
TV Items V2 PT5


"Maybe I should take part in this fight instead of leaving it to my droid army…after all I did start all of this over a girl." I said out loud to myself as I stepped back into my inner world.

Noticing droids were now patrolling around the palace and the ships there were a few more dead snakes not as big as the one I killed with a sabre but still pretty large.

'I hate snakes.' I thought to myself and ordering some droids to cut them up preserve the meat and deliver it to the people living in the cities to eat.

"I wonder if there's anyone even left alive in the cities." I said out loud only for a HUD screen to pop up in my line of sight and I could see some broken buildings and dinosaur's I couldn't even place walking around but the people of Tatooine easily adapted to the new guests.

Some dead dinos were left laying about and some people were cutting them up but it was business as usual for most people.

"What did you do?" I heard Zendaya ask me in a very irate tone of voice.

"I made Tatooine not a giant dustball anymore but I didn't plan on the new indigenous species being so prominent or predatory. 'After all I only played Ark a handful of times.' I replied to Zendaya's question while tacking on a mental thought.

"Yeah it's awesome, Fri was showing me there's these big furry dog things called Dire wolves they are so pretty and then there are these big cats with really long teeth that are called Sabretoothed tigers." Zendaya started to babble about animals Friday had told her about.

'Huh, I thought I was in trouble or something. Probably will be after I tell her I don't want her living here because it's too dangerous.' I thought to myself as I opened my mouth to vocalize my thoughts.

"Hey Zen." I called over to her.

"What is it babe?" Zendaya asked back curiously as she started to walk back up the ramp into the ship.

"I think it would be best if you didn't stay in this world until."I started to say only to stop short at the very very hurt and betrayed look on Zendaya's face like I'd just told her I didn't want her in my life anymore.

"Until I get the population of Dinosaurs, snakes and everything else under control so it's safe for you and the baby." I said to her quickly so the misunderstanding didn't grow, making sure to mention the baby putting a lot of emphasis on the word.

Zendaya pouted slightly. "Fine but I want a Dire wolf puppy and a saber-toothed tiger kitten." Zendaya said while acting petulantly.

"Zen…they're wild animals, not house pets." I protested gently.

"But-but if you get them as puppies then you can raise them up as pets." Zendaya protested Petulantly.

"Zen, domestication is a very long process of breeding in desired traits and out of others it'd take a few hundred years to turn them into pets." I replied while rubbing my forehead.

Zendaya crossed her arms and put on an expression that said she was very willing to turn this into an arrangement.

'Nope gotta put my foot down if I cave I'll be a doormat.' I thought to myself as I crossed my arms and looked back at her with a no nonsense look only for her bottom lip to start quivering and some tears starting at the corners of her eyes.

"Fuck I can't believe I caved so easily." I said out loud as I flew to the winter biome that the Dire wolves live in.

'Seeing your pregnant girlfriend cry over a puppy and a kitty though…is a good enough excuse that doesn't make me a doormat…you're totally a doormat.' I tried excusing my caving to Zendaya and not seem like a doormat in my head but I relented and admitted I was a doormat.

Finding a pack of wolves hunting a wooly mammoth calf I waited and watched for when they'd lead me back to their Den where I'd take a pup.

'Glad, I found a spell that erases my scent.' I thought to myself as I hovered up in the air using my glasses to keep a zoomed in image of the wolves.

The wolves attacked at once ripping apart their prey, dragging away piece back to their Den while a few others are the edible interns and quickly caught up with their pack.

Observing the wolves with a small invisible nanites drone seeing how there was one scrawny sick looking pup being annexed by his pack I snuck in and nabbed it.

Having my nanites form a syringe jabbing the needle into my neck filling it with my blood giving the pup an injection so it wouldn't die on me.

Before I flew to the location of the Smilodon prides stealing a kitten I hadn't even noticed was that the wolf pup had nuzzled in tightly against me as if it was meant to be there the cat was like any other cat biting and clawing at me I nearly dropped it into a frozen river to teach it a lesson.

Flying back to my palace keeping the pup and kitten out of the heavy winds landing on the open area connected to the master bedroom of the palace that was separated by a ray shield.

Having my nanites form two large cages while I turned into Greymatter and had Friday give me everything on domesticating dogs and cats along with emotional training.

While turning into Greymatter creating a serum to lower their natural aggression towards humans and other species while programming a pheromone strain and special protein sequence that would prevent it from hurting me, Zendaya, our baby, Shmi and her baby.

Injecting both the Sabretoothed cub and the Dire Wolf Puppy both animals became very docile even with easy to eat Galvin form both licking me like I was part of the family.

Exiting Galvin form letting out a big sigh at the cute little buggers giving me puppy dog eyes.

'Dammit you big softy.' I chastised myself as I picked up the puppy and Kitten that were both the size of a large house cat making them both yip and purr contentedly as they each licked a side of my face.

'They are pretty cute and cuddly.' I thought to myself as the idea of casting the anti-aging spell popped into my head so I could keep them as a kitten and puppy for a long while and slowly lift the spell as mine and Zendaya's baby grew so that the puppy and Kitten would have a close bond with the baby.

Muttering the incantation for the spell that would keep them as young pup and kitten for years smiling to myself as I flew myself and them over to the XS.

"EEE YOU REALLY GOT THEM FOR MEE THERE SO CUTEEE AND THEIR FUR IS SO SOFT OOO I JUST WANT TO SNUGGLE THEN FOREVER ! ! !" Zendaya squealed loudly and continued to talk in a squealing loud voice as she stole the puppy and kitten right out of my arms and started rubbing her face against them while both animals tried getting away from her.

"Zen, you probably should give them a cleansing before you do all that they are wild animals after all." I told her as I stealthily casted a cleansing spell on the three of them along with a bug, tick and flea repelling spell.

"R-right, thank you so much babe you're the best boyfriend ever." Zendaya said happily as if nothing could bring down her mood as she kissed my cheek, nearly crushing the two animals between our chests before skipping away happily.

'Sorry you two.' I sent a small mental apology out to the two little critters and wondered whether or not Zen would get tired of them after a few months and I'd be the one having to take care of them.

With a flex of my will I moved the XS and the Z-95 onto the replacement Tatooine while also reaching in and pulling out one of my nine Death Stars.

Throwing it up into the sky commanding it's thrusters to activate and once it hit the gravitational ring of the planet to return to full size and then send a battalion of Mando-droids to protect the two ships.

Returning to my inner world I moved all the treasure and Shmi to the duplicate palace on replacement Tatooine as well leaving the other various humans and humanoid species behind to populate my inner world and to provide my soul with nourishment.

'Maybe I am an evil person and being possessed by Zs'Skyarr and The Brother just brought who I really am to the surface.' I thought to myself as I looked down at Tatooine feeling like what I imagine God would feel looking down on his creation.

Quickly shaking those thoughts away as I strategically put things in place that would when they were discovered lead people to believing I was a god and responsible for the sudden changes that took place on Tatooine before exiting my inner world.

What I didn't know though is my being a god was already being spread by the slaves I'd freed, pretty much all of them becoming my profits and the red skinned Twi'lek becoming my head priestess of my new religion.

'God Ki here I come.' I mentally joked to myself, getting a kick out of this cultivator-esque actions I was taking without even having a cultivation technique.

'You are but a frog in a well young brother Chen you know not how high heaven is from the earth nor the sacred treasures that fill the land. Okay okay stop that shit now do not go to that dark place from whence you came after discovering Webnovel.' I joked and then berated myself not to fall into the endless dark chasma that was wuxia and XianXia novels.

Borrowing Zendaya's Z-96 headhunter I flew to Nal Hutta to take part in the occupation and genocidal campaign landing my borrowed starfighter in the main command post of my troops.

I'd already been briefed on the situation by Friday. It seems the Hutt Clan's keep a standing army of their own kind that's a hundred thousand strong while also having their own mercenary and personal armies numbering in the millions.

Some of that information was on Jabba's palace systems but I assumed my undying, unfeeling nanites legion could handle it and they were but too slowly for my comfort.

After all, I wanted this all buttoned up by the time Zendaya was ready to pop out the bun in her oven.

So I took to the fight turning my armor into a mixture of HulkBuster slash Warmachine armor while still keeping as much of the Mandalorian asteichics as I could.

I led my legion from the front breaking down defenses slaughtering merc armies assassin droids Hutt soldiers.

I ended up having to pull some nanites from one of the Death Star's to create my air support to take care of mix matched fleet of ships.

Whenever a representative of the Hutt's came, if they didn't surrender to be taken into detention I'd execute them.

Then mount their heads up on pikes in front of my base to send a message.

Everyday just blended together in a mix of blood, burning flesh, severed limbs, nightmares and vomit.

But still I carried on with the thought of a safer galaxy for my unborn daughter and my already adopted son who was as of yet unborn.

The war got worse before it got better. The Hutt's called in their favors with other criminal organizations and even planets that by most standards were above board.

I had to start showing more of my cards like deploying four nanotech Devastators to feast on the now couple dozen fleets of enemy warships that in turn became forces for me to use to continue my campaign.

Nal Hutta, once an actually kind of beautiful nature filled planet was now a charred husk of its former self and I sometimes found myself questioning whether or not it would have been better to just fire a nanites warhead into the planet and consume the whole thing in a manner of minutes.

Or why I didn't just go Alien X and make the universe the way I wanted it and the one thing I came up with is because deep down I loved waging a war that was not only limited to this planet but multiple solar systems.

I loved being on the ground firing off my blasters taking to the sky with the repulsors getting into a dog fight with a starfighter.

I found myself truly coming to terms with who I was deep down inside.

Sometimes I'd go without armor wielding two lightsabers and just cutting down the resistance not even giving a thought to my own safety and even finding beauty in the life that blossomed where my spilt blood landed.

I loved how with every battle my instincts and fighting prowers increased how my magical know how and ability went up by leaps and bounds.

When I came up against true Mandalorians I'd let them challenge me to honorable combat those who lost and submitted I brought into my fold letting my droids learn from them while I also took pointers and advice making myself a better warrior and leader.

The ones who won against me respected me, some would join, others wanted my shit so I killed them dishonorably and was even patted on the back by a few of the honorable ones that told me you're finally learning.

I trusted very few of my new meatbag allies but there were some I grew quite close too like Vaatu, Kal, Kira, and Mira all four Mandalorians who left Mandalore at the rising civil unrest so they wouldn't be drawn into a war where they'd be killing there kinsmen.

Heck even Pre Vizsla joined my ranks as a fresh faced young eyed recruit with his father's warband.

My having a dark saber like there's did cause some issues at first but when I sat down and explained slash lied through my teeth that I was a force sensitive Mandalorian and that when I entered a mystical cave in Mandalore I received my own black Kyber crystals and made my lightsaber.

Which was partially true since I did enter a mystical cave and gained a black lightsaber crystal. I just haven't built my own lightsabers yet.

As for Kal he was Kal Skirata the adopted father of the Null Batch and he was a pretty fun and compassionate dude to hang out with.

Vaatu was a bit of a dickhead who liked to pick fun at other people to make himself feel better.

Kira was a slightly Asian featured woman in her twenties that was a master at martial arts and tened to do most of her fighting with a Beskad which is a single heavy bladed short sword that is deadly against Mandalorians and everything else it comes up against.

Mira is and absolutely drop dead gorgeous blonde that stands at six feet tall with dark green eyes, creamy white skin and a curvy body that would make most men and women drool from her double D tits to her big bubble butt that her armor does nothing but enhance how delicious her curves are with her hourglass figure.

Mira is also a sharpshooter that tended to favor verpine shatter rifles that were similar to guns from my world as in they actually shot a metal bullet but worked on principles similar to that of a railgun.

They were something I took a great interest in because they gave me the idea to make special bullets that I affectionately named Jedi Slayers.

The points of the bullets were made of pure Beskar coated in Vibranium while on the inside they had a Vibranium core while the outer casing was uncoated Beskar.

The size of each 2½" long with a girth slightly larger than a number two pencil I only made ten of the bullets for the custom verpine rifle Mira gave me for my birthday present.

We've been kinda dating since the first week in meeting each other she's become good friends with Zendaya while Shmi tolerates her and vice versa and is completely accepting of my multiple relationships something that surprisingly is quite common amongst the more nomadic-like Mandalorians like the clan she hails from.

After six months we dealt a blow to the Hutt clan council they couldn't recover from by capturing their banker and executing their main chairmen.

But when the Hutt's offered their surrender I didn't accept, you don't let the venomous snake that bit you live, so even though it led my friends to leave along with all of the other Mandalorians that had joined me I executed all Hutt's except the children.

With the fall and conversion of the aid fleets I'd also dealt a massive blow to the Black Sun and Pike Syndicates.

And then at the height of my victory the Jedi came they did as representatives of the Senate to arrest me for war crimes.

Though I was quite surprised that it was Dooku that came and he who had brown hair before was now mostly white.

"It's been a while Master Jedi." I greeted as he walked into the remainder of the Hutt clan council's former fortress.

"Do we…you're the Mandalorian Qui-Gon and I shuttled to Corellia…" Dooku said in surprise as he took the seat I'd offered him.

"That I am, master Jedi it is good to see you again wish it was under different circumstances though." I replied casually as I poured us both a cup of expensive wine that would be fitting of the new count of Serrano.


"How is Qui-Gon? I noticed he wasn't here with you." I asked, showing obvious concern for the animated Neeson look-alike.

"He is quite well; actually he and his Padawan are on another assignment." Dooku replied as he hummed appreciatively as he took a tasting sip or his wine.

"Hmm, they must be going to Mandalore to protect the Kryze brat." I replied while nodding, taking over the Hutt criminal empire had its perks and very strong information gathering network being one of them and one I took great strides to maintain. That's why it took so long for a Jedi to be deployed here in the first place.

"It seems your network is quite advanced, you know why I am here I take it?" Dooku said with a laugh in his voice before becoming serious.

"Yes I know why you're here…I won't be surrendering willingly if the republic wants to try me for making a safer galaxy and eliminating slavery they'll have to bring themselves in full force to do it…I'd rather not fight against the Jedi but if it comes to that I will…the losses on your side versus mine will be high too high for my tastes." I said to him as I stood up to walk around the itch to start fighting was a strong one.

"Is there no compromise that we can reach to prevent an undesirable outcome?" Dooku asked through his voice I could tell he really wanted to find a compromise which was surprising since he was already a sith apprentice.

"There is, you leave the outer rim and the criminal Syndicates to me…it shouldn't be especially hard the Jedi have left the outer rim in disarray and criminy since the time of the old republic." I replied easily with my hands clasped behind my back impersonating the future count Dooku's attitude.

"I will bring this back to the council and the republic senate. I do hope we will not meet each other on the battlefield, my friend…there is also something else I'd like to discuss separate from the council…I have a new master one not of the Jedi but he wishes to remain in secret…he extends this offer to you in hopes of building a mutually beneficial arrangement." Dooku replied as he slid a holo-deck over to me along with a communicator.

"I'll look into it…" I replied, making him nod as he stood up offering me his hand to shake, shaking hands and then mentally commanding a squad of nine to escort the Jedi Master, Sith apprentice and Count of Serrano to his shuttle as a display of power.

'Let's see how the republic reacts…to my ultimatum.' I thought to myself as I put my plan in motion dispatching my forces to finish off the Black Sun and Pike Syndicates while also sending two legions and a fleet to take over Kessel for its spice mines and coaxial deposits.To cut off the Pyke syndicates income source.

Smirking as l looked over various battlefields through my hud and moving my forces around like I was playing Halo wars through the holo-screen only I could see.

Feeling the thrill of actually living it and not experiencing it behind a monitor and keyboard.


The empty watched and relished the chaos and souls it was being fed by the planeswalker so much more efficiently then any of his creations had ever fed it.

Until a voice drew it out of his revealing.

"Don't interfere with my other half's life." A child-like voice that made even his existence shake from the power behind it.

Before the empty could retaliate the entity was gone a small feeling it didn't like took root inside the primordial being.

It decided to go back to sleep so it wouldn't draw that thing's attention again, no longer influencing its agents of chaos.


"(Sigh) To think I'm even more impulsive and reckless now that I'm older. You'd think I would have learned better by now." Said a much younger looking Sean of around eleven to ten years of age as he looked at a much older version of himself his other soul half.

Flashes of that night I died played out in my head the feeling of being unable to breathe, gasping for breath, the feeling of my heart pounding like it was going to explode and then barely pumping blacking out, fading in and out of conscientiousness.

Being soaked in sweat the burning in my chest from the adrenaline shot to the chest along with the Defib as they shoved a tube down my throat for oxygen since my lungs had collapsed how they used a fake diaphragm to pump air in and out of them.

The flashes of cold from being wheeled out my dad's house during the middle of winter being the only relief from what felt like searing heat even though I was freezing.

"Damn you'd think after a millennia or two it wouldn't affect me anymore." The other Sean said as he shivered just before a very familiar looking raven haired woman with piercing blue eyes hugged him from behind.

"Hey Diana." He said as he covered the hands around his diaphragm with his own.

"Mmm, did you see him the other you?" She asked gently.

"Yeah, it's strange seeing a grown up me." He replied with a nostalgic look on his face and in his voice.

"I'm sure it is for you to see yourself but you've seen multiple versions of me," said the Themisyerian princess.

"It's different there's really only one of us split into throughout the entity of everything.

It's why the creator wanted to recruit me and allowed me to split my soul in half and leave it to occupy the body." He replied with a bit of venom in his voice.

"You don't talk about that very much." Diana replied with curiosity clear in her voice.

"There's not much to talk about. I made a deal and I stuck to it and used a bit of wiggle room to give my other half the ability to make his dreams come true and find happiness, something I made nearly impossible for him because of the damage done by the split." He replied sadly as he pulled out of the hug.

"Enough about this, I seem to remember we had a date planned for tonight." He said with a smirk on his face as he reached around spanking his princess's divine posterior.

"Mmm." Diana moaned before giving his ass a spank too.


'That felt weird.' I thought to myself as I held my hand over my heart for less than a second I felt like a piece of me I'd been missing for such a long time was back and then it was gone just as fast as I felt it.

'It must have been my imagination, Zen is right. I should take a break from trying to conquer the galaxy one criminal enterprise at a time.' I thought to myself, while pouring myself a glass of my homemade scotch that I made and aged inside my inner world.

"This is some good shit, I should make a distillery when I get home and market this stuff. It definitely reaches top shelf stuff even if it's not 10k a bottle stuff." I said out loud as I took another appreciative sip.

'Zen could give birth any day now being in her third trimester.' I thought to myself as I ordered one of my troops to bring me one of the little slugs in a cage to test whether or not I can bring living things back to my world with me.

"These fucking things stink." I muttered as one of my Mando-droids handed me a caged Huttlet while I opened a holo-screen portal home stepping through it looking down I noticed the little Huttlet was healthy and fine making me (sigh) in relief not because it was fine but because it was confirmed now I could safely bring Zendaya home with me.

"Thanks, Stinky." I thanked the little Huttlet as I quickly jumped back into my Star Wars universe.

"How much time has passed?" I asked a droid.

"Two and a half hours General." Replied the droid as he saluted and had mannerisms of a human.

'Shit that's a long ass time.' I thought to myself as I handed the Huttlet off to the troop that just answered me.

"Hey…Jacob…I..need…a…rescue…ankle…fucked…please..come-if-you-can." Kal Skirata's voice crackled over my comms.

"Friday track Kal's signal and set course for his location." I told my A.I. that has proved to be an invaluable asset…and friend.

"Confirmed setting course for Niana Primer." Friday replied as my ship took off from it's landing zone.

"Use the quantum warp drive to get us there faster Kal's life is in danger speed is essential." I commanded Friday to use the untested tech that Galvin me created using the Pym particles and Hank Pym's research.

"Sir, I advise you not too use this course of action the odds are…" Friday vocalized her protests and was about to give me the numerical odds but I quickly cut her off.

In my best reenactment of Han Solo I said. "Never tell me the odds, punch it Chewy."

"Sir my name is not Chewy it's Friday." I could hear a pout in Friday's voice as she said so but she still activated the quantum drive sending us into hyperspace through the quantum realm slash zone and we exited a minute later in front of the planet resembling a tie dyed earth.

"We have arrived." Friday said as I was dry heaving while on all fours on the floor.

"I figured, thanks Fri, you're the best, I was just making a reference is all…can you get me as close to Kal's position as possible please?." I thanked Friday while having an apologetic tone.

"I accept your apology, and I can only get you within ten klicks of Kal Skirata's position because he's within a fortified structure." Friday replied, showing me a 3-D image of the fortress city and it's inner layout.

"Thanks Fri, upload this map to my Vambraces if you haven't already." I told her as I went to the airlock flying out of the ship free falling to the ground stopping just before I hit the ground the blasting off in the direction of Kal's pinging beacon staying just above the terrain of the planet following a roadway blasting past speeders and a few farming villages.

"Kal…Kal can you hear me, are you still with us?" I called out into the comms channel.

"Yeah I'm still bloody here but not for much longer." He replied I could hear the exhaustion and pain he was feeling and it was clear in his voice.

"I'll be there in seconds Bud just hold on a little longer." I replied back into the comms as I fired a bunch of mini rockets creating a hole in the fortress wall big enough to fly through.

"I should last that long." He replied dryly not commenting on how I made a two week trip in seconds.

Flying through crowded streets taking blaster fire and shatter rifle fire from almost all directions making shoulder and back mounted rotary guns I fired back on those firing on me.

Putting my arm out in front of myself creating a shield of nanites crashing through a defensive line blocking off the build Kal was held up in.

Sending out a dozen large rock monsters to distract the enemy forces as I broke through into the building just to receive a shot in the face from Kal's heavy blaster.

"Here I am coming to save your old ass." I joked, sounding offended.

"Old old if my leg wasn't fucked right now..I'd kick your ass, old my ass." Kal angrily protested as he tried to stand up but thought better of it.

"(Snort) As if you could oldman." I joked back as I grabbed out a nanotech reactor putting it on Kal's chest, activating and telling Friday to get him back to the ship.

"What were you doing here anyways, Old-timer?" I questioned Kal teasingly knowing how any mention of his advancing age really got under his skin.

"Fuckin kids." Kal muttered before replying.

"My ex-wife moved here with our kids. I wanted to see them one last time. It turns out her father wasn't too happy to learn about me and ordered me to be executed." Kal spat venomously.

"Sorry Kal." I said into the comms.

"Don't worry about it kid, thanks for having my back." Kal replied back after letting out a sad sigh.

"Always Bud, actually I was planning on asking you to take over my efforts of taking over the underworld while I take Zen home to meet the family." I said over the comms.

"Sure thing kid…how long will ya be gone for?" He asked curiously.

"That's the thing, time moves very slowly where I'm from compared to here seconds there are hours here a minute there is a day here a week there is a year here…you catch my drift right old-timer?" I asked though I knew Kal well enough to know he understood what I was telling him.

"Son, ya know you're family to me and once I return to Mandalore I plan on adding you to the clan but for my own piece of mind just give me a time frame so I don't send out search parties looking for you." Kal said with a tired sigh.

"Two…three years maybe I want Zen to be able to enjoy the best things my world has to offer the food the cultures I want our child to be born there so she can be an official citizen and not need a fake identity just to visit her family there…it's just I have so much going on here and besides you I could only trust Mira with this but…she's not the person I want leading an army." I started to ramble as we flew aboard the ship me catching Kal before she had a chance to put any weight on his bum leg.

"Son…three years is a long time and I know you know what war is like I may not be here when you get back and your mission may come to naught if you were to leave me solely in charge what about that lass Friday of your's?" Kal made a good point and asked an even better question.

"Fri is great at everything she does but there are some hard choices I don't want her to have to make. That's why I want you guys to work in tandem with one another. Covering each other's weaknesses and shortcomings ya know?" I replied honestly while hoping Friday understood and didn't take it the wrong way when I said what I did.

"Alright Son, I'll do it but you owe me a supply of, What did you call it Scotch? Yeah that's it, scotch, you owe me a lifetime's supply of scotch." Kal replied with a shit eating grin in his voice.

"Sure thing Oldman, just don't try and drink it all at once. I want you to get a lot of it out of me." I replied honestly as I carried him to the medbay storing the nanotech reactor back into one of my Rings of storage slash protection.


After helping the medical droid get Kal into the modified Bacta chamber, I sat down and started coming through the prosthetics and cyber enhancements I had access to so Kal wouldn't be permanently disabled by his injury.

I didn't really care much for the options I had in storage onboard the ship so I had the nanites whip something up that would look more like Bucky's arm as opposed to the minimalist options Zendaya had stocked up for me back six or seven months ago.

Sacrificing some of my alloy particles and nanites to give him a multi-purpose appendage.

Something that could be used to splice into computer systems and turn into a weapon if needed.

'You better like this leg oldman.' I thought to myself but then paused and it dawned on me that I could probably just leave him in the modified Bacta chamber for a bit longer and his leg wouldn't only be healed but he'd be rejuvenated by a few years as well.

'Sometimes I'm such a retard when I get home I should steal one of those helmets Rick makes for Snowball to increase his intelligence…

Or I could have just used my Galvin transformation to make improvements to my human body…

Like the Omnitrix is slowly doing anyways by turning me into the prime genetic template of homosapien or would I be homosuperior by the time it is done improving my D.N.A?' I continued thinking to myself, causing my own head to heart.

'Definitely not smart enough to have these philosophical thoughts.' I thought to myself, as I had Beesix, who I've neglected quite a bit since I have Friday, set course for Mylla's and Serena's secret asteroid base.

'Mylla deserves an apology sure I might have dominated her the way she liked it but what I did after ordering the medical to do that…it was disgusting.' I thought to myself as I remembered the day Serena Mylla's older sister and the Falleen pirate captain I thought had killed herself and her crew tracked me down only to find her sister in the middle of receiving a golden shower that made her cum her brains out.

"To think Mylla's done all of this in six-seven months just to impress and show me that she was worthy of being my life mate." I sighed out loud as I looked at the asteroid superstructure and the fleet of a couple hundred ships.

'I wonder if Serena is going to try and run me through with her vibro-cutlass again? And I should have those girls train me in their people's hand to hand combat expertise, between their 450 year lifespan and their martial based society; they are both prominent warriors. To think Mylla by human standards is an elder but by her people's standards she's only just entering young adulthood and her sister isn't much different.' I thought to myself as I revisited the medical bay and ordered the droid to keep him in the modified Bacta chamber until his leg was completely healed.

Heading to the gallery whipping myself up a hearty meal of something like chicken chicken stir fry.

"It's so strange not feeling hunger anymore but still wanting to eat or drink just like before." I hummed out loud as my holocom started buzzing.

"Master." Mylla said with such love and devotion it made me feel like even more of a scumbag than before but I quickly shook those feelings away since there's no point in dwelling on the past too much.

"Hi, Mylla." I replied, making her pout slightly.

"M-master, I told you when, I called you Master it was okay to call me your little cum slut." Mylla replied with a lewd look on her face as she licked her lips erotically.

"When did my little slave think she had the right to tell me what to do?" I said to her in a hard voice making her flinch and become small while her eyes shined with unrestrained desire and lust.

'Man…there may be something wrong with me but I do sure get off on this master slave thing.' I thought to myself as my nanites immediately set to work to accommodate my hardening shaft.

"I-I'm sorry master, please forgive me for my bad behavior…I beg you to punish me thoroughly Master." Mylla replied in the tone of a beggar while making herself look small and repentful.

"Of course I'm going to punish you." I replied while smirking.

"Ma-Master, I have a gift arranged for you inside the Master's bedroom." Mylla said as her already flushed appearance took on a darker hue and I could tell she was doing her damnedest not to start playing with her pussy.

'Now that I think about it Serena usually butts into these calls right about now I wonder where she is?' I thought to myself while I noticed the choker slash collar I'd made for Mylla around her neck that functioned like my protection rings. It had a new tag on it in the shape of a dog bone that read "Master's number one Cum deposit."

'Sigh, so this is the gift Zen gave her for her birthday.' I mentally sighed while thanking my magic and the charm of luck for my good fortune in girlfriends.

'Hmm, thinking of birthdays, what should I do for Zen's?' I asked myself as my ship flew through the ray shield protecting the main hangar of the asteroid base.

Lowering the ramp I saw Mylla there waiting for me on her knees and a leash held between her teeth.

'God dammit I knew Zendaya shared my porn library with the girl's, if she wasn't pregnant I'd spank her ass so hard before railing it.' I thought to myself, while I coldly looked down at Mylla making her shiver in arousal and whimper while she pretended she was a dog and moved her hands around like they were paws.

"What a good bitch." I said treating her like a dog as I ruffled her now long hair.

'I love that she grew her hair out for me wearing it like before just looked stupid to me.' I thought to myself as I took the leash from her mouth and grabbed one of her nearly exposed tits harshly.

"Come bitch, be a good girl and I'll give you a doggie treat." I told her, making her moan slash whimper as I started on the way to my quarters aboard the asteroid base.

'I wish she'd just take the Death Star I offered her, but she refused it saying she had to impress me on her own by making her own pirate empire.' I mentally sighed at the small argument this caused between Zendaya and I when I had previously planned on forcing a Death Star on Mylla.

Arriving at the quarters pressing my palm against the biometrics scanner and D.N.A reader before the door would open.

It was something I added to base to make sure Mylla and her sister were safe Incase any of their crews decided to commit mutiny.

Since everything was restricted amongst their budding empire and needed scans to access and there were plenty of reinforced panic rooms slash armories only they and people they could trust beyond a shadow of a doubt could enter.

Except for this room only myself and Mylla had access. I say room but it was more of a house between its size and multiple floors.

"So…where is this gift bitch…" I asked slowly while looking down, noticing how Mylla was wiggling her ass back and forth.

"Woof woof woof." Mylla replied, making my right eye twitch since her roleplaying could get out of hand at times.

"Right…Bitches can't speak…" I replied while folding the leather leash in half making it into and improvised riding crop bringing it down hard on Mylla's ass making her scream out in ecstasy.

"Hmm…looks like you aren't a good bitch if you can make those kinds of sounds." I said to her in a teasing tone.

"S-sorry Master, I was trying to be like that girl in the video, sister Zendaya sent me." Mylla replied looking sad and embarrassed with her head down in shame.

Cupping her chin lifting her head up so I could look at her more easily.

"It's fine Mylla…I did enjoy it quite a bit." I told her honestly, making her blush fiercely as she licked her lips.

"Happy birthday Master." Mylla said excitedly as she clapped her hands which was a signal to Serena, Bella, Mira and Kira who I honestly thought was a lesbian to walk into the room from the kitchen wearing sexy lingerie.

While also carrying a truly massive birthday cake between them Zendaya walked out behind them with her hands on her belly while she wore a short and skimpy black dress that showed off her baby bump.

Which was surprisingly small for a woman in her third trimester and her hourglass figure which to me pregnancy had only improved pushing her B-cup tits to c category and making her butt just a little bigger and softer.

Though I could tell she felt incredibly awkward in the dress and high heels she pulled them off stunningly and outshined the other sexy women who were barely wearing anything at all.

"Umm, girls I appreciate this but it's not my birthday." I said awkwardly while scratching my right temple and running my one hand through my hair.

"And Kira didn't take this the wrong way but I thought you were well a lesbian." I continued talking while Zendaya was giving me an angry look.

"I'm bi…plus my girlfriend and I broke up so I figured why not try what all these girls are always bragging about and make it seem like a birthday present." Kira replied with an awkward expression on her face.

"It is too your birthday." Zendaya said in an angry voice as she tried marching over to me and I should see her ankle about to give out because of her unfamiliarity with high heels.

Quickly transforming into XLR8 catching her before she even had a chance to hurt her ankle and fall.

"You shouldn't be wearing high heels in your condition, Zen." I chastised softly while sweeping her off of her feet moving faster than the speed of light setting her down on one of the many couches in the large room before removing the heels.

"I wanted to look sexy." Zen protested hotly while shooting a glance at the others while her hands ran over her stomach.

"You are sexy, and this baby bump makes you even sexier." I replied honestly resting my ear against her belly seeing if the baby would kick while planting a light kiss on it through the dress.

"Does not." She protested even though there was a smile and a laugh in her voice.

"It is your birthday, even if time moves differently here than there today would be July 22 if time passed the same way." Zendaya said softly enough that only I could hear her as she said it.

"What would I do without you?" I asked her while pulling her to her feet walking hand in hand over to the table the others were standing at.

"Mmm, you'd be fine." Zendaya hummed as she rested her head against my shoulder and wrapped her one arm around my waist.

I didn't feel like arguing with her so I let the matter drop for now. Even though I knew it was the furthest thing from the truth since I could easily see who I would have become if it wasn't for her and the baby's presence in my life.

"So Zen is right, it is technically my birthday…thank you everyone for being here to celebrate it with me…"I said as my eyes roamed the bounty of beauties before me.

After blowing out my candles and receiving a happy birthday four way blowjob and massage session before I moved and pulled Kira away from the pack of girls as she drank her first thick load of my cum.

"So…was mime the first cock you've sucked before?" I asked Kira once we were far enough away from the other girls that they couldn't hear what we were saying.

Looking the shiest and uncertain I'd ever seen the Mandalorian warrior as she nodded her head yes. "Was it that bad? I tried to do it, like the others said." Kira started to explain away her oriental features with some thick saliva and cum left on chin and cheeks.

"You did great for your first bj…but I just wanted to make sure you weren't forcing yourself to go forward with this because of peer pressure but because you wanted to?" I reassured while making sure this was actually something that she wanted and not just doing it because of the other's influences.

A smirk grew on Kira's face as she gripped my cock and started stroking my cock. "As if I'd let anyone make me do something I didn't want too." Kira smirked as she pulled me with her as she sat down on the couch spreading her legs widely putting them into a triangle.

"Come on, make me straight, like Bella promised you would." Kira said challengingly.

Smirking back at her.

"Now why would I go and do a thing like that…but I'll fuck you senseless and then some for sure." I replied as I took her there on the couch.

The next five days were spent with me enjoying all of the girls in various ways and positions.

Even Shmi took a break from her busy work of managing my criminal enterprise to participate in birthday night even though she was even further along in her pregnancy then Zen and could literally pop at any moment.

After the day of debauchery we were all sitting at the dining room table together well most everyone was sitting at the table Mylla was under the table doing her level best to drain my balls dry and even though she was failing at it she didn't become discouraged by it instead she became even more motivated to please me.

"I don't know if Zen has mentioned this to any of you but…she and I will be leaving for my home world in a few weeks to meet my family and experience everything my planet has to offer…We will be gone for at least a year… minimum." A round of shocked gasps from everyone but Shmi, Zendaya and Mylla, Shmi because obviously being in charge of running things she was the person I informed first before even Zen and Zen for obvious reasons Mylla was just too busy fucking her own throat on my cock.

Before any of them could start panicking to ask questions I quickly continued talking.

"I understand that this sounds very daunting and it feels like I'm abandoning all of you…

and that is kinda what I'm doing even though I am coming back I don't expect all of you to put your lives on hold…

Some of us really only have a physical relationship anyways and be that as it may I do care about each of you and want all of you to be happy…

With that said, if any of you start up with someone else while we're away that is the end of things between us no matter how close we might be now." I started to say to everyone sitting at the table and I noticed Kira nodding while she stood up and headed for the door grabbing her heart out of the armory located near it.

She waved over her shoulder before she left. 'And to think she was begging for…ehh nevermind not like it matters in the long run I've already come to terms with the fact that all of my relationship are on a clock even more so being an immortal.' I mentally sighed while sending out a mental prayer that Kira finds love and happiness in the vast galaxy.

"I'm sorry…home…you took the creed…your home is your clan." Mira said, sounding a multitude of things from hurt to lost.

Smiling gently at her since out of all the women here my relationship with her has been the deepest besides Zendaya and Shmi who I spend a lot of time with.

Since she was on the front lines with me and even though I'm immortal our lives were in each other's hands countless times over these past months.

"I thought I…was…we all were your clan." Mira continued as she stood up hugging herself as she walked over to a space viewport and looked more vulnerable than I'd ever seen her and that was saying something.

Serena slipped under the table removing her sister from my cock while wrapping her own lips around my spewing member, drinking down her sister's hard work.

Before she pulled Mylla and herself out from underneath the table. Getting up from my seat walking up behind Mira my still wet with cum and saliva cock just bouncing around in the wild.

Wrapping my arms around her from behind leaning down slightly to rest my chin against her shoulder I could see now in the reflection of the transparisteel that Mira was crying.

"You are my clan." I said in a voice that was gentle, firm and reassuring.

"But I still have family, a family that I love and miss very much that can't be a part of my clan who can't even ever learn of it." I started to explain, only to be cut off by a gentle shake of Mira's head.

"Sorry I overreacted just the thought of not seeing you for so long after everything we've been through even with how I was raised is terrifying to me." Mira replied, turning around in my embrace wrapping her arms around my neck as she nuzzled her face into the crook of my neck.

"Can I accompany both of you?" Mira asked in a meek sounding voice that made me want to just tell her the truth and lock her away inside my inner world and bring her with me.

"I…if you did come you'd have to stay inside the chest or my ring my home planet wouldn't welcome you…" I replied sounding genuinely regretful.

"That is acceptable. I will accompany you and Zendaya in secret so I can protect you both from the shadows." Mira replied with a nod before pulling out of my hug and almost prancing back to the table with what I was sure was a victorious smirk on her face as she looked at her friends.

Mylla looked about ready to run over to me and start sucking my cock again as I looked over at Bella who seemed to be in deep thought.

Looking back at the pirate princess sisters. "And you two?" I asked even where Mylla was concerned. I knew she was mine until she died but Serena was a wild card.

"We belong to you Master." Both replied in unison and while Mylla said it in almost fervent relishment her sister said in a way that sounded like she was still digesting and coming to terms with it.

"Mi, since I'll be leaving for awhile I'm insisting that you take a Death Star and all that comes with it for your own safety…after all you're my life mate." I told her while I walked over and between the two sisters leaning down so my lips were near their ears I whispered the last sentence huskily to them both making both women shiver pleasantly.

'So both Pirate Princesses have fallen under my god-like powers MUHAHAHAHA.' I joked inside my head.

"Ye-yes M-master." Mylla replied with happy tears in her eyes as her voice crackled with emotions and I even noticed a happy smile on Serena's face as both women hugged me around the middle as I returned to my full height.

"Mylla you've done an amazing job establishing your own pirate empire…but there's something I want you and your sister to do together.

I'm going to leave you both with four world Devastators at your command. I want you both to establish a mining corporation together…

A legal operation that will hide your wealth from scrutiny and also give you a lot of bargaining power in the Senate especially since you'll be able to gather resources from not only wild space but also the unexplored regions." I said as I took out a Wayfinder that I nabbed along with Kylo's ship, setting it on the table in front of the two sisters.

"Though my number one priority is your girl's safety." I said as I snapped my fingers causing the battalion of Mando-droids I'd secretly hidden on the asteroid base to come out into the open making everyone but Zendaya's eyes open comically wide.

"Y-you." Mylla started to say.

"Had them in place to protect you should the need arise but I have never interfered in your building this, nor did I help you. I just put them in place to ensure your safety after all you're such a useful pawn." I said playing it off like it was one of our games.

Once I sat back down at the table it wasn't just Mylla down there this time it was here and Serena giving it their all and working together to get me off the fastest they could.

Mentally commanding the now exposed droids to make their moves on the people that weren't loyal to Mylla and Serena having them executed on the spot just a little spring cleaning I joked in my head as I watched various things play out on my hub the sounds of blaster fire never even reaching us where we were.


Zen and I were alone when she finally talked about everything that had happened and how a small birthday surprise turned into an orgy.

"I'm worried about Bella, she knows too much." Zendaya finally said while she was laying with her head in my lap.

"Yeah…what should we do about her?" I asked not really knowing where Zen was going with this conversation.

"I-I…please don't think I'm a horrible person after saying this." Zendaya said as she bit her bottom lip and looked away from me.

"Never." I said firmly as I threaded our fingers together holding her hand.

"I-I think we should kill her…I found out that she sold information on grandpa and I through Shmi who found it in Ziro's records.

Sh-she arranged for that asshole and I to date so he could get me alone and kidnap me and if it worked her father's debts would have been cleared and she stood to make a million credits.

Upon hearing this my vision turned red and wind started whipping inside the quarters.

"I'll take care of it honey." I told Zen gently squeezing her hand to which she nodded her head slightly and her eyes became steely.

Zendaya sat up and I started for the quarters Bella was using inside my place here on the Asteroid base.

Entering inside the room Bella immediately smiled and started to slide down her white lacy thong.

With a thought Bella was slammed against the wall, limbs splayed out making a flame come out of my finger like a set of cutting torches running it across the soles of her feet.

Piss ran down Bella's thighs; her screams stopped her; her throat screamed hoarse.

"Please, please stop, I love you." Bella begged and said through tears snot and tears running down her face.

"Love me? HAHAHAHA, love me so I look fucking stupid to you." I growled as I took a fist full of her hair pulling back on it harshly making her cry out even more.

"I'm sorry sorry sorry." She repeated over and over again pissing me off even more, making me send a jolt of electricity through her.

"Don't lie to me bitch, you were selling information about me and YOUR BEST FRIEND FROM CHILDHOOD, TO THE HUTT'S AND HELPED CONCOCT A PLAN TO HAVE HER KIDNAPPED WHERE SHE WOULD HAVE BEEN SUSPECTED TO TERRIBLE THINGS…YOU SAY YOU LOVE ME THAT YOUR SORRY I DON'T WANT YOUR BULLSHIT I WANT THE TRUTH WHAT INFORMATION DID YOU SELL WHAT DO THEY KNOW? ! ! !" MY voice started calm, soft and gentle but gradually became colder and steely as I ran a grazing touch along her jawline down to her chest.

"Tell me Bella…I don't want to hurt you." I said softly removing her bra.

"I'd much rather make you feel pleasure." I replied receiving a moan in return as I casted a spell on her that would turn a pain into pleasure and magnify pleasure by ten times what the person would normally feel.

'Did I break her?' I asked myself.

"Everything, I told the men in the Jedi robes everything about you about Zen." Bella confessed quickly.

'Jedi robes? Why would the Jedi go…no no no, Sidious, Dooku…Plagueis. They know everything, they know my weaknesses, they know everything because of this bitch.' I thought to myself.

"When was the last time you contacted them?" I asked her as I gripped her breast tightly enough it would bruise.

"Nnnggghhhaaa, an hour ago." Bella moaned out as her cunt gushed.

My heart skipped a beat at her words.

"FUCK." I growled out angrily telekinetically snapping Bella's neck spitting on her corpse before commanding some nanites to convert the useful matter into more nanites and take on her appearance.

"Friday give me a full dive into Bella's past movements, use whatever you find and have this droid take over her life and feed false information to her buyers." I commanded her while I left the room.

"Yes sir." Friday replied softly as she watched him leave through the photoreceptors of the nanites and quickly moved to repair the hole made in the wall by him putting his fist through it.

'I'm sorry sir, I'll have to start watching everyone around him so I can keep him safe.' Friday thought to herself as she put everyone under full observation.

I was feeling lost, the anger I felt knowing that Bella had betrayed us had melted away after seeing her corpse on the floor.

I saw Zendaya on the couch clenching a pillow to her chest crying and I froze. 'Should I…does she hate me now? I just killed her long time best friend.' I questioned myself not sure if I should go to her or not, if I should give her space and if she could even love me anymore.

Moving to take a step towards her but found my feet rooted to their spots. As I struggled to shake off the self-loathing filled thoughts finally taking the step towards her.

"Zen." I called out my voice unsure and filled with worry.

It seems I worried for nothing as Zen threw away the pillow and hugged me crying into my chest.

"We have to relocate everyone and change our operational procedures and security protocols." Zendaya whispered into my chest.

"Yeah…I know." I sighed tiredly.

"Do you think we should cancel our plans to return home?" I asked her softly.

"No…your powerbase is stable enough that they won't be able to bring it down or take it over easily." Zendaya replied as she cupped my cheek while resting a hand on my chest.

After receiving Friday's full report on everything Bella sold to the sith including the Death Star's blueprints which she never even should have had access but due to my lax in security towards women had access anyways.

'Fuck I'm such an idiot.' I mentally berated myself as I asked Friday to do her best to locate and scrub away everything that belonged to me.

"I'm going to let them form the clone army and then I'll eliminate Sidious, replace him with a nanotech double and manipulate the clone wars into happening." I muttered out loud while holding Zendaya in my arms.

"What will you do about Anakin? I saw in your movies and stuff he has a pretty important role to play. It's why you went to such lengths to get Shmi in your corner." Zendaya asked softly but I could hear the unease in her voice.

"It hasn't changed. It's still to raise him as my own son give him a home and a stable family life so he doesn't become a child slaying wife killing dark lord." I replied easily.

"And you still wonder how anyone could love you." She whispered softly as she initiated a loving kiss.

"Mmmhmm." I replied.

Only for us to be interrupted by a couple of cute little critters that yipped and meowed as they put their paws against my legs.

"What do you want some attention too Rascal and Roscoe?" I asked Rosco the Dire Wolf whimpered and Rascal the Kitten meowed as I plucked them off of the floor making them both purr happily.

"Where did you even come up with those names?" Zendaya asked with an amused expression.

"Rascal was a cat my grandparents had that used to guard and sleep with me when I was a baby. Roscoe was the name of a dog in a TV show I liked to watch with my grandpa." I replied while reminiscing.

"Wanna watch a movie together?"Zendaya asked as I set the pup and kitten down on the floor next to us since they were starting to get restless and the two started playing with each other.

"Sure thing babe." I replied easily as we entered the main bedroom and Zendaya put on the first Holland Spider-Man movie.

We got to the part where MJ is like what you lookin at losers.

"Okay you really think we look exactly the same?" Zen asked, sounding genuinely unhappy.

"Uhh…" I replied inexpertly.

"Now that I look at you too like this, you could pass for a very close sibling or cousin though your cheekbones are a little bit higher and your nose is slightly smaller." I replied testingly to make sure I didn't go too far in my comparison of the two but honestly anyone who looked at them side by side would most likely mistake them for twins.

"Good at least you realize your mistake." Zen said as she rested her head against my shoulder.

After a week of getting everyone moved around changing security protocols and making sure Kal was fully healed up.

It was finally time to return to my earth. Mira entered Zendaya's expanded necklace that was an upgrade from her chest that I made her previously so she could accompany us back to my world.

After a few tear filled goodbyes and making sure everyone had their orders I opened up the portal home while Zendaya and I held hands.

Once I clicked the return home button the world around us froze and became grayed out while Zendaya and I stayed the same.

"This is so freaky." Zendaya whispered as she touched the face of a grayed out Mylla.

"Mmm, come on, let's go through." I said softly, tugging gently in Zendaya's hand as I took my first step forward.

"Sean…if something goes wrong I want you to know that I love you…and that I know no matter what you deserve to be loved and you'll make an amazing Dad." Zendaya told me as she steeled herself stepping through the portal with me as soon as the portal shut time resumed and the others stood there looking to where Sean and Zendaya were just standing now being empty.

Zen and I stepped out into my apartment and I couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed with a small pile of dirty underwear and socks next to my hybrid elliptical stair stepper machine.

The dirty dishes in the sink, the slight odor to the place.

'God why is this even bothering me? We've been living together for almost half a year.' I thought to myself as I looked over at Zendaya who was looking around the room in disbelief.

"Ugh, let me just clean up a bit." I said quickly as I went to move to pick up the place.

But Zendaya held my hand steadfastly and wouldn't let go as she turned to look at me with watery eyes.

"Th-this is how you live? Bu-but you're so powerful and resourceful." Zendaya said to me with so many things lurking in her eyes and voice as she moved closer to me.

"Zen…I told you…in this world I'm a loser. This is me, I understand if you don't want a part of that." I replied as I went to open a portal back to her universe for her.


Zen smacked me hard enough to make my jaw hurt.

"Don't talk like that, don't think like that, how could you think so little of me, of us?" Zendaya asked with pain filled eyes.

"I don't it's just me, there I'm practically a god here I'm just some average loser no below average loser…here I have nothing to offer but me…and my dysfunctional family and self." I replied while looking anywheres but at her.

"I really wish you'd stop putting yourself down all the time." Zen said her voice filling with agonized emotions.

"Aghhh." Zen cried out as she gripped her head while her legs started to give out.

"ZEN ! ! !" I shouted as I gripped her tightly holding her up as I started casting analysis spells on her to find out what was wrong with her.


"Shit I didn't really think I'd be dumb enough to bring her to earth prime shit." Soul half Sean said as he rubbed his temples and sighed.

"Are you going to do anything for her?" Diana asked as she looked through the viewing portal anxiously.

"There's nothing, even I can do…see there's a soul bridge between this girl and that one the whole twin souls thing." He sighed and continued to rub his forehead.

"But it didn't affect you or…your other you when you were in the same universe." Diana protested as she continued to look at the two people in concern.

"We're different Diana, we're one soul split right down the middle there was an effect by the way we both lost the feeling of emptiness for a nanosecond…

The two girls though are resonating on the same frequency creating a bridge between them…they'll both live with some consequences…I'm more concerned about the unborn child." He replied as he kept a close eye on the progression of events.


Both Zen and Zendaya were having impressions, skills and some basic knowledge passed between them.

The mental strain was immense causing both women to react extremely soon they were both convulsing with blood running from their noses and ears.


'Fuck fuck FUCK, what did I do? I should have just left her in the Star Wars universe. I don't want a small spat to be my last moments with her.' I thought to myself as I was panicking.

Zen stopped convulsing in my arms, the blood leaking from her nose and ears painting a terrifying sight as I threw every last bit of magical energy I had into healing her.

"Come on Zen…you can't die on me or this little one you're too strong and stubborn for that." I whispered softly as it felt like my heart was in my throat.

Moving some hair out of her face, my hands coming away wet with sweat from her pale clammy skin.

Her breathing stable, her heart rate soft. I couldn't help but regret bringing her here.

'Shit, without knowing if this is an effect of traveling to my world I can't just open another portal to SW universe her stable position might worsen.' I thought to myself as I set up an intravenous drip machine I kept in my storage ring.

Kneeling down on the floor leaning with my upper torso on the bed gently holding Zen's hand where I stayed waiting while I deployed the medical droid I brought with me to handle other care matters.

I don't know when it happened but at some point I fell asleep from stress or something but was woken up by the soft touch of Zen's fingers running through my hair.

"Zen…are you alright?" I asked in surprise and concern.

"I think so…I suddenly have this feeling I can sign, dance and act like a professional…" Zen replied while trailing off as she finally fully understood some of the slang and mannerisms her boyfriend had now.

"That is concerning but everything else feels okay?" I asked in concern as the medical droid started running some tests.

"The patient is fine sir and so is the baby." Said the medical droid clinically.

"Thanks Doc." I replied in relief.

"Zen…I think it might be best for you to return home and stay there. I don't think people beside me are supposed to hop universes." I said while looking deeply into those honey colored eyes.

"I'm fine there's nothing to worry about." Zen assured firmly.

"I am feeling incredibly hungry though, will you go get us one of those pizzas you're always bragging about…pwetty pwease." Zen asked while making a cute pouty face while asking me to go get pizza.

"Sure thing babe be back in a bit." I replied with a strained smile as I put the order in for a few different pizzas.