
Vaughn's enterprise

_steph_anie20 · Teen
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26 Chs

Chapter 8

Ailin's Pov

Walking into the gates of my high school , the parking lot is less crowded than usual. I felt a hand wrap around my shoulder, already knowing who it is.

"Why is the school less rowdy" i said walking towards the entrance of the school.

"The school prepared a program for the rich kids " lya said shrugging.

So that explains the lack of sport cars in the parking lot.

"So are you going to tell me his name or not"  lya said nudging me with her elbow.

I simply just shrugged my shoulders, if it took him some time to tell me his name why should i bother telling people.

"Vaughn" is all i simply say.

She rose her brows probably confused by the name, i know the name sound rather different from his personality.

" Surname" i said clearifying her thoughts.

"He is the son of the owner of Vaughn's enterprise?" She asked.

I nodded my head while she screamed my ears out. Is she clueless or is she simply dumb, just by hearing the name isn't that what is meant to pop into your head.

I walked into the hallway down to my locker trying my best to get lya to shut up.

"If he is the son just  date him already"

"We are just friends" i said groaning , picking out my books from my locker.

She hummed obviously not believing any word i say about us being just friends. I gave up on trying to convince her, let her think what she believes.

I placed the straps of my bag properly on my shoulder and walked off to my locker.

"So what do you have first period" she asked while opening her locker that is right next to mine.

I put in the code for my locker and brought out my schedule.

"First two periods of biology" i groaned. Like why would they put first two periods for biology. Biology deserves half a period. I grabbed my books and slammed my locker shut.

"Good luck with the old lady" lya chuckled walking away.

I really wish this class doesn't exist.

I made my way over to my class , i really dont want to attend this class.

I groaned and pushed the door open

"Glad you could join us Ailin" Mrs Fletcher said.

"Sorry for being late" seriously when did the bell go off and why are people still in the parking lot.

"Sure you are , this is your only warning if you are late to my next class its detention for you young lady" she said turning back to the class

Once she turned to face the class and rolled my eyes , and walked past the class hoping the stares will die down. Its in situations like this I need lya in my classes.

I took the only empty seat available which is directly opposite Mrs Fletcher, just my luck.

I sat down on the seat and it felt like she was staring into my soul as she taught. I cant wait for this class to be over.

"Do you understand Ailin" oh just great she had to ask me out of every one in the class. I gave her a tight lipped smile and nodded my head.

"Great then , meaning you wouldn't mind explaining to me the difference between fission and fussion" . I know i heard her mention these names along the line but who listens to such a boring topic.

"Okay fussion occurs in animals while fission occurs in plants" i said giving a large guess. They always say think outside the box, well i think inside the box knowing there is nothing placed outside a box.

"You are close enough, listen better next time" she said turning back to the board to scribble something down. I let out a sigh and sat back down on my seat, and once again thinking inside the box always pays off.


The bell went and i didnt bother waiting for the usual greetings she demanded from us after a lesson. I know that will cause alot of trouble but who cares, im not really in the mood to be greeting an old lady that asked me questions in class.

"Why you in such a hurry that you had to leave your class first" i heard someone say behind me

"Aren't you meant to be on a program" i asked turning to face him.

"Yeah as a Matter of fact i am , but actually im gonna have to say school is more fun than being moved around to meet different rich people" he said shrugging.

"Not much of an attention type" i asked as we began walking towards the back of the school building. Im not one to skip school but then im not one to attend school.

"Not really, i mean that's  more of my dad's job" he said snorting.

"I guess we have that in common then" i said chuckling.

We sat down on the pavement as the conversation went on.

" Hungry" he asked

On cue my stomach grumbled, why betray me stomach.

"Ah, i forgot you can never turn down the idea of free food" he said chuckling.

He got his keys out of his pockets and walked towards the back exit of the school i got up and tried to match his pace. We got into his car and he drove off to get me my one love food.

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