
VegasPete - The Way You Taste

warning: maturecontent. Vegas and Pete live together in the Minor Family mansion. Vegas will have to join forces with the Main Family for an important weaponry deal, causing Pete and Arm to work together undercover. This makes a possessive Vegas mad with jealousy and extremely dangerous. Vegas and Pete end up entering a secret meeting called 'Chess Room' held between Asian mafia leaders to find out who negotiated Pete's life perhaps over twenty years ago. They need 'keys' to enter the chess room: crystal and diamonds pieces of chess: a white knight and a black king. Pete can no longer trust anyway...events bring Pete's dark side to life and a powerful competitor, the white king, claim for Pete. This is my first time writing. Please be kind. English is not my native language. Forgive any grammar/vocabulary mistakes, please. This is a fanfiction story based in Daemi's novel KinnPorsche. All rights and credits/ names of the characters belongs to the KinnPorsche's authors.

Alana_Avatar · Book&Literature
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82 Chs

The Island

Macau POV

"Are we in the open sea?" I asked trying to distinguish sky and sea in the dark.

"Hmn...we are."

"Are you okay?"

I walked over to Arm, who grimaced in pain every time the little fishing boat rocked harder with the waves.

"I'm okay, don't worry" Arm was controlling the helm of the little boat.

"Let me see." I opened Arm's shirt. Mhmn...his chest is so toned...bigger than mine...not bad at all...oooi! Focus Macau! There are several purple marks on his chest and and it is swollen in the region of the ribs. "Despite your bulletproof vest, you have some broken ribs. Shit! Why didn't you stay at the port to be rescued?"

"I couldn't let you come alone! It's my job to protect you."

Hmn...cool! Arm cares about me, huh?!

"No, it's not! I'm not from the main family."

But I'm mad at him because he's injured.

"...You are a Theerapanyakul's family member...Besides, Pete is my friend."

"Oh...sure...P'Pete...We must find him. That's why I jumped into this boat."

I almost forgot for a minute that Arm is in love with Phi.

"And you are my friend too, right?" Arm put one of his hands on my shoulder. "Thank you Macau...you saved my life again."

"Mmm. Could you please stop making this a habit? Stop getting into dangerous stuff, man!"

Arm started to laugh. "Sorry, it's my job."

He patted my head. You see, Arm! I know how to make you laugh.

"Argh! With so many boats anchored, I took just the worst. Not even the radio works. That speedboat left us behind."

"Don't worry. You thought very fast. If you hadn't taken a boat, we would have completely lost track of Pete."

"I acted on instinct. When the explosions started I ran to the first boat I saw."

"Hmn... when I saw you alone, I ran in your direction."

"Vegas handed me a gun and ran up to P'Pete." I felt distressed thinking about how my brother must be feeling. "I can't let anything bad happen to Phi. We must rescue P'Pete. My brother will be devastated if I don't. All of us will." I feel a sharp pain in my chest. "Pete is fine, right? My vision was blurry but I think he got ..."

"If I didn't believe he was alive, I wouldn't have let you out of that harbor. You are here to save us all." Arm smiled at me.

"Mhmn...thank you, Arm." I felt more hopeful.

"By the way, how did you end up in that port?"

"Me?" Fuck... how do I explain that?

Basically, I sneaked out of the main family's mansion on my motorcycle and followed them to the harbor in the first place. I was afraid my brother would take a chance to do something bad to Arm. Of course I wouldn't shoot my brother. Maybe I would just scare everyone off with a few shots here and there...no big deal. Then I saw that mess and a gun pointed at his head.


"I've always wanted to see how these trades go. But my brother never allowed me. So I followed you."

"Good that you took a high-precision rifle with you."

"Haha...You see! Better safe than sorry."


I ended up falling asleep.

Arm wouldn't let me pilot the boat. Wise decision...I wouldn't know where to go. He's the genius inside the boat.

It was almost dawn. The sun's rays made my eyes pop open.

From my perspective, we were sailing erratically across the ocean, waiting to be swallowed by some giant whale...

Suddenly the boat's engine stopped.

"What happened? Why did we stop?"

"The boat's fuel has run out"

"Fuck! Are we going to die in the middle of nowhere? I'm too young for this."

"I'll think of something, don't worry, Macau. I'll try to fix the radio."

"Are you like that clever guy from that old tv show my dad liked to watch who would fix things using most weird things? You have a bright mind after all...do you have a pocketknife?"

"Tv show? Pocketknife?"

"Yeah!...you know..MacGy...something...Ow! Never mind! We're dead."

And I'm still a virgin. Argh! I should have gotten Kim out of the way and dated Chay. He would be happier with me. What's wrong with kids my age? They just pick crap.

"We'll find a solution. We are close to a group of islands."

Find a solution to my virginity, Arm!!!

"Sure! and how do we get to them? Swimming in the ocean?" No no no, I can't die like this.

"Don't despair Macau."

Too late. I'm despaired. I sat across from Arm. I mustered up all my courage in the midst of my despair. I firmly gripped his arms with my hands and stared into his eyes. "Arm, you need to help me with something really important."


Pete POV

"Pete? Pete? Can you hear me?" I could hear a soft voice calling for me.

I opened my eyes with difficulty. My vision was blurred. I felt a sharp pain in my right temple. I instinctively put my hand. I have a handkerchief tied to my head, stopping the blood.

"Don't touch it. You're injured. The bullet grazed your temple, but the impact made you pass out."

"Khun Sanya?...where are we?"

"They switched us from the speedboat to a bigger boat and threw us in here. We've been sailing all night."


"When they threw us into the speedboat, Mr. Park blew up the entire harbor."

"What...?" I was shocked. I couldn't remember anything else. My last memory was Vegas' face looking at me." A great anguish took hold of me, along with a great determination. "We have to get out of here."


Vegas POV

"Fuck Yim! If I find out you're lying...?" I was pressing hard on Yim's neck. Porsche grabbed my wrist and squeezed hard until I let it go.

"You distrust us, P'Vegas. But my brother only went to the port because of you. Like P'Kinn and P'Tankhun, my brother is constantly threatened with death or kidnapping. If you had attended, he wouldn't have been taken! The elders of my family will ask for your head if they find out you had something to do with it.

"Calm down!" Kinn intervened. "From what Vegas tells us, He was ambushed halfway to the pórt. We cannot accuse each other in this way. We need to be reasonable. It was probably a plan by Mr. Park. He already knew about Arm and Pete. He made the transaction normally before he attacked you all. We must find him. He may or may not have acted alone. He may have placed the spy in your house, Vegas. From what you've said, the nanny was hired around the time negotiations with Mr. Park began. Besides, we cannot rule out the hypothesis that everything was done to kidnap Khun Sanya."

"It looked like Pete wouldn't be taken. He would be killed in the harbor with all of us." Porsche added. "You said you captured one of the men who attacked you, Vegas..."

"Yes. I'll go back to the mansion to interrogate him."

"And about the nanny? Did you kill her?"

"Unfortunately not. I didn't get the chance. Some sort of device imploded her heart. A technology we're not used to seeing."


"FUCK! He is useless!"

"He's almost dead, Khun Vegas." Nop tried to reason with me.

The man said absolutely nothing. No matter how cruel I was, nothing.

In a fit of rage, I threw all the tools on the floor. I have nothing. There are so many bodies charred from the explosion in the harbor that they are still being identified. There's not a clue...nothing. Just hope.


"FUCK! What the hell are you doing? (in English)

"What? You said he is useless! You said it yourself!" Tankhun entered the dungeon, handing Pol a gun. "I had to relieve my stress."

"How did you get here?"

"Through the door, of course."

I looked at Nop with a withering gaze.

"Tankhun, I don't have time..."

"Despair won't help, believe me. I've already learned that. I already buried Pete once and I won't bury him again. Not him, not Arm, not even that brat brother of yours. Like me, you don't believe they're dead, do you?"

"Of course not! And why did you mention Arm?"

"He was not found either. But I refuse to believe that my two best bodyguards were eliminated so easily. My third best bodyguard is here, thank God." Tankhun patted Pol's head. So join me in looking for them. Because you know I'm a very stubborn person. And I won't rest until I find where they are."

I couldn't believe this was happening, but for Pete and Macau I'm capable of anything.

"Deal, Tankhun. Let's join forces. I admit that you are the craziest /brightest of us all. What do you need me to do?"

"Give me your laptop."