
Veiled Brilliance: Chronicles of a Reincarnated Being

Glen was taken advantage of throughout his entire life. Depressed at the miserable state his life is in, he goes for a walk and ends up dying. He meets the god over death who gives him a second chance at a new life in a world of magic and a system. Join him now, as Eric, as he fights to seek happiness in his new life. This is my first book so feel free to leave your feedback. I feel that criticism helps to improve some people and I'm one of them. Right now I'm writing whenever I have the free time. This isn't meant to be fast paced but if it's too slow just let me know. Expect a few errors because I'm only human after all.

Eaglestriker_22 · Fantasy
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77 Chs

Chapter 61- You're Not That Guy Pal

I paid no mind as to what everyone around me was doing as I thought about what I should do.

A top ranker would be the best out of everyone at the school, therefore they would easily complete this task.

I wanted to focus more on the challengers I have on my list at the moment but if I go by that standard, I had to show that I could multicast right now.

I stand and begin to approach the rune, which snaps everyone's attention to me.

Before getting to the rune, I cancel out Pith Orientation to start a new mana flow as I effortlessly cast both Blessing of the Fox and Blessing of Invigoration on the training dummy.

Finished, I step off the rune, then recast Pith Orientation as I walk back to my seat.

The stunned Professor Rainer recovers, "Well that was unexpected. I don't think there has been anyone who figured it out as quickly as you Mr. Eric.

Until everyone else shows that they can multicast, there's no need for you to come to this class as I won't be moving on to the course after the dungeon quite yet."

Leaving the class, I head to the empty combat grounds to wait on my opponent and get this fight out the way.

I have no idea who is challenging me but I know that whoever it is still has to be in class unlike me.

Which gives me time to mentally prepare myself for the plan that I had to come up with so that I wouldn't get taken advantage of.

The worst thing that I could do right now is turn to rely on someone for help.

Its within human nature to always feel superior to others, whether they admit it or not.

What people would expect is for me to avoid fighting right now and get help from some third party to stall the challenges.

However, those five days gave me a lot to think about how to properly proceed from hereon.

From my experiences in both lives, I've learned that there are two types of leaders that people are affected by.

The ones that the weaker hold high respect for and somehow will blindly follow and the ones they fear who they will do anything to avoid.

Anything neutral and people question your ability time and time again until you make that mistake and lose everything.

Which made me reflect on myself, how was I going to be seen?

When I first arrived, I was adored because I was an elf but wasn't seen to be powerful.

I felt like I proved that I wasn't a pushover and wanted the top spot but lacked the ambition to do so.

Now, I have even more power but its not a power that everyone will come to respect.

Which leaves me the only option of being a leader that everyone fears, mostly because they fear the power I have come to wield.

It also doesn't help that I'm associated with Adrianna and the Mournwalker family.

I have no idea what they did to get the reputation they have, but being known with them will carry a certain fear that I'll use to my advantage.

Taking a deep breath and letting it out, I'm now ready to play my part of being the villain I need to be, hoping I don't sound too cringey.

After a few more moments, the bell rings signaling the end of the first class and I get into position, ready to make my entrance.

A crowd of people follow a tall, buff guy who strides arrogantly into the challenging grounds carrying his sword and shield.

Stepping into the platform, he scans around and not seeing me he smiles,

"Figures he didn't show, no doubt the teacher overseeing this will say the challenge is delayed as well.

Just goes to show that me being placed in Class C was a mistake as even someone in Class A is scared to fight me."

A teacher of Class C stops him, "I've yet to hear anything from Mr. Eric so the challenge still continues. Although he has less than 2 minutes to appear before it counts as a no show."

Smiling that even a teacher can't sense me, I project my voice, "Pathetic that you'd think I wouldn't show to take care of this Class C reject."

Everyone starts looking around frantically for the source of the voice.

I begin to slowly ascend from the shadows I was hiding in across the platform letting shades occasionally flash out and scream unholy screams for a second before they go back under as I maintain the most devilish smile I can think of.

Seeing that my theatrics were working, I let the shades glide me across the platform right up to them without having to take a step myself.

Seeing that both the teacher and student who challenged me were still stunned, I took the initiative.

"Mighty quiet now, I can imagine you would be as your only talent is to lift weights, not make plans.

Ill make this easy on both of us by saying there are no terms to this fight, I'll just try my best to not kill you."

He then tries to renew his lost momentum.

"You are showing up just proves that you are blind, I'm not scared of you. I'll fight you on equal terms and have no conditions as well."

The teacher snaps out of his stupor, "Well the terms have been set so on my mark you may begin fighting."

I once hover away from him, never letting my devilish smile fade.

Nervously, he raises his sword and shield prepared for any attacks that I'll send his way.

On the other hand, I put my hands in my uniform pockets while making no effort to put up any type of guard.

The teacher then shouts, "Begin!"

The student bursts forward, shield in front of him as he intends to charge me down while protecting himself from anything I might do.

Unfortunately for him, I've long ago made peace to spend some soul power today.

I spread my shadows out in front of me, sliding under his feet as he continues his reckless charge.

Everyone who is foolish enough to believe in his stupid plan and has been cheering him on suddenly goes quiet and he falls face first on the ground.

Gasps of surprise can be heard as they see a tendril of shadow lift him into the air making him drop his sword and shield.

Now I can't contain my excitement as I think about how much time I've spent practicing Shadowmancy to improve it to this point.

Normally Shadowmancy needs higher tiers to create larger shadow figures, but when you activate Shade Summoner to spread out a line of shadows before, you can summon tendrils of shadow up to the current tier.

Panic is clearly on his face as he swings back in forth in the air, clueless of what's happening.

Three more tendrils of shadow bind his other arms and legs, correcting him in the air.

Desperate to regain control of the situation he shouts, "Put me down and fight me like a man."

I sneer at his stupidity then let the shadows travel further up his limbs.

"Learn this lesson, as I once had to that those who are weak will have to beg for their lives to be spared from those who are stronger.

Now start begging."

Shocked at what was said he remains silent.

To give him some encouragement, one of his arms violently snaps in an angle it's not supposed to, causing him to scream out in pain and astonished gasps from the crowd.

One girl runs up to the teacher grabbing him, "He's hurting my boyfriend, stop him."

With a solemn expression, the teacher says, " I can't interrupt a challenge unless one of them surrenders."

She continues to plead, " This can't be within school regulations, you have to stop this."

He turns towards the crowd, "This is actually within Mr. Erics right as there were no conditions set on this challenge.

Basically, as long as a healer can heal the wound in the infirmary, it's allowed.

Let this be a lesson to all who challenge in the future.

Over his screaming I shout, "So what should you be saying right now?"

Panting from the pain he hurriedly says, "I surr..."

I cut him off by slamming him into the ground three times.

I bring him back up face to face with me, "You're not about to get off so easy."

He starts to lose it, frantically tossing back and forth trying to free himself while screaming,

"Someone help me please."

"No no that's not how were playing this game."

With that said his leg snaps in the same way his arm did.

Through his crying and screaming, the teacher shouts, "Eric that's enough."

Ignoring the teacher I shout, "Beg!"

Tears streaming from his eyes and snot running down his nose, he starts shrieking, "Please don't hurt me anymore, I'm sorry. Please let me go I won't bother you again, I swear on my family's name."

"I don't know I'm kind of enjoying myself."

He once again starts squirming while screaming, "Please!", repeatedly.

I laugh at his struggle dropping him heavily to the ground, "Good boy, you can surrender now."

People in the crowd don't bother hearing him say he surrenders as they hurriedly rush forward to grab him, wary of me.

They start to leave when I call out, "Where are you guys going? I still have more challengers. Bring out the next on the list."

The teacher gasps, "Y-y-your joking, right?"

I was writing this story while at an important meeting at work today. I think its safe to say I now have way more time to write.

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