
Veiled Brilliance: Chronicles of a Reincarnated Being

Glen was taken advantage of throughout his entire life. Depressed at the miserable state his life is in, he goes for a walk and ends up dying. He meets the god over death who gives him a second chance at a new life in a world of magic and a system. Join him now, as Eric, as he fights to seek happiness in his new life. This is my first book so feel free to leave your feedback. I feel that criticism helps to improve some people and I'm one of them. Right now I'm writing whenever I have the free time. This isn't meant to be fast paced but if it's too slow just let me know. Expect a few errors because I'm only human after all.

Eaglestriker_22 · Fantasy
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77 Chs

Chapter 68- True Survival Event

I really didn't want to engage in a fight with her here.

I could sense from her mana that she was upset.

What that meant for me was that unlike before, she was going to take this fight seriously.

Fighting her would require my full attention, opening us to third parties who would seek to eliminate us from the ranked games entirely.

Of course, a majority of people were terrified of Adriana, but who's to say no one would try anything.

Therefore, to avoid unforeseen consequences, I had to try to soothe the situation.

I take a risk by lowering my weapons and calming my mana.

"Just checking to see if you still got it."

She calms her mana down a bit as well, returning back to her normal state.

"Nows not the time for games. I'm hungry and I know you have food."

I approach her, taking berries and nuts I've gathered and hold them out to her.

Quickly taking them she cautiously studies them before scarfing them down.

Curious to why she didn't immediately eat them I question,

"Why ask for my food if you don't trust me?"

I don't get a response until she's done chewing what she currently has in her mouth.

"It's not that I didn't trust it, I was trying to see what it looked like, so I know that these were safe to eat."

Taking a second for Pith Orientation to focus on the surroundings, I could sense remnants of forest and negative auras that were dispersing.

"Ah I see... I mean I understand now. This wasn't a clearing until you ate the poisonous fruit."

She crossed her arms, "Glad to see you have it all figured out. More food."

Handing her more berries I ask,

"So, what's your game plan? Knowing you it's probably to just remain in one spot and deal with whatever comes your way until you win."

"Win? I don't care about winning this waste of time or getting a rank."

Confused I ask, "Wouldn't getting a rank make your school life easier for you?"

"I already sleep during class, and nobody bothers me. If it can get easier than that feel free to let me know."

"Hmm. Your right. It wouldn't change for you. Plus, it would surprise me if anyone below your rank challenged you."

She turns to me, "Talk about surprises, I didn't expect you to be so hell-bent on winning that you chose to work with Mariath instead of me."

"What? Why would you think that?"

"Are you blind, she's right there next to you."

I continuously scan around me for Mariath's mana signature, but I only pick up Adriana's and the trees around us.

"Alright I give, I can't sense you."

Suddenly her mana signature appears right next to mine.

"Hah, I did figure out your little trick. Didn't know I was there, did you?"

I didn't panic, for that would only reveal weakness, and calmly said,

"10 points to Verglasfiend. So, what now? You intend to fight me here?"

"Fight you yes, but not here. Not now. Although I'm confident in my victory over you, I can't risk Adriana over there getting in the way of our fight. So don't get eliminated and face me in the final tournament. That rank 1 spot is mine. But don't worry, you're good enough to be second best."

I don't let her taunts sway me with her small victory she has of figuring out my sensing skill.

Still maintaining a calm demeanor, I respond,

"Sorry to be the one to break it to you, but all the showboating you do while casting your spells only makes you a rank 1 cheerleader.

I'll give you some courtesy advice and tell you that if you try that if our fight, you're sure to lose giving me my rightful place as rank 1."

She pretends to be offended.

"You're just jealous of my sweet moves darling. Rightful place? Do you even understand what rank what entails? It means your unparalleled in skill, the best out of anyone in the academy.

Sure, before you could have been rank 1 but now that your blind, your second to me. Take this game for example. On the surface it's a basic survival, but in reality, it's to separate the weak from the strong.

So far there have been those who cling to those who show a bit of power out of fear of getting eliminated. Then those who aren't confident by themselves and form a group to compensate.

Then there are the hunters. I've eliminated three students before ethe first random event, then four more afterwards. All you've done is run to your friend."

Unfazed I respond,

"Your logic has some validation to it. However, there's another point you missed.

There are different types of hunters. There's you, the scavenger, who picks off the weak and takes whatever's left. Then take me, the dominant hunter."

She scoffs, "By your style of fighting, you're an ambusher. There's no such thing as a dominant hunter."

I turn and begin to walk to the forest,

"Then behold as I teach you dominance. "

Knowing that she would just follow me, I teleport places with the clone in the decoy cave and come face to face with 5 monsters sleeping.

Nearly having a heart attack, I instantly crouch and slip into invisibility.

Carefully sneaking out the cave I summon Chathis in shade form using Shade Commander.

He's vaguely humanoid, as his form flickers in and out of shape.

I needed to level the skill more if I wanted him to be at his peak.

Nevertheless, I needed him now for two different reasons.

First, in her haste to prove she was better, Mariath's shouldn't have revealed that she could be unseen through Pith Orientation.

I had some general understanding of how she did it, but until I was sure, Chathis would have to be my eyes.

Also, he had to be the focal point of this next spell.

My mana drains as I finally got to work turning this into a true survival event.


The snores of my teammates echoed throughout the forest that creeped me out as I struggled to keep my eyes open.

Slapping myself softly, I snap more into attention.

I couldn't afford to let my team down by falling asleep while on first watch.

I was lucky to even come across them after Eric's rejection.

In this event, it made sense to stick together as a team.

We fought two different monsters and acquired over 3,000 points together before the first random event.

Watching my team fight them while I provided measly assistance made me realize how unfit I was to be ranked, much less a contender.

So, when I was volunteered for first watch, I had no choice but to accept.

Scouting with my tags was my best skill.

I stood up and stretched, thinking to walk around a bit to wake myself up.

Then a ping goes off on my STONE letting me know that something walked past one of my tags.

I dismissed it as a roaming person, but the pings show that they get closer to our location.

"We got company!"

I yell to walk my team up as I draw my sword.

My teammates groggily get up, as the pings get closer and closer.

I back up slowly, as my team leader steps forward to confront the approaching threat.

Our leader was one of the higher-level Class B Knights in the Academy.

His sword and shield combos made him a threat to any who was unskilled with their weapons.

The brushes rustle telling us that someone was there, but no one comes out.

Stepping forward once more he yells,

"Come out and face us!"

Then there was silence, as a shadow slowly exits the brush, and everyone tenses.

The team leader questions,

"Did we sleep through a surprise random event or something? What monster is this?"

I respond, "If I'm not mistaken, this is Erics spell. It's probably looking for something."

Confused, he says, "I've heard bad things about Eric, we can only consider this as an attack."

Saying that, he doesn't hesitate to charge the shadow, knocking it back with his shield before easily slicing through it with his sword.

Everyone cheers as he motions for us to stop.

"It was probably a scout so we can expect more within the hour. Gather your things and prepare to relocate."

Just when we start to follow his directions, my STONE starts to ping multiple times.

Confused I look at it, then dread fills my body.

"They're already here."

Sorry on his face, the team leader hurriedly asks,

" How many?"

"About 80."

Fear spread through the group of 5 but the team leader once again places himself at the front, preparing for the upcoming wave.

"Anthony and I will hold as many off while Shannon will pick them off. Gregory and you make sure we're not flanked. They aren't that strong but have numbers to their advantage. We can hold this, stand fast brothers and sisters."

At his uplifting words, we have a newfound confidence to face against this threat.

After seconds, shadows burst through the brushes and Shannon unleashes arrow after arrow, but they have no effect as their numbers are overwhelming.

Both our tanks get hit by a wave of shadows and they attempt to retaliate.

We vastly underestimated their speed and strength as both our tanks immediately fall under the sea of shadows.

Fearing elimination, the rest of us turn tail and run off into the forest.

With Gregory beside me, we hear the shrieks of the shadows nearing us, causing us to run faster.

Through our panic, we hear Shannon suddenly scream but I don't look back. I no longer hear the shrieks of the shadows, but I continue running. Even when I'm out of breath and have no idea where I am, I continue running.

Not going to lie, my attention will be mostly on Diablo 4 when it comes out.

So if chapters come out three days apart, you know why.

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