
Vast: The Knight

In a realm of darkness and despair, Evran of the syrn race finds himself lost in life. A life filled with misery and loss has left him searching for purpose and meaning. Determined to rise above the hardships of his past, he joins the rebel forces in their fight against the Mariin kingdom. Along his journey, Evran discovers that his sword holds the key to unlocking great power, and he sets out to master its secrets. However, this world is one of harshness and unforgiving cruelty, and danger lurks at every turn. Only the strongest and most cunning can hope to survive and find success in this dark and terrible land.

Manny_Shelton · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
20 Chs

The Rain Falls

Evran rushed through one of the main streets of the war camp, heading straight to the southern gate. The now gentle rain fell down from the sky as he ran, soaking him to the bone. He could feel his clothes clinging to him uncomfortably, but he pushed past the feeling and continued running. He passed by frightened merchants as they tried to hurry away from the fighting.

It didn't take him long to reach the gates. The street gave way to a large open space, where he saw a battle unfolding. Hundreds of soldiers were engaged in combat with what he assumed were the invaders. He couldn't get a good look at the enemy, for they were hidden behind the waves of the war camp's soldiers.

He glanced around and spotted a tall enough building which he figured was perfect to observe the battle from.

He quickly infused his body with essence and ran and leaped up into the air. He landed on the slick roof with ease. From there he took in the scene below.

The first thing he noted was that the invaders only numbered about a hundred or so, and all of them wore green cloaks. They fought well too; their swords cleaved through men like butter, and arrows flew from bow strings with deadly accuracy. It seemed that these invaders were dominating in this battle.

Then he caught sight of something that he hadn't expected to see. Black horns peaked out under the hoods of many of the invading troops.

There were syrn among them.

Evran felt shock run through him as he realised who they were fighting, but that emotion was soon blown out of the water as he watched a bald head appear above the crowd. It was Dyrk.

Dyrk was at the centre of the skirmish and fought off two attackers with ferocity. His sword moved with skill as he exchanged blows with each foe.

Evran cursed as he saw Dyrk take a deep gash across the side. Blood spilled forth from the wound, making him stagger. One of the invaders came forward and raised his axe high.

"No!" Evran yelled out frantically. He didn't particularly like Dyrk, but he knew he couldn't just stand aside and watch him get killed.

He sprinted along the rooftop and jumped up high into the air. He summoned his blade as he soared across the battle.

His leap carried him over the heads of both armies, but before he got close enough to strike the attacker slammed his axe into the shoulder of Dyrk.

Dyrk screamed out in agony and dropped to his knees. With a growl Evran poured essence into his sword and willed it to change. The blade's length increased. It shot outwards with such force that it cut clean through the attacker's head, killing him instantly.

With a loud squelch, the blade dislodged itself from the corpse as it retracted back into its normal size. Evran landed on the ground beside Dyrk.

Dyrk looked up at him with pain filled eyes. "Evran? Never thought I'd be thankful to see your sorry face."

"You're lucky I came in time to save your ass." Evran said as he helped Dyrk onto his feet.

Dyrk grabbed the handle of the axe that was in embedded in him and yanked hard, causing it to come free. Blood flowed freely from the gaping hole.

"Fuck me…" Dyrk muttered as he pressed his against the wound.

"You sure that was wise?" Evran asked as he eyed the blood flowing out of Dyrk's wounds.

"I can't fight with an axe in me," Dyrk replied, his voice strained, "I'll be fine for a while. though."

They turned to look at the battlefield and found that the invaders in front of them had stopped advancing. They stared at Evran with confusion written plainly on their faces. Then one of them approached.

"Why? Why do you fight for the enemy?" asked a syrn man.

Evran shrugged, "I don't really care who I fight for, as long as I become strong, then I'm fine doing whatever."

A frown formed on the syrn's face.

"It is disappointing to see one of our kind fight against us. But if you want to fight for these monsters, then so be it."

With that, the other attackers who had been hanging back, approached Evran and Dyrk with weapons raised.

Evran glared at them coldly and held his hand out towards Dyrk, "Hurry, use your ability on me Dyrk."

Dyrk looked puzzled, "And why would I do that?"

"Just do it." Evran hissed out, "I've got a plan."

Dyrk's Hide sword had the ability to conceal anything. So, Dyrk enveloped Evran in his essence and hid him from view.

The invaders let out shocked gasps when they saw Evran disappear right in front of them.

"Where did he go?!"

With himself being hidden, Evran infused most of his eternal essence into his sword. He needed to kill the invaders in a single strike.

He held out his sword to the side and changed its form once again. This time it grew longer than before until finally it reached thirty feet in length.

As he gripped the hilt tightly, he grunted as he swung the blade to the side. In the blink of an eye, he cleaved through at least forty men, severing torsos in half. Their bodies fell to the ground, spilling out blood and guts everywhere.

Soldiers stopped fighting as they stared at the carnage.

Evran reappeared with his bloody sword raised high above his head.

"Push them back!" he roared, "We can still win this battle!"

With renewed vigor, soldiers yelled out as they charged forward past Evran. They attacked the invaders with new determination and fury.

In an instant, Evran had changed the tide of the battle.

"Well done Evran, we may actually win this now," Dyrk said, panting heavily, "Come, let's finish them off."

Together, Evran and Dyrk rushed forward, but soon noticed something strange about the remaining invaders. Instead of rushing forward with weapons drawn, they were backing away quickly.

"Are they retreating?" Evran wondered aloud.

A lone invader stood in place as the rest retreated. It was a human man with red hair. He held aloft a strange looking blue weapon which he pointed skyward.

Before either could figure out what was happening, huge hail stones, the size of heads, fell upon the charging army. Many soldiers died instantly as the hail smashed their heads in. Others cried out in shock as the hailstones crushed limbs and broke bones.

When the attack ceased, soldiers lay dead in heaping piles of bloody mush on the field. In mere moments, most of the soldiers had been wiped out.

Dyrk clutched Evran's arm as he stared wide-eyed at the man across from them, "That's Hennet, wielder of the Rain sword. We have to run."