
Vector Control in MHA [COMPLETED]

Completed/Dropped A normal man, through some bullshit luck, got chosen to reincarnate in another world after getting killed by the legendary Truck-kun. Distraught at the fact that he died without losing his V-Card, he becomes impatient and wanted to get the reincarnation process over quickly. Because of this, he ended up annoying the ROB overseeing his reincarnation, and to spite him, the ROB rigged his quest system. Because of this he ended up being forced to keep the timelines of the worlds he travels to intact and as close to canon as possible. If not, the world collapses. The problem? The bad guys all have power ups while the good guys get nothing. Follow our resident MC as he tried to keep the timelines intact while doing his best to become relevant and interact with the characters... and maybe get some girls on the way. Maybe. ----- First world: MHA I'm planning to have harem in the story but I REALLY want to keep it small, like 1-2 people per world, 3 if we're pushing it and it's a harem heavy world (e.g. DXD). During the beginning, the MC's personality will be... finicky. I haven't really decided what personality to give the MC at this point. Well, I tried giving him a cool-headed personality, but... that backfired. I don't want to write a character like that. So yeah, you have been warned. The story will generally follow canon but the way certain events are carried out can change. First time writing, I accept constructive criticism, tell my how I can improve and I'll do my best! I also apologise for any plot holes. DISCLAIMER: I don't own anything except for my own OC. The cover pic is something I found off google, it's not mine.

DJDAN · Anime & Comics
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130 Chs

Chapter 78 Dorms and shit

School is now starting again. Right now, everyone in class 1A including myself is standing in front of Aizawa-sensei directly outside of our new dorms.

Aizawa- "The training camps were meant for you to earn your provisional licences. But with everything that happened…"

Oh yeah, that was the original plan, wasn't it? Well, a lot happened.

Aizawa- "And… Arata."

Aizawa-sensei called my name and I knew what this was about.

Aizawa- "If it weren't for All Might's death, I would have expelled you."

The shocking news brought everyone out of their cheerful state.

Aizawa- "That night, you went ahead on your own to save Bakugo. You risked your life and as a result of your actions, a large area got decimated. Furthermore…"

Aizawa-sensei stopped there. But I knew what he was going to say. 'Furthermore, All Might died.'

Be he didn't say it. Because it would sound like he was blaming me. In a way, it's my fault. At the same time, it's not the worst outcome. The worst outcome was for Katsuki to be abducted again after a failed rescue attempt and forever to disappear.

But then and again, it's not entirely my fault either. All for One was just too strong, and everyone knew that. I completely underestimated him. So I'm going to take responsibility and protect these new-gen heroes.

Thankfully, because I wore my suit during the fight, the common populace is unaware of who I am. Only those who saw me in my suit previously would know.

Aizawa-sensei ended up just sighing and turning around after telling us to follow him. But because of the reminder, the mood dived.

Honestly, teenagers are so troublesome.

(A/N: You're a teenager too though?)

Arata- "Sorry about this Kaminari."

Denki- "Eh?"

Arata- "*Places hand on shoulder* Hey…"

I then use [Vector Manipulation] to send a strong shock of electricity straight to his head. That's right, it's the shoulder touch.


Denki- "Whey…!"

Kyoka- "Pfft!"

Hanta- "Eh? Hehe… What did you do, Arata?"

I turned him into an idiot, obviously. Temporarily, mind you. Because of Denki's quirk, he's highly resistant to electric shocks. So I simulated the moment where Denki short-circuited his brain from using his quirk too much and…

Denki- "Whey!"

Everyone's mood lifted. I feel bad because Katsuki's supposed to come up with this idea, but…

Katsuki- "Hmph!"

It seems like he's a little glad he doesn't have to act like a good guy.

After their mood lifted, we all entered the dorm building.

Toru- "Onii-chan, you're so clever!"

Haha! Praise me more my dear little sister!

We walked around the whole building on a tour as we get explained all the facilities and where our personal rooms are located. As an aside, Ochako almost fainted a few times from the sudden living condition raise. She lived in a poor family, right?

After that, we got told to go to our rooms and set everything up. Everyone had their stuff moved into their rooms before this event so they can start immediately.

Well, except me. As I walk into my room, it's empty. Nothing. Even my unpacked furniture and stuff.

Well, I didn't have them in the first place.

Inventory-chan got my back. I ended up just taking them all out and within half an hour, I finished up.

So yeah, many hours later and now it's night.

Everyone finished at around the same time as each other and as if we discussed it beforehand, the guys all met back up in the common room near the lounges. Well, I was here WAY before everyone else. I ended up just playing games on my neuro linker.

Everyone was talking about how excited they were that we could live together.

I mean, this is something you'd only find in manga and anime because the costs to keep something like this up and running is something a normal school would rather not pay. Well, this is an anime, though…

Eijiro- "Speaking of which, where'd you get that jacket from, Arata?"

Hanta- "Yeah, it looks so nice!"

Yeah, that's right, I'm still wearing my nanotech jacket.

Arata- "Ah, this? I made it. New tech. As for what it is specifically, well… you'll have to wait and see."

I want to see their faces when I transform. It'll be hilarious.

Mina- "Hey, you guys are all here?"

Mina and the rest of the girls seems to have finished up too and came to join us.

Denki- "Yeah, we're just relaxing now."

Mina- "Is that so? Then, the girls and I have an idea!"

And thus began the very first annual dorm room contest.

Izuku's room is exactly how I pictured it with All Might merchandise all around.

Fumikage's room is the dream paradise for a chuunibyou.

Yuga's room is blinding.

Everyone skipped Minoru's room, but I got curious. It was never shown in the original series after all. So I took a quick peek and…

[Gamer's Mind has taken effect.]

Amitabha buddha. Calm thy mind. Cleanse thy thoughts.

Right, I will do my best to forget what I just saw. Eh? What did I see in there? I don't know what ur talking about.

Mashirao's room… is normal. So normal.

Tenya's room has a fuck ton of books and glasses. Like, there's a whole shelf of glasses.

Ochako- "Pfft! There's so many of them!"

Tenya- "What are you talking about! It's obvious that I should have many spares in case one break during training!"

Well, I can make indestructible glasses. Should I give him a pair later?

Denki's room is filled with a bunch of random things one can buy randomly off the internet.

Eijiro's room is resonating heat from the sheer… what he likes to call, 'manliness'.

Mezo's room has nothing but a mattress and a table. How does one live like this?

Hanta's room is quite exotic.

Shoto's room is renovated from top to bottom into a Japanese style room. How he did that without any tech or help is honestly beyond me.

And finally, Rikodo's room is normal except for a small kitchen off to the side. He had a chiffon cake baking and shared it with all of us but…

HA! My food is better!

(A/N: Look at this shameless bitch?)

Finally, it's the girls' turn.

Kyoka's room has many instruments with a checked pattern on the floor and ceiling. Furthermore, there's a big poster over her bed. I'm honestly surprised she can play this many instruments. Or rather how did she fit this much into her room!?

Toru's room is very cute. Lots of pink and fluffy colours all around. There's even a giant teddy bear I bought for her a few weeks ago on her bed. I'm glad you brought it with you, but.. how do you sleep with it? But when I asked her, she said she cuddles with it every night as she falls asleep because it reminds her of me. I couldn't help myself anymore and I pet her head.

Toru- "Ehehe… Onii-chan, that tickles!"

Meanwhile, Arata didn't know this, but Minoru was sweating hard. He wanted to go and look for Toru's panties but the pressure Arata gave off when he started looking almost made him collapse.

Mina's room is very gaudy and flashy. With a buch of black and pink colours everywhere, it strangely fits her well. There's even a makeup kit on the table in the middle as well. Does she do makeup? Surprising. There's also a cleared up space in the centre so she can move around easier when she does her dancing hobby.

Uraraka's room has more stuff than I thought. Because of her poor upbringing, I expected her room to be a lot more frugal. But no, it's properly decorated. Granted, each of the decorations isn't expensive, I even spot some second-hand stuff, but it's put together nicely. She's even luxurious enough to put in a fan when there's already air conditioning in the room. What a madlad.

As for Momo… well, she took my advice and downsized. After I explained to her that the dorm rooms most likely won't be as big as her room back home, she decided to get all new furniture to use at the dorms…

On the condition that I went shopping for them with her, to which I agreed. We ended up going to a rather renown store that specialises in furniture and we look at a lot of things. She ended up getting a double bed, mainly because she's not used to small beds and can't sleep if the bed is too small. She's scared she might roll off in her sleep. A cute side to her I found out once we became lovers.

(A/N: Is it just me or did MC put in more effort describing the girls' rooms than the boys…?)

As for me, since I technically wasn't a part of the class and just happened to be staying with them, my room is a bit out of the way, so we looked at mine last.


A/N: Wait until MC absolutely floors them with his room. It's going to be sick.

MC: Actually I didnt do anything special.

AN: Y-you didnt?"

MC: Yeah, just some renovations here and there.

AN: Those renovations might be mind-blowing to the average person tho...

MC: *Shrugs*

AN: Then look forward to the next chapter!

Let me know if I missed something!

Also consider dropping a power stone!