
Veil of Light and Shadow

In the desolate and enigmatic lands of Shadowcrest Ridge, encircled by curses and plagued with greed and violence, emerges Rayan, a bounty hunter laden with a clandestine mission and armed with the legendary Twilight Blade. His audacious journey through Shadowcrest Ridge is fraught with peril and challenges, pushing him to the brink of his limits. As Rayan ventures deeper, the enigmas of his lineage, the profound secrets of the Twilight Blade, and the astounding conspiracies of the dominions within Auroria Continent slowly unravel. Who are the harbingers of light, and who are the emissaries of darkness? The veil between light and shadow shall ultimately be lifted.

long_yang · Fantasy
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236 Chs

Chapter 84: Elemental Creation

Achisola? A leader?

Rayan looked skeptically at the severely injured slave girl, unable to imagine how a girl of only twelve or thirteen could bear such a heavy fate.

"I don't understand how elemental forces can resist Ninth Tier Battle Qi, but since she's not dead yet, you must have a way to save her, right?"

Duke smiled gently, first gently laying the girl's body flat, then moved away the previously prepared potions, using only his fingers to probe at her neck artery.

"With the protection of elemental forces, she won't die anytime soon, but ordinary potions are of no use to her."

The girl moaned, opened her orange pupils from her coma, and seeing another old man before her, immediately struggled to attack.

"Quite a fiery spirit!"

Duke flipped his hand slightly, causing her to faint again.

"Not bad, she has the makings of a leader for the barbarian tribes."

Duke said teasingly, "It's just a pity she's too young, I wouldn't even fancy her wiping tables for me."

"Having the barbarian tribes' Achisola wipe your tables? And you wouldn't fancy that? Boss, you really love to joke."

Knowing the girl's life was temporarily safe, Rayan finally relaxed.

Duke scoffed, "Do you think I hire assistants randomly? My assistant will inevitably be one of the most influential figures in the Auroria Continent, and even in the realms of gods and demons!"

Rayan was secretly astonished, realizing Duke had such high hopes for him, hopes that far exceeded his own ambitions to become legendary. It seemed to Rayan that achieving that goal was only a matter of time in Duke's eyes, that he could reach even greater heights.

The realms of gods and demons?

Rayan suddenly felt a surge of grandeur, his heart filled with infinite power.

Duke sighed exaggeratedly, "It's a pity I haven't found such an assistant yet, so I have to make do with a fool like you who works for no salary."

"Boss, you..."

Rayan suddenly felt as if he was choking on his own saliva. This wasn't the first time Duke had teased him, but he was really happy because he had an excuse to retaliate against Duke.

"Alright, alright!"

Duke waved his hands in a gesture of surrender, "If you want me to save your little slave, then you can't retaliate over what just happened."


Rayan shook his head helplessly. Duke knew him as well as he knew his own fingers.

Duke chuckled, then cleared his throat and said seriously, "As I said before, ordinary potions can't heal her. Even if you tore apart all of Morien's alchemical books, it would be useless."

"Why? Isn't she just suffering from ordinary injuries? How can even a Grandmaster alchemist's recipe be ineffective?" Rayan asked in confusion.

Duke explained, "Your Ninth Tier Battle Qi didn't act directly on her body but dispersed the elemental forces within her. For someone blessed by the elements like her, as long as the elemental forces can be restored, she can escape the danger to her life. Otherwise, she will surely die in as short as three to five days, or at most a week or two."

Rayan frowned, "But I know nothing about elemental forces, I don't know what to rely on for recovery."

"Faith," Duke said.


Rayan blinked, "Are you saying I should go to the lands of the barbarian tribes and capture a shamanic witch doctor?"

Rayan had learned through the erotic book "Snow Love" that shamanic witch doctors are the spiritual pillars of the barbarian tribes. The tribes do not have alchemists, nor do they believe in potions to cure diseases; they rely solely on shamanic witch doctors for healing.

"Don't underestimate the shamanic witch doctors of the barbarian tribes. With your current abilities, you might not be a match for them."

Duke said seriously, "Shamanic witch doctors possess powerful elemental forces and can easily manipulate the four great elemental creations of wind, fire, water, and earth. In the history of Auroria Continent, the Holy Light Sisterhood also once waged war against the barbarian tribes, but even teams capable of slaying dragons and the elite forces of four nations were defeated by the witch doctors and returned in total defeat."

"Is it really that formidable?" Rayan had thought the barbarian tribes were naturally bullied by the Auroria Continent, not realizing they had their moments of glory.

"The Auroria Continent avoids talking about this history, but records of it still exist beyond the calm sea in the shadow lands."

Duke paused slightly, "In fact, some of my fellow disciples are from the barbarian tribes, but after they joined the Balance Sect, they abandoned worldly grudges and strictly followed the doctrine of balance."

"It's laughable. Without vengeance in their hearts, they have no righteousness, and without righteousness, the teachings they adhere to are nothing but empty words." Rayan coldly stated.

"You have a point. In a sense, vengeance is also an aspect of achieving personal justice..."

Duke pursed his lips, "But your understanding of the Balance Sect is probably still superficial—let's not discuss doctrines, let's talk about the shamanic witch doctors."

Rayan nodded. The Balance Sect was Duke's sect, so he naturally didn't want to make Duke feel embarrassed, and he immediately changed the topic, "One thing I don't quite understand is that shamanic witch doctors seem to be a rare hero type, but why were the united forces of four nations, even including the Holy Light Sisterhood and the Wings of Dawn guild, unable to defeat them?"

"It's said that the four great elemental creations of wind, fire, water, and earth each have two spokespersons among the barbarian tribes, that is, eight shamanic witch doctors. When a ninth appears, they can unite the power of nine people and summon the elemental form of the Creator. In that great battle, nine shamanic witch doctors appeared together, summoning an elemental lord nearly a hundred meters tall, who destroyed half of the Auroria Continent's forces with just one move. Even the first throne's powerful Legendary magic was only a mere itch to the elemental lord."

Duke's lips curled with a mocking smile, "You see, the Holy Light is not invincible or omnipotent."


Rayan nodded, then asked again, confused, "But since the elemental lord is so powerful, why have the barbarian tribes become slaves of the Auroria Continent over thousands of years?"

"The Holy Light's unwinnable wars do not mean that the throne will lose."

Duke shrugged, "The first throne came up with a sinister strategy, which was to sow discord among the tribes, splitting a united tribe into nine, each restraining and consuming the others. Over time, the grudges between the tribes deepened, and the elemental forces became increasingly dissatisfied with their spokespersons. When the new generation of witch doctors gathered to try summoning the elemental lord, the elements no longer responded to their faith—summoning the elemental lord became a legend."

"So that's how it is."

Rayan sighed, "That first throne was really cunning. But you have to admit, her methods achieved the desired results, and they are still effective even thousands of years later."

"If the Holy Light Sisterhood heard this, they'd roast you at the stake—"

Duke's serious lips suddenly showed a trace of contentment, "Speaking of roasting, the way you dealt with those three slave mercenaries was very satisfying."

It made Duke happy, and Rayan felt his efforts were not in vain, a wave of joy in his heart. But he immediately looked worriedly at the unconscious slave girl, "Since shamanic witch doctors are so rare, how can I possibly get them to come to Shadowcrest Ridge to help Achisola heal?"

Duke shook his head, "You don't need to find a shamanic witch doctor, because the girl herself has shamanic blood. I believe the slave mercenaries deliberately waited for her to receive the blessing of the elemental forces and become the tribe leader before they captured her."

He grabbed the slave girl's right hand, looking at her hand back, "Sure enough, she didn't even have time to get the slave brand burned on, the slave mercenaries must have been afraid that her twelve barbarian tribes Sworn Protectors would stop at nothing to save her, so they hurriedly transported her out. As for exactly why they captured her, that I can't guess."

"Sworn Protector? Is that her guardian?" Rayan asked.

"More precisely, Sworn Protector is her brother."

Duke patiently explained, "Each barbarian tribes' Achisola has twelve guards who can exchange lives for loyalty, and when Achisola exchanges her blood with the Sworn Protectors and drinks it, the covenant takes effect, and Achisola gains twelve brothers. These brothers will give up their families and wives, following her to the death, obedient only to Achisola until the last drop of blood is spilled."

"Sealed by blood." Rayan thoughtfully nodded.

Duke continued, "I think, the Righteous Blood Group's slave mercenaries must have split into two groups, one to lure the Sworn Protectors away, and the other to capture the girl who had just undergone the blessing ceremony—only they didn't count on running into you at Shadowcrest Ridge, haha."

Rayan smiled, "Running into me isn't much, I wouldn't have interfered in these matters, but they shouldn't have insulted you, especially in front of me."

Duke raised an eyebrow, "You make it sound like I'm some kind of femme fatale."

Rayan smiled knowingly, "Boss, let's talk about how to treat this—Achisola."

He didn't know the girl's name, so he used "Achisola" as a substitute, since Duke would definitely understand. "Since she has shamanic blood and has been blessed by elemental forces, how should I guide her faith?"

"First we need to see what kind of element sola belongs to."

Duke was more straightforward, simply shortening the slave girl's name to two syllables, "Find water, earth, wind, and fire four kinds of materials to test her, to see which element she reacts strongly to."

"That's easy."

There was water in Rayan's attic, he grabbed a cup of water and dripped it onto sola, then carefully observed her expression.

Besides her chest rising and falling with her breathing rhythm, sola showed no reaction.

"It's not a water spirit element, try earth next." Duke pointed at the bottom of Rayan's boot.

Rayan immediately scraped off a clump of dirt from the sole of his boot, carefully pinched it into powder, and sprinkled it over sola.

sola still had no reaction.

"It's not an earth spirit element, try wind next."

"How do you test for wind?"

"Idiot, wind is air, it's breathing, just blow air into her mouth."

Duke crossed his arms over his chest, a mischievous smile on his face as he stared at Rayan.