
Vel 6

The next day I ate breakfast in relatively silence with Ace sitting at the front of the table and Rose no where in sight. She probably didn't want to show up after Ace threatened to punish her for laying a hand on me.

"Calina Lebedev will be arriving exactly at 11:30. In the afternoon. We will get there at 11:00. That will give you half an hour to iron out any problems that could unexpectedly pop up before you take the ring. We have a table reserved directly across from the door with a

window view so we can see when she arrives. We need this to go as smoothly as possible. If you mess up and Calina catches on. I will not hesitate to leave you behind."

I glared at him. "Then is it really necessary for you to come if you are not going to help?"

"Who says I would just be sitting idly by?"

I watched him trying to gauge a reaction out of him that would give me some clue as to what his plan was.

He was as close-lipped as he always was. "I'm afraid you won't be able to go to the gym before the mission since the mission is at the same time." He watched me with hooded eyes. This time trying to gauge a reaction out of me to see if I would reveal anything about Makar to him.

"Well I can always go later in the day."

"I'm afraid not since you have training afterwards."

"But Rose is-"

"Will not be training you today. I will be taking her place. This time I want to see how fast you can think on your feet and blend into your environment. At the party, we stood out and all eyes were on us yet you were still able to get the watch. The cafe will be crowded and eyes will be on Calina not us."

"Do you know her personally?" Curiosity got the best of me with the informal way he called her Calina and not Ms. Lebedev.

"I know everyone of my targets but to answer your question, no. I study all my targets and have made acquaintances with them but beyond that there is no relationship. We understand that in the business world there is no true 'friends'. Wife can turn on husband as well as siblings on siblings or friend on friend with the right price. No one is truly safe from each other and as a result rarely does anyone ever pursue a relationship for anything more than business."


My mind brought me back to a bright sunny room where my child self stood up on my tippy toes reaching for a picture on my father's desk. He had appeared out of no where and scooped me in his arms. My eyes remained locked on the picture where my father was in the middle with Makar and someone that I didn't recognize to his left.

"Faaa-tthher whoooss that in the picccc-tur?"I sounded out each word.

There's uncle Makar on the right and to the left is Alexsandr."

I looked closer at Aleksandr he looked just like an older version of Cole minus the blue eyes and slightly lighter skin. "Will I ever meeet him?"

"Maybe someday." My father replied with a faraway look in his eyes.


My father had Makar and Alexsandr when he was in the business world. Makar would never turn on my father but it made me think about Aleksandr or Mr. Solokov or the man who could read peoples' minds. If my father had been as close to Mr.Solokov as the picture made them out to be then why did I never see him at the house?

I shook my head and returned my attention to coming up with a plan that had the least possibility of failing and dressed casually yet nice enough for going out into the public. I braided my hair and put a light amount of foundation and natural eye shadow with a nude lipstick. Soon enough it was 10am and I had thirty minutes before we arrived at the cafe. I already was hating my plan and what was worse is that Ace was apart of it. I paced my room for a few minutes before I made it down the stairs enjoying the feel of the silk fabric of the solid blue jumpsuit on my body. I liked the jumpsuit but I wondered if Ace would consider it blending into the crowd.

I made it to the door and walked up to the car where the driver let me in. Sitting down, the driver turned to me. "Mr. Volkov will be arriving shortly. He is in a meeting right now so it may take a few minutes."

I nodded my head. Content that I could wait in the car for a few minutes. I pulled up a picture of the cafe on my phone and the menu planning everything down to what I would eat so no one would suspect anything. Soon enough it was 10:45 and there was no sign of Ace. The driver gave me a solemn look before putting the car into drive and pulling away from the mansion. Anxiety clenched my stomach and skyrocketed my heart rate.

"Mr. Volkov gave me specific instructions to drive to the destination in case he did not make it out of the meeting in time. Nothing is wrong. He will still meet you there just maybe a little later then previously planned." The driver assured me.

I let out a breath, closed my eyes and focused on slowing down my breathing as I leaned heavily against the back of the car seat. This was the first time I would be going on a mission by myself. As much as I was not a fan of Ace, having him with me on a mission calmed me and now I was alone.

Sooner than later, the driver arrived at the cafe and let me out assuring me that he would find a parking spot then come to pick me up as soon as I gave the word. I nodded gratefully and he smiled before driving off.

I turned and looked at the cafe. The outside blended into the long line of tan walled stores and other food places around it not particularly standing out. I took a breath then took a step inside amazed at how much more spacious it seemed. Everything about the cafe spelled luxury from the dark, lavish floors and contrasting walls to the comfortable chairs and tables lined up to draw the customers' eyes to the tranquil view of the docks.

"What name is the reservation under?" A waiter. materialized in front of me.

"Ace Volkov."

He gave me a quick look before leading me to a seat with the view of the docks. He handed me a menu and asked if I wanted anything to drink.

I ordered a Sauvignon blanc and he disappeared into the kitchen. Overall, the cafe had a few people seated but was not crowded. I knew that would change when Calina arrived. I looked at the clock on the wall 11:10. Would Ace even show up at all? The waiter arrived with my drink.

A few minutes past and still no Ace. I almost ducked as a familiar face appeared and took a seat a few tables down from me also with a view of the docks. His right hand man was with him and they both ordered drinks before sitting down and talking with each other.

My heat beat raced at the the thought of Cole Solokov noticing me and how I would react to it. 11:15. Is this what Ace meant by him wanting me to think on my feet? I looked out the window and took in the clouded sky and clear water. It was a picturesque sight that was helping me to calm down and put my mind at ease. I took a drink of my wine and waited.

Ten minutes before Calina'a arrival people started slowing pouring in and I risked a glance at Cole. They both seemed to have stopped their conversations and were also watching the people come in. They still seemed to not have noticed me or if they did they were doing a great job at hiding it.

I finished my glass and the waiter returned in which I ordered a second glass. A few minutes later and the waiter returned with the bottle. I looked at him puzzled. I looked in the direction of Cole. The right hand man nodded at me and I accepted the bottle in which he poured my second glass. I nodded back at Cole's right hand man and looked at my clock 11:26. What were they up to? At exactly, 11:30 Calina walked in, her arm was intertwined with Ace. I glared at Ace. So that was his 'meeting' that he made me wait at this cafe for only to show up with our target on his arm. He pissed me off but I quickly hid it when he looked my way and walked Calina over. I stood up.

"This is my friend, Viela Brien."

"Calina Lebedev." She held out her right hand and I shook it. My eyes were drawn to the ring on her left hand.

She noticed me looking and held it out for me to examine. "It's beautiful isn't it. Truly one of a kind. My fiancé knows me exactly."

"Truly beautiful, Ms. Lebedev. How soon will the wedding be?"

She smiled and sat down as Ace held out a chair for her. I followed suit as a waiter held mine for me. Ace sat beside me. "In a few days. I am torn between wanting for it to be over already and anxiously waiting for it to start. All the planning is very stressful."

"Im sure everything will go smoothly, Calina." Ace assured her and I wondered what relationship the two had.

"If you don't mind me asking, Ms.Lebedev-"

"Calina, please."

"Calina but how do you know Ace?"

She looked at me. "Every once in a while we work together as business partners." She turned to Ace. "In regards to the business proposal, I would have to run it by my fiancé first but I am almost inclined to accept it."

"That's great news." Ace smiled and a woman walked up to our table, excused herself then gave Calina a warm congratulations.

Ace looked at me and I poured him a glass of wine. "I see Mr. Solokov already noticed you."

"I am sure you knew that he would be coming."

"I expected him to. This is one of the top restaurants in St. Petersburg. Anyone who is anyone will be here. Plus, He has a knack for showing up places where I conduct my "business"." He took a sip of wine and I could tell that he wasn't a fan of Cole. "Especially when I have a beautiful woman by my side." I looked at him and had just opened my mouth to speak when Calina jumped in.

"Perhaps we shall talk about your business proposal another time Ace when I have talked to my fiancé. It was a pleasure, Ms. Brien." Calina stood up and we followed suit.

"Likewise." I held her hand warmly then let her part ways. Ace pulled out his wallet and waved a waiter over.

He whispered something in the waiter's ear in which the waiter nodded then left. Ace enclosed his hands over mine, gently removing the ring. "Excellent." He smiled before moving his hand to the small of my back and steering me out the door.

Sure enough, I caught a glance of Cole getting up from the table and making his way towards us.

Suddenly, I heard a scream followed by a yell that sounded like Calina. "My ring! It's missing!"

I heard chairs scrap against the door and Cole was lost in a flurry of women getting up from their tables to frantically look for the ring.

A pang of guilt raced through my heart. I looked at Ace who was all smiles. Suddenly, he yelled. "Hey you!"

I frowned and followed his line of sight. A dark figure was making his way to the front entrance. The figure stopped when Ace yelled. His eyes widened then he disappeared out the door. Ace took off after him.

I ran outside only to find one of Ace's men holding down the dark figure that had tried to run. The hood was pulled back from the figure's face showing a young woman. Ace was standing triumphantly over her holding the ring.

"My ring!" Calina yelled from beside me and ran over. "Thank you! Thank you so much!"