
Chapter 3- Resolution

I run back towards the school, hopping the fence before running back to my room, quietly sliding back into my bed before shutting my eyes.

I hold both the card and the necklace in my hand, drifting off into a troubled sleep as I think of the decision I have to make...



I sit up, frowning.

Where did Nova go?

We were right. She is hiding something.

What was she doing out at 9:30 at night?!

I stand up, walking over to her bed where I see her, holding a playing card.

I reach over, carefully sliding it out of her hand before looking at it.

Ugh...I feel like a terrible friend for this. But I only want what's best for her.

An ace of spades.

I turn it over, my eyes widening.

No...a—a villain?!

My eyes scan the words frantically, and a sick feeling settles in my gut as I read the words.

Nice to know we're going well, spark. I'll see you tomorrow...meet me on the roof at 10. You have a big decision to make, and something to give me. You know what I'm talking about. See ya later, love.

- Azurecide

I can't let her go. She'll get hurt. She'll make a bad decision.

I release a breath, backing away from her bed.

I'll go instead.

I'll make sure Azurecide gets what he deserves.





I quickly sit up when the alarm goes off across the loud speakers, Lula's voice blaring through it.

"Good morning, students! I hope you had a great sleep...because today you're training outside! Let's see how well you can use your powers! Eat a quick breakfast before digesting and heading down to the field at nine sharp! Love y'all, and Lula out!"

Everyone else sits up, and Kiersten yawns.

"It's too early for this...I almost bust my patella yesterday trying to fly."

Holiday laughs.

"At least you didn't hit Madam Olivier in the face with a vase. I cannot control my telekinesis."

Hudson looks at me.

"Are you okay? I heard you weren't feeling well."

I sigh.

"I'm okay now...I just had a headache."

Archer seems to give me a funny look before sighing.

"I'm glad you're doing better. Are you doing something tonight by any chance?"

My eyes snap on hers, and my heart begins to thump in my chest.

Does she know?!

"No. I'm not."

She shrugs.

"Just wondering. I was planning to do something with the others and wanted to know if you could come."

Holiday makes a face.

"We were going to do something?"

Archer shoots her a look.

"We were, Holiday. But would you like to come, Nova?"

I shrug.

"I don't know. Maybe. I actually have to do extra training with Hunter today because I missed yesterday. I'm hungry. And speaking of hunger, I should probably go to breakfast."

I stand up, walking out the door with tense shoulders.

Hudson looks at Archer strangely.

"Is there something going on between you two?"


Kiersten raises an eyebrow.

"You sure? There was tension between the two of you."

"No, Kiersten. I can assure you it's nothing."

Archer smiles tightly, before disappearing out the door and into the hallway.


I rigidly walk down to the cafeteria, seeing Robyn and Rogue sitting at a table by themselves in the south wing section.

Ignoring protocol, I head over to their section, sitting down across from them.

Robyn looks up from her tray, grinning.

"Ah, look who's finally breaking rules?"

Her and Rogue laugh, and I roll my eyes.

"Whatever, you two."

Rogue smiles.

"Well, darling, we want to know. What did you and Azurecide speak about?"

Robyn's smile is even bigger.

"Don't tell me you two are a thing. What's his real name? I bet it's sexy."

"We spoke about...things. And we're not a thing. I'm not a corrupt hero."

Robyn and Rogue snicker.

"Yeah. And non-corrupt heroes talk to villains casually."

"This wasn't on purpose! He was terrorizing the city...and I wanted to help! The next thing I know I was fucking kidnapped! Not my fault! He just happened to be extremely attractive, you know?"

Rogue starts laughing and Robyn rolls her eyes.

"Sweetie, you're ridiculous. Claim to be a good hero then proceed to say that a villain is hot? What's next? You join him?"

I open my mouth to say something then shut it.

"Oh my god. She is planning to join him."

Their eyes widen and I shake my head rapidly.

"No! No, no, no! It's not like that, I promise—"

Rogue cocks his head to the side.

"Let us meet him."

"Oh gosh no. He'd probably kill me and you guys if I did."

"We'll come with you...you're meeting him tonight, aren't you?"

I look into Robyn's pale eyes.


"Then we'll come. Simple."

She grins.

"Don't worry, hon. We aren't going to steal your man. I'm into women."

Rogue nods.

"I'm asexual."

I slap my forehead.

"It's not that—I wouldn't ever date a...a villain! That's crazy! If anything—"

I get cut off when the loud speakers turn on in the cafeteria.

"I hope you guys had a great breakfast, because the cafeteria is closing now! Go hang out or study before training! Hunter will not go easy on you guys today! Have fun...Lula out!"

I stand up, as does Rogue and Robyn.

"Come with us, Nova."

"Me? Uh..."

"Don't be so scared, child. We aren't going to hurt you or anything. Do we look like people who would do that?"

I look between the both of them.

"You kind of do."

Robyn rolls her eyes, before looking at something directly behind me.

"Robyn? Is there someone there?"

"Yeah, actually. But don't worry. It's just a little girl. She was buried underneath this school."

My eye twitches, and when I turn around there's no one.


She can see ghosts.

"Whatever. Let's go then."


I sit across from them in the grass, and Rogue lights another cigarette as Robyn stares blankly behind me.


She shakes her head slightly, looking at me.

"Hi. At least tell me his name, Nova."

"You're still stuck on that?!"

"I'll never let go."

"Ugh. Fine. Xan."

Her eyes expand a little.

"Xan? Damn. Not gonna lie...that's a pretty hot name. If Azurecide was a girl I'd totally fuck them. Too bad they're a boy..."

Rogue rolls his eyes, blowing cigarette smoke in a different direction.

"TMI, Rob."

She whacks the side of his head.

"You're the one to talk."

I stare at both of them blankly, before sighing.

"What's you guys' story?"

"Our story?"

Robyn and Rogue frown slightly.

"We can't remember anything past the age of six when we were first put here. We don't really have one. What's yours?"

I make a face.

"I was thrown here when I was ten. My mom and dad threw me in here and never came back to visit or anything. I have no idea where they are."

Rogue cocks his head to the side.

"Have you wondered? Have you ever thought about going to look for them?"

"No, actually."

I look into both of their eyes, standing up just as I hear the bell.

"But now I have."


We all line up in alphabetical order, and Hunter stalks down the line again, looking directly into my eyes.

"You're feeling better today?"

"Yeah. And I got my necklace."

"Good. Students? Any of you want to tell Nova what we learned yesterday?"

"I will."

We all turn our heads around to see a golden haired man, with enchanting auburn eyes that shimmer in the sunlight.

Wait a damn minute...he's the same guy who took me to The Steel Dahlia Inn.

He walks forward, standing next to Hunter with a grin.

"We learned how to activate our powers, how to use them in battle, and also how to enhance them."

Hunter claps.

"Good job, Carvalho. Do you want to catch her up for fifteen minutes while we do our warmup? You two can join us when we begin actual training."

He smiles.

"Of course, Hunter. I love to be of help."

His eyes slide onto mine, and he holds out his hand.

"Come with me, Miss Birch."

I awkwardly take his hand, catching eyes with Holiday who grins as I walk by.

He pulls me into a different corner, and my eye twitches.

"Damien?! What in the hell are you doing at my school?!"

Damien rolls his eyes.

"Your school my ass. I've always been here."

"I—you have not! I definitely would've remembered your face, Damien."

He smirks.

"Ahh, I appreciate the backhanded compliment, Birch. But I assure you I've been here, you just haven't noticed me."

I frown slightly and his eyes spark red like they did last night.

"Why do you work for him? Azurecide? And why in the world do your eyes keep sparking like that? Is it your power?"

Damien smiles.

"I work with him for my own pleasure, miss. And I like to hang out with my older brother from time to time."

"What the fuck?! He's your brother?"

"Yes. And my mother is Madam Olivier."

"Why did he leave? Xan, I mean."

"He should tell you that himself."

Damien produces a fireball in his hand, grinning.

"My power is fire, darling. Xan's original power was fire as well, but he had blue fire which was ten times more powerful. He soon began to want more power, and when my mom refused to give it to him he snapped. You know he's the reason my mom has that scar on her left eye?"


I sigh.

"Do you like to be evil? Is it fun?"

"You feel free, less contained, but it's different for everyone."

He looks back at everyone else before back at me.

"Come on. I think we're learning something new now."


Hunter looks at us all.

"As you know, to enhance your power you must charge your necklace. To do that you have to hold down on the center of it for five seconds. Then it should work. Kiersten? Why don't you demonstrate that for us."

Kiersten nods, going to the front.

"Okay. This is me flying without enhancing it."

She floats a few feet off the ground, before landing back on her feet.

"Here is with the enhancement."

She holds down on the center of her necklace for five seconds, before this time floating at least two times the height she did before.

Kiersten floats down easily, smiling.


"Good job, Kiersten. Now...we're going to have you guys show what you can do so far. Let's see who's first..."

His eyes roam across the students, before they land on Archer.

"Archer Agnes. Let's see what you can do."


She smiles, going up to the front before motioning we move back.

"I would move back a few steps. I don't want to hurt y'all."

She shuts her eyes, before bringing a large piece of the earth out of the ground and into the air with the movement of her hands, holding it there for a moment before dropping it back in its place.

Hunter claps.

"Very impressive. Damien?"


Damien smiles at me before going up to the front, producing a glowing ball of fire from thin air before juggling three of them, catching them into one before throwing them at a small bush that disintegrates before disappearing completely.

Hunter grins.

"Well done. Let's see...what about you, Faith?"

Faith, a girl who never talks and usually stays out of participating awkwardly comes forward, pushing a lock of silver hair from her face.

"What do I do?"

"Use your powers, silly."

"Oh. Sorry."

Faith shakes her head slightly, before moving all water from a fountain into the air, and we all look up as it seemingly sits in an invisible pool. She then drops her hands, and the water sucks back into the fountain.

Hunter's eyes widen slightly.

"I'm impressed, Faith. Keep up the good work."

Faith's cheeks flush and she smiles.

"Oh...ummm...thank you?"

She hurries back to the back of the group, and he points at Holiday.

"Holiday. Come up. I'm excited to see what you've learned since yesterday's mishap."

She groans.

"Please don't remind me."

Holiday places a pile of books to her left, and we watch in awe as she stands there, completely still, but each book moves to her right one by one as if a ghost was doing it.

Once all the books are stacked at her right Holiday smiles, picking them up.

"That was mentally exhausting."

She goes back to the group, and after around twenty minutes of marveling at everyone's amazing powers...it's my turn.

"Nova! Now that you've seen everyone else's, why don't you come up?"

I sigh, walking past the staring crowd of students before making it to the front, pushing a black strand of hair behind my ear.

I look at Hunter, and he looks at me.


"My powers don't really do anything, Hunter. I don't know if you noticed,"

I speed over to the far wall before speeding back, giving him a look.

"But all I can do is fucking run. How impressive is that?"

Hunter crosses his arms, narrowing his eyes.

"You tell me, Nova. How impressive is speed?"

"Not at all impressive. Anyone can run."

He sighs.

"You obviously don't see the real meaning to speed, and just want what seems cool, don't you?"

"I would be lying if I said no. There's nothing you can say that'll change my mind that speed is completely and utterly useless. You know how much of an idiot I must seem like? How stupid I am to have speed?! Pyrokinesis, telekinesis, electricity, telepathy...speed?! No!"

"Get back in line, Birch. I don't feel like dealing with your shenanigans today. Better yet? All of you. Get back to your dorms and practice. I need a break."

Hunter walks past me and I pinch the bridge of my nose, letting out an angry sigh.

God dammit.

Hudson, Kiersten, Archer and Holiday come up to me, frowning.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm okay, Hudson."

She grimaces.

"Speed isn't that bad, is it?"

I give her a look, smiling.

"It is that bad."


I now sit tiredly on my bed, staring at the floor.

I feel someone sit next to me, looking up to see Archer.

"Oh. Hey, Archer."

"Hi, Nova. I noticed you weren't at dinner. Are you feeling okay? Anything you need to tell me?"

"No, actually. I'm okay. Just not that hungry."

"Alright. I'm going to the roof tonight."

I look at her.

"Oh you are? Can I come? I feel like it'd be relaxing."

Archer shakes her head slightly.

"It's not like I don't want you to come, Nova, but I met someone."

"A girl? You met someone?"

"Yeah, actually. I began talking to..." she pauses for a moment. "Robyn. I started talking to Robyn."

My eyes expand slightly.

"Good for you, Archie! I'm glad you're happy. Have fun."

"Thanks...I'll be back at 10:40 the latest, okay?"


She stands up just as the other girls come back, smiling as the loud speakers turn around.

"You guys know what time it is! Lights out! See y'all in the morning for a special surprise! Love y'all! Lula out!"

The speakers turn off as do the lights, and Archer smiles.

"I'll be back guys."

"Where are you going?"

Holiday asks as she slides into bed, and Archer shrugs.

"To the roof. I'm meeting someone."

Holiday nods.

"Oh. Alright. Have fun. Love you guys."

Kiersten smiles.

"We love you too! Goodnight!"

It goes silent when Archer leaves, and I lay there.

Ace of spades...can I ask him what it feels like to be free?



I walk in the dark up the stairs and into a dark closet, pushing open the trap door that leads to the roof.

I peak my head out, before pulling myself out.

I hold on my necklace, before stuffing my hands in my pockets.

"Nova? Is that you, sweetheart?"

I see him, right at the edge of the roof.

I could just push him off...would that be easier?

I don't say anything, only go closer.

I just have to kill him.

End the city's suffering.

End Nova's suffering.

This is the right thing to do, right?

I pull out a small dagger, charging it with my power.

I hear a slight chuckle.

"You aren't her, aren't you, Archer? Silly, silly girl. You think you can trick someone who does it for a living?"

He turns around, and I let out a small gasp, backing away a few steps.

"Maybe I should tell my mother that you're disobeying her rules..."

"Your what?! Madam Olivier is—"

"My mother! Yes. Hate that old hag. But besides...what are you doing? Don't tell me Nova told you about me. She probably missed out all the fun details."

I point the knife at him, glaring.

"You won't get away with everything you did, Azurecide."

He grins, eyes sparking a neon blue.

"Then why have I already?"

I jerk my hand out when he steps forward, holding out my hands while vines grow from the crevices of the roof.

He stumbles backwards, laughing as blood falls from his abdomen.

"You're gonna regret that one, firecracker."

A vine snakes around him, holding him still while another snakes around his neck, squeezing.

I'm going to be a murder aren't I?

But it's all for Nova.



I realize something's wrong when it hits 11.

I stand up, squinting in the darkness.

Her necklace is not where it usually is.

Why would she need it if she was just going to meet Robyn?

My eyes snap on something else on her dresser.

Wait a damn minute.

An ace of spades.

I pick it up, staring at it.

This is mine.

I turn it over, my face paling.

Nice to know we're going well, spark. I'll see you tomorrow...meet me on the roof at 10. You have a big decision to make, and something to give me. You know what I'm talking about. See ya later, love.

- Azurecide


She went to Xan.

She does know about him.

I scrunch my eyes shut, before grabbing mine and Holiday's necklace.

This is terrible.

I shouldn't take hers.

I put it around my neck, before running from the room.

I sprint with my speed all the way to the closet, where I see the door swinging back and forth and the trap door hanging wide open.

I throw myself over it, throwing my hand over my mouth.


He's dying.

Oh no. Oh no.

I do the only thing I can think of, running forward and knocking her over, watching as her hands drop and the vines around Xan suck back into the concrete.

I hold her down, her chest moving up and down.


"What're you doing, Archer?!"

"A villain, Nova! He's a villain!"

I grab Xan's hands, placing them against her head.

I watch as she goes silent, dropping his.


What did I do?!

"Archer?! Archer are you okay?!"

I stand up off her, pacing back and forth.


What is happening to me?!

I saved a villain and hurt my friend. I saved a villain and hurt my friend. What in the flying fuck?!

I turn my head over my shoulder, adrenaline rushing through my veins as I run over to Xan, dropping down to his level.

"Hey. You awake?!"

I wave my hand in front of his face, and Xan gives me the side eye.

"Get your hand out of my face."


I jump back, and he stands up, wiping blood from the bottom of his nose before looking down at Archer with a grin.

"Ah...good job, Nova. You're getting a hang of this."

My eye twitches at the large wound in his stomach.

"You okay...?"


"Good. Wait. No. Bad?"

He laughs and I sigh, standing up before looking at him.

I take a deep breath, my heart thumping rapidly in my chest.

"I've made my decision."

He grins.

"Oh you have now?"

I nod.

"Yes. I want to be a villain."