
vault across the multiverse

Ying Zhe woke up in a strange place. The room was not very big and the atmosphere felt oppressive in front of it, there was only a desk with a somewhat peculiar computer. On the screen you could see the words "Welcome to the Vault Tec Vault Management System Collector's Edition, Greetings Supervisor." along with even Vault Boy with his typical pose. Author's note: It is not necessary to know much about Fallout since I will only use a few of its characteristics or plots, more than anything this is an outlet that I do as a hobby. English is not my native language so excuse the grammar.

Nashi103 · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

Chapter 14: the ideology of a Sadistic Queen Part 2

Shaking her head but with a smug look the girl said.

"In all"

"Huh?" the teacher asked with bewilderment.

"With the way Yamashita-Sensei murmurs, did anyone else hear what he said?" the girl asked, still standing.

"He is right!"

"I didn't hear anything either!"

"I didn't hear a word too!"

"Maybe we should find someone to replace you?"

"Chi-children? why do they say that?" the teacher asked fearfully.

"I would rather have Kaneda-Sensei from class 3."

"I like Saeki-Sensei from class 1 better."

The situation had gotten out of hand for the teacher, the children booed her more and more and her laughter abounded in the classroom.

"Kids, calm down!" the teacher exclaimed.

The laughter increased instead of stopping and the criticism against her increased.

"Shut up!" the frustrated teacher shouted.

But the kids just kept making fun of her.

"Because? Why suddenly?" The teacher murmured to herself, desperate and very scared.

"She's barely worth being one of my many toys…she's just a pitiful fun puppet." Little Izumi thought as she licked her lips when she saw the misfortune and despair that the teacher suffered due to her few comments.

*A few years later*

In a dark and secluded alley, a man was prostrate on the ground with 3 young people.

"Here… you wanted to see a high school girl's panties right?" Izumi said as she placed her foot on the man's bowed head and rubbed the red-handed photo of him.

"You wanted to see even if you secretly took a photo, right? Then take a good look." The girl said as she stomped the man even more.


"Hey! Come on Lord! "You are very impatient," said a very amused Sae while she recorded everything.

"It says here that you are the director of a transportation company, and that you have a cute little daughter, they even seem to get along very well," Izumi said as she checked her phone.

"Fufu I wonder if she knows that his father is a lolicon ♥ ∼" Minako mocked.

"I'm sorry… I'm really sorry! "Please don't tell my family!" the man begged.

"AHAHA! The man is too scared! HAHA!" Sae mocked.

"Now I have photographic and video evidence… I will send all this to your wife and your company! I'm going to destroy you! Everything you spent your life working on will be destroyed!" Izumi exclaimed, very excited by the man's desperation while she kicked him even more.

"Stop! Uwhh! "I-I'll do whatever you say," the man said between sobs.

"He's really crying. AHAHAHA! What an idiot HAHA!" the girl exclaimed, very amused.

Sae and Minako shared a look and smiled, "There she goes again" the two of them thought, they already knew very well about her friend's special hobby but they wouldn't deny that sometimes it was very fun, like now.

"AHAHA! Look at this you two, this pig is really disgusting HAHA!" The girl said excitedly as she trampled the man even harder.

"Go dead! Die at once! HAHAHA!" Izumi mocked as she kicked the man.

"Ahhh… this is making me shudder ♥ ∼" the girl thought, invisible to the rest of her, her panties were starting to get wet.

*The next day*

"That old man was really loaded KIKIKI!" Sae said playfully as she hung out with her friends.

"It's a waste that a waste of trash like him has all that money. I'm sure we'll find a better use for it than him," Izumi scoffed.

"So… Are we really going to let him go after the bribe?" asked a curious Minako.

"Ha! As if that were going to happen. I already sent the photos a moment ago. He's probably rotting in hell right now. HAHA!" Izumi said with a big smile on her face.

"Uwaaah,,, As cruel as always. HAHA!" Sae said somehow hoping things would end like this.


- Even I realize that my nature is a little problematic at this point... but how can I stop when it feels so good ♥∼.

*Sekai Academy, terrace*

A girl was cornered by the infamous trio of delinquent beauties.

"There is no need to be so scared ♥∼ We are friends, aren't we?" Izumi asked the girl sitting on the floor in front of her.

"Y-Yes," said the girl with a trembling voice.

"You see. If you don't have the money, don't worry, I'm going to introduce you to a part-time job. "It's a simple photo session," said Izumi, placing her condescending gaze on the girl.

"Umm… B-but… I…" the girl tried to speak but she was so afraid that she could barely get out a couple of disjointed words.

"The guy is a student. He is a womanizer. He knows how to treat a young lady and you can be sure that he is gentle with virgins" Izumi continued speaking, completely ignoring the girl's clumsy attempt to speak.

"Or… Do you want to suffer the same thing you did the other day?" Izumi said slowly to accentuate the girl's fear.

"Eeep! Yeah! I understand I'll do whatever you say Nogami-San! So please, not that again!" The girl said in a pleading tone and almost bursting into tears in her last sentences.

I mean, how could she give up this feeling. This is very fun, Very exciting... Intimidate and hurt other people. How could I abandon this feeling ♥∼.


The screams.

Watch them crawl and beg.

They are all really pathetic ♥∼.

Although occasionally they end up going away or breaking in the worst case scenario.



"Hey did you hear apparently Mamiya-San transferred"

"Oh? So it was true that she was a prostitute?"

"Come on man, I told you that the girl in that AV we saw last week was her. Haha! "Now you owe me 3000 yen."

"Damn! And I thought she was a normal girl. She even planned to confess to me."

"HAHA! Idiot girls like her would fuck anyone who has money or a big cock and you don't have any."

"Come here you Idiot!"


It's not that I care Mama and Minako's dad always help me when it happens, I'll take a couple of scoldings from the old lady but nothing that a couple of days of pouting and crying to my father won't fix, I can be useless for everything I don't care but at least it can calm that old tigress down.

Getting the old lady out of the way doesn't mean that losing toys is a problem.

*Women's Dressing Room*

"Oh? Isn't it Tasaki-Kun∼? I wonder what you are doing here?" Izumi said in a sarcastic tone when she saw in front of her a young man with his pants down and holding her underwear in her hands. The 2 girls behind her had mocking smiles at her next victim.

Because I always put my hands on a new toy ♥∼




I woke up suddenly when I heard the young man's call.

"What's wrong Nogami-San? You suddenly became silent" Tasaki asked, somewhat worried by the girl's strange behavior.




What was she doing?

What is happening?

I was semi naked on top of Tasaki, we were in one of the stalls in the girls' bathroom on the third floor. My panties and skirt were resting on the toilet tank.

"Did you finally decide to give up?" I wonder.

"Y-yeah maybe we should stop here." I thought all this was very strange.

"It's terrible to go around raping boys, you know?" she told me she.

At that moment everything made sense to me.

It's true!... Today I decided that I would torment him by raping him in the women's bathroom, he would have to suffer from the torment, it would be even more exciting if some other girl came in, to see his face full of fear of being caught and his useless attempts to try to contain her moans, Ahhh ♥∼ That scene would be too exciting ♥∼.

Author's note: Well guys, how are you? Yesterday I was glued to "LoL" for a long time to refresh my memory and when I realized, I ran out of time to write, well here are 2 chapters as an apology although in reality it is a very long one of almost 4k, the sadistic queen's past is a little confusing and vague in the dou I tried to give it a more personal touch I hope you like it. Well, I will try to cover the past of the other 2 a little more in future chapters. And well, if anyone thinks that I made Izumi very evil, then I have to say that the original author says that Izumi is "A despicable and evil bitch." although obviously all this will change with the MC in charge. well anyway this is all for today, I have to sleep and work later see you tomorrow if I have the time to write another chapter I love you and happy belated Valentine's Day <3< p>
