
Veiled Eclipse

Warning: Mature Content Trigger Warning: Abuse, Trauma, Psychological Chaos, a supreme ruler had killed thousands in order to achieve his throne... However, at what cost. his blessed mate, Erina, was stripped from him, and he is tormented endlessly by the moon goddess. when given a chance to finally find peace things seem to only take a turn for the worst...

Art_Ist_4411 · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 2: Bring Back Her Spark


The air hung heavy with an unsettling tension, as if the very fabric of the cosmos recoiled at the moon goddess's command. Her voice, a potent force, reverberated through the ethereal space, sending shivers down Chaos's spine. The resonance of her words wasn't just auditory; it was a palpable weight that clawed at the edges of his sanity. The cavernous echoes in his mind intensified, a relentless drumming that drowned out all other thoughts.


"Yes," the moon goddess's voice boomed, wrapping around Chaos like an invisible embrace. The booming resonance invaded his ears, causing them to ring in protest. Each word carried an otherworldly weight, a revelation that struck him with the force of a tidal wave. Questions surged within him, crashing into the shores of his consciousness like an unyielding tsunami.


Why hadn't she returned? Wasn't she supposed to have perished in the war, leaving behind the haunting memories of a love lost? The woman he had loved, the one he believed to be lost forever—had she willingly abandoned him all these years? The realization that she had chosen to leave him, to endure years of separation, gnawed at his soul, leaving behind a bitter taste of abandonment.


"Chaos," his mate's voice, a soothing melody amidst the tumult, intruded upon his storm of thoughts. Despite the turmoil within him, he couldn't bring himself to lash out at her, to rip her from his thoughts, the magnetic pull of her voice held him captive. Her words stung with the sharpness of betrayal, yet he couldn't deny the complex emotions that twisted within the depths of her eyes. 


"Chaos, please, you don't understand! Look at me! It wasn't on purpose, please!" Her words sliced through the air, each syllable laced with a desperate plea that hung heavy in the tense atmosphere. He could sense the tremor in her voice, the haunting echoes of a painful memory she had futilely attempted to bury, but the wounds remained unhealed.


His gaze bore into hers, a relentless search for the truth. "Then tell me," he demanded, his voice tinged with a mixture of frustration and aching vulnerability, "tell me why you never tried to come back to me, even a small signal of hope. Why!"


In the golden depths of her eyes, he glimpsed the fractures in her once steely exterior. The pain of loss and betrayal was etched across her features like scars that refused to fade. She hesitated, her voice cracking as she began to unravel the tightly held secret she had harbored for so long. "After the war..." she started, a heavy weight carried in those words. She paused, as if grappling with the ghosts of the past, trying to gather the shattered pieces of composure that threatened to slip through her trembling fingers.

"Chaos," the moon goddess's omnipotent voice intervened, a celestial force that reclaimed their attention, redirecting their attention away from the surge of emotions at hand. "Find my daughter. Find her and bring back that spark she had lost all those years ago and I will put a halt to the relentless nightmare that haunts your every step. If not..." Her voice trailed off, the lingering resonance of her unspoken words casting a shadow over the space, leaving an ominous void that echoed with the weight of unspoken consequences. It was clear what would happen otherwise was much worse then simple nightmares.


"Do you accept my offer?" The moon goddess's question hung in the air, a pivotal moment where destiny awaited a response.


The tension in Chaos's muscles and the unwavering glow in his sapphire eyes spoke volumes within the ensuing silence. The unspoken emotions within him swirled like a raging tidal wave forming in his eyes. Yet, amidst the uncertainty, his determination shone in the darkness and a powerful sense of responsibility befell upon his shoulders. He knew what his answer would be the moment he caught his mate in his arms.


"Yes, Moon Goddess."

He replied, his voice a stern acknowledgment of the pact forged in the unseen realms. However, after what had just been said had been processed, an abrupt shift occurred. The moon goddess and his precious mate appeared to disintegrate into nothingness, their forms unravelling like mist dispersing in the early morning sun. Chaos, who had only just managed to grasp his mate momentarily, resisted the urge to release her so easily. Instead, he clung to her, determined not to let her slip away. But was it ever his choice?


"Alpha," a man's voice rang in his ears, and Chaos felt an irritating nudge at his side.


 Irne's golden eyes began tearing up as the realization hit. Her smooth cheeks flushed with a rosy hue, and her golden eyes gleamed with anticipation and fear. "I will find you! You hear me! I will!" he swore gripping her face. The tears began trickling down her soft face. "Until we meet again, my love," she sung, her words carrying a melody that echoed through the otherworldly space before disappearing into nothingness in his arms and the world he was in began to cave in on itself: fire shining through cracks that formed in its destruction. Falling was the last thing chaos could remember, and then he woke up.