
Chapter 6: Rise of Velocity

When we were back at the lab, I saw Usain hand Cassandra the blood sample that he'd taken from Magnet Man.

She then began to take it while doing directional gestures to her left, but I was too far to hear what she was saying.

Usain went and put Magnet Man in a tube-like chamber. After watching Cassandra do analysis on the blood, I went over to her to see what she was doing.

"What's this?" I questioned her

"I analysed Magnet Man's blood sample and ran him through the system. I have his entire bio-graphic and information on how he became an X-Geneist." She replied

"Oh? How so?" I further inquired of her

"Well first off, his actual name is Leonardo Stunnard. Secondly, that move you did to break his protective field fractured one of his right ribs. Thirdly, he's in his mid 30's and is on a strict meat diet, including high traces of iodine and iron. Fourth, his blood type is type AB. And finally, the X-Gene reacted with the traces of iron in his blood causing them to be mutated into bio-polar magnets. That allowing him to control the magnetic field around him of a diameter of about 20 meters."

"Woah." I said in awe. I was speechless. She's really smart. "So what are we going to do with him?"

"I'll extract all the mutated iron traces and then freeze them with a nitrogen-based compound. Then we'll turn him over to the cops. He's still a human you know"

"Oh, ok."

As I sat down on the bench in the main area, I took off my shoes, which I didn't even notice were burned out. I went to tell Cassandra what had happened to my shoes. When I did, she and her father were taking. And this time, Usain had his cowl off.

As I entered the room, they both diverted their attention to me. "Perfect timing." Cassandra stated.

I saw Usain get up and open a secret compartment in the wall. "Based on your recent actions out in the field, we now welcome you as an honorary member of our team." Cassandra informed me.

Usain handed me the suit that he had removed from the compartment. "Woah!" I shouted in amazement.

The suit was mostly Navy, my favorite color, with black sections at my upper and lower arms and legs, and at the sides of my lower torso. The foot section of it was Navy aswell. The waste and elbow sections were designed with lightning going horizontally. The Emblem was a blue lightning bolt with a broken circular crest. Instead of holes for your eyes like Usain's and every other typical suit, the cowl had a blue visor for me to see through. And finally, there were two little pieces of metal shaped into lightning bolts located at either sides of the head area, where my ears should go.

"This is the coolest thing I've ever seen!!!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs "But how'd you know which colors to go with?"

"I heard you and your friends talking in class about whose favorite colors are better." Usain answered

"Noice." I replied

"'Noice'?" Cassandra seemed to be confused.

"Yeah, Noice is a higher form of Nice." I explained

"Ok then. Well you'll need a name." She replied changing the topic.

"Velocity" I stated.

"Are you sure?" She double-checked with me

"Yup. My hero name is Velocity."

"Ok then."

"Speaking of, I don't think you ever told me your hero name Usain."

"Oh, It's Golden Glare." He stated.

"Ok." I responded trying my best not to laugh at that ridiculous name. But I guess it kinda is accurate saying as his suit is full gold and it reflects the sunlight with ease.