
chapter 7

hi dad ,how're u doing tonight

wow wow wow!!!! she who we have here... the CEO of heaven's insurance ltd.... I taught you couldn't make it....

c'mon daddy... your called me..why wouldn't I come... I've missed you daddy.....

come here give me a hug.... I missed you too daddy...

oh Max come in...

Max this is my dad, dad this is Max...

oh gentleman good evening, how are you

good evening sir.... I'm fine and you.... I'm very well... pls feel free.... enter...

where is your sister rose?

I don't know dad... do you expect me to be knowing where she goes to everytime... she will be here soon I know....

here she arrives

hi dad you looking all good... haven't you missed me... don't worry I'll be here to stay for a week.

(clears throat )the food is getting cold....hi lil Sis seems u didn't notice me

yh... actually I didn't... but now you are here... hello how have you been...

ignores her... let's eat father....

heaven pov : Shit.... it's not her fault...hiss


heaven... yes dad.....

we have talked about this everything, but since you have never listened to me,, now I've made the decision.... you don't have to meet any blind dates anymore.... I've arranged everything..... Mr Harry's son.. Shawn, you are getting married to him next month...

cough... cough... cough....

da da dad what do you mean... Shawn?.... Shawn is just my friend..... and and... em and moreover I have a boyfriend dad....

oh wow... that's a good news... why didn't you introduce him to me.... I hope it's part of the list I gave you.... right?

em no father... ac actu .... .ally... he his here with me!!! Max max is my boyfriend daddy... we live each other so much.... he actually wanted to meet you and talk things out....

Max and rose coughs at the same time...

heaven what!!!!! wtf

Max is that true...

Max.... isn't it we love each other right

heaven pov( holy shit... I pray he doesn't Fuck up.... I kept giving him signal)

um yes sir.... I really love heaven....