, rather bubbly young woman who introduced herself as Sarah. And she knew who I was without having to say a word. Perhaps explained why she was over-friendly. Talking at a million miles an hour, I couldn't help laugh. "Okay, Sarah. Take a deep breath. I'm here for a reason and hoping you can help."

"Oh, sure, what do you need?"

"I'm looking for a young man named Carlitos."

She was immediately suspicious. I didn't blame her. "Why do you want to speak with him?"

"Joana has asked for my help. She suggested I speak to him."

The smile on her face immediately reappeared. "You're going to help them escape?"

"I have a feeling that's what I'm going to be doing."

She leaned forward, beckoning me to do the same. "Carlitos is holed up in a room downstairs. No-one knows he's there, not even other guests in this hotel. I know the Omertas have spies everywhere, so he can't show his face, even here." She knocked on the desk. "He'll open the door to that series of knocks. He'll be surprised to see you, but he's not armed, so at most he might piss himself."

Knocking on the door, Carlitos staggered backwards upon seeing me, no doubt expecting a bullet or a punch in the face as I stepped forward. All I did was remove my hat and close the door as he took a seat on the bed, seemingly accepting his fate. "Thought you'd find me eventually," he murmured, "Can you just make it quick, at least?"

"I'm not here to kill you. Joana sent me."

His face lit up immediately just upon hearing her name. "She's okay?"

I took a seat on the only available chair, pouring him a glass of bourbon, noticing his hand still shaking as he accepted it. I took a sip from the bottle. "She's absolutely miserable. And terrified for herself and for you. But she's getting by."

"And you are?"

"I'm the Courier."

"Holy shit… I thought you were a myth!" He sipped at his glass. "And you're going to help people like us?"

"Looks like I might need to deal with certain things at the Gomorrah. Helping you, Joana and anyone else is a good thing." I sipped at the bottle again. "Then I might have to start killing again."

His jaw dropped before he asked, "You're serious?"

I met his eyes as I replied, "Deadly. But that's for later. Right now, it's about you guys. So how can I help? Do you have a plan?"

He finished his drink before leaning forward, and I was immediately impressed by the thought process behind his plan. Sure, it left one or two things to chance, but considering he was but one man against an organisation such as the Omertas, he was going to have to rely on luck to make it work. We must have discussed his plan for a couple of hours, picking holes where I could see problems, but it was rather simple, and though I knew the Omertas would likely figure it out quickly, as long as we had guns, we'd be okay.

"I've got a couple of friends who will provide back-up," I added.

"Oh good. I was going to suggest a couple of people from the Wrangler."

"I'm sure you find them trustworthy, but you can trust my friends even more." He nodded. "Okay, keep your head down. I'm going to give it a day at most, then make contact with Joana." I did have one question on my mind. "You make your escape, where are you going to go?"

"West. Anywhere in the NCR. We'll get new identities, find a new line of work. Get Joana off the drugs."

Heading back to the Lucky 38, Cass and Veronica immediately offered to help once I explained the plan. Couldn't help smile as I hadn't even had the chance to ask. Cass said we'd be doing a good thing, and once we handled this matter, taking care of the Omertas would have to be next on the list. I could only agree with that assessment.

Word of what I was going to do must have reached Emily downstairs what I was doing, as she joined us for dinner that evening, and was then very touchy-feely as we enjoyed a couple of drinks at the bar in the recreation room. Touchy-feely turned to making out, enough that Cass not so quietly suggested to Veronica that she would be sleeping in the other room with her that night.

"You don't mind, Cass?" Emily asked.

"Nope." Emily giggled at the blunt reply. Cass smiled in return. "You've slept with him before and it didn't bother me. And it's been a while since you last enjoyed a night together."

I found myself dragged to the bedroom within five minutes, both of us naked a couple of minutes after that, my head between her legs as I devoured her not long after that. I might have been eager to eat her out, but like always, I loved teasing my lovers for a long time before I finally helped get them off. She loved it as much as she had last time, and was soon making the sort of noises that suggested she was getting close.

"Just there," she cried softly, "Just there."

Think she meant my fingers, maybe my tongue, maybe both, but I kept doing exactly what I was doing, and she was soon squeezing my fingers, back arching as she cried out, begging me to keep going as the orgasm hit. "Want another one?" I asked.

"One or two more, then we can make love." I felt my eyebrows raise at the use of that phrase. She looked up and met my eyes. "Or would you rather hear me say you can fuck me senseless?"

"Either is good."

Wrapping my arms around her thighs, I brought on her next orgasm with just my tongue, which certainly left a smile on her face, kissing up her body as it did shudder from time to time, eventually meeting her eyes to see her gaze back at me, the smile on her face broadening before I leaned down to kiss her.

Sliding my cock inside her, I can admit I didn't last too long that first time, feeling rather excited myself. We made love for hours, mixing up chatting and laughter with rounds of love-making. I'd never tire of watching her ride me, my hands running up and down her soft body, looking down to see my cock disappear inside her, enjoying the sounds she made and the compliments I received at how great it felt. The love making lasted so long, I enjoyed three orgasms myself by the time I needed to stop. Cuddling into my side, her fingers trailing up and down my chest, she started to laugh.

"Good thing they do have drugs that prevent pregnancy, otherwise I'd definitely be returning in a few months with news."

"Think that explains Cass then considering our love life sometimes."

"She isn't shy in telling me about your sex life. She waxes lyrical, though also insinuated other things."

"You mean the fact I also sleep with men?" She nodded. "Yeah, I do."

That just earned a tighter cuddle. "Thank you for admitting it. Know many who would deny it until I found you in the middle of being fucked by one."

"I like what I like." I gave her a gentle squeeze in return. "Loved what we did tonight though."

"Compared to the last man I slept with, you're… well, can't go saying too much. Your ego will explode."

Waking the next morning, we were in the middle of making love again, Emily riding me incredibly slowly, when Cass and Veronica wandered in, plonking themselves down on the bed to either side. Emily opened her eyes and smiled, leaning down to kiss me, before she sat back and continued on.

"Well, I know that look," Cass said, "And definitely know how great it feels."

"Best cock I've had," Emily murmured, "No wonder you're always smiling."

"You'll need to get on it soon, Veronica," Cass said.

"I know, but there's no rush."

The robots had prepared breakfast by the time we gathered around the kitchen table. Emily told us what they had discovered, admitting much of the technology was beyond their initial understanding, so was going to take a lot of research to comprehend and perhaps only then could they apply it to other scientific and medical matters.

Figuring Joana wouldn't be awake particularly early, I spent the day doing absolutely nothing, standing by the window and watching the Strip for a while, Veronica disappearing downstairs, leaving Cass to keep me company as always. Ended up naked with her pressed against the window as I gently fucked her from behind, no chance anyone could see her hands and forehead against the glass. It was a lot of fun, particularly when I pulled out and left a load up her back. It was a good excuse to head for a shower together.

After dinner, I headed to Vault 21 to speak to Carlitos. He would head to the Atomic Wrangler, waiting for me to bring Joana and anyone else to him. I would then escort them out of Freeside, where he had organised for contacts to meet them, who would help get them away west. Dressing in what could be considered the clothing of a farmhand, he put on a straw hat, and looking him up and down, no-one would give him a second glance.

"I'll meet you at the Wrangler," I stated. He looked nervous, so I put a hand on his shoulder. "Deep breath. Trust me, we're getting you and the others safe, then I'm dealing with them."

"Thanks. Not sure what else to say."

"Doing the right thing. That's the only thing matters to me."

We left Vault 21 separately. He headed for the gate leading to Freeside. Cass and Veronica were standing near Lucky 38. Making sure that my weapons were waiting for me, I made sure I carried my revolver, hidden as before, and headed inside Gomorrah. It was as busy as the last time I was there, and I was just another face in the crowd, no-one giving me even a curious glance.

Heading towards the same bar, Joana must have either been waiting for my arrival or had someone on the lookout, as she walked in within five minutes, dressed in some rather gorgeous clothes, putting on the usual act. Taking a seat next to me, she was cool and calm, taking a cigarette out which I lit for her, lighting one myself. She started to flirt with me in front of the bartender, her foot again finding its way up my leg, eventually feeling between my crotch.

"Want to come to my room, baby? Feels like you're packing something big in those pants."

"You do anal?"

"Baby, I'll do anything you want, long as you have the caps." I grinned and suggested I had a lot of caps. "Well, my arse is yours, baby."

Offering her hand, she gave it a squeeze as she led me towards her room. Once we were inside, she started to shake almost uncontrollably, so I gave her a tight hug. "You okay?" I whispered.

"God, just having the put on the act, make it look normal is too much. Played your part well though. And the fact you asked about anal? That will get back to the bosses."

"It's expected?"

"If you have the caps, I can't say no to anything."

"How many am I getting out of here?"

"Three other girls. We all have clothing ready. But our faces are known. We'll have to wait until at least after midnight. Fewer guards around and most patrons are too drunk or stoned to realise what's going on."

I checked my Pip-Boy. "Well, we've got a couple of hours to wait."

She ran a hand up my arm. "We can pass the time…"

I smiled and kissed her cheek. "He's waiting for you. It wouldn't feel right. Lie back on the bed and relax. The only thing that matters is getting all of you safe."

"Damn, I'd fuck you for free now. But thanks." Our eyes met and we chuckled, some of the tension evaporating from her body as I lit us each a cigarette. I would have liked a drink, and I think she could have done with one, but after finishing her cigarette, she popped her head out the door and called out to someone. I didn't hear what was said, but she walked back inside, a nervous smile on her face. "Coded message. They'll be ready to move when they see us leave this room."

We lay back on the bed, no surprise she did eventually curl up against me, though that's all she did, my calm demeanour helping keep her nerves mostly under control at the same time. I checked my Pip-Boy from time to time, and eventually let her know we were getting close to departure time. She got up and threw off her dress, leaving that bundled in the corner, as she dressed herself in clothing similar to that worn by Carlitos.

She didn't carry much else except a small bag. Stepping outside first, there was no sign of any guards, so I gestured for her to follow. Heading downstairs, with each few steps, I sensed we were followed by another girl, Joana holding my hand as we strode towards the doors leading outside. As soon as Cass saw us walk outside, she approached us, handing me the weapons I wanted, and without a word, we marched towards the gates leading out to Freeside, glancing back to see Joana and the other girls following.

Carlitos was waiting at the Atomic Wrangler, and he'd recruited a couple of others to help us. I was curious as to who they were, Francine calling out, telling me they were solid and that Carlitos was in good hands now that he had back-up with us. Our two new companions at least had decent weaponry at hand, so we agreed how we would move out. I'd take the lead with Cass, Carlitos and Veronica the flanks, those two watching our rear.

"We don't stop once we've left here. The only people who will attempt to will either be idiots or people working for the Omertas," I said, "We'll shoot first, ask questions later. Agreed?"

"This time of night, I'd shoot anyone who simply approached us," Carlitos said.

Moving out, Cass and I were armed with laser weapons, Veronica with a shotgun, Carlitos with a submachine gun, his two recruited companions with a rifle each. We certainly had plenty of firepower. The girls were told to get on the ground if gunfire erupted.

The fact it was early morning and dark did have people leaping at shadows, but my usual calm demeanour certainly kept Cass calm. We were likely halfway towards the gate we would leave by when we were finally met by the Omertas, but it was obvious they didn't expect the numbers, and no doubt they had expected to intimidate us before doing whatever they'd been ordered to against Carlitos, Joana and the others.

So when Cass and I opened fire without hesitation, putting two of them on the ground, the other two barely raised their weapons before Veronica fired her shotgun, the blast sending him flying back, Carlitos firing his weapon calmly, hip to should, leaving a series of bullets up the body of the third. Joana and the others had hit the deck immediately, the others helping them up as I walked towards the bodies. Taking out my revolver, I put a bullet in the head of the two still breathing.

"Fuck," Carlitos whispered next to me.


"Recognise two of them. But... I mean…"

"No witnesses, Carlitos. As far as the Omertas will know, you, Joana and the others have simply disappeared. Can't allow them to get word back, right?" Carlitos nodded, immediately understanding. "Plus, once you're gone, I think I'll be having a conversation with those in charge."

"Courier, I think we need to talk about something before we go," Joana added.

"Let's get you to the gate and your contacts. We'll talk then."

No-one dared approached us after that, making it to the required gate. We were met by a lone man, dressed in civilian clothing. Carlitos recognised him immediately, the pair shaking hands, before we were asked to follow. We ended up walking into an abandoned farmstead, where three more people were waiting for us. Food and drink was provided for Joana and the three girls. I asked who his contacts were, but was told it was best we didn't know. That was fine with me.

Joana then took me into a room, sat me down, and explained what she knew. To say I was left rather pissed off, and with new ideas in how to approach the Omertas, wouldn't be an understatement.

Offering us a room to stay in to sleep, it was suggested they would be gone by the time we woke up, simply because they would want to leave as soon as possible as they would have a long journey ahead. Cass, Veronica and I ended up sharing a large mattress on the floor, the room otherwise bare of any furniture. Without anything to cover us, we simply kicked off our footwear, finding myself cuddled into from either side, and as it was so late, we quickly drifted off to sleep.

We woke up to sunlight flooding in through the poorly boarded up window, opening the door and wandering around to find the house was already empty, which wasn't a surprise. We did find a little stuck to the door, signed by Carlitos, Joana and the others, thanking us for getting them out, and while they would be heading west and would have new identities in the future, perhaps we might see each other again one day. I doubted it but the sentiment was appreciated.

Heading back to the Strip via Freeside, Cass and Veronica headed inside as I stood watching the Gomorrah, opposite side of the road, wondering how to approach them. I now knew what they were planning. While I could handle it on my own and deal with the ramifications, I knew if I at least told the Chairmen and White Gloves, at least it wouldn't descend into utter chaos.

Swank was pleased to see me as always, though his smile disappeared upon seeing my face. Asking to speak to privacy, there was no flirting this time as we sat down in the cafeteria, and I told him what Joana had told me about the Omertas agreement with the Legion and their plans for the Strip.

"You have my agreement to handle it however you want," he said, "As I said, the Chairmen will back whatever you do going forward, but if the Omertas have agreed to this… fuck them…"

"Who do I replace the leadership with?"

"Whoever you choose. Though those lower in the organisation would be loyal, if you take out those in charge and promote those lower down, you'd guarantee their loyalty in return because they would owe you their position."

"Hmmm. Good point."

"Casinos run themselves. But it depends on the people in charge if they are run well or not. The Gomorrah is popular for a few reasons. Everyone knows why. You've now been inside and can understand why. End of the day, it's your choice how to solve the issue. But if the Omertas have made a deal with the Legion, then that needs sorting out quickly."

"Agreed. Thanks, I'll go have a quick chat with the White Gloves."

Walking into Marjorie's office, her face immediately lit up and I found myself wrapped in her arms, and enjoying quite a long kiss, eventually having her sat on the desk, her legs wrapped around me. No idea how long we made out before we finally broke apart.

"Miss me?" I asked.

"Thought about that night every day since. Are you here to see more or is it business?"

"Both." She made to move, but I kept her legs in place, which made her smile. "We can talk like this."

"You are very distracting."

"Good. Now, there's something big going on with the Omertas. Putting it simply, the head honchos have made a deal with the Legion."

"Kill them," she stated bluntly. I made no reaction as she met my eyes and they blazed with fury. "Kill them. They dare hand this place over the Legion? Whoever made that decision, kill them. Make an example of them. If this was poker, you have pocket aces, and there are three cards on the table, the percentages heavily in your favour. Move the percentages a little more for you."

"Marjorie, you are a quite dangerous when you want to be."

"I love the Strip and don't want to see what we've all managed to build ruined by some idiots and the Legion, because they will tear this place down on their march west. They will be the worst thing to happen to the Mojave since the bombs dropped." She rested both hands on my chest, looking up to meet my eyes. "I don't want to lose all of this," she said softly, "We've worked too hard for too long to find it taken from us."

I leaned down and kissed her, arms wrapping around me again, feeling her legs tighten. "Want me to stay the night?" I asked.

"God yes," she whispered, "I'll finish early so we can go upstairs. We'll eat dinner there if you'd like."


She giggled, her face lighting up again. "I hope not to wear clothes again until I'm back down here tomorrow."

She locked up her office a couple of minutes later, walking hand in hand towards the elevator. Once arriving in her room, she locked the door and practically leapt on me, ensuring our clothes were off in a couple of minutes, and we were making love barely a couple of minutes after that.

Considering the past few days, it was a wonderful way to spend the evening.