
Vaughn's enterprise

_steph_anie20 · Teen
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26 Chs

chapter 2

Ailin's pov

"Hey its lunch time what you doing out here" i said as i walked up towards Vaughn.

"Why are you not in there if its lunch time" he murmured.

"Not much of a crowd person" i shrugged.

"I guess we have that in common then" he sighed.

"But your dad-"

"Do i look like my dad" he snapped.

"Sorry i was being kind but since you dont need it" i shrugged as i turned walking away. I stopped midway and sighed.

"Seriously" i asked raising my brows facing his back.

"What" he said .

"No sorry for the way acted. No wait dont leave" i asked. But i got no answer. "Whatever" i snorted and walked into the building.

"Ailin where the hell have you been" lya said walking up to me

"Was trying to crack that new German guy" i shrugged.

"You mustn't crack everyone Ailin , at times you have to let people be" she shrugged.

I turned toward the entrance and spotted Vaughn getting into his car.

Damn that looks like the latest model of Audi, i guess perks of having a rich family.

"They always come running back" i shrugged.

I walked towards the cafeteria, the noise of the students being heard from a mile away . How do they convey such noises .

I got in and went straight to the line, luckily today they serve their best meal ,normally its disgusting.

"Spaghetti Bolognese please" i said once it got to my turn.

"Do you want some potatoes" the old lady asked. Why is it all old ladies that work in a school's cafeteria have moles on their faces

"No Thanks" i said holding my self from gagging.

I took my tray out of the cafeteria and went to the back of the school, coincidentally Vaughn was there.

"Thought you left" i asked sitting at a distance from him.

"So what now, your following me"

"You wish, cafeteria's too crowded cant eat there" i shrugged.

He nodded his head wanting to end the conversation the moment it ended.

"Why did you leave your former school" i asked.

He turned to me and shrugged facing back the blank wall he has been staring at since i got here.

"Okay, how do you like here so far, i know its your first day" i asked.

He got up twirling his keys in his hand and headed for the back exit.

"Rude" i said loud enough for him to hear before he stepped out of school grounds.

I finished up my meal and put the empty tray in the trash can.

The day went by faster than usual which im very greatful for. Who makes a school with lots of rules and expects their students to adhere to them.

"You ready". Lya asked throwing her hands over my shoulder.

"Yeah". We got into her car and drove up to my house.

"You coming in?"i asked which i got a reply of her shaking her head signifying a No.

"Alright ill tell mum you said hi" . I got my things from the back seat and walked up to my front door. I got my keys and unlocked the door, amd walked in.


"In here sweetie" she said from the kitchen.

I walked in and gave her a peck on the cheek.

"How was your day at work" i said seating down on the kitchen counter.

"Stressful as usual, just dropped by for a quick lunch"she smiled.

I got down from the counter to help my mum prepare lunch. If i had the opportunity I'd make her stop working ,but she won't listen anyways.

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