
Vector Control in MHA [COMPLETED]

Completed/Dropped A normal man, through some bullshit luck, got chosen to reincarnate in another world after getting killed by the legendary Truck-kun. Distraught at the fact that he died without losing his V-Card, he becomes impatient and wanted to get the reincarnation process over quickly. Because of this, he ended up annoying the ROB overseeing his reincarnation, and to spite him, the ROB rigged his quest system. Because of this he ended up being forced to keep the timelines of the worlds he travels to intact and as close to canon as possible. If not, the world collapses. The problem? The bad guys all have power ups while the good guys get nothing. Follow our resident MC as he tried to keep the timelines intact while doing his best to become relevant and interact with the characters... and maybe get some girls on the way. Maybe. ----- First world: MHA I'm planning to have harem in the story but I REALLY want to keep it small, like 1-2 people per world, 3 if we're pushing it and it's a harem heavy world (e.g. DXD). During the beginning, the MC's personality will be... finicky. I haven't really decided what personality to give the MC at this point. Well, I tried giving him a cool-headed personality, but... that backfired. I don't want to write a character like that. So yeah, you have been warned. The story will generally follow canon but the way certain events are carried out can change. First time writing, I accept constructive criticism, tell my how I can improve and I'll do my best! I also apologise for any plot holes. DISCLAIMER: I don't own anything except for my own OC. The cover pic is something I found off google, it's not mine.

DJDAN · Anime & Comics
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130 Chs

Chapter 15 I fuck off somewhere and stalk the MC or something idk (During editing I realise that this is basically a filler chapter. I'm sorry! But I'm too lazy to change it!)

A/N: Ok so it seems some people re getting confused over our MC and his [Vector Manipulation] so lemme explain. On his skill list it says this skill is LV MAX but people are asking why am I saying it's only Level 3 or Level 4. Well the LV MAX is only showing his control over the ability and its potential., not the power he can bring out right now. However! Espers from Toaru need to use their brains to make calculations to use their abilities.

That's one of the reasons why MC was upset he got the Toaru esper ability, not simple Vector Manipulation. Is he got plain Vector Manipulation as a skill, he would be able to shatter the world with a punch right at the start. But since he wished for Accelerator's Vector Manipulation, he got the exact same one, thus, since he only had an average mind, he couldent bring out the full power of the skill right away.

As time passes his INT and WIS stat will rise, and the higher those stats, the more computing capabilities he can do, and the more power he can bring out through his personal reality. It's like Deku and One for All. One for All is already a completed ability, but Deku can't bring it out because of his inferior body that will break is he uses 100%.

SO! When I say MCs ability is only Level 3 or 4, I say that the current power he can bring out is only comparable to those Level 3 or 4s from the original series. If you have any questions, make sure to comment, I'll let you get back to the story.


(MC perspective)

???- "You wanna kill yourself!? You'll die for nothing!"

The heroes around Izuku, seeing this, yelled out, trying to convince him last minute to give up and run away. But, Izuku, as if unable to hear, completely ignored them all.

The Sludge Villain was pissed. Random kids kept interfering with him, and so, once he had the chance to kill one of them, he took it. He raised his fist and smashed down.


All Might- "I scolded you for something I nearly didn't put into practice just now… A pro hero always puts his life on the line!




And just like that, the villain that was causing so much trouble and destruction got absolutely rekt.

His body split up into many pieces and flew up so high you would be lucky to even see a dot.


The wind pressure caused by the punch continues flying up creating a pseudo tornado blowing for a whole 10 seconds before it started to calm down. After it did, at the centre you could see the cause for all of this, All Might himself, still in his punching position. Wiping away the unnoticeable trace of blood from his mouth that came out from overexerting himself, he turned around and stood imposingly for bystanders.


???- "This is… rain?"

???- "He sent the villain into the stratosphere?"

???- "Hold on! don't tell me…

???- "He altered the weather in a single swing!?"

???- "Oh my god! So this is All Might!"

And the crowd goes wild! Shaaaaa! Shaaaaaaaaaa! They love him! Wooh!

Chuckling to myself, I sit down on the top of a nearby building, looking over everything to make sure nothing goes wrong while making myself as inconspicuous as possible.

After I got 'blasted away', I jumped up here and hid to watch over everything to make sure things went as they should. I don't want to think "alright, I'm done, time to go" and then as soon as I turn around, Izuku dies.

Sitting like that for a few more hours, everything went as it should in the story. All Might immediately runs away from the press, Izuku gets scolded while Katsuki gets praised for hanging in there and everyone else is looking for where the hell I fucked off to.

Well, after everything was all and done, I got curious and used [Observation] on the Sludge Villain. Well, the they pieces recovered. What I saw was…

[Species: Human (Mutated)

Name: Kamizuki Shininsei (A/N: A random name)

Age: 39

Gender: Male

Title: Canon Fodder

Job: Villain

Description: A man who went down the evil path. A cruel and sadistic person. Canon fodder in the original My Hero series.

Divine Augment: Increased possession speed.

HP: 2400/2400

MP: 110/110

STR: 100 VIT: 240 DEX: 40 INT: 11 WIS: 7 LUK: 1


Quirk: Sludge Physique

Feeling: Vengeful, Angry]

That Divine Augment, is that the buff all the villains got from the Dragon Ball administrator?

Damn, guess I gotta observe all the villains that appear from now on.

Now, where did I fuck off to, you ask?

That's easy. I stalked Izuku on his way back home. On the way there…

Katsuki- "DEKU!"

A wild Kacchan appears!

Katsuki- "I… I never asked to be saved, least of all by you! In fact, you didn't save me, I did it myself! I won't let a worthless quirkless owe any kind of favour! Don't you dare fucking look down on me!"

Saying that, he turns around, and storms off. Izuku, being used to it, just smiles wryly before going on his own way. However, before he could even take a step…

All Might- "I am here!"

Izuku- "Wha!?"

All Might zooms out from behind the corner in some kind of dabbing fashion. I'm sure it wasn't intentional.

Izuku- "All Might! What are you doing here? Weren't you surrounded by the press?"

All Might- "Giving them the slip is as easy as pie! For I am the almighty All Mi- GEBOHH!"

Izuku- "AHH!"

Hahaha! Seeing this happen in person is pretty funny!

All Might- "Kid, I came here to thank you, and to set the record straight… as well as give you a suggestion."

Izuku- "Huh?"

All Might- "If you hadn't been there… if I hadn't heard your story, then I would've gotten dangerously close to not living by my own words. To being all talk, to flash fake muscle. For that, I thank you!"

Izuku- "But… it was all my fault, to begin with… I messed with your work, and even though I'm just quirkless-"

All Might- "But that's just it! Of all the people there, only you made a difference! You made me act! Most of the top heroes have a similar line in their stories during their student days… 'My body moved on its own before I could think'."

Izuku, upon hearing that, started to feel something. He grabs his chest, and overwhelming relief erupts from within him.

All Might- "And you did the same thing!"

Izuku- "… yeah…"

He starts crying as the emotion becomes more powerful and he couldn��t hold it in, and his legs give out.

All Might- "You can become a hero."

And then Izuku just lets it all out. Seeing this scene live, right in front of me, I have to say…

It's a lot less climactic without music. You have a man saying "you can be a hero" to an influential teen and all of a sudden said teenager breaks down and cries. Like, what the fuck?

All Might- "You are the one worthy to inherit my strength."

Izuku- "… eh?"

Oh, you broke him All Might.

All Might- "I'm talking about my quirk. My quirk is a power not unlike that of the sacred torch of legend that comes passed from one bearer to the next."

Izuku- "E-ehhh!? It's a quirk you can inherit!?"

All Might- "That's right young man. And I've tagged you as the next in line."

Izuku- "Eh? Wait, just hold on a second… uhm… *mumble* *mumble* *mumble*…" (A/N: I ain't writing his whole monologue.)

All Might- "Enough with the nonsense! There's a lot I keep to myself but I don't tell lies! It's the power to transfer power… and the name to that ability to which I've been entrusted to is none other than… One for All."

Izuku- "One.. for All.."

All Might- "One man cultivates the power and passes it onto the next. It is passed down and in doing so brave hearts with unwavering calls to save lives can burnish this might!"

I think this is my queue. Hmm… let's do this like before.


This time, I purposefully didn't turn off the flash.

Arata- "You know, you're not very aware of your surroundings, All Might. What if someone else heard this? But still. All for One huh?"


He spewed blood again. Izuku is also, once again, panicking. Don't blame them, this is a highly guarded secret but I, and outsider, heard all of it.

Arata- "Calm down. I don't plan on telling anyone about this. Now, let's get down to business."

A filler chapter! Nooo!

I was trying too hard to emphasise the conversation between all these characters, it turned into nothing but small talk this chapter! But it's too late for me to change it!...

Actually I'm just too lazy >_>


There's just a couple chapters like this and it'll get back to the timeskips. Please be patient!

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