
Veil of Shadows: Durian's Enigma

Durian, once a cunning dealer thriving in the grim underworld of a corruption-ridden city, faces a brutal betrayal at the hands of his closest ally, Roland. Unexpectedly, this treachery becomes a gateway to a new existence. After an ominous confrontation leaves him at death's door, Durian awakens in a realm far removed from the familiar city's underbelly. This new world is a place where magic pulses in the air and unseen forces of darkness stir in the shadows. The path before him is shrouded in mystery, his role in this world yet unknown. An enigmatic journey unfolds, where the past is but a forgotten whisper and the future, a veiled promise of darkness and power.

PogromcaZmywci22 · Fantasy
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41 Chs

A Test of Loyalty

After their initial conversation, Durian approached Oliver, expressing his gratitude for the guidance he had received. He requested five young and promising initiate knights to accompany him on his upcoming mission. Oliver agreed, setting a time and place to meet later in the day to select the candidates.

With his immediate plans settled, Durian made his way back to the manor. He instructed a maid to prepare a meal and bring it to his bedroom, where he could rest and regain his strength. Inside the solitude of his chamber, he sat down and engaged in the breathing technique, focusing on healing his wounds and rejuvenating his body. Half an hour of meditation passed before a gentle knock on the door signaled that the meal was ready.

Emily, the maid, cautiously entered and informed Durian of the meal's readiness. He eagerly devoured the food, his hunger driving him to consume it quickly. After finishing, he returned to his meditative state, allowing the energy to flow through him, invigorating his spirit.

As evening approached, Durian sensed the time drawing near to meet with Oliver. He made his way to the barracks, where he found his uncle standing proudly in front of a formation of twenty young men. These were Initiate Knights belonging to the Blackwood family, potential candidates for Durian's escort.

Oliver greeted Durian with a nod. "I have selected twenty of our most promising initiate knights for your consideration, Durian," he announced, his voice brimming with pride. "Each one possesses unique skills and potential."

Durian observed the assembled knights, his eyes scanning each one with a calculating gaze. "Tell me, Oliver, who among them do you think would be the most loyal and dependable?" he inquired, his voice laced with a subtle hint of manipulation.

Oliver's brow furrowed slightly as he considered the question. "Loyalty is a trait that must be tested in the crucible of adversity," he replied cautiously. "However, I must admit, Sir Gregory has displayed unwavering dedication and a strong sense of duty. His family has served the Blackwood family for generations, and that loyalty runs deep."

Durian's lips curled into a wicked smile as he absorbed Oliver's words. Sir Gregory's family loyalty would indeed prove useful in ensuring his own control over the chosen knights.

"Excellent choice, Oliver," Durian replied, his tone dripping with satisfaction. "Sir Gregory shall be among the chosen. Now, present the remaining candidates to me."

Oliver proceeded to introduce each knight, outlining their strengths, weaknesses, and family backgrounds. Durian listened attentively, his mind working tirelessly to formulate a plan to solidify his control over them.

Once Oliver finished presenting all the candidates, Durian made his final selections, his eyes glinting with a cunning intelligence. "I have made my decision," he declared, his voice carrying an air of authority. "Sir Gregory, Sir Marcus, Sir Adrian, Sir Lucas, and Sir William, you shall accompany me on this mission."

The chosen knights stepped forward, a mixture of pride and anticipation evident in their eyes. They felt honored to be selected by Durian, unaware of the sinister motives that fueled his decision.

As the other knights watched with curiosity and a hint of concern, Durian's mind churned with wicked intentions. He saw an opportunity to solidify his control further, to ensure the unwavering loyalty of these knights.

"And now, to truly test your loyalty," Durian stated, his voice taking on a chilling edge. "Draw your weapons and attack me. Show me your commitment to the Blackwood name and the consequences of betraying it."

Oliver and the other knights gasped in disbelief. The audacity of Dur

ian's request shook them to their core. To face him in combat, even as a group, was a daunting challenge. But they knew they had no choice but to obey.

The chosen knights exchanged glances, their expressions a mixture of determination and reluctance. They believed Durian's challenge was an affront to their honor, but they also understood the stakes at hand.

With weapons unsheathed, the five initiate knights took their positions in front of Durian, their eyes narrowing with a mixture of anger and determination. The air crackled with tension as the duels loomed on the horizon.