
Meeting (2)

Felix walked ahead of Amelthia leading her to the chief's room. Felix knocked on the door as they stopped in front of Chief's room.


"Come in!"

They both entered the room as they got permission.

Felix bowed and stood on the side and Amelthia came in view of the chief.

"Oh, Amelthia! Come sit."

The chief gestured for her to sit. Amelthia walked with difficulty because of the bruises on her feet which she got from running bare feet on the road. She sat on the chair. Felix watched her walk slowly.

" So how are you feeling today?? And how was the hostel??"

Chief asked with a serious yet soft voice.

" Um...I am feeling better and the hostel is really nice. I liked it. Thank you."

Amelthia didn't want to look like a picky person so she just smiled back.

" That's good. You had your breakfast??"

Chief asked in a soft voice.

" Actually.... I woke up late so I came directly here...."

Amelthia replied looking down.

"It's alright. Felix takes her to the cafeteria for breakfast after this."

Chief said looking at Felix.

"Yes sir!"

Felix said while nodding.

"So... I called you here so you can fill out the papers so your information would be in our records."

Chief stood up and looked through the files taking a brown file out and sliding it in front of Amelthia.

"Fill it out the way we discussed yesterday..... Felix put the file in my cupboard once she is done ..... I am going to a meeting."

Chief said gesturing to Felix.

"Yes sir."

The chief left the office and now Amelthia and Felix were alone again.

Amelthia started filling out the forms and just in 5 minutes she was done. She stood up and shoved the file to Felix.

"It's done."

Amelthia while giving the file to Felix.

Once Felix opened the file he saw half of the form blank.

"You left it blank."

Felix said in a confused tone.

Amelthia just shrugged.

"Chief asked me to fill it this way he will look into it himself and it's not your concern."

Felix just nodded and placed the file in the chief's cupboard.

What is going on??

Why did she leave the important information and even the chief accepted it??

How am I supposed to protect her when I know nothing??

I will ask the chief later. Maybe he would tell me something.

"Follow me. We are going to the café."

Felix walked to the door and opened it for Amelthia and she slowly walked to the door.

Felix noticed her slow walking.

"Why are you walking slowly??"

Amelthia snapped up and looked at him.

"Um...nothing...my feet have bruises that's why."

Amelthia followed Felix to the cafeteria.

Amelthia entered a capacious hall. A lot of tables and chairs are arranged in rows and columns. There was a big table where the food was arranged and a stack of plates on the side. A very little ratio of people sitting and eating their breakfast with food trays in front of them.

Felix pulled out a chair for Amelthia to sit but Amelthia was too emerged in observing the walls and the arrangements around.

Felix called out for her.

"Miss Amelthia!"

Amelthia snapped out of her thoughts.


"Would you like to sit??"

Felix said gesturing to the chair at the side.

" Oh .... yes"

Amelthia sat on the chair as Felix walked away. Amelthia panicked inside but then noticed Felix preparing a tray for her.

Felix came back placing the tray in front of her and standing behind her.

Amelthia felt awkward, rather too awkward.

"Uh...Felix can you please not stand there??!"

Felix furrowed his brows in confusion and looked at her.

"Then where am i supposed to stand??"

"Can you not stand and sit down? This is making me feel awkward. And I don't like eating alone."

Amelthia said looking down at her lap feeling a little embarrassed.

Felix sighed heavily and sat down while looking around so no one would see him.

Amelthia ate her breakfast and Felix sat there looking around and sometimes at her.

Once Amelthia was done, both Amelthia and Felix went back to the car to send Amelthia back to the hostel.


Felix dropped Amelthia off and came back to his office to know what was exactly the reason that Amelthia left out the important information.

Felix walked to the chief's office and knocked.



Felix waited and felt a tap on his shoulder.

Felix turned around and saw the chief standing there.

"What are you doing here? You dropped Amelthia back??"

Chief questioned him.

" Yes sir. Sir, I need to ask you something."

Chief walked past him into his office and gestured for him to come in.

Chief settled on his chair his back resting on the back of the chair and his arms folded on his chest.

"What is it??"

" Sir Amelthia filled her forms but all the important information we need, she left it-"

Felix was in the middle of his question when the chief cut him in the middle.

"I know. So??"

" Why sir??"

Felix straighten his posture and asked right away.

" It is none of your concern. It's my job to accept who we protect and who we give shelter to and I have decided to give Amelthia that so you only do your job properly."

Chief said in a slightly irritative tone.

"But sir how am I supposed to protect her or from whom am I supposed to protect her when I don't even know the reason why she is here."

Felix said with more curiosity growing in him.

"Remember to protect her from everyone, every single man on this earth. You can leave now."

Chief said right away in an attempt to dismiss him quickly so he wouldn't have to answer him more.

Felix couldn't ask anymore, The way the chief asked him to leave surely showed that he doesn't want him here.

"Yes sir."

Felix bowed and left the room.

Who is she!!?

Why is she here??

And why protect her from everyone, especially men??

Felix walked down the hall while thinking about all these questions. This has happened very first time in his whole career that someone came like this without any identity and the chief accepted him. He felt like he needs to find who she is.

Felix paced to his office and called one of his persons to find every single piece of information he can about Amelthia.

"Find who she is. Where she worked before, her school, her college, her driving license any information you can just find all and give me you have one day."

Felix placed the phone back.

There is something about her that I am bothered by like this!

I am the security head. Why did sir even appoint me for her protection there are hundreds of guards working here then why me??!