
Veil of Shadows: Durian's Enigma

Durian, once a cunning dealer thriving in the grim underworld of a corruption-ridden city, faces a brutal betrayal at the hands of his closest ally, Roland. Unexpectedly, this treachery becomes a gateway to a new existence. After an ominous confrontation leaves him at death's door, Durian awakens in a realm far removed from the familiar city's underbelly. This new world is a place where magic pulses in the air and unseen forces of darkness stir in the shadows. The path before him is shrouded in mystery, his role in this world yet unknown. An enigmatic journey unfolds, where the past is but a forgotten whisper and the future, a veiled promise of darkness and power.

PogromcaZmywci22 · Fantasy
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41 Chs

Brutal Lesson

Durian stood in the center of the training grounds, his sword unsheathed and a mocking expression on his face. The five chosen initiate knights rushed towards him, their determination fueling their every move. The duel was about to begin.

As the knights attacked individually, Durian observed their every move with a calculating gaze. He saw their eagerness to prove themselves, but also the glaring mistake they made—attacking without coordination. It was a reminder that what separated soldiers from bandits was not just their equipment or the legality of their actions, but also their planning and organization.

With a superior combination of strength, speed, and agility, Durian effortlessly deflected and evaded their strikes. He unleashed brutal slashes aimed at non-vital points, causing pain without incapacitating them. The longer the battle raged on, the more injuries appeared on the young warriors' bodies. The ground beneath them became increasingly stained with blood, and the pain began to penetrate deep into their souls.

Durian's expression grew bored and disappointed as he toyed with the knights, their lack of skill apparent with each passing moment. He knocked them down easily, his strikes fueled by his own malicious delight.

Finally, Durian halted his assault, his sword poised at the ready. He gazed at the battered and defeated knights before him, a sense of disdain lingering in his eyes. "You are truly disappointing," he spat, his voice dripping with disdain. "But perhaps there is still hope for improvement."

Oliver, though physically weakened, stepped forward, his voice calm but stern. He turned his attention to the defeated knights, recognizing the need to address the lesson they had learned. "My fellow knights," he began, his gaze sweeping across the group. "Today, you witnessed the consequences of disorganization and individualism. As soldiers, our greatest strength lies in unity."

Oliver's words resonated with the knights, their expressions shifting from disappointment to understanding. He continued, his voice steady and firm. "Remember, the success of our missions relies not only on our individual skills, but also on our ability to work together, to support one another. Let this experience serve as a reminder of the importance of coordination and strategic thinking on the battlefield."

Durian, unaffected by Oliver's words, remained silent, his attention fixed on the defeated knights. His mind schemed, recognizing the potential leverage he held over them through their families. He would use this advantage to ensure their loyalty, even if it meant resorting to cruel methods.

Oliver, unaware of Durian's ulterior motives, nodded with a sense of understanding. He recognized the ruthlessness within Durian but also acknowledged the importance of instilling this lesson in the soldiers. With a final glance at Durian, he concluded, "Now, let us ensure these brave knights are quickly healed. Durian, in three days, you shall depart for the city. May your journey be successful."

Durian's gaze shifted towards Oliver, his expression revealing nothing of his true thoughts. He nodded curtly, acknowledging the instructions. "Understood," he replied coldly.