
vault across the multiverse

Ying Zhe woke up in a strange place. The room was not very big and the atmosphere felt oppressive in front of it, there was only a desk with a somewhat peculiar computer. On the screen you could see the words "Welcome to the Vault Tec Vault Management System Collector's Edition, Greetings Supervisor." along with even Vault Boy with his typical pose. Author's note: It is not necessary to know much about Fallout since I will only use a few of its characteristics or plots, more than anything this is an outlet that I do as a hobby. English is not my native language so excuse the grammar.

Nashi103 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
30 Chs

Chapter 16: Reports of the next Objectives

"Come here Tasaki, it seems that you have gained a lot of confidence from your change in appearance, it is time for a proper punishment so that you understand your place." Izumi said as he pulled the young man.

"Ah! Wait…" Tasaki said as he was pulled.

In the eyes of the rest it seemed that Izumi was calmly pulling the young man but in reality Izumi was exerting all his strength to pull him.

"How come you're still so heavy if you're skinny now, damn what is your body made of steel or something?" the girl thought with frustration.

Chisato wanted to say something else to Tasaki but she was quickly stopped and confronted by a pair of furious beauties.

"Oh~ Mashiro-San from class 1-B right? You better not hang out too much with this guy Tasaki, we don't want an honor student to be badly influenced by troublesome students like him…right?" Said a smiling Minako, she began her words calmly and kindly, but her tone became colder and more threatening at the end.

"That is! We don't want a pretty, studious girl like you to have problems, do we?" said a cheerful Sae, although her cold eyes told another story.

"You…" Chisato wanted to refute but then the Pip Boy in her hand flashed from her and Ying Zhe's voice in her head spoke.

"Play their game and don't create problems, complete your task and I will give you your reward. "Create problems for me and believe me, I have many ways to torture you." She said the voice coldly.

Chisato trembled for a moment upon hearing the threat at the end and decided to play along with these annoying girls.

The girl's trembling was misunderstood by the pair and they continued with her instigation.

"Okay, it seems like you understand, don't come closer again, understand?" Minako said with an authoritative tone.

"Be smart and follow our words to avoid inconvenience," Sae said with a serious face.

"Okay-okay," said a trembling Chisato and she ran away.

"Phew! How annoying! Now there are more flies hanging around our toy. What a nuisance!" said a very dazed Sae as she puffed out her cheeks.

"I hope this doesn't become a recurring event," said a serious Minako as she stared at Chisato leaving.

On Chisato's side she was using all of her willpower to suppress her urge to beat those pair of vixens.

Instead she decided to focus all her efforts on completing her mission.


Returning to the current scene, the noises coming from the bathroom were charming.

The girl's moans were very audible.

Inside the cubicle, the pink landscape was intoxicating, the girl shook her hips violently, the reddish clouds on her cheeks only grew when she saw the boy's fearful and resigned face, every time he let out his pitiful moans the emotion of The girl touched the heavens, making her push her hips even more violently in a desire that bordered on obsession with being impregnated with his seeds.

"Ahh ♥∼ Come on Tasaki ♥∼ Be an obedient dog and fill me ♥∼" said the girl giving one last push making the boy explode inside her.

*10 minutes later*

Finishing arranging her clothes the girl said to the cubicle behind her.

"You better be free this afternoon, we will squeeze you until there is nothing left, understand?" Izumi said haughtily as she headed towards her classroom.

When he was sure that the girl was gone, the expression on Ying Zhe's face changed from one of fear and tiredness to one of pure indifference. He quickly arranged her clothes and while she used the sink to clean her face. She thought.

"Ugh! This is really tiring me out, I'll finish it in a week at most and in 3 days at least, first I'll have to hurry up my plans, I can't let this problematic trio consume so much of my time."

When Ying Zhe was heading to the exit to go to her class, an unexpected event occurred.

"Student Tasaki, what are you doing in this place and especially during class time!" said a sweet but authoritative voice.

When the young man laid his eyes on them he frowned.

In front of him was the student Shiina Chizuru, infamous for being part of the disciplinary committee. Her strict and upright character is the horror of relaxed students, she is especially persistent if you catch her attention.

Cursing inwardly, Ying Zhe decided to ignore the girl to avoid further problems and go to her class. It was better to let a girl like this be, if she started arguing, it was better to wait to finish at the end of class and with no guarantee of victory.

"Hey, I asked you a question, student Tasaki!" said the girl now angry at being ignored.

"Yes… Yes… sorry…" said the young man as he walked away from her and as he waved her hand carelessly.

"You… I will remember you, Student Tasaki!" the girl threatened.

The classes passed without any major problems for Tasaki or that's how he would have liked it to be, instead he could feel how 3 pairs of eyes landed on him and looked at him very attentively throughout the class.

These eyes belonged to the pair of angry beauties Sae and Minako who were looking at him with grievance in their eyes for simply hanging out with Izumi.

The last pair belonged to a very dazed Chizuru, who glared at him.

And if you're looking for Izumi, well, she was sleeping happily while she was lying on her desk.

At lunch break.

Before Minako and Sae pounced on him. He quickly escaped from the classroom and looked for Chisato to report her progress on homework.

He went so fast that Minako and Sae couldn't follow him, with Izumi still sleeping they had no choice but to wait for him to return or for Izumi to wake up.


Chisato and Ying Zhe met on the stairs leading to the terrace.

"That's good," the young man said in a serious tone.

"Yes! It wasn't easy but I was able to find 4 abnormalities. The first is the strange behavior of the teacher in charge of the baseball club. According to rumors he is very aggressive towards women and has a bad reputation for sexual harassment. "He seems to have his eyes fixed on the student Akane Nanao. Is this of interest to you?"

"Yes, that's perfect. Continue" said the young man showing a smile at how useful Chisato turned out to be.

"Well...the second thing would be a strange transfer student Mari Setogaya, she seems to be the focus of her class and attracts the attention of any boy who approaches her however they don't seem to remember her after walking away from her. Kinda "

"Uhmm, it seems that this will be a different case, we will continue."

"The third thing would be the student Chizuru Shiina, according to rumors she is in love with Tsukino-Sensei, in my investigations I have realized that she has had multiple altercations with Hamura-Sensei and from her appearance she does not have good intentions. I have the feeling that "She could end up like me."

"Chizuru huh? That annoying bitch will come in handy after all. Good work Chisato continue"

"The last one would be the student Himemiya Makoto, it would not be very strange if it were not known that her brother, the superior of class 3-C, has stated on many occasions that he is very interested in taking it and invites his friends to share when he achieves it "I'm afraid it might end up like I did with my uncle."

"Well… this is very useful, you will have your reward on Sunday, look forward to it" Ying Zhe said as she ruffled the young girl's hair.

"B-But Master, that's too long Chisato, Chisato won't hold it for that long…" the girl wanted to complain.

But Ying Zhe sealed her lips with his and in what could only be described as a truly lascivious kiss, she pulled away from her.

As she cut the string of saliva, she said she.

"Be obedient and wait patiently, understand?"

"Y-yes master ♥ ∼" the girl's eyes were dreamy and the pattern of her heart was already visible, her breathing was heavy and so she could smell Ying Zhe with her senses widened by the statistics. This girl was already wet and ready.

"Come on, don't make any more fuss and let's go before those three annoying people come," said the young man as he got up to leave.

"Yes sir!" The girl said happily, as she fixed her disheveled clothes, because of her passionate kiss.

Author's note: Well well, here we are again a normal one for now I'm more or less seeing how the plot is getting on track, future torture is coming for the NTR boy's, give me ideas of what rewards to give the MC. With that said, have a good day. bye bye
