
Vector in Multiverse.

Toaru Majutsu no Index is not mine* --- Accelerator is getting salvation?! --- This is a brain rotting fic, so if you wish for more detailed and explained one, this is not for you.. If you enjoy my stories then please give some support by tip or donation here~ https://ko-fi.com/asthoglho

Asthoglho · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
44 Chs

Risky Operation.



Kikanojou Tendou sat behind his ornate desk, his fingers steepled as he surveyed his subordinates. The room was filled with tension, each man standing at attention, waiting for their leader's command.

"Is the plan ready?" Kikanojou asked, his voice cold and precise.

In perfect sync, his subordinates responded, "Yes, sir."

Kikanojou's eyes glinted with a dangerous light. "Good. Make sure everything is executed flawlessly. We cannot afford any mistakes."

The men nodded, their faces set with determination. Kikanojou dismissed them with a wave of his hand, a cruel smile playing on his lips as he turned back to his papers. Soon, Accelerator and his so-called Paradise would face the full wrath of his power.


Accelerator found Sumire in her lab, her eyes glued to the data streaming across her multiple screens. She was always busy, always absorbed in her research. But he needed her now.

"Hey, Sumire," he called, stepping into the room. "Got a minute?"

She glanced up, a look of mild annoyance on her face. "I'm in the middle of something important, Accelerator. What is it?"

"I need to talk to you," he said, ignoring her tone. "I've got a feeling a big fight's coming our way in the next few days."

Sumire frowned, clearly torn between her work and his request. She sighed, shutting down a few of the screens reluctantly. "Alright. What's so important that it couldn't wait?"

They moved to a quieter corner of the lab, and Accelerator got straight to the point. "What do you know about Stage V Gastreas?"

Her eyes widened in surprise. "Stage V? Why are you asking about those?"

"Just a feeling," he replied. "I think we might be facing one soon. I need to know what we're dealing with."

Sumire shook her head, looking both impressed and frustrated. "You're really hard to understand, you know that? Always jumping from one crisis to the next." She paused, collecting her thoughts. "Stage V Gastreas, or Zodiacs, are the most powerful of their kind. They're incredibly rare and almost unstoppable. Beyond that, there's not much information available."

Accelerator considered her words, his mind racing. "Zodiacs, huh? If they're as strong as you say, we need a way to take them out quickly and efficiently."

Sumire raised an eyebrow. "And how do you plan to do that? Even with your power, a Stage V Gastrea is no small threat."

A smirk crossed his face as an idea began to form. "It's time for me to get a power boost too. If Sana is the progenitor for the Cursed Children, then I'll become a real Progenitor. One that rules over everyone."

Sumire's eyes widened in shock. "Are you serious? You're planning to—"

"Yes," he cut her off, his resolve firm. "It's time. I've been holding back, trying to manage everything with my current abilities. But if we're going to face a threat like the Zodiacs, I need to be at my absolute strongest."

She stared at him, a mix of awe and apprehension in her gaze. "Accelerator, this could be incredibly dangerous. You could lose control, or worse."

He shook his head. "I won't lose control. I know what I'm doing. This is the only way to ensure we can protect everyone."

Sumire sighed, her shoulders slumping. "Alright. If this is what you've decided, then I'll support you. But be careful, Accelerator. You're not invincible."

He nodded, appreciating her concern even if he didn't show it. "I know. But this is something I have to do. For the children, and for Paradise."

As he turned to leave, his mind was already racing with plans and calculations. Becoming a true Progenitor would be risky, but it was a necessary step. The Zodiacs were coming, and he needed to be ready. This world was full of threats, but he would face them all. And he would do it with the power to crush anyone who dared stand in his way.


Accelerator stood in his office, scanning the cameras he had set up all over the Tokyo District. His supercomputer-like brain processed the feeds at lightning speed, piecing together the puzzle of what had happened. It didn't take long to figure it out. Kikanojou Tendou had made his move, taking even his own granddaughter Kisara as leverage against Accelerator. The old man had crossed the line, using every resource at his disposal.

Accelerator sighed loudly, feeling the familiar irritation bubbling up inside him. He and the kids were living a peaceful life in Paradise, but there were always bastards trying to mess with him. He activated the defense mechanisms of Paradise, enhancing the voltage and the automatic rifles at the gate. Not that he doubted the children's ability to defend themselves, but it never hurt to be prepared.

"Sumire, Miori," he called out, walking into the main room where they were chatting.

Sumire looked up from her work, a curious smile on her face. "What's up, Accelerator?"

"I'm leaving to take care of some menial stuff. Nothing you need to worry about," he informed them.

Sumire nodded, still smiling. "Just make sure to come back in one piece."

Miori, always the cheerleader, pumped her fist in the air. "Go get 'em! And don't hold back!"

He smirked at her enthusiasm and left Paradise, stepping into the Tokyo District with a grim determination. It didn't take long to find the place where Kisara, Rentaro, and Enju were being held. As he approached, a large screen lit up on the cell wall, revealing the condescending face of Kikanojou Tendou.

"Look who it is," Tendou sneered. "You've been lucky so far, brat, but your luck ends today."

Accelerator couldn't help but mock him. "And what exactly do you think you can do, old man?"

Tendou's smile widened, and Accelerator felt a chill run down his spine. Something was off. He quickly scanned the surroundings and realized what had happened. The magnetic waves of the monoliths had been tampered with, and thousands of Gastreas were now marching toward Paradise.

Clicking his tongue in displeasure, Accelerator kept his composure. This old man was sly, but he wasn't about to let him win. Ignoring Tendou's continued gloating, he turned his attention to freeing Kisara, Rentaro, and Enju.

The moment they were free, Kisara looked at him, relief and worry etched on her face. "Accelerator, what's happening?"

"Nothing you need to worry about," he replied curtly. "Just stay out of the way."

He turned back to the screen, his eyes locking onto Kikanojou's. "Wait for me, old man. I'm coming for you next."

Tendou sneered, clearly thinking he was bluffing. He cut the connection, leaving Accelerator in the dimly lit cell with Kisara, Rentaro, and Enju.

"Let's go," he said, his voice hard. "We need to get back to Paradise."

Rentaro and Enju nodded, their expressions tense. They knew as well as he did that time was of the essence. As they made their way back, Accelerator could feel the urgency building within him. This was a critical moment, one that would determine the future of everything he had built.


As Accelerator was about to return to Paradise, the news in the city suddenly changed to a live broadcast. He glanced at the screen and felt his blood boil. Hundreds of Cursed Children were lined up, ropes hanging ominously in front of them. It was clear what was about to happen, and it wasn't good.

The live broadcast began with a crazed man appearing on the screen, shouting at the top of his lungs. "I am here with the people to deliver judgment to the Cursed Children!"

The crowd cheered in agreement, their faces twisted with malicious glee. One of the children was placed into the noose, her terrified eyes wide with fear. The crazed man laughed loudly, his eyes gleaming with madness. "If the enigmatic monster doesn't come, then all of these children will die. One will be hanged every thirty seconds."

He grinned, his taunt directed at Accelerator, who could feel the veins popping out of his forehead. "The man's death won't be a painless one," he muttered to himself, his anger seething.

Without hesitation, Accelerator dashed toward the location of the hanging. His anger boiled over upon seeing the scene in person. The man who had taunted him on the screen clapped his hands in amusement upon seeing Accelerator arrive.

"Ah, the monster himself!" the crazed man exclaimed with a wide grin. "I knew you'd come. But if you take one more step, all of these children will die."

As if on cue, hundreds of men appeared behind the Cursed Children, guns pointed at their heads. Their crazed expressions matched their leader's, each finding twisted amusement in Accelerator's predicament.

"You're making a big mistake," Accelerator growled, his voice low and dangerous. "Let them go, and I might make your death quick."

The crazed man laughed, a high-pitched, maniacal sound. "Do you think you can threaten me, monster? You're nothing but a tool of destruction. Today, we'll see how strong you really are when you're forced to watch them die."

Accelerator clenched his fists, his body trembling with barely contained rage. "You have no idea who you're dealing with."

The man sneered. "I know exactly who I'm dealing with. A monster pretending to be a savior. But you can't save them all, can you?"

The two barked back and forth, their curses and threats flying through the air. Accelerator's mind raced, searching for a solution. He needed to act quickly, but any wrong move could result in the death of the children.

"You think you can just take lives and get away with it?" Accelerator shouted, his voice echoing through the tense atmosphere.

The crazed man grinned wider, his eyes gleaming with a dangerous light. "And you think you can stop us? Try it. I dare you."

The standoff continued, the tension in the air thick enough to cut with a knife. The crowd watched with bated breath, their anticipation building with every passing second. The lives of the Cursed Children hung in the balance, and Accelerator knew he had to find a way to save them. The man's laughter grated on his nerves, fueling his anger even further.

Accelerator's mind was a whirlwind of calculations and strategies. He knew he had to act fast, but he also had to be smart. This wasn't just about brute force; it was about precision and timing. He glanced at the terrified faces of the children, their lives hanging by a thread.

His gaze shifted back to the crazed man, who was still grinning like a madman. "Enjoy your last moments," Accelerator growled, his voice dripping with venom.

The man's smile faltered for a brief moment, but he quickly recovered. "Big words, monster. But can you back them up?"

Accelerator took a deep breath, his mind focused and sharp. He was ready to do whatever it took to save the children and make the man pay for his cruelty. The fight was far from over, and Accelerator was just getting started.

As Accelerator faced off with the crazed man and his followers, the scene within Paradise was vastly different from what Kikanojou Tendou had anticipated. Tendou, so fixated on watching Accelerator's predicament unfold, had no clue about the unfolding events within Paradise. He believed that even if thousands of Cursed Children were to gather, they would still be slaughtered by the tens of thousands of Gastreas marching toward them.

However, the reality was far from his expectations.

In Paradise, Sumire stood at the forefront, Miori by her side, as they coordinated the defense efforts. Sana, demonstrating a natural talent for command, issued precise orders to the children, who followed her directives with remarkable discipline. Sumire couldn't help but comment on it.

"Sana has a natural talent for being a commander," Sumire remarked, admiration evident in her voice. "The kids are actually following her words and understanding each of her orders. There's no commotion in the ranks, as if they've been trained for years."

Sana had wisely separated the Transcendents with production-type Blood Arts from those with fighting-type abilities. Those with production-type Blood Arts were excluded from the fighting and instead ordered to cook food, ensuring that after the battle, everyone would have their portions ready to eat.

"Sana, you're doing an excellent job," Sumire encouraged. "Keep it up."

Sana nodded, her eyes focused and determined. She then turned her attention to organizing the fighters, creating a formation designed to withstand the approaching horde of Gastreas. The range users, such as those with fire or wind abilities, were positioned at the front and arranged window-to-window, allowing them to retreat swiftly after their attacks.

"Range users, prepare to fire on my command," Sana instructed, her voice steady and authoritative.

With a signal from Sana, hundreds of elemental-type Blood Arts soared through the air, decimating thousands of Gastreas in a chaotic yet marvelous display. Fireballs, wind blades, and lightning bolts rained down upon the advancing Gastreas, creating a spectacle that left Sumire and Miori in awe.

"This is incredible," Miori whispered, unable to tear her eyes away from the scene. "I've never seen anything like it."

Sumire nodded in agreement. "Sana's leadership and the children's abilities are truly something to behold."

Seeing the effectiveness of the initial attack, Sana quickly ordered the first line of range users to fall back, allowing the second line to step up and continue the barrage.

"First line, retreat! Second line, prepare to fire!" Sana's voice rang out.

The cycle of retreat and attack continued for six rounds, each wave of elemental attacks thinning the Gastrea horde significantly. The ground was littered with the charred and mutilated remains of the monsters, but despite the devastation, hundreds of level three Gastreas had managed to survive, bearing only slight injuries. They were now dangerously close.

"Sana, the Gastreas are getting closer," Miori warned, her voice tinged with concern.

Sana's eyes narrowed as she assessed the situation. "All range users, retreat! Fighters, to the front!"

The fighters, some of whom had the ability to create shockwaves with their fists, moved to the front lines, ready to engage the remaining Gastreas in close combat. Sana's orders were clear, and the children executed them flawlessly, their movements precise and coordinated.

"This isn't just a fight," Sumire said, watching the children take their positions. "It's a testament to everything we've built here. These kids are fighting for their home, their family."

Miori nodded, her expression solemn. "And they're doing it with everything they've got. It's incredible."

As the fighters prepared for the second round of battle, the atmosphere in Paradise was charged with determination and resolve. The children knew what was at stake, and they were ready to defend their home with every ounce of strength they had.

Meanwhile, back in the Tokyo District, Accelerator and the crazed man continued to exchange heated words. The man's taunts and threats only fueled Accelerator's anger, but he knew he had to keep his composure.

"You really think you can intimidate me with your empty threats?" Accelerator growled, his voice dripping with venom.

The crazed man laughed, a high-pitched, maniacal sound that grated on Accelerator's nerves. "You're nothing but a monster pretending to be a savior. Today, we'll see how strong you really are when you're forced to watch them die."

Accelerator's fists clenched at his sides, his mind racing with calculations. He needed to find a way to save the children without triggering the slaughter. The tension in the air was palpable, and every second felt like an eternity.

Back in Paradise, Sana watched as the remaining Gastreas approached. She took a deep breath, knowing that the next phase of the battle would be even more challenging. But she was ready, and so were the children.

"Fighters, hold your ground!" Sana commanded, her voice steady and unwavering. "We will protect our home. We will protect our family."

The children responded with a unified cry, their voices echoing through the air. The second round of the battle was about to begin, and they were ready to face whatever came their way.

As the tension built in both Paradise and the Tokyo District, it was clear that this was a critical moment. The future of everything they had worked for hung in the balance, and both Accelerator and the children knew that failure was not an option.
