
VegasPete - The Way You Taste

warning: maturecontent. Vegas and Pete live together in the Minor Family mansion. Vegas will have to join forces with the Main Family for an important weaponry deal, causing Pete and Arm to work together undercover. This makes a possessive Vegas mad with jealousy and extremely dangerous. Vegas and Pete end up entering a secret meeting called 'Chess Room' held between Asian mafia leaders to find out who negotiated Pete's life perhaps over twenty years ago. They need 'keys' to enter the chess room: crystal and diamonds pieces of chess: a white knight and a black king. Pete can no longer trust anyway...events bring Pete's dark side to life and a powerful competitor, the white king, claim for Pete. This is my first time writing. Please be kind. English is not my native language. Forgive any grammar/vocabulary mistakes, please. This is a fanfiction story based in Daemi's novel KinnPorsche. All rights and credits/ names of the characters belongs to the KinnPorsche's authors.

Alana_Avatar · Book&Literature
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82 Chs

Save your ass

Arm's POV


Too late. We barely manage to wear our clothes when someone knocks furiously on the door.

"Fuck!...uhhh... hide inside the closet, Arm!"

"Considering he remembers about me and Pete together inside a closet, I'm sure Khun Vegas won't even mind opening the closet's door. It will be the first place he will shoot, Macau."

"... you don't seem to forget it either, by the way..." Macau mumbles something pouting.

"Are you jealous of Pete and me?" That sounds both funny and tragic to be the target of the jealousy of these two brothers.


"Use your genius brain, Arm! How do we escape from here now?

"You know what? Let's face it. I will not run."

"Are you crazy? I thought you were smart! I don't want him to hurt you. It's no use arguing with my brother. He won't listen to us."

"You are not the only determined person in this room, Macau."

"Please, don't die..."

Macau tries to hold me back, but it's late. I head for the room door and turn the knob to open it.

I jolt in surprise.

"Khun Noo?!"Khun Noo enters the room like a hurricane in the living area, followed by Pol, that closes the door behind him.

"Aish! Are we switching places, Arm? Am I the one who must save your ass now? All because of this brat?"

Apparently, they already know about Macau and me.

"I'm sorry Khun Noo" I bow to him.

"Hey, don't scold him!" Macau leaves the bedroom for the living area.

"Wait Macau, take it easy!" I turn quickly to grab Macau before he touches Khun Noo.

"Don't think I'm going to let you take my bodyguard! Arm and Pol are mine. Enough minor family taking my bodyguards away from me!"

"Khun Noo please! Khun Vegas must be coming!" As I pull Macau by the arm, Pol pulls Khun Noo.

"RING, RING" Pol's phone rings. After listening the call, he turns and says "Khun Vegas is almost here."

"I'll talk to him, Khun Noo. Explain things."

"Don't be stupid, Arm. He'll shoot you. You're in the room next to his, screwing his brother. Do you think he will patiently listen to some formal courtship request at this point?"

I feel embarrassed.

"Cousin is right, Arm. What shall we do, cousin?" Macau asks humbly.

"I have an idea."

Suddenly there's a sound of the electronic lock opening.

We look at each other.


Vegas' POV

When I enter the elevator, someone holds the door. I feel my blood boil. There are at least 4 elevators in the hall.

"Hey, Vegas!" Porsche waves at me as he enters the elevator with Kinn. "Are you staying here too?"


"Since I'm here..." I give them a fake smile.

"Ow, shit! Sorry..."

The idiot Kinn leans against the elevator's control panel, triggering several floors.

"Shit, Kinn...how clumsy you are! Tsk..." Porsche pretends to be mad at Kinn, I'm sure of it.

"..." They get in my nerves. I count to ten not to shoot them both.

I'm not an idiot. I know what you're trying to do...Pete must have managed to warn you.

The elevator door opens for the third time and that irritates me deeply.

The door will soon open on the next floor. So, I drop the master key on the floor on purpose.

It was long enough for me to bend down to pick up the card as the door swings open and taking Porsche and Kinn by surprise as I kick them to the stomach.

As they land against the wall of the elevator, I get out seconds before the door closes.


I get on another elevator straight to my floor. Damn...that messed up my hair. I smooth my hair with my fingertips as I look at myself in the elevator mirror. Let's settle this soon.

The door opens.

I pull out my gun with the silencer and open the door with the master key.

I position my gun forward and walk slowly across the living area.

Rooms on this floor have a small living room and a double door leading to the bedroom. The bedroom door is closed. I hear voices behind the door.

I carefully turn the knob on the bedroom door.

"Ow! Have you come to join us too, brother?" Macau asks me with happily.

"Vegas, you freak, why are you pointing a gun at us? Are you drunk? Tankhun questions me making a face.

"What the hell is going on here?"

Tankhun, Macau, Arm and Pol are under the covers of the king size bed.

"Are you blind? Can't you see we're drinking champagne and watching a movie?"

"You want me to believe you booked this room just to watch a movie?" I look at Arm and Macau who are sitting at the ends, far from each other. I'm convinced there is something fishy going on, but I can't prove it. Damn it.

"So what?! Anyway, unless you want to shoot someone, can you get out of the way? We are trying to watch the movie." Tankhun moves his arm for me to leave.

Suddenly Porsche appears at the bedroom door, out of breath.

"Vegas, you son of a bitch! Why did you hit us?" Porsche puts his hand on his stomach, grimacing in pain.

"Porsche, I'm glad you arrived! Another movie is about to start. Where's Kinn? Order more food and drink." Tankhun demands.

"Do you think I'm an idiot? Unless you were watching a porn movie..." I can see the tension and embarrassment in Macau's and Arm's eyes. Except Tankhun, who interrupts me.

"Oh, speaking of which! Can you believe they sent a box of these weird things here by mistake? He shakes one of my sex toys in his hand. "This thing looks like a huge neon cucumber...Gosh!! It must belong to some pervert...tsk...What were you saying again?

"Are you playing with me...?!"

"Where's my Pete, by the way? You didn't handcuff him anywhere, did you?" Tankhun asks me as he drops the sex toy and starts twirling a handcuff with his index finger.

Damnit...Pete must be pissed at me. It's been a while since I left him handcuffed in the bedroom.

I don't know why, but instinctively I looked at the room's air conditioner vent. There isn't a flashing red light inside. I stop for a moment to think. I'm no longer paying attention to Tankhun sending me out of the room.

"Brother... is everything ok?" I hear Macau's worried voice.

"Maybe...maybe we're being filmed..."A snap makes me run out of the room 1004 towards room 1005. Even though I blocked the vent, it bothers me.

"PETE! PETE!" I rush to the room...."WAIT!" Before I can make it to the door of room 1005, I notice several eyes over my shoulder. "Why the hell are you following me?"

"You stared into that vent like an idiot then ran out like a crazy man calling for my Pete. Of course we are following you!"

Dammit...Pete will be furious with me if anyone sees him handcuffed to the bed, wearing nothing more than a bathrobe.

"You stay here. Pete won't like anyone coming into the room."

"For Christ's sake... We know very well who owns those weird things." Tankhun rolls his eyes at me. "Let me ask you this. Is Pete attached to things like wires, strings with spheres or things that resemble tentacles of any sort?"


"So there's almost nothing to be ashamed of. Now, don't be a pussy and open the damn door."

I turn to the door, but I don't have to open it. It's already open.

"Pete..." I mumble. My stomach hurts.

I hold my gun tightly. Pol and Porsche put themselves ahead of Tankhun, holding their guns. I can see that Arm does the same for Macau.

"We'll get you covered", Porsche tells me.

I enter slowly first...the living room is cleared. The bedroom door is open...it looks like only an indirect light is on.

Porsche nods for us to enter the room at once on three.


"What are you doing??" I yell "Don't touch him, you bastard!"

Porsche approaches, looking confused.

