
Vengeance (Death Note)

Vincent Graham finds the Death Note, a book possessing the power to kill anyone he wants. With this power in his hands, Vincent decides to eliminate the criminals and bring justice. However for him, the top club of investigators in the world - The 24th Club, has detected something suspicious, and now Vincent have to avoid getting caught while maintaining his twisted sense of justice. *** Of course this was inspired by Death Note. However, it's a completely original story, with original characters and some references. What to expect : - Cat and mouse chase - A cunning main character - A cunning group of detectives - Plot twists and intricate planning, sometimes on face sometimes off screen. - Comedy. I write with a humorous tone, but while there is comedy, things get serious where they are needed to. Just give it a go. The start is slow, but it gets better.

WinterGraham · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

One : The Note of Death

I closed the door behind me and sat on the chair in front of the desk. For some reason, I was getting excited to test it out.

The book kept in front of me.

I found it lying on one of the empty grounds. I remember sitting there myself, alone, thinking about what video game I would play when I get home.

Who would want to be with a nerd anyway.

And then I saw this dark thing fall from the sky. I approached it in curiosity, as why would something fall from nowhere.

And there I saw it.

The Death Note.

"A notebook?" was my first thought. How boring. Something magically falls from the sky, and it's just a notebook.

Yet, I picked it up. You don't know if it actually is something.

And spoilers: It was.

When I flipped the cover page, there were rules written in English, about what the note is and how to use it.

[1. The person whose name I s written in this book shall die.]

"How funny."

Again, no one would believe in any of this stuff at first glance. I am no different.

Initially I thought it was the book of some emo kid that flew away. But then again the wind wasn't strong enough to take a whole freaking notebook with it.

[2. This note will not take effect unless the writer has the person's face in their mind while writing his / her name.]

Okay that was interesting. A specific rule to make sure not others with the same name go through anything. Whoever wrote the rules at least thought of that.

"But why am I invested?" I thought to myself then. While I was still doubtful, taking the note home would prove no harm. Yet.

And so I am here. Sitting in front of the book. Excited to try it out. I want to see if the rules written here actually work or are just facade.

But on whom should I try it...?

I could on my mom, but I don't want the risk. What if these pages aren't toys?

And then again, wouldn't killing someone be immoral? I am taking someone's life. That would just be evil.

But... No, how would I know if this is real or not if I don't try it?

My mind was confused. I sat there for a good 10 minutes thinking what my next step should be. When I couldn't think of anything, I decided to go to the kitchen to grab some snacks instead.

On my way to the kitchen, I passed my dad who was watching some shitty news again on television.

I went to the kitchen and took some cookies out.

"Watch out to not eat too much. You also want to save some for us, Vincent." Mother mocked me.

I like eating sweet. Well that's the only thing my taste buds dance to. So there are often sweet edibles found in my shelter.

"Of course, half is mine, and the other half can be shared by you and dad." I joked.

We laughed a bit more, and then I decided to take a leave.

While I was busy chewing my favourite little biscuits, I decided to share some with old man too.

"Hey pops, want some?"

Dad looked at the cookies in my hand.

"Hah, you already want me to break my diet streak? No!"

Dad was on a diet. He had gained weight , and now wanted to loose it. Just like my mom, who being 45 still looks as if she was 30.

And also for the reason that dad wants to look handsome in front of the ladies when he and mom go out in the park for morning walks.

But whatever. If he's fine, I am finer.

I stopped by for a while to see what he was type of weird updates he was watching now.

And as I was expecting - another murder.

Done by a man named Alan Dome, 37 years of age. Murdered his wife by stabbing her, then decided to hide the body by cutting it into several pieces and throwing it I'm different places. Got caught by neighbors on the night he was about to throw the right leg.

Dumb fuck.

I don't like watching news, they are always negative, talking about how the world is going deeper in the pit of despair. How there are so many criminals on the rise and how our dear "just" law and order couldn't really punish them.

The world is in shame. It's obvious. If only I could do something to fix it.


I.. Can?

The note!

I ran up to my room and locked the door. I then took out my phone and opened the same news broadcast that was going on on the television.

There it is.

Alan Dome. The bald headed motherfucker.

I opened the notebook and took a pen. It was time to test it out.

I sat on my bench, ready to write, with the killer's face and name right in front of me. But.. For some reason, I hesitated. Just a bit, but I did felt a little scared writing.

If this works, that would mean that I killed a person, right? That would mean I also committed a murder. So, how would it make me any different than the murdere-

Nah fuck it. They are evil, I am just cleansing them of their sins.

I wrote the name of Alan with my beautiful handwriting which the teachers never understood. And then, according to the book, it was time to wait for about 40 seconds.

The clock ticked. Slowly.

One thing I have noticed in my 19 years of life is that - when you are anticipating something, time turns into a fucking snail. It ticks slower than you respire.

This was the same moment.

40 seconds. I just have to wait a little more than half a minute, and yet it felt so long.


It happened. The final second, 40, has been jumped. It's 45. 46 now.

But I don't see any news of Alan's death...?


Heh, so it was some emo child's book after all-

No wait... The news...

"The man Alan Dome, who dissected his wife, has suddenly suffered a heart attack and fucking died."

"Oh.... Oh man.."

It really happened. I looked at the book. It's real, it's powers.. Does that mean I can...

Hell yeah.