
Veiled Twilight

Masha is a novice magician working at the apothecary. One day, as she is searching for a rare plant, she stumbled upon a forgotten tunnel. Thinking it contained treasure, she went there, only to find a sleeping vampire. The vampire made a deal with her that he would give her gold treasures in exchange that she would complete a dangerous mission—to retrieve a powerful talisman which is stolen by a sorcerer. Will she be able to succeed, or will she become trapped in the conflicted worlds of humans and magical beings? Original Title: Veil of Twilight Genres: Fantasy, Mystery, Vampire Fiction, Magical Fiction (Although labeled as 'fantasy romance' by the platform, my story is actually a work of pure fantasy and it does not focus on romance) Themes: Revenge, Betrayal, Friendship Length: Short Story/Novella Note: This book has slow updates due to the unpredictable schedule of the author. Updates are not consistent and may take a few weeks or months. This is the first draft of the story so you may see errors. Copyright 2023 by JA.

JA_Phoenix · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Chapter 16

As Victor and I settled into the plush seats of a private carriage, I couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation. The rhythmic clip-clopping of the horses' hooves against the cobblestone streets provided a soothing backdrop as we journeyed towards his home. As we drew closer to his house, the streets became even more crowded with people hurrying about their business. They either rushed past us or we had to swerve around them to make our way out of their path. There was always something going on around here. I wondered what they were doing this late at night.

The carriage stopped after ten minutes of traveling, the door opened, and Victor exited first. We'd arrived at his home.

I stole a glance at Victor after I exited the carriage; his demeanor was calm and collected. "Your house is quite impressive," I ventured, eager to fill the silence that hung between us. After a second, I added, "It's very charming."

Victor chuckled softly. "I appreciate the compliment. Thank you. It's nothing special…" he trailed off awkwardly before clearing his throat and continuing. "It may not have the grandeur of the lodge, but it holds its charm."

I found myself intrigued. "And how long have you resided there?" I asked.

He considered my question for a moment before answering, "For as long as I can remember. It's a place of solitude, a sanctuary of sorts."

With Victor by my side, we entered his home, and the interior was just as magnificent as the exterior had suggested. The decor was tasteful and classic, with dark wooden furniture and rich fabrics that added to the overall sense of opulence.

Dinner was served in a spacious dining room adorned with ornate chandeliers that cast a warm, inviting glow. Victor summoned his maids, who efficiently assisted me in changing into dry clothes. The fresh attire they provided was both warm and comfortable, a welcome relief from the dampness that clung to me. It felt refreshing.

As we took our seats at the elegant dining table, Victor's reserved demeanor gave way to polite conversation. "I hope you find the meal to your liking, Masha," he said, his voice carrying a hint of warmth.

I nodded, taking in the spread of roasted meats and colorful vegetable salads. The aroma alone was enough to make my mouth water. "It looks delicious," I replied, trying to hide my excitement.

Victor's eyes held a certain intensity as he observed me. "You have a curiosity about the world, don't you?" he remarked, his tone thoughtful.

I couldn't deny it. "Yes," I admitted with a smile. "I suppose I do. What's the point of living if we will not discover its mysteries?"

He looked at me for a moment, and then he raised his glass in a subtle toast. "Curiosity can be good sometimes, but don't let it control you fully," he mused, his words carrying a weight of deeper meaning. "Our sense of wonder can lead us to explore both the beauty and the darkness that exist within our world."

I met his gaze, offering him a gentle smile. "I'm willing to learn," I replied.

"And you must be willing to understand as well. Many people are eager to learn more things about life, but very few try to understand and accept them."

His eyes gleamed with an emotion I wasn't familiar with, and my stomach flipped. My heart quickened its rhythm, and I suddenly felt shy.

Victor cleared his throat, and I snapped out of my trance, my gaze dropping. "So... what brings you out this way this evening, Victor?" I inquired.

After serving the wine and accompanying dishes, the servants retired to a nearby room to retire themselves. When the servants were gone, Victor looked up and leaned forward in his chair. "I received a letter today that has changed everything," he revealed.

"Oh, indeed?" I inquired. "Do you know who wrote the letter? Is it someone you know?"

Victor shook his head. He seemed troubled. "A member of the Royal Family," he answered hesitantly, choosing his words carefully. "It seems they believe I will need assistance dealing with some of the issues that have arisen over the past few years."

I paused for a moment. "I never knew you were connected to the Royal Family," I remarked, confused.

Victor met my gaze, and there was a hint of wistfulness in his eyes. "I have some distant connections," he admitted. "But it's not a matter I usually discuss. My family has served their interests for generations, but I've always preferred a quieter life."

I could sense the weight of his words, and it intrigued me. "And these issues they've mentioned... do you know what they're about?"

He nodded. "It appears there are matters within the kingdom that have remained hidden from the public eye—secrets that need to be uncovered and resolved."

I couldn't help but wonder what kind of secrets might require Victor's involvement. "Are you willing to assist them in this endeavor?"

Victor's expression was resolute. "I will do what is necessary to bring about a resolution. However, it will be a complex and dangerous task."

I felt a growing admiration for Victor, seeing a different side of him, one that extended beyond our shared interest in the mysteries of the world. "You're a man of many talents, Victor," I remarked. "It's evident you're not just a merchant."

He smiled, though there was a hint of melancholy in his eyes. "We all have our roles to play in life, Masha. Some of us must take on burdens others cannot."

Our dinner conversation continued, but now it was layered with a deeper understanding of Victor's complexities. I couldn't help but feel a sense of trust and gratitude towards him, knowing that there was more to him than met the eye.

After our dinner, I found myself by the fireplace, the warmth soothing against my chilled skin. Victor had left me without a word, and I couldn't help but grow bored and curious. Where had he disappeared to in his own house?

My search led me to the garden, and when I stepped outside, I noticed that the rain had ceased, leaving behind a tranquil night. Victor stood there, seemingly lost in thought, as he gazed at the landscape.

As I approached him, he turned to me with a faint hint of surprise in his eyes. "Masha, you found your way to the garden," he remarked, a small, enigmatic smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

I reached out my hand to him, placing it gently on the fabric covering his bicep. The gesture drew his attention to my hand. A look of puzzlement crossed his face and then slowly morphed into amusement. "Is there anything on my sleeve that you would like to remove?"

My cheeks flushed. I hadn't realized I'd been holding his arm while gazing up at him. Clearing my throat, I lowered my hand and looked away. "Well, no," I murmured bashfully. I wasn't sure why I'd done that. I suppose I wanted to get to know Victor better after it had been a long time since we last met. And I could say that he had changed a lot, but a part of him remained the same.

His expression softened somewhat. "Would you like to sit down?" he asked, gesturing to the bench in front of the tree. He followed suit, sitting beside me.

We sat quietly for a few moments, listening to the sounds of nature. I couldn't help but admire the beauty of the garden, even in the dim moonlight. "It's magnificent," I admitted. "So serene."

Together, we looked up at the evening sky, the stars beginning to emerge one by one. It was a moment of calm, despite the mysteries that had begun to unravel around us.

But then I noticed a figure in the distance, a silhouette that bore an uncanny resemblance to Magnus. My heart quickened as I strained my eyes to see more clearly. The figure had longish, platinum-blond hair that gleamed faintly in the moonlight, and his attire appeared regal, as if he'd stepped out of another era. His pale blue eyes, except they looked even paler tonight, fixed upon some distant point, and his demeanor exuded an otherworldly presence. There was no mistaking it; he bore an uncanny resemblance to Magnus.

"Victor," I began, my voice tinged with uncertainty, "isn't that... Magnus, standing over there?"

The man's response was swift, almost dismissive. "It can't be him," he replied, though his gaze remained fixed on the distant figure.

"Why not?" I asked, puzzled by his reaction.

Victor shifted uncomfortably, as if the mention of Magnus had disturbed him. "He has his own business tonight. I'm certain of it. And besides..." He trailed off, his expression clouded with worry. "He wouldn't dare come here."

"Then how do you know?" I challenged him.

He gave me a sharp look, as if he expected me to keep quiet. But I wasn't about to stop pursuing the truth.

"What are you hiding, Victor?" I demanded.

Victor clenched his jaw. Finally, he sighed heavily and faced me, his features hardening again. "Magnus hasn't been himself lately, Masha," he murmured. His gaze softened somewhat.

My pulse quickened. "What do you mean?" I asked.

Victor shook his head, dismissing my question entirely. "No matter. You don't have to concern yourself with Master's strange behavior. I think he has some troubles with vampires lately, that is all."

There was a tense pause while I debated whether to press further, but eventually, I relented. Instead, I chose to divert my attention back to the garden.

As I stared out at the beautiful scenery surrounding us, a sudden realization struck me—I recognized most of these plants and herbs. I've spent my entire life studying botany, learning what each type of plant represented, where they grew, and all the benefits that came from cultivating such beautiful blooms. Yet I'd barely taken notice of them until now when I stood here looking across the garden from Victor.

The sight sent a rush of memories flooding through me, bringing back all the times I'd spent in our garden back in the village, watching the various flowers grow alongside Victor as we spoke, reminiscing about our childhood together and the days that passed in the same peaceful setting. I could hear his voice echoing in the depths of my mind as we lay under the shade of one of the trees, listening to him talk about his latest invention and his plans for it. A fond smile settled on my face.

Suddenly, Victor called out to me. "Are you all right?" he asked.

I blinked rapidly several times as a rush of emotions welled up inside me, threatening to spill over as I realized exactly why I was thinking about those memories and why I felt so emotional. As I composed myself, I forced a smile onto my face. "Of course. Why wouldn't I be?"

Victor narrowed his eyes slightly. For a moment, he didn't reply. Instead, he simply sat silently, contemplating something. Eventually, his gaze became heavy and distant, and he reached toward the glass of wine in front of him. He lifted it to his lips and, after taking only a sip, set it down. He didn't say anything more.

My smile faltered ever so slightly. "You're hiding something from me, aren't you?" I questioned, my voice soft.

This time it was Victor who paused; he seemed reluctant to respond. After what seemed like an eternity, he finally nodded. "Perhaps," he finally admitted.

I couldn't shake the feeling of unease that had settled upon me. "All right," I relented, dropping the subject. I looked back at Magnus' figure and saw that he was out of sight.

Victor changed the topic, his voice strained, as if eager to move on from the unsettling thought. "You should go to the guest room and get some rest, Masha. I have some matters related to the lodge to attend to, and I won't be retiring just yet."

Reluctantly, I agreed. The tension in the air was palpable, and I couldn't help but wonder what secrets lay hidden within these walls. As I made my way to the guest room, I couldn't help but feel that the night held more mysteries than I could understand.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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