

A young man wakes up in DC. "This shit is gonna be so wild!" - Tom ================================== patreon.com/Maverick_DaSupreme

Maverick_DaSupreme · Anime & Comics
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242 Chs


"Why didn't you call before coming?" I asked Leo as I led him inside, gesturing for him to take a seat.

"And ruin the surprise? Nah, I don't think so," he casually replied, settling into the chair. "I've gotta say, this is some nice crib, kid," Leo commented, admiring the interior design of my place.

"What if I had a girl over?" I quipped.

"Come on, kid, we both know you don't bother with that. So far, you've lived your life with goals and fixations, almost like you've already enjoyed all the pleasures the world has to offer in a previous life.

That's something we need to change."

Leo wasn't far from the truth. The old me had indulged in clubbing and womanizing, but now it all felt mundane and time-wasting. While I had considered going out for a night of fun and a few one-night stands with strangers, I never made time for it. Ironically, time was one thing I currently had in abundance—a lame excuse indeed.

"You're not someone who moves without an actual motive, Leo. So, tell me, what are you really doing here?"

"Alright, alright, you've got me," Leo said with a playfully defeated tone, raising his hands in surrender. "I got into some trouble back in Central City and needed a place to lay low for a while. Where else could I go except coming to you?"

"I don't know, maybe one of your many hideouts," I remarked sarcastically. "True, but I prefer it here. It would be a win-win for both of us. Don't you get lonely living by yourself?"

"Actually, I don't. I like the comfort that comes with my solitude. And if I need someone to talk to, I have my AI."

"An AI?" Leo's eyebrows shot up in surprise.

"Yup, say hello, Gwen," I commanded. 

"Hello Mr. Snart." Gwen's voice reverberated through a speaker, leaving Leo momentarily shocked. His hand instinctively reached for his coat, as if he were reaching for his gun in case of danger.

"Calm down, Leo," I said, chuckling. "You should have seen yourself just now. You're one paranoid dude."

"You've got it wrong. I was reaching for my handkerchief," he attempted to play it cool, trying to hide the fact that he was startled and had immediately gone into battle stance because of an AI, showcasing just how paranoid he had become. It was a pleasing sight to me because he often had a calm and relaxed demeanor. 

"Yeah, yeah," I sarcastically waved it off, while Leo placed his coat on the edge of my couch.

"I knew you were smart, but I didn't know you could get yourself a personal AI. Damn, kid," Leo remarked casually as he opened my fridge and leaned in to examine its contents. "You're out of beer? The only things left are orange juice and non-alcoholic soft drinks and a few groceries. You've got to be kidding me," he muttered, closing the fridge and turning to see me in the living room, not paying mind to his comments.

"Did you hear what I just said? You're out of beer! For Mick, it would be a fucking nightmare."

"That's why you aren't Mick. Come on now, let's go get some drinks. The bill's on you," I said, reaching out my hand towards the coat rack.

"The bill's on me? Coming from the guy who's loaded and pays me too well for each job I do for him," Leo replied, walking over to the couch to retrieve his coat. He was stunned when he saw my jacket fly into my hand as if summoned.

"How did you do that?" He asked as he made short glances between my hand, the ceiling, and the coat rack. 

"With my mind, or do you see a rope attached to it?" I replied him, stating the obvious as I wore my jacket. 

"Since when did you have powers?" Leo asked, surprise creeping onto his face, though he did his best to remain calm. Let's just say he wasn't very good at hiding it.

"I've always had powers; I just never used them around people," I said, walking over to the door. "I had my suspicions after our encounter with the speedsters the other night, but I shrugged it off. Tell me more, show me what you can do."

"Relax, Leo. Let's talk about it over our drinks."

"One question. Why didn't you use them during any of our earlier heists and just acted like a kid too smart for his age?"

"Simple. They weren't needed for the jobs. And you know I never intended to get involved with our heists."

"Then why didn't you mention to me that you had powers?" 

"Same reason you didn't tell me that you were Captain Cold." I gave a swift come back. 

"Okay, I get it. So, what do you use your powers for? Just grabbing things at home? If so, that's pretty lame," Leo teased, bursting into mocking laughter.

"If I told you, you wouldn't be laughing anymore."

"What do you mean by that?" Leo's expression shifted to one of curiosity, raising an eyebrow.

"Do you know that new guy who's been in the news lately?"

"Oh, that Ace guy who killed the Joker? That guy was insane, my kind of insane. Although he draws a lot of attention to himself but he gets things done and does it with flare. What about him?" 

"Hold your suspense, and let's go get some drinks," I replied with a mischievous grin spreading across my lips.

"Don't tell me you know him. Even the heroes don't know what to do with him," Leo said, his excitement building.

"Something like that. Come on, let's go already"

"Okay, okay, I'm coming," Leo said, donning his coat. We left the house, and with a tap on my watch, the garage door opened, revealing a sleek black car with gold accents that perfectly complemented the dark color. It automatically made its way to the driveway.

"That's your ride?" Leo asked, whistling dramatically.

"Who else would it be but mine? Come on, hop in," I replied, as both doors opened, inviting Leo and me inside. We got in, and I drove us to a really nice bar.


As Leo and I stepped out of the sleek black vehicle, the neon lights of the Gotham City bar illuminated the dimly lit street. The sound of chatter and laughter spilled out onto the sidewalk, blending with the distant sounds of the bustling city. We made our way through the door, and immediately the unmistakable smell of alcohol filled the air, accompanied by the energetic atmosphere of the bar.

Leo glanced around, taking in the interior design with a discerning eye. The walls were adorned with vintage posters and photographs, creating a nostalgic ambiance. The bar itself was made of polished wood, reflecting the warm glow of the overhead lights. We found a table in a corner, affording us a clear view of the entire room.

Leo leaned back in his chair and spoke, "Although we met at a bar, we never really got to have a drink." He signaled the bartender, catching his attention.

The bartender approached us, a bottle in hand, and placed two glasses on the table. He expertly poured the drinks, then turned to leave. But before he could walk away, Leo held his hand, stopping him in his tracks. "Why don't you leave the bottle? It's gonna be a long night," Leo said with a hint of a warning in his voice.

The bartender hesitated for a moment, then nodded and left the bottle on the table before returning to the counter. Leo and I took our first sips, savoring the taste as the cool liquid slid down our throats.

"Now, about that uproar Lex is about to start up. How can I fully take advantage of it? Personally, I mean," Leo asked, his eyes gleaming with anticipation.

I leaned forward, contemplating his question. "It's easy, Leo. The heroes and the police will be too busy trying to control the chaos. Who would be left to protect the banks, museums, industries, and other places holding valuables?" 

Leo smirked, catching on to my plan. "Lowly guards who don't stand a chance," he replied, his confidence evident.

"Exactly," I affirmed. "And you have connections, men you could make a contract with, even if it's just for a week. You could sweep through different cities, hitting the targets without interference. Although I wouldn't advise doing it in Central City."

Leo's face contorted into confusion. "Why? Central City is my home, I like it there."

I chuckled, shaking my head. "That's the thing about you guys. You villains are so fixated on robbing a city that has superheroes guarding it when you could just head over to a city with a weak-ass police force. The Flash could stop your guys in Central City and still have enough time and energy to get back to the battlefield without breaking a sweat."

Leo shrugged, undeterred. "That's the fun of it, bro. Doing what I want when I want." 

"Well, suit yourself, but don't let the thrill of the chase cost you too much. Have your limits, and that should be the police, not the certain heroes."

One thing I have come to realize about the DC verse is that the villains keep attempting to commit crimes in cities with really effective superheroes, and without an actual solid plan. They would go ahead with their absurd heists when they know the chances of success was really slim. 

"Ghost has become quite a big name in the criminal underground, not just in Gotham. He's considered one of the most trusted brokers. Considering how paranoid those guys are, that's saying a lot," Leo mentioned, his voice lowering slightly to ensure our conversation remained discreet.

I nodded, swirling the liquid in my glass thoughtfully. "Yeah, I'm just doing what I do. And I would pick trust over love at any time. To be trusted is a greater compliment than being loved."

Leo raised an eyebrow, impressed. "Man, that's deep," he remarked as he gave slow consecutive nodds. "I asked you about how you use your powers, then you suddenly brought up that Ace guy. Don't tell me it's what I've been thinking on our way here."

I met his gaze, my expression serious. "Yeah, about him... That was actually me."

Leo's disbelief was palpable as he stared at me, his eyes wide with shock. "I've had my suspicions for the past hour, but I can't possibly hold this back right now. What the fuck!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with disbelief.


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