
Chapter 4 A Bold Strike

"Would you like some coffee?" Fox asked.

"No, thanks. You're terrible at making it," Kai replied.

"I'd like some," Vixen chimed in with a grin.

"Okay, just wait," Fox said, teasingly looking at Kai.

"Look at this," Lilith suddenly interjected.

They watched a video containing smuggling, drugs, sexual content, and abuse. A powerful person appeared who Lilith wanted to eliminate. Lilith couldn't contain herself, so she smashed a vase.

"Calm down, Lilith," Vixen said calmly, clearly concerned.

"Just wait, I'll take you down with my own hands!" Lilith shouted.

She saw one of those who killed her father, freely walking and enjoying life while they suffered. Their family was shattered because of people like them, who were worthless and demonic.

"They took lives, so they'll pay with their own."

They gave Lilith a lot of understanding because they understood her; they knew she would do anything to get the justice she deserved.

"Dress up, Vixen, we have somewhere to go now."

"Where to?"

"To the Inferno's house."


"You came to visit. Is there something you want to ask me or something else? Don't be shy," he said, looking in the mirror and adjusting its suit.

"We're here to discuss business. We want to invest in you."

He was delighted, "Really? This is good news! Secretary Dan, call Daddy," he happily said.

It's not just an investment; it's a two-way investment that will drag you down. If you're like that, you'll fall and keep falling.

"We already prepared a contract," Vixen said, "So you won't have to struggle anymore. We're business-minded, so you can trust us. We'll help you as much as we can."

"That's what I like!"

The two nodded as if agreeing with their plan.



"I know one of Lorenzo's trait is, madali siyang paikotin ginagamit lang niya yong astig niya para itago ang kanyang kahinaan, in short yan yung defense mechanism niya."

"And I know his father would hesitate to consult a lawyer." she added.


"Dad, EcnoPartner wants to invest in me! Isn't it great? I'm so awesome, I managed to get close to them," he said happily, sitting down on the couch. He went to his father's office to share the news that he wanted to win their approval.

"Secretary Dan, please call Lawyer Aze here. We need to consult with him; let's not rush our decision. It's better to be sure so we don't get into trouble. If only you used your brain, we wouldn't be in this situation. Kane is smarter and more thoughtful," he said, standing up and approaching the chairman's seat. Disappointment was evident on his face, but he didn't give up on his youngest son.

"I'll prove it to you, Dad. That I also have something to offer. That's a promise."

Their conversation was suddenly interrupted by the arrival of the chairman's wife, Gertrude, who was his second wife and the mother of their current son, Lorenzo Inferno.

"What's going on here?" she asked as she sat down, looking at her son. "What happened to your face? You're losing your charm, huh? What did you do to our son? You almost ruined his good looks," she said, chuckling slightly.

"Next time, Chairman, don't give Lorenzo a hard time, okay??" she said, making an okay sign at him. "Hey! Are you going to answer or not?" she asked, annoyed.

"Yes, okay fine, I just wanted our son to learn. He should grow up knowing how to think," he said, looking at his son and clearing his throat.

"Wait, I heard something. Never ever compare Lorenzo to Kane. First of all, we're just using Kane, right? We know Lorenzo is the heir, remember that," she said angrily to her husband and immediately left with her bodyguard.

The chairman was left alone; he went to his window and looked at the skies. He wondered if he was still doing the right thing. "I'll give all my problems to you, Lord. Please guide me," he muttered as he grabbed his phone.

He called the person who would help him.

"Dimitri. Can I come over?"

"Of course, you're welcome here."

"Thank you. I thought you didn't care about me anymore, sorry if I rarely call."

"It's okay, we understand."

"Thank you."


Kai's POV

I'm really unlucky that I often see Francia. To be honest, she's not my type at all. She's such a bad person. My taste in women is someone who is kind, family-oriented, not someone with a bad attitude. I can't stand being with her every time we're together.

"Kai, it's really okay for me, promise!" she said, laughing. Maybe she's really serious about what she's saying. I'm still a virgin, and I won't just give it to anyone. I'm still looking for my soulmate.

"Let's not eat anymore, I'm already full," I said, smiling, feeling disgusted.


She agreed so quickly. What about the food she ordered? I stood up and went to the counter, asking them to just wrap our order and give it to someone in need so it won't go to waste.

Francia couldn't help but be enchanted by Kai's genuine kindness. "You're so kind," she murmured, her voice carrying a hint of admiration as she sought to win him over with her charm.

But beneath the facade of politeness lay a darker truth. I was coerced into accompanying her, a pawn in Lilith's game. Tasked with earning this girl's favor, for she held significance as the daughter of Luca, Gertrude's brother, the man that my aunt Lilith despised, orchestrated the whole affair. He schemed to eliminate her own father, seizing control of our family's company for himself. It was a treacherous plot, one that drew together a coalition of enemies against us. And sadly, I found myself ensnared in its web. Lilith and I, are cousin, were now embroiled in a bitter rivalry. Our fathers, once partners in business, had dreamed of building an empire together. But envy, that insidious force, tore it all apart, leaving us shattered and divided, casualties in a battle for power and control.

"For justice, I will do anything," declared Francia.

"Where are we going?" she asked.

"Just taking a stroll. The view is beautiful," he said with a smile.

"You're right. How about there? Let's sit on that bench under the tree," she suggested, pointing to a nearby bench.

As they happily chatted, a stranger approached them. "Hey! Give me your wallets! Don't make a sound or I'll shoot you in the head," he threatened, pointing a gun at them. He wore a helmet, hiding his face.

Francia started to cry, panicked and unsure of what to do. Adam took her hand and reassured her, "Don't be afraid, I've got you," he said to her with a smile, then quickly faced the man. "Let's just stay calm. I'll give you everything, just leave us alone," he said, annoyed.

"It's mine now!" the man demanded, pointing the gun at him. People nearby noticed, causing them to run away in fear. Suddenly, a gunshot rang out, causing Francia to cover her ears in terror, her eyes filled with concern for Kai. With a fierce determination burning in his eyes, Kai lunged forward, his heart pounding with adrenaline as he dodged the thief's gunfire. With calculated precision, he closed the distance between them, his fists clenched tightly. With a swift motion, Kai disarmed the thief, knocking the gun from his hand with a powerful blow. With the thief momentarily stunned, Kai seized the opportunity, delivering a series of swift punches, each one landing with a satisfying thud. In a final, decisive move, Kai delivered a knockout blow, sending the thief crumpling to the ground, defeated and powerless.

The police were immediately called, so the suspect was apprehended swiftly.

"Are you okay?" Francia asked, tears welling up in her eyes. "Did you get shot?" she cried.

"I'm okay, don't worry. I wasn't hit. Didn't I tell you I've got you? So trust me," he said, smiling.

"My savior," she said, embracing him tightly.
