
vault across the multiverse

Ying Zhe woke up in a strange place. The room was not very big and the atmosphere felt oppressive in front of it, there was only a desk with a somewhat peculiar computer. On the screen you could see the words "Welcome to the Vault Tec Vault Management System Collector's Edition, Greetings Supervisor." along with even Vault Boy with his typical pose. Author's note: It is not necessary to know much about Fallout since I will only use a few of its characteristics or plots, more than anything this is an outlet that I do as a hobby. English is not my native language so excuse the grammar.

Nashi103 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
30 Chs

Chapter 27: A playful slime

In the dead of night there was a peculiar scene.

A man and a cat were having a conversation... to say the least.

"So there are more like you?" Ying Zhe asked.

"I really do not know. I can't sense any of them in the vicinity, I guess they don't want to get close to my territory? Or something like that is what I feel may be the reason. I don't really understand it, it's knowledge that comes to my mind, as if I should already know it." The Slime responded.

"Well that means I only have to worry about you… by the way you're going to have to stop eating people" Ying Zhe ordered.

"Roger…Captain. Anyway I don't need to do it now, since I acquired human form my appetite can be satisfied with normal food, however I need more food than an average person, and since getting money is very slow and tedious, that's why I decided to continue consuming humans. ." The Slime said while she made gestures with her paws or at least tried to make them, since it was difficult for a cat's body to make human gestures.

"Also… that is not necessary now since I have you ♥~… your semen full of your genes and which is also very rich in that appetizing black substance that you use is the best food for me, it is very delicious, very nutritious and It comes from the person I love dearly, I am more than satisfied with you, because I would have to go look for other humans when you are with me ♥~" said the Slime while rubbing against his face and purring affectionately.

"Okay… calm down, keep your cat form to avoid future problems. And I will feed you at night. You cannot show yourself to others unless I give you permission, do you understand?" Ying Zhe said.

"Oke.. Oke… at her command" said the Slime while she formed a military helmet with her slime and gave a military salute with her paw, it was a nice image.


*The next day*



Chisato: "Mari Setogaya belongs to the Class 2-B class and they will have a couple of hours of free study after this class, you can make your move at that time"

"Understood. You can continue with your usual activities, I will give you your reward later" He replied.

Chisato: "Understood, I'll be looking forward to it ♥ ~" attached to her message I sent a Sticker of a kitten.

Ending the conversation Ying Zhe put away her phone, with the information in her possession she just had to wait a little longer to meet with her target.

"The only problem is keeping that Trio busy," he muttered to himself.

"I think I can help with that hehehe, of course if you allow me ♥~" The Slime's voice whispered.

"I told you not to talk at school and if your plan has to do with eating that trio then forget it, I have plans that involve them so I can't let you eat them" Ying Zhe whispered.

"Tsk…Stingy…well if plan "A" fails then…can I consume a master and…create some problems for you? Or something like that, what do you think?" the Slime asked somewhat doubtfully.

"That will do… but you are strictly prohibited from eating them. Even if you are very angry, or I will be forced to eliminate you and you will lose your favorite snack forever" Ying Zhe threatened.

"Noooouuuu… I will die if you don't give me your rich essence… you can hit me or torture me but don't take away my favorite food… Uuuu" the Slime sobbed in a pitiful tone.

"Okay…then get going once this class is over."

"Understood… so here I go, I will still leave a small part of me with you in case things get ugly with that hybrid." He said the pink Slime while a pink substance emerged from my pants which separated and quickly disappeared down the hallway.

"You really chose my pants…" Ying Zhe muttered to himself.

"That? It is the least obvious position. If I separated from your jacket or shirt it would be more obvious! the Slime defended itself.

"Are you sure you didn't do it to get closer to my crotch?" asked.

"N-No… how can you distrust me like that Master." The Slime said.

"Well, focus on the trio, I'll go see that hybrid," said Ying Zhe.



*POV Slime*

"Right now I am very happy. The food is abundant and the atmosphere is pleasant. Better yet, I don't have to deal with those annoying humans anymore. Well at least not much."

My Master is a bit peculiar. He can be a bit abrupt at times but his presence is very calming or would the correct word be Pleasant? When I attach myself to his clothes or approach him in my cat form, the master gives off an aura that makes me feel very comfortable and makes me want to stay close to him. Maybe this is due to those strange black ligaments that I used when we were in the alley, they smelled very good now that I remember?

Well it's not that important.

After arriving at his house I became a kind of pet, not that I care as long as he gives me his seed I'm more than happy. Every time I come into contact with her I feel like my body becomes stronger. Or rather "Evolves"? I remember this word in the memory of the university student.

The amount of information I can maintain is greater than before. While I can remember everything the people I consume know, unless I transform into them their information becomes vague when I return to my normal form.

This is somewhat frustrating because I tend to forget about the things I wanted to do when I return to my base form.

However, when I consume the master seed I can feel how the memories become clearer, I can also feel how my control over myself is better than before. Although I can divide myself into several copies of myself, some carry an ego of their own and sometimes do not fully accept my orders. So it is very difficult to use more than 4 bodies at the same time. This was clear when my 4th body acted very differently during the confrontation with the master.

Well I don't want to think about very complicated things, I haven't consumed enough of the master's essence yet to think that much. Furthermore, I would like him to press on me like he did when he made me his ♥ ~ that feeling was very magical, I could feel how we became one being.

Ahhhh ♥~

God I'm melting just thinking about it... wait... wait I must stop rambling... this Slime has a very important mission to fulfill.

Let's see... who should I consume to take care of that trio.

*a few minutes later*

I'm bored... no luck finding someone suitable to take a random teacher.

Shit I wanted to find a sexy body to use to milk my teacher later... well nothing can be done for now. Let's continue with the plan.

While taking the form of the professor who turned out to be part of the disciplinary committee, I headed towards that troublesome trio.


*POV Third person*

In the hallway you could see a group of beauties walking from one place to another looking for something or someone.

"Damn! "Where did that damn dog escape again?" the redhead growled.

"It's not fair! Today is my period and I was the one who had the highest chance of having the baby first! AHHH Stupid Tasaki! "Right now you had to escape!" the brunette lamented over her lost opportunity.

"…" The brown-haired one hadn't said a word yet but she looked just as upset as her friends.

"Hey! "Wait there you 3!" said a male voice.

The 3 beauties turned to look at the poor idiot who dared to distract them from his very important task.

"What?" x3

"…I heard that you 3 have been missing your classes lately and that just yesterday you disappeared after the third period. "You better have an explanation if you don't want me to punish you young ladies."

"Oh? Are you looking for problems with us?" the redhead asked.

"Is that the tone you should have with a Professor Nogami Izumi-San?" the man asked.

"Oh?! And what bug bit you, are you stupid or something?" replied the girl, somewhat angry at having to put up with this stupid teacher who didn't seem to understand her place.

"Are you a fool or something?" You don't know who Izumi's parents are! Don't get in our way, we're very busy right now," Sae said to the side.

"Sensei should go back to his work and not pay attention to us if he wants to keep his job intact." Minako threatened.

For a moment her other two friends turned to look at her when they saw the boldness of her statement. But they quickly supported her.

"Listen to me, you little trashy professor, if you don't want to have problems and keep your job, then don't get involved in our affairs or you'll pay dearly." Izumi said with a tone that did not admit challenge.

"Is that any way to talk to a teacher? You three are punished, follow me to the disciplinary committee office or I will be forced to call your parents," said the teacher, unperturbed by the trio's threats.

"You!" said the redhead. But she couldn't continue when she saw the students in the hallways staring at them, at some point a small crowd had gathered around her.

The trio had no choice but to reluctantly follow the professor. However, at no time did they stop giving him withering glances. They would remember this transgression and take revenge in the future.


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