
Vast: The Knight

In a realm of darkness and despair, Evran of the syrn race finds himself lost in life. A life filled with misery and loss has left him searching for purpose and meaning. Determined to rise above the hardships of his past, he joins the rebel forces in their fight against the Mariin kingdom. Along his journey, Evran discovers that his sword holds the key to unlocking great power, and he sets out to master its secrets. However, this world is one of harshness and unforgiving cruelty, and danger lurks at every turn. Only the strongest and most cunning can hope to survive and find success in this dark and terrible land.

Manny_Shelton · Fantasy
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20 Chs

The Prize

Evran followed close behind Marie as she led him through the crowded streets of the war camp. People scurried and darted out of the way as people noticed who Evran was. They stopped to gawk at his face, or just watch him pass by them. He didn't care for the staring though; he was far too tired from his fight earlier that day.

He had been worrying about himself since he had depleted most of his essence, but Marie had assured him that he would be fine. She had explained that an essence core actually holds two types of essence. The first type, which is called finite essence, has a limited number of uses. Once used, it cannot regenerate itself. This means that if Evran runs dry on that form of essence, he would die. However, the second type of essence called eternal essence, will regenerate after being fully expended. Though this is what most essence users primarily use, finite essence is vastly more powerful.

As they walked, Evran noticed that they were heading into the area where merchants and traders had set up their stalls. Many people bustled between the wooden booths trying to find whatever goods they needed. There was a wide variety of wares available here: food, clothes, weapons, armour, tools, and much more. As Evran passed each stall, he saw a particular item that had caught his eye. An ornately crafted dagger stood proudly displayed on top of a table. It stood out amongst the other items that were there. It was made entirely of a white metal. Its handle was wrapped with black leather and its pommel was encrusted with gold. Evran had never seen anything like it before. His curiosity peaked further when he saw that the merchant selling it was an older spindly fellow who was missing both his arms at the elbow.

Marie stopped as she noticed Evran was no longer following her. She turned and found him standing stock still staring at the dagger.

"What, did something pique your interest?" she asked.

"Yeah." Evran replied as he walked up closer to the table.

The merchant eyed Evran curiously as he approached, "So it is bloody true then. A syrn resides among us now."

"And? You got a problem with that?" Evran said defensively.

The merchant shook his head, "I didn't mean any disrespect young lad. But I am rather surprised to see one of your kind here. So anyway

the name's Korto. You're welcome to take a look at my wares, but don't expect me to haggle with you. My prices are fair."

"That white dagger, what is it made out of?"

Marie came up beside him and interjected, "Hmm? Wait I think I know what metal this is, it's called bratium right? "

Korto smiled softly, "I see you know your metals well enough lass. Yes, this is indeed made from bratium. Very rare stuff indeed, not many people get to lay their eyes upon such a thing."

"Why is it so special?" Evran asked.

"I heard that bratium is incredibly durable," Marie continued. "It will turn from white to pitch black after a couple of years. Once it's black, supposedly nothing can break it."

"Yes exactly. So, are you planning on buying the blade?" Korto asked.

Evran looked down at the dagger and back to the merchant, "How much do you want for it?"

"Thirty gold coins should cover it."

Before Evran could answer, Marie spoke up again, "Wait, I don't know about this Evran. This all sounds too fishy for me. Thirty gold coins just for a dagger? That seems awfully high, even though it is supposedly made out of bratium. That same amount could buy you three sets of good quality armour. Plus, bratium is supposed to be super rare, this dagger is likely a fake."

Korto looked offended, "Well, maybe you haven't got a clue what real quality looks like lass. Look around, tell me what else you see besides cheap imitations and junk."

"I see your point Marie," Evran agreed reluctantly. "But I'm willing to trust this guy. After all, if he was scamming us, wouldn't he have just sold a black version of the dagger to us since that wouldn't change?"

Korto nodded insistently.

But Marie just shook her head, "Thirty coins is still too expensive. I would have considered if it was twenty or less, but it looks like we'll need to keep looking elsewhere."

Evran wanted to protest but he noticed that Marie winked at him ever so slightly.

Marie grabbed his arm and started leading him away, "Come on let's go check out some of those other shops over there. We might find some fairer deals there."

"Wait!" Korto cried out in alarm, "Don't leave yet, we can still negotiate the price. Why don't we settle on twenty-five gold coins then?"

Marie frowned and turned back to look at Korto, "I'll give you ten."

The merchant looked shocked, "Ten? Are you mad girl? Do you really think I'd sell you such a valuable weapon for only ten coins?"

"Look," Marie began, "we've already wasted enough time arguing over a stupid dagger. Let's cut our losses and move on. If you won't accept ten, then forget about it. Maybe the next costumer you meet might actually be able to afford the damn thing."

The merchant stared dumbfounded at her. He seemed unable to respond. His mouth opened and closed several times before finally speaking.

"H-How about twelve?"

Marie sighed for a moment, "Look I'll be generous, I'll bump up the number to fifteen if you throw in a couple trinkets in for free. Do we have a deal?"

Before the Korto could respond, Marie walked up to the table and pulled out her coin purse and layed out fifteen gold coins on the table. Then she picked up the dagger and its leather sheathe and handed it to Evran. She also picked out three silver rings from the assortment of trinkets.

"Well, it's been a pleasure Korto!" Marie said cheerfully. She waved goodbye to him and then dragged Evran away by his arm.

As soon as they were out of earshot, Evran stopped walking and turned to face Marie, "How did you do that?"

Marie grinned, "You're asking how I conned the guy into giving us a better price? Easy, I could tell he was desperate for a sale."

"How so?"

Marie shrugged, "His table was jampacked with all kinds of garments. He probably wasn't selling anything since no one wanted to buy from a scruffy looking merchant who was also missing both his arms."

Evran nodded as he now understood.

"Oh, and here!" Marie said as she handed him one of the silver rings.

"What's this for?"

"It's a sign of our budding new friendship." she replied with a smile.


Marie and Evran left the market carrying buckets full of grain which they had bought from a vendor. They headed towards the western part of the camp where Marie had said where her farm was located. Evran could tell that Marie was struggling to carry the two heavy buckets in each of her hands. Evran meanwhile carried four, so he was not doing well either.

Marie stopped for a second and breathed in sharply. Her arms bulged slightly, and veins popped out along her forearms. She then nonchalantly kept on moving as if the weight didn't bother her anymore. Evran knew immediately what she had done; Marie had used her some of her essence to strengthen herself. So, he did the same. He squeezed his core and felt the warm sensation of his essence spread throughout his body, strengthening him. The buckets of grain suddenly became much lighter.

They continued on their way until they reached the edge of the war camp. Here an old large barn loomed ahead. A wooden fence ran alongside its right side where Evran could see dozens of fat pigs rooting through the mud. To its left stood a small field where rows of vegetables grew.

"Did I really have to come? I don't particularly like animals." Evran complained as they approached the barn door. It was made of thick wood and bore a rusty metal plate hanging above it bearing the name 'Marie's pleasant home'.

"I have to give the prize to someone, and since Dyrk refused to take it, I guess you get to have it instead."

"But why would he refuse take it?"

"He said he didn't actually win the fight, so he didn't deserve it or something."

"But he did win."

Marie shrugged as she pushed open the barn door, "Then I guess you both have different ideas on what winning is."

Inside the barn, the smell of manure filled the air. Horses neighed loudly in their pens as Marie passed by them. She led Evran to the back of the barn where a door hung wide open revealing a grassy field beyond.

"Be careful now," Marie said as she stepped outside onto the grass. "Mr Betty is not fond of strangers."

Large wooden fences lined the field on both sides. They connected from the barn wall to the wall of the war camp. At the centre of the field stood a giant black cow. Its thick, long black horns bobbed up and down as it grazed on the lush green grass.

"Hey Mr. Betty! Look who decided to drop in today!" Marie shouted excitedly. "We brought you food!"

Betty lifted his head slowly and looked at the two humans standing near his pen. He snorted loudly and let loose a loud bellowing sound. He then charged at them completely surprising Evran.

The cow came barrelling forward and halted only inches short of hitting them. Its huge body loomed over them. As it raised its huge front hooves high, they thumped heavily against the ground causing it to shake momentarily.

"Hey! Now what did I tell you about being nice to guests?" Marie said sternly as she dropped the buckets to the ground and grabbed hold of Betty's ear.

With a grunt, Betty turned to look at Marie. His eyes were red as they narrowed and stared into hers. With another growl, he lapped out his tongue and began licking her face.

She giggled and laughed happily while Betty nuzzled her cheeks.

"Okay, okay you big softie!" Marie yelled playfully as she pushed his face away.

"Evran, hold out a bucket Infront of Mr Betty please, he likes it when you hold his food for him."

Evran stared at the hulking cow, "Do I really have to do this?"

"Oh? I didn't figure you for a coward Evran. But it's alright, you don't have to do it if you want."

"No, alright fine I'll do it."

As soon as Evran held out his bucket, Mr Betty instantly swerved his head to look at him. His horns almost hit Evran, but he managed to dodge just in time. Then without warning, Betty lowered his head into the bucket and started eating up the contents.

"He likes you!" Marie squealed gleefully.

"He does?" Evran asked as he struggled to hold unto the bucket.

"Yes! He usually doesn't allow people other than me to feed him!"

When Betty finished devouring all the grains inside the bucket, he lifted his head and licked Evran's face frivolously.

"That's gross." Evran gasped as he tried to pull back.

"Don't be such a baby." Marie chided him with a chuckle.

After that, Betty seemed to become more friendlier towards Evran with each bucket he fed him and allowed him to pet his massive body. Soon enough, Evran became comfortable around the cow. Even though he still wasn't sure how much he liked animals, he enjoyed spending time with Mr Betty.

"Hmm? What are you staring at Mr Betty?" Marie asked as she noticed that the cow was staring intently up at something.

Evran followed the direction of the cow's gaze and saw a red skinned woman with white hair sitting at the edge of the roof of the barn. Her scarlet eyes glowed as she glared angrily down at Evran.

"Hey K'thlara!" Marie called out. "Do you want to come down?"

The anger in her eyes seemed to vanish as Marie addressed her. Instead of answering, she merely stood up and walked away from the edge of the roof and disappeared from view.

"What was her problem?" Evran asked, "she glared daggers at me."

"K'thlara can be a bit moody sometimes, especially when she's jealous. Don't mind her."

"Why would she be jealous?"

"Well, she helps around the farm here when I'm not around, but the animals seem to be frightened by her so doesn't get close to them."

"I see."

They spent most of their days together tending to the horses or working in the fields. It was peaceful and enjoyable work, even though Evran had never been particularly good at farming. As the light started to fade, Marie brought out a basket full of various breads. She set them aside on an old blanket she had layed out unto the ground.

"So, how did you enjoy your first day as a farmer?" Marie asked as she handed Evran one of the fresh rolls.

"You know what, it was honestly quite fun." Evran answered as he took a bite out of the roll.

Marie smiled proudly, "Good, because there is plenty more work for you tomorrow."