
Veil of Justice

Liang Jianwei, a member of the Hidden Mist Sect, stole the very thing that founded the sect—the Hidden Mist Technique. Stealing the hidden technique of the Hidden Mist, Liang Jianwei becomes a hunted fugitive in the depths of the Jianghu realm. Battling fiercely against the elders of the Hidden Mist sect, Jianwei confronts the harsh reality that death seems an inevitable companion in this high-stakes struggle. The corners of the misty mountains become an arena where once his home town, now slowly becoming his resting place. Yet, a twist of destiny intervenes. Instead of meeting his demise, Jianwei is thrust into a new world, a realm with tons of water, and no land to be seen for thousands of miles. In this uncharted world, Liang Jianwei grapples with the echoes of his past as he embarks on a new journey of justice. The stolen Hidden Mist Technique, now a source of justice, the key for Jianwei journey to engrave his name into the world by the means of justice!

Sibeu · Fantasy
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17 Chs

First Blood in The Mist (1)

But one question burned in his mind, and he couldn't find the answer.

Why did the lieutenant look at me in horror when I awakened my soul essence? And why did my mother look at me in sadness? Also, what is a natural soul?

Jiang Jianwei shook his head.

It's better to focus on the present than worry about things you don't know.

"Mother, what's the difference between a regular soul and a natural soul?"

"A regular soul is just that, a regular soul. They normally come in different types of way's like grass, flowers, beasts, etc. Natural souls are when one's body becomes one with the element. They are rare and very powerful."

Jianwei nodded his head, he understood.

He finally knew why the Hidden Mist technique wasn't working. It was because his soul essence is the technique!

Now that he has awakened his soul essence, he should also have soul power now which will allow him to break through to the next level with his Aqua Mind Resonance technique...

With the sun setting, casting warm shadows over the countryside, Liang Jianwei and his mother walked back home, anticipation rising within him as he pondered the limitless possibilities that lay ahead.


Back at home, Liang Jianwei settled down and closed his eyes, immersing himself in his inner world. As he entered, a vast, tranquil ocean stretched out before him, its azure waters enveloping his entire being in a gentle embrace. The rhythmic ebb and flow of the waves became his soundtrack, a soothing melody that calmed his soul. Within this vast expanse of water, there was only the ceaseless ocean, no other material existed apart from the cool, refreshing water.

Jianwei allowed himself to be immersed in the serenity and peace of the ocean, seeking solace from the chaotic struggles of the outside world. This ocean was more than just a mere representation; it symbolised his profound connection to the Aqua Mind Resonance, a bond that grew stronger with the awakening of his soul essence. With every breath he took, his soul essence merged with the ocean, infusing his being with its power.

As his body transformed, he felt a weightlessness, a newfound agility that sharpened his mind. Like a leaf drifting upon the water's surface, he attuned himself to the rhythm of the ocean, his heartbeat synchronising with its gentle ebb and flow. With each passing moment, his soul essence grew stronger, imbuing him with a surge of newfound strength. But he knew that to reach the pinnacle, this strength alone wouldn't be enough.

Opening his eyes, Liang Jianwei summoned his soul essence into the physical world, shaping it into the form of his own body. A subtle, otherworldly aura radiated from him, casting a soft glow as his body transformed into mist. With his will, he controlled the mist, moulding it into a blade. The mist blade felt right in his hand, as if it had always been there.

Closing his eyes once more, Jianwei felt the gentle sea breeze caressing his face, heightening his senses. With the ocean's rhythm as his guide, he focused on the mist blade, refining its form. As he concentrated, he could sense the immense potential within the mist blade. It surpassed any regular blade, and with the power of his soul essence, he could effortlessly manipulate it.

Clasping his fists, he visualised the mist blade growing sharper, its mist condensing and solidifying. Every ounce of his concentration went into honing the blade, his mind sharpening in tandem. Slowly but surely, the mist blade transformed, its edge glistening under the moonlight. In his hand, Jianwei could feel the hum of power and vitality radiating from the misty essence of the blade.

"Feels good to have a blade back in hand." Jianwei said, letting out a heavy sigh.

Looking at the ethereal mist blade, Liang Jianwei smiled. He knew his soul essence would prove invaluable as he embarked on his journey to the pinnacle of the world, where absolute justice would reign supreme. Liang Jianwei opened his eyes and gazed at the moon; its radiant, silvery glow cast dancing shadows over the tranquil ocean.

The rhythmic sound of waves gently lapping at the shore serenaded his thoughts, immersing him in the scene's tranquillity. Inhaling deeply, Liang Jianwei embraced the serene ocean of his inner world, symbolising his unwavering commitment to the Aqua Mind Resonance.

With his awakened soul essence, he would train diligently, refining his mist blade's elusive essence and moulding it into the ultimate weapon—a weapon forged from the fires of justice, capable of purifying the souls of those who commit crimes.

The moonlight bathed his face, and Liang Jianwei vowed that justice would soon reign supreme in this world under his name! The following day, Liang Jianwei awoke early, eager to train rigorously and perfect his mist blade.

Opening his eyes, he was greeted by the gentle symphony of waves caressing the shore, while the sun's radiant rays softly illuminated the room. As he rose from the bed, Liang Jianwei extended his hand and focused, summoning his mist blade, feeling its presence materialise with a subtle tingling sensation.

"With this mist blade, I will purify the souls of the wicked." He muttered, his sights looking at the mountain range.

He tightly gripped the mist blade, feeling the cool metal against his palm. The refreshing sea breeze tousled his hair as he stood, preparing himself for a gruelling day of training. Liang Jianwei's determination hardened within him, his resolve to bring justice to this world unwavering.

He began his familiar routine, jogging around the village, the rhythmic thump of his footsteps echoing in his ears. As he focused on honing his soul essence and spiritual power through Aqua Mind Resonance, the scent of saltwater filled his nostrils, mixing with the earthy aroma of the surrounding fields.

With each step, he could feel his body growing warmer, the sweat glistening on his skin under the sun's rays. Yet, he pressed on, his determination fuelling his every move. Continuing his training, his senses heightened, and he spotted a group of burly men in loose shirts and shorts. Their heavily tattooed muscles rippled as they conversed, their voices gruff and rough. Liang Jianwei slowed his pace, his eyes scanning their imposing figures.

The surrounding air seemed to carry an aura of unsavouriness. Drawing upon his skills from his previous life, he blended seamlessly into the background, remaining unnoticed. Curiosity sparked within him, and he observed their actions, his gaze fixed on their every move, their conversation reaching his ears like gravelly whispers.

"So, are we going to rob this village today or not? I heard that some of them have a lot of money." A man with a scar on his face said, grinning.

"Yeah, but we should wait until nighttime. That's when they're most vulnerable." Another man said, his voice cold.

Liang Jianwei could barely keep his rage under control. These men were planning to rob his village! He clenched his fist and gritted his teeth.

He wouldn't stand for this injustice.

He will not allow these thugs to bring fear and terror to his people!