
Veil of Justice

Liang Jianwei, a member of the Hidden Mist Sect, stole the very thing that founded the sect—the Hidden Mist Technique. Stealing the hidden technique of the Hidden Mist, Liang Jianwei becomes a hunted fugitive in the depths of the Jianghu realm. Battling fiercely against the elders of the Hidden Mist sect, Jianwei confronts the harsh reality that death seems an inevitable companion in this high-stakes struggle. The corners of the misty mountains become an arena where once his home town, now slowly becoming his resting place. Yet, a twist of destiny intervenes. Instead of meeting his demise, Jianwei is thrust into a new world, a realm with tons of water, and no land to be seen for thousands of miles. In this uncharted world, Liang Jianwei grapples with the echoes of his past as he embarks on a new journey of justice. The stolen Hidden Mist Technique, now a source of justice, the key for Jianwei journey to engrave his name into the world by the means of justice!

Sibeu · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Liang Wei (2)

As the wind howled, it carried the scent of rain and pine through the mist-shrouded mountains.

As the elders locked eyes, their faces twisted with rage.

"We will not stop until we have what is rightfully ours, Jianwei," Elder Mu said, his eyes burning with determination. "And we will make sure you pay for your transgressions."

Jianwei let out a deep breath, his eyes softening.

"I hope you find peace someday, Elder Mu. But I will not let you go any further." He raised his blade, the mist swirling around him.

Elder Mu and the others exchanged confused glances, but their hesitation only lasted a moment. They raised their blades, and the battle was joined. The misty valley was silent except for the sound of swords clashing. Jianwei fought with all his power and skill, but it was not enough. The elders were relentless, and soon, they had him on the defensive.

"You've grown weak, Jianwei," Elder Mu taunted as he dodged one of Jianwei's blows.

Jianwei ignored him and continued to press the attack, his blade flashing in the moonlight.

"Give up, Jianwei. You can't win. Hand over the Hidden Mist Technique, and we'll let you live," Elder Mu said, his eyes filled with disdain.

Jianwei shook his head.

"No. I will not give up. I will not allow the Hidden Mist Technique to be corrupted by the likes of you."

A scornful sneer curled on Elder Mu's lips.

"Then you will die."

Elder Mu lunged forward with lightning-fast reflexes, his blade poised to strike at Jianwei's vulnerable heart.

Jianwei blocked a strike intended to pierce his heart with a quick and precise movement.

Parrying the blow, Jianwei retreated, his eyes displaying unyielding determination.

"Even if I die, I will not allow the Hidden Mist Technique to fall into the sect's hands," Jianwei said. "You have lost your way, Elder Mu. You talked so much about justice that even I was moved, yet you failed to see the truth. It's the world that is unjust, and the people are the ones who must change it. This technique has the power to do that! One only needs the will to create such a thing!"

"Foolish boy. You do not know what you're talking about," Elder Mu snarled.

The clash between the two men echoed through the misty air as their blades sang.

"I was once a part of this sect and know its history. This technique was created by our ancestors for the good of the people. It is not meant to be used for personal gain," Jianwei said, his voice rising with conviction.

Elder Mu shook his head.

"You are wrong, Jianwei. The Hidden Mist Technique belongs to the Hidden Mist Sect. We are its rightful owners and will not allow you to keep it."

The other elders nodded in agreement.

"If you want the Hidden Mist Technique, you will have to kill me," Jianwei said, his voice steady and calm.

Elder Mu's eyes bore into Jianwei with a seething contempt.

"It would be my pleasure."

The mist thickened as the two men clashed again, engulfing them in a shroud of obscurity.

Jianwei clenched his jaw tightly and launched into the attack, his sword gleaming under the moonlit sky. He was determined to defend the secret technique and not give in, even if it meant sacrificing himself.

As the two men fought, the other elders stood back, their eyes wide with fear.

"Do something!" Elder Mu shouted.

The elders hesitated momentarily, and then they all rushed forward, their blades raised.

The mist thickened and swirled around them as they battled, their blades clashing in the night air.

The world around them grew quiet. The only sound was the rhythmic beating of their hearts and their swords cutting through the air.

Suddenly, a gust of wind tore through the valley, sweeping the mist away and revealing a lone figure standing atop a cliff.

"Stop it! Jianwei! You now have no place to go!" the elder said. Looking at Jianwei at the top of the cliff.

The elders looked up at Jianwei, their faces twisted with fear and rage.

Jianwei smiled and shook his head.

"There is no such thing as a no-place-to-go. Even if I die, I will pass on the truth to someone. And that will be my justice."

Jianwei stepped forward and leapt off the cliff, his blade flashing in the moonlight.

"NO! JIANWEI!" The elder screamed as Jianwei fell toward the rocky ground below.

"We're too late..." one of the elders whispered, her voice trembling.

"Damn it, we're going to lose the Hidden Mist Technique." another elder cursed.

They stared down at Jianwei's motionless body, their eyes filled with regret.

"It's over," Elder Mu said, his voice heavy with defeat. "We've lost."

The elders nodded, their faces pale with despair.

"Let's return to the Sect and report what happened here today." Elder Mu said.

"Are you insane?" the other elder snapped. "If anyone discovers we lost the technique, we're all dead."

Elder Mu glared at him.

"Do you want to go down there and try to find his corpse? It's lost in the mist and can never be found."

"Forget it, Mu. We have to leave. We can't afford to be seen here," another elder said.

Elder Mu scowled, but he nodded.

"Fine. Let's get out of here."

With that, the elders vanished into the mist, leaving only a trace of their presence behind.

But down in the mist, Jianwei's body slowly faded into the mist.

His clothing, scrolls, and other valuable items seemed to fade away into the mist, only leaving his name in the legacy of time.