
Veil of Shadows: Durian's Enigma

Durian, once a cunning dealer thriving in the grim underworld of a corruption-ridden city, faces a brutal betrayal at the hands of his closest ally, Roland. Unexpectedly, this treachery becomes a gateway to a new existence. After an ominous confrontation leaves him at death's door, Durian awakens in a realm far removed from the familiar city's underbelly. This new world is a place where magic pulses in the air and unseen forces of darkness stir in the shadows. The path before him is shrouded in mystery, his role in this world yet unknown. An enigmatic journey unfolds, where the past is but a forgotten whisper and the future, a veiled promise of darkness and power.

PogromcaZmywci22 · Fantasy
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41 Chs

The Preparations

After leaving the barracks, Durian made his way to the family chamberlain to prepare for the upcoming journey. The Blackwood family, though a knight family, managed their assets wisely. They engaged in various businesses in Windcrest city, with their most prominent venture being the lumber business. This enabled them to accumulate a considerable amount of wealth compared to other knight families in the region, rivaling even some impoverished baron families.

Durian, driven by his insatiable greed, saw this journey as an opportunity to not only fulfill his mission but also to seize potential financial gains. He approached the chamberlain, a stern yet respected figure in the household, his voice laced with a hint of authority. "I require horses, provisions, and small potions for the journey to Windcrest," Durian demanded.

The chamberlain nodded, his expression stoic but professional. "Of course, my lord. Your requests shall be fulfilled. Is there anything else you require?"

Durian smirked, his eyes glinting with cunning. "I will also need a sum of 1000 silver coins," he stated, his voice dripping with confidence. "I must ensure I have sufficient funds for any unforeseen circumstances that may arise during our stay in the city."

The chamberlain's eyebrows raised ever so slightly at the audacity of Durian's request. He knew that Durian held a position of privilege within the family, but such a substantial amount of money was not given without cause. After a brief pause, he nodded in acquiescence. "Very well, my lord. I shall arrange for the coins to be delivered to you. However, I must remind you to exercise prudence in your expenditures."

Durian chuckled, the sound carrying a hint of malevolence. "Rest assured, Chamberlain. I always make wise investments." His eyes gleamed with a mix of greed and amusement.

With the chamberlain's promise to fulfill his requests, Durian dismissed him, eager to continue his preparations. He spent the next two days secluded, focused on honing his skills and strengthening himself.

As Durian molded the energy within him, his thoughts drifted to the potential gains he could secure in Windcrest. The city's bustling markets and lucrative opportunities stirred his greedy desires. With each passing day, his dark power grew, evolving from a mere puddle to a small pool. It pulsed with a malevolent energy, resonating with his own twisted ambitions.

Amidst his solitary practice, a knock resounded on the chamber door, breaking his concentration. Durian's lips curled into a wicked smile as he rose from his meditation. He opened the door to find a maid standing before him, her eyes filled with deference.

"Lord Oliver has requested me to inform you, my lord, that the soldiers have fully recovered from their injuries," the maid relayed, her voice soft and respectful.

Durian's amusement could not be contained as a dark chuckle escaped his lips. The maid's eyes widened slightly at the eerie sound, but she quickly composed herself. "Thank you for informing me," he replied, his voice laced with wicked delight. "They will be of use to me."

The maid nodded and bowed slightly, her eyes avoiding direct contact with Durian's intense gaze. "As you command, my lord."

With the maid's departure, Durian allowed himself a moment of twisted satisfaction. He chuckled to himself, relishing in the anticipation of the impending journey and the opportunities that lay ahead. His plans were falling into place, and the city of Windcrest would soon bear witness to his ruthless ambition.