

Rose's words echoed through the empty hall, bouncing off the walls with a haunting resonance. Her plea for belief morphed into a bitter realization as she scanned the empty room. The once bustling space with servants and glimmering with light now stood eerily silent and dim, devoid of any presence except for the stoic figures of the grannies and Boyle with Danny. As Rose pieced through the fragments of the situation, a chill crept up her spine. Her heart ached with the sting of betrayal; the weight of truth overshadowed by the cruel facade laid before her. In that desolate moment, Rose grappled with the truth that she had been ensnared in a meticulously crafted trap. The fervent plea that once lived within her died, replaced by a seething gale of emotions. Despair mingled with indignation, forming a cauldron of rage within her. The betrayal she felt twisted into a mocking anger.

She realized that her hope for understanding, and compassion had been heartlessly exploited. This time she saw clearly. Looking up she saw them smiling at each other. They were still showering affection at Boyle, and no one helped her up. It is pathetic. She cannot help but bring the past doubts of her back. She remembered those doubtful moments when she was schemed. How naive, her thoughts were to actually bury those clear moments of betrayal, just because they say so. She did everything they told her to do, never disappointed any of them. So, why?

Her shoulder slumped. With trembling lips her rough voice sounded, "Why?" she questioned, "Why am I treated differently? Aren't we both your granddaughters? So why?" Her throat parched with the unspoken ache as Boyle from the past continued to bask in the favoritism, wrapped in layers of special treatment that eluded her grasp like elusive shadows slipping through her fingers.

These were the only thoughts running through her mind. Unknown to her, both her parents are now hurrying over to look at her. Before disappointment, resentment, or discomfort she is their daughter. The wrong things Rose did was nothing compared to the flesh and blood relation of theirs. As for Rose, the hope to see her parents running for her never crossed her mind. It's not since she doesn't want to, but on the account of she doesn't want to have high hopes and die more sadly than she already is. With both her parents' dismay in her actions, she is utterly alone. If it were past maybe they would have helped her up. But she did so much, almost everything she shouldn't have done is already done. She was a fiasco who made them distressed. They will not acknowledge her again. Her ingenuity led to this day. In these circumstances shouldn't her grandparents intervene? She wondered again why they aren't saying anything to Boyle. She took a deep breath to calm down. The sweat dripped down her forehead.

Her mind spun. Things before her actually are pretty simple. They were actually the same back then too maybe. It was just her blind devotion that led to this end. She's lost and directionless. At the last moment of her life everything crumbled into pieces. Yet she cannot do anything. Watching every truth unfold before her. Her mind worked its own by recalling those years of lies. This made her feel pathetic, embarrassed, and shameful. At this moment, it seems like the dark cloud hovering over her is pouring hailstone.

At the end, is this the harsh reality she had to face? Aren't they the grandparents who have loved her since childhood? Since when did they change so much that she didn't even realize it? Can't this all be a dream. Her heart truly wished that the sight before her is not real. She is not afraid of death, but she does fear that her conviction from the past can be a drama and nothing more.

'However, to her disappointment this isn't a dream, and the reality, the bitter truth is before her mocking her past thoughts.' For a person who believes something so much to accept this sight is not an easy task.

Granny's face contorted due to anger, her eyes flashing with fury. Her voice dripped with disdain as she unleashed her words, each one carrying the weight of years of suppressed frustration. "Since when did you acquire the audacity to speak ill of your sister Boyle?" With a disdainful gesture, her long, manicured nails pointed accusingly at Rose. Granny's gaze momentarily met Rose's, but it was fleeting, as though the very sight of her granddaughter was a burden too heavy to bear. She averted her eyes, as if staring any longer might induce a physical reaction.

She waved her hands aggressively, the air slapped Rose's face as she heard. "You, our first child's only daughter, are a stain upon our family's prestige." Her voice laced with bland hatred.

Please wait." Boyle expressed her concern, "Grandma, your words are too harsh to bear, especially considering her fragile health." With a sigh, she continued with selective humility, "Her struggles with drug and alcohol have taken a toll on her health. Please, be more understanding. Sister will acknowledge her mistakes and naturally apologize to both grandma and grandpa. Right, sister?" She cast a meaningful look at Rose.

"People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones." With no interest Rose uttered. Although she didn't possess basic education of those institutions, she still reads books and magazines. For her having known these kinds of words are truly nothing out of order. She can differ, she doesn't feel new looking at how Boyle acts. She was always like this, 'pot calling the kettle black'.

Rose can almost see the steam carrying out of her ears. The next second, she started to yell at the top of her lungs, "Rose I'm speaking up for you. It is honestly disappointing to see you finding faults in me." She added a chest sticking out, "Sister should think carefully before speaking." Her indication is clear.

In this very moment, Rose found herself at the mercy of these four individuals, seething with anger. Her face glowing a faint pink on her cheeks. Perhaps it was the starting effect of the drug, her sight started to blur, and the breathing became difficult, but she clenched her teeth, struggling to regain her composure, glaring openly at Boyle, unable to conceal her resentment. Although she wanted to spit on them but couldn't. Her throat is desolate like desert with not a single drop of water. She can understand, that ever since she slept no one ever gave her a drop of water.

Grandfather was exclusively angry that he growled instantly. His voice raised, “Useless girl. How can you be so black-hearted? You even want to blame others for the trouble you made? Your cousin is saying kind words to you, but you are flaring at her. Why do I have a granddaughter like you?”

Rose upon hearing this, initially appeared stunned, as if emerging from a long period of darkness into sudden clarity. Yeah, they are not what she thought so there is no need to be surprised by this anymore. Still, she cannot help but blame herself. Stupidity, it's all because of her stupidity. Nothing can be changed; everything is messed up. But the good thing is she is going to die anyway. Even if it is for the last time, she will not leave them in peace. She smiled downcast. It was horrifying combining with her pale skin, bloodshot eyes and bloody lips.

At this last moment she will try to be more optimistic but with evil intentions. Despite her delayed realization of her own foolishness, it was better to grasp the truth late than to remain oblivious to their scheme. She understands this more than anyone. If only she had been more realistic than idealistic, then maybe this wouldn't have had to be her end. But it is ridiculously her end, everything is now nothing. Her life was like an undertaking backward drama, where only she was the pawn.

Her reaction contrary to their expectations, turned into a wild fit laughter, utterly disregarding their assumptions. She chuckled uncontrollably, paying no heed to their presence, using her fingers to wipe away her tears. Eventually she stopped, shaking her head in disbelief and exhaling an exasperated sigh. To her response Danny smiled. His shiny shoes tapped forward. He stopped, and grabbed Rose's chin forcefully but retracted his hands very fast. "Rose, how are you feeling?" Rose glanced at the man before her. She expressed her question with a languid tilt. For her to react this way Danny smiled and added, "The betrayal, how does it feel?"

"You are enjoying this, tell me how you feel instead?' Her soft voice turned smoky due to the drug that has turned into the poison. She asked, "You feel good? Right? But why?" Her smile was genuinely pitying them, "I don't understand why you all did this to me. Neither do I want to know. However, I can guess at least that you didn't get what you wanted right?"

How can Rose fail to guess their target. She was asked more than ten times a day about the property papers of the villa. It is easy to guess like solving a puzzle with all materials before her. As expected, their faces were startled, but without giving them any moment she added, the grin on her face made her face illuminate like moonlight, "You know why? It's very simple, in short, I didn't want to give it to you." She, at the very least, wants to see that startling wrath at their own mistakes, "Your schemes, huh, I never failed to notice. The papers of the villa, you will never find them."

Grandfather was the first to lose his temper. His old yet strong hands grabbed her hair and yanked backwards. He asked in acrimony with the full vibe of authoritativeness, "Where are the papers?" His voice rose to a certain high note, "Rose tell your grandpa! You are going to die anyway. Help your grandfather for this time."

'How dare he!' Her scream failed to make any sound. But this doesn't matter. Rose's smile was turning into a hauntingly evil one. She looked at her grandfather's hand that is still grabbing her hair. Above her forehead. It is painful. His eyes are greedy and mouth filthy that she never thought before. Who is this person? Rose can no longer identify him. He is not the one she knew. He is not the facade he used to have. This person is unknown to her.

She tried to break free from him, but the strength was too weak to shake his hands off. She opened her mouth; however, she couldn't answer because the poison was blinding her senses. With a thump her half-raised body collapsed on the floor. Her body gave up. Grandfather freed his grip on her hair. She laughed and laughed. Despite her laughter, Rose's eyes shimmered with tears, resembling distant stars.

She faced them calmly. Her voice sounded lowly with great difficulty, "Do you think that treating me this way will lead you to the papers. How naive of you to think this way?" Her words carried a mix of amusement and pain. The pain was due to the effect of the drug. What did Boyle use apart from the drugs. She wanted to scream the curse words, but her lips seemed to be sealed. They all are hypocrites. It is unfair!! She wanted to shout. Her breathing grew labored, but she pressed on clearing her mind. God has been unfair to me! It must be because, I didn't respect my parents that led me to face this harshness. She paused and nodded heavily, they were so worried about me, but I was the stupid one. I was the one who didn't think of them highly! I did everything wrong!! I deserve this karma!

Boyle smiled and appeased softly, "Granny she is lying. Don't worry even if Uncle Leo has it then I will do my best to bring it back." She will never lose a single chance to ground her hands on such precious things. At this moment Rose grinned and shattered all their hopes with few words. "The papers are-" She coughed and added, her voice barely hearable, "no longer in my father's possession. It was converted into a will by my father. Which says that if I die then the villa is to be donated to the orphanage." Their expressions turned ugly. They knew what she meant. If Rose dies today then they will have to shift away. This villa will not belong to them.

Right at the correct timing, Stanton received a phone call and his ugly face evolved into a wrathful ugly face, "The notice has been made. This bastard really did donate the villa to those useless orphanages!"

s Rose tries to gather the strength, her body weakens further. " Today I perished." She declared, "Your fate will follow too, and it will be a greater tragedy." With those words Rose lay still-a once adorned face now frozen, leaving behind a chilling silence with nothing but anger. Stanton stepped ahead to kill Rose himself but before that Rose was at her last breath. He went ahead and scratched Rose's face with no long nails. He screamed due to frustration. It was the greed that blind this person. He didn't leave the dead body as it is and went looking at the wall to grab the gun.

She lost in life,

in moments,

in maintaining a good bond,

to receive love,

to be happy and to truly live. She is the failure of FATE!

Her life was meaningless and a steppingstone for others. She would never like to be born again. She does not care if the four murderers are okay or not. Her conciseness does not care if they received their punishment or not. They can live however they want, since she cannot revert anything by even reincarnating again. There is no need to hope.

Everything that wasn't supposed to happen, already happened. So, what's the point. But after she lost her life, the whole hall was blasted, and nothing was left but only ruined. The four murderers without their knowledge died. More painfully but unknown dead. The soldiers stepped in and continued the search a few minutes later. May be an emergency rescue team. Yet a man stood in the middle of the mess. His eyes were moist but there was no one to see and care about it. He was all alone. No one saw that silent sob. The man knelt and hugged the burned Body.