
Veiled Brilliance: Chronicles of a Reincarnated Being

Glen was taken advantage of throughout his entire life. Depressed at the miserable state his life is in, he goes for a walk and ends up dying. He meets the god over death who gives him a second chance at a new life in a world of magic and a system. Join him now, as Eric, as he fights to seek happiness in his new life. This is my first book so feel free to leave your feedback. I feel that criticism helps to improve some people and I'm one of them. Right now I'm writing whenever I have the free time. This isn't meant to be fast paced but if it's too slow just let me know. Expect a few errors because I'm only human after all.

Eaglestriker_22 · Fantasy
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87 Chs

Chapter 25- Challenging the Spawn Room

In the following days, I continued dungeon delve with the party, avoiding spawn rooms, just having small skirmishes in rooms and the hallways.

Our team work has improved but I've noticed that everyone has their flaws. I found that Nerriwyn desired perfection, not taking a shot until she was absolutely sure she was going to hit and maintain a perfect accuracy.

Fartumal actually only became a Guardian class and tank to support Nerriwyn and hated pain which is why he would only shield.

Orihana did have a fear of blood but it seemed like she would only lose focus on whatever she was doing, staring at the blood instead.

Of course, my flaw was that I couldn't use half my arsenal of spells and skills.

As it was clear that my days in Company of Sparrows were coming to an end, we decided to give the spawn room a shot.

In preparation of the upcoming spawn room fight, Orihana purchased a map of the second dungeon floor to minimize encounters until reaching the spawn room.

I brought health and mana potions, dispersing them amongst the party members, while Nerriwyn and Fartumal reserved the spawn room for our party.

With everything and everyone gathered in front of the dungeon, as ready as we could be. We entered and followed the map avoiding frogmen hotspots until we reached a fancy blue wooden door.

Fartumal hesitates, his hand on the door handle. "We sure we want to do this. According to the guide, we can expect at least 30 frogmen with a random summoner as well."

Nerriwyn places her hand on his shoulder, "We'll do fine, we're well prepared for this and if we don't try this now while we have Eric, we probably never will.

We've done more this week than anything we've done since we started this party. If there's ever a chance to challenge the spawn room, it's now."

I sigh in relief as Nerriwyn stepped up to give the encouraging words to her brother because I didn't have any.

He was the one who first suggested we challenge the spawn room and the first to doubt. Worst case scenario would be us leaving without trying the spawn room and I come back with Garbhan.

Fartumal smiles, nodding his head at her, then opens the door to a large room with various brightly colored coral on the sides of the walls, heading down in an incline towards a large bed of seagrass swaying to no wind, with a giant orange seahorse resting in the middle.

Its lengthy tail was wrapped around the grass, a giant fin on its back flapping slowly, keeping it afloat. As everyone entered, the door closes behind us, and we stand on guard preparing for anything.

The door closes making the seahorse's head turn our direction. Noticing our presence and lets out a resounding growl.

It then cocks its head back, clicking as blue lights travel down both its sides to its tail. Its tail unfurls and launches eggs in a row below it.

The eggs begin to crack, and frogmen fall out, grasping tridents, their beady black eggs staring aimlessly at nothing.

From beside me I hear Nerriwyn say in disgust, "Eww, there's no way I'm forgetting that." All the frogmen look in our direction and charge.

Fartumal and Orihana begin their chant as Nerriwyn shoots down a charging frogman. My new perk, In the Zone, activates as I try to activate Mana Sponge to summon a clone but it fails so I just use my own mana.

I draw my daggers and decide to whittle their numbers down before they threaten Fartumal and cast Invisibility sending my clone in ahead of me. The clone draws it's daggers and begins slashing away at the frogmen who are just standing there.

From the days I've been using Shadow You, I've noticed it's slower, not smart with engages, and didn't oneshot anything. I look at the frogman's status.

Lesser Frog Spawn LVL 1

Health: 100

Mana: 10

I race at a group of 10 frogmen using my boot's ability to dash past 3 frogmen, slicing their throats. The rest take action, bringing their tridents up to charge at me, and my clone flies by slicing 2 more as well.

As their focus turns to my clone, I recast Invisibility and flank the group. The frogmen surround and repeatedly stab my clone, even long after it's just a cloud of darkness.

Confused as to why they're dumber than usual, I proceed to slash and stab any frogmen I encounter, who fail to realize I'm there after my Invisibility ends.

As I cut down the last frogman of the group, I realize that the summoner must have decided quantity over quality and felt to overwhelm us with numbers.

I take a look at the group and see 7 frogmen banging against a Fartumal's shielded defense and he's having no problems holding them back.

Orihana has already finished her chant giving us the healing blessing, and I notice 3 frogmen attempting to flank the groups right.

Even without my speed blessing I'm too fast for them as they stumble around on their webbed feet and stab the first one, I reach behind the back.

The rest turn to confront me, the next one thrusting his trident towards my chest, which I easily deflect to the left and slash his throat with the other dagger.

The last frogmen toss his trident me, and sails too far to the right, striking the coral. Not sparing another second on the last frogman, I cut him down, I gaze at the seahorse, who I notice is still laying eggs.

I assumed that it was going to stop initially but it seems that if we didn't stop it now, there were to be more than 50 frogmen.

I yell to the rest of the team, "I'm going to stop the summoner. It's making more eggs and doesn't look like it's stopping anytime soon. "

Nerriwyn pauses her current shit and aims toward the seahorse. "Don't worry, I got it." She begins to chant, her arrows glowing yellow, and when she finishes her chant, she lets go, but the arrow remains.

It twirls in place rapidly, making a dangerous humming noise, lightning bolts arcing off to the coral. Just when I blink, I see the after image of the arrow hurtle past Fartumals shield defense, killing the remaining 4 frogman in front of it, then continue on striking the seahorses tail with a flash of yellow. As it connects, we hear thunder then the seahorses cry of pain, as it brings the remains of its tail up, the rest a charred stump.

The seahorse turns its head at Nerriwyn, furious at the loss of its tail as it rises, its fin flapping frantically as it begins to click 3 times. Lights begin to once again glow on its side down to its tail, humming as they descended.

As it reached the last light it had on its tail, the seashore abruptly vanishes, leaving just silence were it once stood.