
Vel 2

My eyes opened to bright light. I shot out of bed and sat up. I looked out the window. Judging by the light, it was just barely morning. I scrambled around on the bed trying to find my phone. Finally finding it, I turned it on to see that it was 7. "Didn't he say breakfast was at 6?"

At that moment, the door flew open and a very pissed off Ace marched in. I felt fear race through me as he stomped towards me.

Grabbing my chin, he pulled me towards him. "Did I not tell you that breakfast was at 6?"

"You did." I stumbled out.

"Then why are you still in bed?" He growled.

I saw his dark eyes swirl with something and immediately knew that I was going to regret my mistake.

Grabbing my arm, he pulled me out of bed and out of the room.

I suddenly became wary of how thin my pajamas were. I tried to cover my chest with my arms but he still had my other arm. Was this his idea? To embarrass me so that I would learn not to defy him. If that was the case then I would do everything I could to show him that he could not.

He dragged me down the hall, down the stairs, and into a dining room. People watched me and snickered as we passed. He pulled out a chair at the long table and forcefully set me down upon it. "You will eat." He commanded, looming over me.

"And what if I do not?" I asked. Even though I knew that the game I was playing was dangerous, there was something defiant in me that would not let him have the satisfaction of knowing that he won.

He glared at me before laughing. "Let us see how long you can be defiant? Testing me is a dangerous game you are playing. I have limits."

I looked at him.

He was smiling but the smile was not reaching his eyes. He was testing me, trying to gauge how I will react.

I decided that this morning, I had tested him enough. If I wanted to see if he was not lying to me when he said that I could leave whenever I wanted. I needed him to not be pissed at me. I just needed to pick my moment. "What are we having for breakfast?"

He looked at me, a little surprised. I did not do what he expected me to, fight. He left my side, stomped over to the other end of the table, and sat.

I was partially relieved that he sat so far away from me but the way his eyes followed my every movement, made me uneasy.

"What did you want for breakfast?"

"I want some butterbrots please," I asked nicely and he nodded his head.

A man brought a plate of butterbrots and set it in front of me. A thought crossed my mind. "What if they were poisoned?"

"They're not poisoned. I'm hurt that you would suggest such a thing." Ace started playing with his food bored. "Do you really not trust me that much?"

I looked him in the eyes and he stared right back. Challenging me to answer that question. I took a bite out of the slice of bread with ham. It did not taste any different. I doubted Ace would poison the food because what reason would there be? Unless he was trying to teach me a lesson. His expression did not change when I took another bite so I ate the whole thing. If it was poisoned, would Ace give me the antidote? I ate the butterbrots but would not eat anything else even though I was not full.

"Any beverages?"

"I think I am full but thank you for asking?" I asked, trying to be polite but I could tell that my answer did not satisfy him. I felt someone staring at me and out of the corner of my eye, noticed Rose leaning against the wall. She was glaring daggers at me. I recalled her words, "Do not disobey or dissatisfy him or I will make your life miserable."

"I think I will have a cup of coffee with cream?" I asked.

Ace seemed slightly satisfied.

I was not trying to please him. I was trying more to figure out how Ace worked. If pleasing him made him more trusting of me then I will be given more freedoms. I still did not trust Ace on his statement that I could leave anytime I wanted. I felt like there was a catch. Pleasing him could not hurt. A cup of coffee was set in front of me. I drank it all the while watching Ace.

He grinned.

After breakfast, I left the room hurriedly. I wanted to change into clothes and leave this mansion forever but I doubted that would help. I still needed to see if Ace actually could help me with my revenge. I crossed my arms over my chest and walked quickly down the hallway to the room. I made it to my room and quickly changed with the clothes that were in the dresser. It felt good to be fully covered instead of in a thin white nightgown. I looked at myself in the mirror. "I will get revenge," I promised myself before grabbing my duffel bag and heading down the hallway, down the stairs then to the front door. I had just put my hand around the doorknob when a voice spoke, "where are you heading?"

"I thought I was able to leave whenever I want to."

Footsteps approached and stopped behind me. A hand fell upon my shoulder and I froze. "Only if I go with you."

I knew there was a catch and expected this to happen but I was hoping that it wouldn't. I really wanted to see Makar alone but I doubted Ace would let me go alone. "Did you want to see him, Vel?"

"I do not know who you are talking about?"

The hand tightened around my shoulder and turned me around. Ace smiled as he reached behind me for the doorknob, turned it then opened it. He was too close for comfort and he knew it. It made me uncomfortable. "After you." He offered. I hurriedly turned around and squeezed through the door. Getting as much distance as possible between us. The door closed and I knew that he had followed behind me. I did not care, I kept walking as far away from him as possible.

He surprisingly kept his distance.

I walked and walked until I stopped. I looked up and smiled as I entered the gym. A class was being held and the people gave me cursory glances but otherwise than that continued with the class. I found a place at the far end of the gym, away from everyone, and started my routine. Despite feeling Ace's gaze on me. I practiced my form and the swinging kick. I added more and more power. I imagined Ace as the punching bag, kicked and kicked until I could not anymore. I wanted to see Makar and Klara let them know that I am okay. I doubted that Ace would allow for them to but I had a feeling that Makar would find a way.

I just needed to come to the gym every day. Hopefully, I could come again in the evening. Breathing heavily, I picked up my duffel bag and headed to the woman's locker room only for Ace to stand in front of me.

"Don't try anything."

"I won't," I growled before pushing past him into the room. Changing, I took a shower then changed clothes. I changed into a long black sleeve t-shirt with a blizzard wool vest black pattern. I pulled on black, polar fleeced lined pants complete with brown valenki felt boots. I took in the bathroom. There was no way out except the way I came in. I guessed that Ace was probably in front of the locker room waiting for me to come out. Sighing, I opened the door to the locker room and walked out.

Ace of course was leaning against the wall, patiently. "Got all your anger out?"

I ignored him.

He reached out, put his hand on my shoulder, and turned me around. "Why are you willing to give up everything to get revenge?"

"Why do you care?"

"I know what you are so willing to give up everything for but I do not why? I am just curious."

I looked at him. Was he toying with me? Making me think that he actually cared so that I would let my guard down? "Have you ever had everything taken from you in a day?"


"I thought so." I stepped closer to him, the fresh pain I had felt when I watched my family's house burn down came back all at once. "You will never know what it is like so I do not expect you to understand. All your life, you have had everything you ever wanted. My mother was American, and my father was Russian. They had to adapt to living a certain way. I and my sister had to learn to speak both languages and be familiar with both cultures. Then they were all killed." I choked before stepping away and walking out of the gym. I increased my pace as I headed back the way we came. Back towards the dreaded mansion. I felt someone grab my bicep and pull.

"How about we stay out a little longer?"

"If you are trying to be nice to me so that you can get me off guard, your failing."

"On the contrary, your tears show otherwise. Your tears show that the death of your family has affected you and you are unable to control your emotions. Showing emotion is a weakness. It provides a chance for others to take advantage of you."

"Showing emotion shows that you are human and not a robot," I argued back. "I agree that showing emotion can be a weakness but it can also be a strength. It can pull people towards you and also deter them. It is a double-edged sword."

"One that must be controlled or the wielder will be stabbed." He added as if he was talking from experience.

"You speak as if you are talking from experience."

He looked at me, his dark eyes trying to figure me out before he sighed. "We must head back. Your training will start and will begin every day for the rest of your stay."

"I just trained. How long are you expecting me to stay?"

"Not the way we do and you will be staying as long as you are useful." He commented before walking past me back towards the mansion and I was left wondering what he meant.


We arrived back at the mansion from a long silent walk. He walked down the stairs towards the basement and I followed.

A man and woman were sparring in the ring. A group of people surrounded the ring cheering. They gave us a cursory glance before continuing to watch the fighters. The woman feigned a kick before dropping to the ground, into a crouch then kicked out and took out the man's legs. As soon as the man dropped, she was on top and had put him in an arm lock. The man tapped out and the woman had won the fight.

"Am I going into another fight?"

"Not all training has to be about fighting. I want to see what other skills you have."

"Why are there so many people here? At this mansion, do they live here?"


I rolled my eyes at his answer. The only reason I was going along with his "training" was to see if he would fulfill his promise to help me get revenge. The faster I completed the training, the faster I would get my revenge and be done with this place was my mindset.

He brought me farther from the ring and into a room at the back of the basement. He stopped in front of the door and turned to look at me. "Each one of these people living here has a skill that makes them unique or useful. Not one of them shares the same skill. Some specialize in certain fighting styles that no other person here can match others have more...unrecognized skills. I know that you are good at fighting but I already have fighters. I want to see if there is more to you."

I frowned. He turned around and opened the door.

butterbrot- a kind of sandwich made of a single slice of bread and one topping such as butter or ham

Emily_Dosscreators' thoughts