
Chapter 35: Thank you, Georg


"He's got a torn rectus abdominis," the team doctor explains. "And his ribs are subluxated and malaligned. There's also a contusion from the tear which will complicate therapy simply from a pain management perspective."

"So this looks like at least six weeks to me." I look over the notes on this injured player. "Maybe eight."

"In an ideal world, he'd have eight weeks, but we really need to speed him up if we can," Coach Brown adds. "I can put him on IR for preseason but I need him on second string once the season starts."

"I'll do my best, Coach. No promises."

"I need you to do more than your best," Coach replies. "On any player you treat. I don't want them out there on fresh injuries but they need to fight through the last of it sometimes. You know what I mean? The longer they're off the ice, the longer it takes to get them back up to fighting weight."