
Veiled Twilight

Masha is a novice magician working at the apothecary. One day, as she is searching for a rare plant, she stumbled upon a forgotten tunnel. Thinking it contained treasure, she went there, only to find a sleeping vampire. The vampire made a deal with her that he would give her gold treasures in exchange that she would complete a dangerous mission—to retrieve a powerful talisman which is stolen by a sorcerer. Will she be able to succeed, or will she become trapped in the conflicted worlds of humans and magical beings? Original Title: Veil of Twilight Genres: Fantasy, Mystery, Vampire Fiction, Magical Fiction (Although labeled as 'fantasy romance' by the platform, my story is actually a work of pure fantasy and it does not focus on romance) Themes: Revenge, Betrayal, Friendship Length: Short Story/Novella Note: This book has slow updates due to the unpredictable schedule of the author. Updates are not consistent and may take a few weeks or months. This is the first draft of the story so you may see errors. Copyright 2023 by JA.

JA_Phoenix · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Chapter 18

My day had been a whirlwind of events, from the attempted robbery to my mysterious savior, Nikolai. As we returned to the hotel room, the cool evening air seemed to carry the weight of unanswered questions.

Dinner was a silent affair, with only the clinking of cutlery breaking the silence. I couldn't contain my curiosity any longer, so as I took another bite of my meal, I finally asked, "Why did you leave, Nikolai? I thought you abandoned me."

He looked at me with those intense eyes, and for a moment, I thought he might not answer. But then he spoke, his voice tinged with a sense of longing. "I had to search for the talisman, Masha," he explained. "But the dark spell that imprisoned me for centuries... it took most of my memories. I remember that it was a sorcerer, a high-ranking one, who took it. I knew he wanted to become a vampire himself, and I am certain that he is still alive somewhere else in this country. But beyond that, everything is hazy."

He paused for a moment before adding, in a quieter tone, "There was a beautiful woman, once. Someone I loved... and lost." He gazed at his plate sadly, as though looking into the past. "I could see her face. But it was all just an illusion. My love was no more than a dream. I could barely remember my wife, but I still feel our love, which no god or demon could take." His hands clenched into fists as if he were holding himself together. "Even now, all I can feel is pain."

Tears filled my eyes as I placed my hand atop his clenched fists. His fingers slowly opened, and our gazes connected. The sadness in his eyes was heartbreaking. We sat like that for several minutes, staring at each other.

Then Nikolai's expression darkened slightly, his voice hardening. "I have never felt like this before. Like I am falling apart." He stared directly at me, and suddenly there was a glint of steel in his eye. It was almost like his gaze was piercing right through me, but I didn't back away.

A small grin spread across his lips. Then he glanced away, his gaze distant again. "I don't know how long I'll be here, and I may disappear in the meantime. Until I return, you needn't concern yourself about the talisman."

With that, he stood abruptly. "I'm sorry for the trouble I caused. I must find the talisman as soon as possible. I cannot remain in this realm for long, and I have my responsibilities in the vampire realm to fulfill."

"Nikolai—" I started, trying to reach out to him once more. What was that all about? I wondered. What's gotten into him? "What are you talking about? Of course, I don't worry about that!"

He ignored my question. "Please excuse me. You should get some rest."

I finished my meal in silence, and as the night drew on, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. I lay down to sleep, but before I closed my eyes, I stole a glance at Nikolai. He remained vigilant, his eyes fixed on me with an intensity that sent shivers down my spine.

He would never sleep. Not like me. And as I drifted off into slumber, I couldn't help but wonder about the mysteries that surrounded him.

I awoke from a deep sleep with a sense of unease, as if someone was watching me. My eyes slowly fluttered open, and there, in the dim room, were Nikolai's piercing red eyes fixed on me. Fear gripped my heart, and my voice quivered as I questioned, "Nikolai, what are you doing?"

His eyes bore into mine, his expression inscrutable. There was a tense silence, and I felt a shiver run down my spine. It was almost as if I didn't know him, as if his very presence was that of a demon.

"Nikolai, for the love of God, please stop what you're doing," I said irritably.

It was difficult to breathe as if he had somehow captured my lungs through his stare. His penetrating gaze was like a firebrand against my skin. A chill traveled up my arms and legs. The temperature of the room seemed to drop by several degrees, and I was reminded of the first time our eyes ever met.

Before I could question him further, Nikolai rose silently and left the room, his movements fluid and graceful. It was as though he had never been there at all.

The door clicked shut behind him, leaving me alone once again with the haunting feeling that something wasn't right. I lay back on the bed, trying to will away the uncomfortable feeling that Nikolai was still there with me, but it refused to go. Instead, the unease only grew and spread throughout me like a virus. As I struggled to catch my breath, my mind raced. What the hell just happened? Why does he have that look in his eye?

I couldn't stay inside the room. I needed answers, and so I ventured outside. But to my surprise, I found myself in an entirely unfamiliar place—a city that was both wondrous and eerie, unlike anything I'd ever seen before. I followed the crowds into the streets, where people of various races mingled together, speaking strange accents. They laughed and chattered happily among themselves, their faces beaming with smiles that lit up the entire street. What is this place? I thought. Where did they come from?

The night hung over this enigmatic place, casting long shadows and playing tricks with the dim light. A sense of foreboding settled upon me as I realized how dark everything around me was. The air itself seemed to grow colder the closer I got to some sort of central square, and now and then, a few of the passersby would shudder involuntarily as they walked across the street. This is unsettling.

As I wandered through the winding streets, a jovial man, dressed in vibrant clothing and sporting a colorful top hat, approached me with a broad smile. "Come, come," he beckoned, his voice filled with an unsettling cheerfulness. "Visit my toy shop. Explore the wonders of my creations for free. You'll find many things to interest yourself in here. We have wonderful toys for sale." He grabbed my hand, pulling me toward an opening off the main thoroughfare. "This way!" He tugged my arm until I stumbled along beside him.

His offer was strange, but I was at a loss for words, and I followed him. The toy shop loomed before me, an odd, fantastical place filled with all sorts of strange and intricate toys and automatons, mechanical dolls that looked disturbingly lifelike. Their eyes seemed to follow me as I walked through the shop.

I entered a small room, which held more than a dozen large and small machines, each with its own unique design. I peered around me as the proprietor led me past them to a display table near the back.

"These are for sale," he explained brightly, pointing to the assortment of objects he displayed on the table. "We have many different types of mechanical dolls here. Some look exactly like the real thing. Others have made their way from the far reaches of the galaxy. If I may, why don't you pick out one of these? You can bring your friend. She might like it as well."

"No, thank you, sir," I replied politely. I didn't particularly feel like looking at any of those creepy mechanical dolls.

A young girl caught my eye. She held one of the dolls, and as I watched, the doll's mouth opened, revealing sharp, needle-like teeth. It latched onto the girl's wrist, drawing blood, and she didn't even seem to notice. Horror surged through me, and I took a step back, my heart pounding with fear.

This place was not what it seemed, and I felt trapped in a sinister dream from which I couldn't wake.

The eerie toy shop seemed to close in around me as I hurriedly made my way to the exit. Every creak of the wooden floor and every flicker of the strange, soulless automata sent shivers down my spine. I couldn't shake the feeling that I was in a place that was not meant for the living.

My breath came in quick gasps. My heart hammered relentlessly in my chest. Everything around me was dark and menacing. The walls of the darkened building loomed above me as if they were closing in, threatening to crush me into oblivion.

"Help," I whimpered, my voice shaking as I called out desperately. "Someone, please help me."

As I finally burst out onto the dimly lit street, I breathed a sigh of relief. I had to put some distance between me and that dreadful place. I didn't look back to see if the toy maker was following; I simply wanted to get as far away as possible.

I continued walking until the cold night air finally forced me to turn around. I stood under the streetlight, taking slow breaths as I tried to gather my thoughts.

What was that place? And who was the owner of that creepy old toy store?

My steps echoed through the empty streets as I walked, my mind racing with fear and confusion. The architecture of the city was bizarre, with strange symbols painted across the buildings. Strange birds flew overhead. I was unsure whether they were flying or if they just looked like birds because their wings had strange shapes, like a pair of bat wings.

I rounded a corner and saw them—two constables standing beneath a flickering gaslight. Relief washed over me as I approached them, although I was still apprehensive. I wondered if it was wise to approach these men.

But as I got closer, the smiles on their faces faded. Their eyes lingered on me in a way that made my skin crawl. But I couldn't back down now.

"Sirs, I need your assistance," I began, my voice trembling. The constables leaned in closer, and one of them sported a chilling grin that stretched across his face.

"Well, what do we have here?" he said, his voice laced with an eerie amusement. "A lost little bird in need of assistance?" His laughter sent shivers down my spine, and I recoiled at the sound.

He reached out to pat me on the head affectionately, and despite his actions being friendly, the gesture chilled me to the bone. "Oh, no, darling. That won't work tonight. Not after the excitement of today. No, you come with us to our office."

I knew that these men would be of no help, and I regretted my decision to approach them. Desperation welled up within me as I reached deep into my magical knowledge. I knew what I had to do, even if it meant risking my own soul. Reciting a complex incantation, the words resonating with power, I prepared to unleash a spell. It would be difficult, and there was no guarantee of success, but I believed that I had the ability to do it.

"Whoa! Wait a minute!" One of the constables cried out, his hand gripping my shoulder tightly. "You've forgotten your wand, little witch! Why not join the Empire and showcase your talent?"

As I uttered the first few words, the constables suddenly vanished. Confused, my brows knitted together. I have not finished the spell yet. This was strange, but at least they were now gone.

A sudden gust of wind blew against my face, causing me to raise my arms defensively. Looking ahead, I gasped as I saw a figure standing nearby. The person moved towards me quickly, making their way slowly through the darkness until I could make out the outline of a tall, slender body covered by a dark cloak and a hood.

The man stopped in front of me. With his dark, elegant garment, unnaturally pale skin, and long auburn hair that cascaded like a river of darkness, he appeared like a phantom from another world. His eyes, a mesmerizing shade of dark red, burned bright. Despite having the appearance of a stranger, his expression reminded me of someone I knew. Who? What is going on?

"Hello again," he greeted in a low, velvety voice. He stepped forward, and suddenly his form solidified, becoming more visible. As the shadow fell from his face, he revealed his full features.

My hand instinctively reached for the talisman I had recently crafted, a symbol of protection that I hoped could ward off any potential danger. I held it before me, prepared to use it against this stranger. As he drew closer, unaffected by the talisman's energy, his gaze was fixed on the amulet with intense interest.

"I see you have a talisman," he remarked, his voice as alluring and mysterious as the rest of him. "A fascinating choice. Your talisman has protected you already."

I stared at him in disbelief. "How do you know that?" I demanded, wondering just how much magic this stranger possessed. "Have you been watching me all this time? What kind of sorcery is this?" I asked furiously. My eyes glowed with indignation.

He gave a soft laugh, a gentle laugh of amusement, but it did not reach his dark, crimson eyes. "I wouldn't be so hostile," he murmured. "After all, we are merely visitors here." He paused a moment, staring intently at my amulet.

The talisman continued to glow, the green hue reflecting upon the stranger's eyes. A peculiar warmth enveloped my entire body, but it wasn't unpleasant. Rather, I enjoyed its presence.

"Tell me," I insisted as I shifted uneasily. I was growing increasingly nervous. "Where am I? I am not supposed to be here. I need to go back to my body."

A smile twitched on the stranger's lips, although they remained impassive. The shadows seemed to dance across his face as he studied me. "Ahh, you are quite right," he mused quietly. "You cannot stay here. You must return home." His smile widened ever so slightly. "As for this place, we are in an artificial dimension created by high-dimensional beings who proclaimed themselves to be gods. So almost everything you see here is nothing but thought forms. They are not real entities."

Despite the fear that still clung to me, curiosity overcame my initial reaction. "Who are you? And what do you want?"

The young man's lips curled into a faint smile, and his crimson eyes sparkled like a dark flame. "My name is Maxim," he answered, his voice like a seductive whisper in the night. "I'm searching for a talisman as well, and it seems you've piqued my interest."