
Veiled Storm

When Jiang Shiqin arrived at the Distant Lands governed by the five great sects, he was forcefully pulled into the underlying currents of history. In a time when righteousness obscures murder and friendship is worth less than a cup of wine, an individual's strength is insignificant. Life favours no one.

little_goldfish · Eastern
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31 Chs

Preparations (5)

He could not help but examine the man standing in front one more time, searching for any trace of deception. All that he saw was exquisite clothing and jewels and soft skin unhardened by life, the scent of heavily applied orchid perfume overshadowing even his woman's light honeysuckle fragrance. It was the typical image of a wealthy family's heir.

Jiang Shiqin felt faintly interested in the Lei family, as he wondered how his parents could have nurtured such a spoiled yet commiserating son. Around him were similarly raised young men and women from affluent families with colorful robes and proud behaviors, and yet they all possessed clear eyes that held not the slightest trace of compassion or sympathy. Jiang Shiqin bet this would remain unchanged even if what was in front of them was a servant being beaten nearly to death.

"Seeing that your worship Sister Dai so much," young master Lei coughed, waving the fan around in a haughty manner, "this young master will do you a favor and tell you a secret." He then glanced at his surroundings before continuing in a lowered tone. "Sister Dai likes beautiful things, but she is particularly interested in calligraphy. It is rumored that a noble from a foreign land once gifted her the original scroll of 'Preface to the Poems Composed at the Orchid Pavilion' by Wang Xizhi (*), and she liked it so much that she accompanied him for the entire duration he was here in the Distant Lands. The key to a woman's heart," there was a hint of superiority in his voice, "is treasures, got it?"

*Wang Xizhi was a master of Chinese calligraphy during the Jin Dynasty (265 – 420). 'Preface to the Poems Composed at the Orchid Pavilion' was one of his most famous works, and legends allege that Emperor Taizong of Tang (598 - 649) admired the work so much that it was buried with him in the mausoleum.

Jiang Shiqin altered his smile into an admiring one. "Young master Lei's wisdom truly impresses this one." The flash in his eyes went unnoticed.

The prodigal son laughed in satisfaction. "Of course, of course."

Jiang Shiqin cupped his hands together, seemingly grateful for young master Lei's advice. "Young master Lei is truly a light in the darkness. In this life, Qin shall never forget this favor." He added a slight bow of the head, consciously ignoring young master Lei's companion's smirk. Thick skin made a successful man was a universally acknowledged principle. "Young master Lei, Qin happens to have some herbs for energy replenishing in his possession. Even though your favor is vast as the sea and Qin can never repay you enough, would young master Lei accept them?"

Bewilderment filled young master Lei's powdered face for the second time today.

Jiang Shiqin quickly clarified. "Qin happened to be there the last time young master Lei fainted on the streets. Young master Lei must have overexerted himself working, was it not?"

"Ah, yes," the man nodded, looking relieved at the excuse that Jiang Shiqin had readily provided. "I'm a busy person. In fact, it's not just me, all the families are busy during this period of time. My peers," at this word, there was a trace of belittlement in his voice as he gestured to some of the other customers, "might have enough time messing around, but I've been given important responsibilities."

Jiang Shiqin showed a look of concern. "Young master Lei, what can be so important that your distinguished self have to oversee it personally?"

Young master Lei started to reply before realizing that he did not know the specifics about what the Lei family had been occupied with. However, his pride would not allow him to state such a thing, so he simply passed over the matter as fast as possible. "Just the usual hunt for treasures. In any case," he stressed, "this young master has enough nourishing medicine already, so no need for yours."

Probing further while ignoring the cue for dropping the topic would be countereffective, Jiang Shiqin thought, especially when young master Lei's woman continued staring at him with bright discerning eyes. He then dropped some meaningless words about taking care and withdrew. The information this prodigal son had revealed did confirm something, however.

A few days ago, he had received a report on the rumors of a block of shapeshifting metal resurfacing in the Distant Lands.

Shapeshifting metal, similar to its namesake, was a type of material that could change its form on command. For example, a sword forged from this metal might appear as a normal rigid blade, but once a cultivator ordered it to become a flexible sword, the metal body would suddenly twist itself and land on an unaware opponent. Another example would be its liquid form filling a keyhole then solidifying, thus being able to open even the most sophisticated physical locks. It could be seen, however, that its most valuable quality was its ability to act according to the owner's imagination, and human creativity was said to be unlimited. In terms of preciousness, a small block was worth a city. Even Falling Stars Sect's mysterious Thread of Extremity paled by far in comparison.

If shapeshifting metal was truly determined to be present in the Distant Lands, the noble families' alleged busyness could be explained. In fact, this would definitely attract the attention of the five great sects: Falling Stars Sect, Harmony Sect, Blazing Hawthorn Sect, White Rain Sect and Thousand Blooming Lotus Sect, as well.

Jiang Shiqin spent some time picking an appropriate attire before leaving. The late morning sun was radiant in the crystal-clear sky, a few carefree wisps of cloud floating underneath. On the sides of the road, old men with snowy-white beards conversed with each other while absentmindedly placing a few pieces of chess down. Mahogany buildings lined the street, red lamps and yellow talismans swaying back and forth to welcome eager blue-robed scholars and shy maidens dressed in vivid silk into their shops. Upon seeing a small teahouse with an elegantly curved rooftop, the tiling a rich auburn under sunlight, his feet unconsciously brought him inside.

This time, he was not so fortunate, or unfortunate depending on how people thought, to chance upon another acquaintance. As he slowly sipped the freshly brewed longjing tea, its gentle sweetness dissolving on the tip of the tongue, Jiang Shiqin felt a rare sense of peace and satisfaction.

"Longjing leaves infuse spring water

Mudan flowers envelope melted snow."

He said softly, lightly tracing the fine porcelain cup. It was exceeding rare for him to do anything without a hidden purpose, and this arbitrary visit to the teahouse was certainly revitalizing.

Within the teahouse, other customers' conversations flowed like tea pouring from ivory pots, the topics mostly revolving around the Martial Arts Tournament not long ago, the five great sects and cultivation arts. News from the capital went wholly unmentioned - perhaps most common citizens were not even aware that the Distant Lands was still, at least on paper, under the rule of the imperial family.

Warning: the author is not chinese and knows not a single word of chinese. If there are any inaccurate details or strange names please don't stone this author.

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