
Veiled Brilliance: Chronicles of a Reincarnated Being

Glen was taken advantage of throughout his entire life. Depressed at the miserable state his life is in, he goes for a walk and ends up dying. He meets the god over death who gives him a second chance at a new life in a world of magic and a system. Join him now, as Eric, as he fights to seek happiness in his new life. This is my first book so feel free to leave your feedback. I feel that criticism helps to improve some people and I'm one of them. Right now I'm writing whenever I have the free time. This isn't meant to be fast paced but if it's too slow just let me know. Expect a few errors because I'm only human after all.

Eaglestriker_22 · Fantasy
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77 Chs

Chapter 63- Two Sides to Every Coin

Knowing that I played her, I smugly say, "Well according to the deal it's my turn to hit you with my best spell."

She throws up both her hands, "Wait, you cheated, there's no way there wasn't even a scratch on you."

"You're a sore loser.

I promised that your spell would hit right. It hit and did nothing to me now it's my turn to hit you with my best spell.

Unfortunately for you my best spell just so happens to be something that can contest an entire army."

Everyone even the teacher stares in shock at what I've said.

She responds, "You cant be serious, no one has that kind of power."

"I mean, it's not that hard to just show you."

From the shadows next to me, a purple crystal arises which sends a bolt of lightning on the ground in front of me leaving a trail of dark smoke.

From that dark smoke, a line of shades form which sends everyone into a panic.

Seeing that she should do something, she forms another smaller fireball and sends it to a shade.

The fireball slams into the shade which explodes, shattering the shade and others next to it.

She smiles thinking that this will be easier than she thought, but from the still scorching smoke on the ground comes more shades who fill in the empty spaces in the line.

Now letting her understand the situation she's in, I reach out my hand, "Attack."

For a dramatic effect, I make the shades let out an unholy scream which makes the crowd look in horror at my creations.

The shades then full sprint towards her, sending her into a panic as well.

She desperately launches a fireball, each one progressively smaller than the last, at the approaching wave of shades but it's to no avail.

The shades reach her and begin to claw or punch anything they can reach, entirely circling her until there's no sight of her.

The teacher shouts, "Eric stop this, you'll kill her."

"Fine, it wasn't as fun as I thought it was going to be anyways."

The shades and the crystal all disappear at once, revealing a bloody mess across the platform from me.

Two people hurry on the platform to grab her as I begin to walk off.

I have no trouble getting through the crowd as they don't want to get anywhere near me.

Leaving the combat grounds and entering the doors to the school, I regain control of myself fully and the events of what I've just done continue to flash through my mind.

Sure I've killed people before, but to be able to put people through that level of pain, I needed Chathis to take over for a bit.

He played his part well, as I was not strong enough mentally to do what he did yet.

It was the first time Chathis was in the driver's seat for so long and it felt weird.

It was like I was in a trance, watching through my eyes what was happening but someone else moving or saying things for me.

I also knew somehow, that I could regain control at any given moment.

There were plenty of moments were I felt as though he was taking it too far, but I refrained from interfering.

Soon, news of what occurred will spread all across the academy, starting my reputation.

There were negative repercussions to my actions, but I would have to deal with that as came across them.

In the meantime, I had to worry about getting to class.

It was already 40 minutes into the class, and he was still teaching everyone the most effective way to use Invisibility.

The goal for the month was to have everyone be able to consistently cast Invisibility and not get lucky like the other two did.

He refrained from bothering me as he knew that I already could perfectly cast the spell and just returned from challenges.

I instead took that time to think about the future ranked games.

Obliviously information on what the two games prior to the battles were classified.

I was sure even the teachers themselves didn't know.

If I were to guess, the illusionary spell that placed us in a virtually created realm would be used.

There we would probably fight insanely strong monsters or impossible puzzles and get graded on our performance.

I was trying to figure what I could to train to better prepare for them.

The bell rung, interrupting my thoughts as I got up to head to the next class.

Walking among the students, I realized how fortunate I was to remember the path to the next class as I couldn't read the signs telling me my current location anymore.

Seeing as how everyone wasnt shying away from my presence, I could safely assume that word hadn't reached everyone's ears yet.

If it's the same result at lunch, I would hate to have to cause a scene but I would do what I must.

As I entered the weapons mastery class, I heard a couple of students stop mid sentence then begin to whisper to the others.

I knew that instant that some of them assuredly was there to see the challenges and was warning the others.

Ignoring them, I made my way over to Adriana who was leaning against a wall whose mana gave off strong vibes of boredom.

They subtly changed to a hint of excitement as she saw me heading her way, not enough to change her entire mood, but enough to catch her interest.

"Ive trained you well, young one. Your only mistake was letting them live to tell the tale of surviving an encounter with you."

"I really don't want to deal with the headmaster."

She waves my statement off, "Forget about him, he's a beastkin, what's the worst he can do?"

Somehow, I had almost forgotten about her thing against beastkins.

"You say that like he didn't break the fight up between you and the Princess that one time and make you guys come to his office."

She scoffs, "I went because he had nice chairs in his office."

"So why do you have such good behavior after talking to him?"

"He promised that if I go the entire school year without incident, he was going to take me to a spot where I can kill all the beastkin I want. It's a good deal for just not doing anything."

"Well good for you. What's the reason you hate beastkins so much anyway?"

Before she can respond, Mr. Galeran shouts for our attention to begin class.

"Alright listen up. Next week, you guys won't be here because of the ranked games, but that doesn't mean you should slack in your training of weapon stances.

By the end of the month, I want each of you to demonstrate weapon stances 1-5, with only a minimum of 3 mistakes.

So continue today with your practice and I'll go around and assist those who need it."

Everyone heads to the weapon rack, grabbing a wooden version of their own weapons.

Since I don't know what weapon stances he's referring to, I need him to clarify.

"Mr. Galeran, I wasn't here this week, so I don't know what weapon stances I need to know for the daggers."

"Yes, the headmaster informed me of your absence. Very well, grab the wooden daggers and I'll show...hmm. How can you learn these if you're blind?" He asks.

"Magic." I respond while grabbing my two wooden daggers, excited to learn something new. Garbhan taught me some things about the daggers, but his knowledge was limited so I was basically self-taught.

Coming up next to him he begins, " Daggers supposed to be secondary weapons, in case you lose your primary.

That being said, they are the main weapon to those who deal in Assassination.

Daggers are used to thrust, slice and stab in various positions in the form of grips. There are two different grips, standard and reverse.

Weapon stance 1 is a basic dual wield stance where your main hand has a standard grip and the off hand in a reverse grip.

Hold your arms close to your body with your elbows bent.

This stance provides high mobility with optimal ways to both attack and defend.

Second stance you hold both main and off hand daggers in standard grips.

Now you cross your arms at the wrists in front of you to form an X.

This stance provides an excellent way to confuse enemies by attacking at unique angles but little in terms of defense.

Third stance you hold your main hand with a standard grip and your off hand with a reverse grip.

Angle both of which to be pointing behind you.

Align both blades to be alongside your arms with your elbows bent and close to your torso.

This is for those up close and personal engagements which helps with it's quick attacks and even quicker defense."

As he finishes his lesson, I sigh heavily with disappointment.

Hearing my sigh he turns to me, "What?"

"Well I already knew this."

Don't expect a chapter over the weekend, I'll be streaming a lot and don't plan on writing much. If you want to join its Eaglestriker22 on Twitch.

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