
Vector Control in MHA [COMPLETED]

Completed/Dropped A normal man, through some bullshit luck, got chosen to reincarnate in another world after getting killed by the legendary Truck-kun. Distraught at the fact that he died without losing his V-Card, he becomes impatient and wanted to get the reincarnation process over quickly. Because of this, he ended up annoying the ROB overseeing his reincarnation, and to spite him, the ROB rigged his quest system. Because of this he ended up being forced to keep the timelines of the worlds he travels to intact and as close to canon as possible. If not, the world collapses. The problem? The bad guys all have power ups while the good guys get nothing. Follow our resident MC as he tried to keep the timelines intact while doing his best to become relevant and interact with the characters... and maybe get some girls on the way. Maybe. ----- First world: MHA I'm planning to have harem in the story but I REALLY want to keep it small, like 1-2 people per world, 3 if we're pushing it and it's a harem heavy world (e.g. DXD). During the beginning, the MC's personality will be... finicky. I haven't really decided what personality to give the MC at this point. Well, I tried giving him a cool-headed personality, but... that backfired. I don't want to write a character like that. So yeah, you have been warned. The story will generally follow canon but the way certain events are carried out can change. First time writing, I accept constructive criticism, tell my how I can improve and I'll do my best! I also apologise for any plot holes. DISCLAIMER: I don't own anything except for my own OC. The cover pic is something I found off google, it's not mine.

DJDAN · Anime & Comics
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130 Chs

Chapter 1 Death

Hi! My name is Daniel. Or at least, it was. Not the coolest of names, I know, but it's mine and I'm not complaining.

I was an 18-year-old boy living in a small town in Australia. I'm from Asian and European descent, my mom and dad respectively. Normally that would be a decent mix, but not for me. You see, I'm fat. So, my good looks don't exactly come through. Although I'm fat, I don't think I look ugly. I wasn't bullied during school nor shunned. I was kind of 'that guy' that just doesn't fit anywhere, and people don't bother with.

Because of this, school became boring and I dropped out the first chance I got. Ever since then, I've been in my room watching anime and reading manga and web novels. Recently, I've been into fanfictions (A/N: who knew right?), you know, about a guy dying and reincarnating as some OP MC. Didn't think I'd ever get the chance.

About that, you know how I was speaking in past tense there? Yeah, I died. You would not believe how, but I might as well tell you because this is probably going to be written down by some author in some shitty fanfic novel (A/N: *cough*).

So, it was a rare occasion where the beast (me) was sighted walking outside his natural habitat (my room, duh) because I decided, out of nowhere, to go on a walk. However, my immediate next thought was 'What the fuck? Why would I want to do that? I don't want to, too much work' and decided to promptly ignore it and walk back in.

I probably should've thought something was up then because the mere thought of unprovoked exercise, going outside and risking social contact with other people was creepy.

So anyway, ignoring my thought, I continued my current "research" (A/N: we all know what he was doing) when I start hearing a truck engine. This isn't uncommon as I lived near a busy road, so I've learned to automatically zone out any vehicle sounds so I can concentrate on whatever I'm doing at the time.

However, what happened next was so crazy, even now I doubt what I saw was real.

Minding my own business, out of the blue, a truck comes flying through the door to the balcony. Time started to slow down as I slowly turn my head to look at the fucker that somehow manages to crash a truck into my room, and I will swear to any god, deity, ancestor or whatever holy artifact you worship (A/N: Roxy's panties for me) that what I saw was real… I think?


I saw motherfucking Dio himself behind the wheel. To be honest, simply because it was Dio I'm not going to question how he got a truck to crash into my room, which is on the second floor of my house by the way.

My last thought before I died was 'But… it's not a road roller…'

And just like that, I blacked out and woke up in the middle of nowhere. Like, literally, it's nowhere. It's black all around and can't see anything for miles. Normally, I would freak out, but because of my past occupation as an (A/N: unemployed) otaku, I knew what was most likely going to happen next.

Of course, while I'm here waiting for someone, by that I mean ROB-sama, I start to overlook my life. I have a few… no, MANY regrets, like that time I embarrassed myself at school, or not saying bye to my parents, or-



I'm new to this so please comment and let me know of anything I can do to improve. Chapter 2 coming tomorrow... maybe?

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