
Veiled Vengeance

"Are you going to hate me, little girl?" the man asked with a flat, emotionless voice that made Annica's mouth taste bitter with fear and hatred. Annica remained silent. She just stared at the frozen face without blinking, ignoring his increasingly blurred gaze. The man laughed. "What are you going to do? This is your fate. Accept it." The monster turned his body around and walked away, leaving Annica alone in her cold room. The gust of wind rushing in through the door extinguished the light from the remaining short candles in the room. But Annica could still gaze at the man's back. Tonight, the moon seemed brighter than usual. Tonight, Annica's world split in two. Tonight, the 14-year-old girl lost everything.

Jackofheartsss · Fantasy
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79 Chs

Something Had To Die

Daemond pulled the bowstring in his hand and aimed. Holding his breath, he released his fingers, and the arrow flew precisely hitting the target.

"Outstanding, General. Ten out of ten shots, all hitting the mark," District Chief Timothy praised with a booming voice.

The man looked cheerful this morning. The frustration he showed last night disappeared, replaced by his wide smile. There was a sense of pride in being the only District Head invited to accompany the General in the archery arena. Perhaps he finally gained the General's trust.

"The rumors about the greatness of the Great General of the Kingdom are not wrong," Timothy added. "Shooting stationary targets like this must be boring for you."