
Vaulstrae (Paused)

One fateful day, Asaki's life took an unexpected turn when the apocalypse struck the continent of Vaulstrae. Indeed, black smoke, emanating from the dead body of an old man, started changing almost all the earth population into bloodthirsty creatures. But on the other hand... It seems that those who survived the First Night got something in return, supernatural abilities gave by strange scrolls which appeared from nowhere. At this moment, Asaki didn't know it yet, but this was the beginning of the deadliest hunt the world had ever known.

Sauldor · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Tomorrow's Dusk

"Heading to Asagiri... ? Why... ?"

Emptily, Asaki's lavender eyes crossed the Aurora's gaze, already hardly sparking with the so less conviction Celia had left. The woman gritted her teeth, now getting up from the bed with a tired, but determinate, stance.

"Haven't you heard what the radio just said ? We need to join Asagiri, that's our only hope !"

Asaki truly admired how the girl kept a positive and optimistic attitude toward their situation, as he was, himself, deeply desperate.

Joining Asagiri contained multiple risk and convenient which Asaki couldn't agree with, for example : The lack of certitude that some sort of survivors truly managed to regroup inside of the gigantic city. Plus, the travel would be fair more dangerous than any they ever did, and truth be told... Asaki hadn't numerous travels on his counter.

"And what proves to us that survivors managed to set inside of the city ?"

Of course, since they only were at the second day since the Last Night, it would be bad faith to use the lack of survivor's civilization inside of the city as an argument. But, Asaki, really didn't want to do anything else.

Wouldn't it be better to just... Stand outside, and let the monsters get him ?

Now looking down the ground, the young man hadn't noticed the new expression now drawing on Celia's face, a mix of motivation, strictness and... Anger.

"And what if there's really survivors there ? What if we manage to pass through the one percent chances of survival this travel actually have, and make it to a city where we'll be protected ? What if ? Tell me Asaki..."

A burning gaze now rested on the poor man's body, and even if it wasn't supposed to be possible, Asaki felt a burning sensation emanating furiously from the young woman.

"What do we have to lose anyway ?"

It's true that she was maybe right, if he wanted to die anyway, Asaki would at least do it while trying to survive. Why living until now to weakly give up on life ? Were everything he did until now completely useless ?

"Y... Yeah but..."

"Shut-up !"

Surprised, the white-haired man looked once more at the Aurora, whom angrily yelled at him as she leaned even closer than before, now grabbing him by the collar.

Yet, the profusely shaking hand, by fear, conviction or... Something else, added a peculiar dynamic to the exchange.

"It's... It's too late to regret our previous life and actions, but too soon to give up on our future ones ! Do you think that I saved you to let us simply die like some movie's extra ?? Wake-up !! Don't... I won't let anyone else die ! Le... Let's save everyone, Asaki !!"

Hiding behind a pure spark of conviction, kindness, and regret, also stood... Madness, inside of the Aurora's eyes. Honestly, Asaki wanted to believe that he was possibly mistaking, and that the girl hadn't lost it after being forced to flee from her duty. But...

"I'll protect you ! Come ! Follow me !! Asaki !!"

Her entire body now shook with fear, as Asaki could've sworn that tears slowly started to form inside of Celia's eyes. If he refused, the man was sure that the Aurora will continue until they'll enter into a conflict, or simply accept.

So... Even if Asaki didn't wanted to go outside, to face dreadful creatures, and get killed by an infinite pain.

His mouth said otherwise.

"Fine, fine... I'll follow you..."


After both or the survivors got changed ; Celia now wearing a long and brown coat mixed with a white woollen sweater, while Asaki was wearing a black long coat with deep blue trousers, keeping his own shirt. Those of the man who lived there way too big to fit on hid body comfortably.

"Why don't this girl have any pants ?? Geez... Mine is too scattered to be continued to be wore."

Celia held differents types of skirt with a slight pouting expression drew on her face. The woman seemed genuinely disturbed at the idea of wearing someone else's clothes, although she was already wearing their sweat and coat.

Asaki, however, left the room for like the 100th as Celia waited for, before getting changed again. But this time, it wasn't really a big deal, Asaki going downstairs to start retrieving some food and others stuff.

Luckily, electricity seemed to haven't stopped running inside if the house, the food stocked inside of the fridge maybe then not totally expired ! But as the young man opened it, he saw standing in the middle of the fridge... Almost nothing.

As for the lockers, they only contained a little bit more foods, still more useful since they didn't needed any fridge to be conservated, like bread, dried meat, water, cereals...

If it wasn't for the two hiking bags which he had found in the man's closet, Asaki doubted that he would've been able to collect all this food for their journey. There was now indeed, at least the necessary for around five days in their bags.

In addition to the food, the man also added to the bag the axe he had use some hours ago, hanging it to one of the thongs.

If someone had told him three days ago that he'll actually do something like that, maybe that the young man would've laughed at them during minutes.

But now....

"Why am I doing something like this...?"

Steps started to echoe from the stairs behind Asaki, as a young red-haired woman, holding a fire poker and now dressed in brand new clothes, was glancing at him with unknow emotions.

"Ready ?"

Asked Celia, her foots finally reaching the cold brown ground, as her question made Asaki's heart pound even harder.
