
Vaughn's enterprise

_steph_anie20 · Teen
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26 Chs

chapter 16

"Thanks for dinner i don't know what  either me or my stomach would have done without you" I said wiping the crumbs off my mouth.

"You wont survive without me" he said chuckling.

"Yeah sure whatever helps you sleep at night " i said rolling my eyes.

The waiter came over with the bills.  He brought out his wallet the same time i digged my hands into my jeans.

"What are you doing" he said glaring at me.

"Paying for my dinner" i said im a duh tone.

"No im paying for dinner"

"Fine we'll split it" i asked

He grunted and brought out half the bill while i brought out half the bill. After paying we grabbed our things and left.

We were walking on the side of the curb when he spoke up.

"You are quiet, its unlike you" he said

"Hey, i take that offensive, im not a talkative"

"Your words not mine" he said smiling.

"Why didn't you bring your car today" i asked suddenly remembering that we are walking, as long as i can remember he doesn't walk.

"Mechanic" is all he said shrugging.

We walked in silence till we reached my front porch .

"Thanks again for tonight " i said searching my pocket for my keys, then i remembered Lya's home.

"It's whatever" he said shrugging.

"See you tommorow?" I asked and in cue the door opened revealing a frustrated looking lya.

"Would you guys just kiss already" she said .

I glared at her which made her to shut the door, her laughter was muffled by the door.

"Sorry about her" i said turning back to him.

"It's alright, see you tommorow" he shrugged.

He turned around and walked out my front lawn.

"Take a picture it will last longer" he shouted probably feeling my eyes following his every move.

"Haha so funny" i said sarcastically.

I turned around and opened the door to be met with a disappointed looking girl.

"You guys didn't kiss" she whined.

"Get over it lya we are just friends, that's if we are" i said walking towards my room.

"Friends they say" i heard her mumble.

Maybe we are friends after all ,but luckily, nothing more.

"where have you been you ditched me twice" i asked crossing my arms above my chest.

"Family issues" she shrugged

"wanna talk about it" i asked

"no" she sighed.

"okay" i said , i walked to my room.

I got into the shower after setting down my things , and freshened up. When i was done i put on a white sweatshirt and grey sweatpants.

"Im heading in for the night" i shouted while poking my head out of the door.

"Dream about him alright" she laughed at her own question.

Of course she's gonna say that to me, i sighed and shut the door . I climbed under my covers , the moment my head hit the covers i was off to sleep.

hey bye vote please i hardly get one of those

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