
Starting in Teen Wolf as a Homosuperior from the tomorrow people PT2


I had to move my project inside the garage so I could work on it 24/7. Laura made a full recovery but it seems she was at least partially aware of what she did while in heat.

That made things tense between us. Braeden had left the day after Laura was fully capable of taking care of herself. Which was good and bad. I missed having her around. One positive that came out of it. Was a steamy make out session between the two of us before she left.

Laura joined me in the garage as I was putting the finishing touches on Roscoe. She was wearing a sports bra and yoga pants that had my throat going dry and my second head. Trying to do the thinking.

"We should spar so I can help you adjust faster to using your new strength."-Laura.

'Damn Laura is a great fighter.'

We were grappling on the ground that ended up being more like us dry humping each other than anything. Things quickly accelerated though when our claws came out what little clothes we'd been previously wearing were nothing but scraps exposing our naked bodies to each other in all our glory.

——pointless horrible lemon skip if you want———

We charged at one another but this time it was a primal urge to fuck and breed that drove us. I quickly pinned her to the floor on her back and used my tail to keep her hands pinned above her head.

As I rubbed my cock head against her drenched folds. I had the overwhelming urge to dominate her to make her submit to me.

At her whimper I teased her folds harder while I leaned down and took one of her hard nipples into my mouth and started sucking on them like a babe hungry for milk.


"Please what?."

"Put it in."-Laura.

Thrusting forward with all my supernatural strength I felt myself knock against a fleshy door. As blood seeped from between our connection.

"This is your first time. You should have said something."

"Ahhnn please fuck me."

'Not being the kind of guy a girl has to ask twice, I put aside the part of me that wanted to make her first time a bit more special. And started rutting into her like a beast.'

"Laura, your Alpha bitch pussy feels so good."

"Nghhh haa-nghhh fwuck me more."-Laura.

I released Laura's hands using my tail to put her on all fours.

"Yeash-yeash-yeash I'm cumming."-Laura.

Her insides crushing and milking my member. Not to mention the added sensations from her coming made me spill my seed into her waiting hungry womb.

We continued rutting like Animals on the garage floor from one afternoon to another. Continuously coming from each other's ministrations. Switching back and forth between Dom and Sub.

Until finally we passed out embracing each other on the floor of the garage using the little bit of energy I had gained in a few minutes of unconsciousness. I teleported us to my bed before sleep claimed me.

———————horrible lemon ends——————–

'Finally the Jeep is done.'

Waking up in an empty bed made my mood drop a bit. It's not like I expected. Or wanted a relationship but it felt like I'd failed at something. Not still having a sleeping beauty in my bed and embrace.

Hearing my shower running I decided to put on some sweats and make some breakfast. A routine that Braeden and I had gotten into was that we'd switch who made breakfast every morning. It's also something Laura and I continued but she's a horrible cook and I've expressed her being so, quite vehemently.

Her reply was to have me teach her. So for the last two weeks besides working on the Jeep I've been teaching Laura how to cook. Stiles comes over and hangs out along with Scott.

I might have been a bit harsh on my opinion on Scott but also dead on. He's self-absorbed and whiny but he's a good friend to Stiles more like a brother really.

I couldn't help but feel a little jealous at their bond and morose about the lost bond I had with my little brother. Or from the bond that through John I shared with Russel.

As I was making blueberry chocolate chip pancakes. Laura walked into the kitchen with wet hair wearing a button up flannel shirt that left little to the imagination. But just highlighted her beauty and sexuality making it incredibly hard to take my eyes off of her.

"Last night was."-Laura.

"Amazing, Liberating, Amazing."

"Amazing yes Liberating also yes but it was also a mistake. I'm not ready to settle down or start a relationship with you or anyone else for that matter."-Laura.

Releasing a pent up sigh at having the words I had planned to speak to Laura thrown at me first.

"I agree and share your sentiments. I'm in no way ready or looking for a meaningful relationship with someone. Sex is fine it's great actually but all that other stuff isn't something I'm ready for yet and probably never will be."

Upon hearing my words I could see a miniscule shoulder drop from Laura but she kept her cheerful mood and changed the subject.

'Damn I can't believe Braeden was telling the truth about his views on relationships. If I ever find this Cara Couburn bitch I'm going to eviscerate her. For hurting my mate.'-thought Laura.

"So what's for breakfast?."-Laura.

"My favorite blueberry chocolate chip pancakes, homefries, eggs Sunnyside up and sausage."

"Sounds delicious. So what are we going to do about my uncle? He's already brought the Argent's back here."-Laura.

"We aren't going to do anything until Dereck shows up and we find out who the Beta or Betas that your uncle made are."

[12] First day of Sophomore Year

Pulling into the school parking lot I noticed I was pretty close to being late. I saw Alison Argent looking pretty as hell nervously fidgeting.

"Hi new here too?."

"Yeah, I just moved here last night. You?."-Alison.

"I moved here a month or so ago but this is my first time at the school."


"Hi mom, yes I'm fine. Don't you think it's a bit obsessive to call me after only dropping me off a few minutes ago over the top. Ohh shoot I forgot a pen."-Alison.

"Here I brought a few extras."

"Ohh he's also a new student mom, he just gave me a couple pens to use. Alright love you bye."-Alison.

"Hello Mr.Jameson, Miss. Argent. Let me escort you to your classes."-principle.

I didn't get put in class with the Scooby-gang but instead ended up in class with Erica Reyes. The girl even though she tried hard to do so couldn't hide her beauty. But the acne that marred her beautiful face because of her medication made everyone either ignore her or bully her.

Class was 15 minutes in when I smelled something off. And heard the smack of a body hitting the floor. I saw Erica convulsing on the floor. People were just staring, pointing and laughing. While some recorded it and laughed as she was having a seizure some brain genius went to stick a quarter in her mouth.

I moved like the Apex predator that I Am slammed my fist into the guy's face while ripping the phone out of his hand and tossing it at a wall.


Putting Erica in the hold you're supposed to use when someone has a seizure. While quietly talking to her trying to ease her fear that I could smell wafting off of her.

The nurse arrived without a wheelchair and just stood there with her thumb up her ass. Erica's seizure subsided and the typical after effects were there her bladder had emptied itself.

Looking at the useless nurse.

"Well since you didn't bring a wheelchair, lead me to your office."

"R-Right this way."-Nurse.

Carrying Erica to the nurse's office in a princess carry. I noticed more than a few jealous and contempt filled eyes looking at Erica. The principal arrived shortly after to take disciplinary actions towards me. For attacking a student and destroying their property not even taking into account the fact that douchebag's actions could have killed or seriously harned Erica.

While standing outside the Nurse's office and being talked down too by the asshole of a principal I heard that no one was available to come get Erica so ignoring the principal. I grabbed the phone from the nurse.

"Hello Erica's mom, my name is Shane Jameson and I helped your daughter earlier while the school staff thought it pertinent to stand around and do nothing. While she was convulsing. I've been suspended from school and am about to leave to go home with your consent and Erica's own. I'd be more than happy to escort her home or to the hospital to have a look over."

"Really thank you so much if it's all right with Erica I'm fine with it I'll inform the nurse and the office. I'm sorry you got suspended for helping Erica but I'm thankful you helped her. Please give Erica the phone so I can talk to her."-Erica's mom.

A few minutes of talking with her mother Erica shouted.

"Mom stop, I'll talk to you about it when you get home."-Erica.

I hadn't been eavesdropping on their phone call. But I could definitely hear the amusement and embarrassment in both mother and daughter's voices.

"Yup love you mom bye. O-okay Shane, Mom said I could ride home with you."-Erica.

"Sounds good, are you strong enough to walk yet?. I know Seizures take a toll on the body for a day or so after they happen."

Erica went to stand up and almost immediately fell over but I caught her before she could hit anything or the floor.

"Th-thank you."-Erica.

"No problem."

After putting Erica in the backseat of my truck. Stiles came out to get his keys for the Jeep and tried hugging me to death saying it was perfect.

"You did that for Stiles?."-Erica.

"Yeah, working and fixing things has always helped me clear my mind and I had needed to clear my mind."

"Hmm do you like to play video games?."-Erica.

"Yeah but I haven't gotten an Xbox or PS3 yet."

"When you do send me a friend request and we can play COD together."-Erica.

When we were on our way to her house I drove onto a truck trail and looked at Erica.

"Erica, if there was a way to make it so you didn't have to suffer from those attacks. So you wouldn't be weak so you'd never suffer from any sickness again to stay young and beautiful while everyone else your age becomes old and ugly. But it came at the cost of enemies that would hunt you and kill you for being different. Would you accept it?."

Looking at her letting my Alpha eyes glow. She started at first but quickly calmed down and looked into my eyes seriously with an untold amount of hope.

"Yes. Please yes I'd do anything not to have to suffer like this anymore no matter what it costs me."-Erica.

I smiled gently at her, taking her hand in mine and biting just above her wrist. She winced in pain but smiled brightly back at me.

I felt a piece of my energy break off and flow inside of Erica and a link formed between us. I knew instinctively that I could exert some form of control over her and her actions if I wanted to. Erica's shift happened almost immediately; she looked just like she did in the show now.

Glowing golden yellow eyes having her fangs bared and claws cutting into my back seat. I quickly punched her in the face knocking her out cold.


'Good thing these hands be gender neutral. What am I going to do with two she-wolves in my life and a third in Malia on the way. Things are going to be way over my head.'

Continuing the drive to Erica's house she woke up just as I was pulling into the driveway.

"You punched me in the face."-Erica.

"You were ruining my seats."

"That doesn't mean you punch me. I'm still a girl even if I am ugly."-Erica.

"You are far from ugly Erica, you're beautiful as long as people look past the baggy clothes and the acne. They'd think you were a model."

"You don't mean that. I know I'm ugly you don't have to try and make me feel better."-Erica.

"Haa Erica I wouldn't lie to a girl about her beauty. You are beautiful and I'd totally fuck you silly to prove it."

Erica didn't respond but looking in the mirror I saw she was a bright red. She quickly got out of my truck while turning towards my window.

"Mom told me to invite you to dinner tonight. So you're invited bye."-Erica.

"I'll see you tonight then beautiful."

"Eep see you."-Erica.

'Aww her reactions are just too cute. A part of me just wants to ruffle her hair well another wants me to rip her clothes off and make her mine.'

On my way home I was driving past a house and noticed an old 67 impala that had weeds growing up around it trying to swallow it hole in someone's lawn. Looking up my brakes and pulling off the road I got out and went to take a look and see if the owner would be willing to sell it.

The poor girl had a few windows smashed out. The leather interior and wood were completely rotted out. The floor was probably nothing but rust now but yet I still wanted her. I noticed the SS 327 badge and knew without a doubt I'd spend whatever price for her they asked.

Because this car was "Baby" and even though this wasn't her universe there can't be a Baby in any universe that isn't a badass monster/ghost slaying beast.

Going up to the door and knocking I was surprised when low and behold Braeden opened the door. This wasn't the type of place I ever considered her living in. Not with its run down appearance with more than a few abandoned and forgotten cars and motorcycles on her lawn.

"What are you stalking me or something?.-teased Braeden.

"Braeden nice to see you but more importantly is that Impala yours and will you sell it to me?."

"Hahaha see I told you he was only here for the car my dear granddaughter if you minded my advice and went to go visit him you wouldn't have gotten your hopes up."-Braedens Grandmother.

"Mema Shh."-Braeden.

"Come inside handsome we were just about to eat lunch when I heard you lock up your breaks. Passing by, It happens every now and again when someone sees something they like out front."-Mema.

"Thank you, Ma'am."

"Call me Mema boy. From what I hear you might be my grandbaby in the future."-Mema.


"Ohh calm down granddaughter, I'm just having a bit'O'fun."-Mema.

(To make it clear Braeden's, Deaton's and Marin's maternal grandmother is a white old Irish.)

I couldn't help but laugh at seeing Braeden's already dark skinned face and neck blush a richer color. She really was breathtakingly beautiful. I noticed her Mema smirking victoriously as she noticed my gaze directed at her granddaughter.

Lunch was amazing, salt potatoes, fresh sweet corn, and racks of BBQ ribs. Breaden's Mema was telling all sorts of embarrassing stories about all three of her grandchildren. To the point Breaden started beating her head on the table in embarrassment.

After lunch was finished Braeden had to leave since she only stopped to have lunch with her grandmother. While that left her and I to talk over the Impala. Before Braeden could leave I quickly gave her a hug and we shared a quick make out session before she got on her Harley and left.

"So you want the 67 327 SS Impala?. You know I also have a 71 454 SS Chevelle out back in the garage that you'd be interested in as well."-Mema.

"Yes, definitely both of them."

"Hahaha, It's nice to see someone so young appreciates the older cars most are all into the hot new thing and their smartphones. So here's the offer 3,000 for both cars and a dinner date for my granddaughter. Heaven knows that girl is helpless when it comes to her own love life."-Mema.

"The money I can happily agree to but the date I can't. I do like Braeden. I like her alot but I'm not ready to start dating again and doubt I'll ever be and I don't want to give her the wrong idea on multiple accounts."

"Ahh, forgive this meddlesome old woman. I've rarely seen my grandbaby so open and happy around anyone that's not family. It's been that way ever since we lost their parents. Still the price of three thousand you can have both cars. But take it from someone old and with wisdom you have to let go of the hurt in your heart. And the best way to do so is through love even if it was love that led to your pain in the first place."-Mema.

"Thank you for the advice, maybe someday I'll follow it but not for a while."

"Haha, at least you're an honest one that doesn't tell an old woman what she wants to hear to coddle her."-Mema.

[13] Two Project cars

Going out to my truck I grabbed 3k in cash and gave it to Breaden's Mema. And she handed me the titles after signing them over.

Calling up a towing company I had them flatbed both cars to my place. Good thing my driveway is so big there's a wide U-strip in front of the house and a wide driveway to the garage alongside the house.

The first car in the garage was the Impala. The seats literally could just be lifted out of the floor since it was rotted away.

Removing the entire interior was a quick job. Separating the body from the frame without having it crinkle in the center was not. I ended up needing Laura's help with it other than being curious why I wasn't in school she didn't mind helping me.

And together I cut out the old rotted floor of the cab while she ordered the steel I'd need to replace it. By the time 3pm came around the metal was delivered using my claws and my superstrength. I shaped and cut the thick heavy sheet metal into the right shapes and sizes. Before welding everything together and reinforcing it to make it stronger.

Since I still had steel left over I went through and reinforced the frame, body panels and doors. While I had Laura put in a call for bullet resistant glass for the windows. While also setting up an appointment with a shop that does upholstery and body work. After I fixed the seat frames and securing point I loaded the seats into the back of my truck and delivered them to the garage.

Laura ordered the new brake system I wanted through summit racing along with the Weiland 142 supercharger kit and an engine rebuild kit with .30 over pistons and 1.65 intake valves and a new dual exhaust system.

Once I was back from dropping the seats off I pulled the engine and started breaking her down. The oil had long since turned into a black sludge in the bottom of the pan. Cleaning everything the best I could with carb cleaner and degreaser. I started sanding down the block and inspecting it for any cracks my enhanced vision would have easily picked up any but there were none.

Then came time to inspect the heads and they were both still within spec just with that sludge junking everything up. Taking the heads and the block to get planed and milled at a machine shop I noticed it was 6pm and figured I better take a shower. So I could make it to dinner at Erica's since dinner was at 8pm.

Laura joined me in the shower for some, one on one time naked that resulted in what would have been a quick 10 to 30 minute shower into an hour and a half sexcapde. Getting dressed while Laura languidly stretched out on my bed showing off her curves in a way that made me want to forget about dinner at Erica's.

But I steadied myself and continued getting dressed in a pair of black slacks, a dark grey button up shirt and black leather combat boots. While styling my neck length hair into a classical style. One that made Laura whistle appreciatively when I turned around and walked out of the master bath.

"Is this a friendly dinner or a date?."-Laura.

"A friendly dinner but first impressions are important."

"Whatever you say."-Laura.

"If you want tomorrow we can have a dinner together where we both dress up. I'll order from that expensive Italian place."

"Sure sounds nice and friendly."-Laura.

'Shit I'm sounding jealous, better tone it down before I ruin what I have with my mate for now. Until he pulls his head out of his ass and notices the bond we already share.'-Thought Laura.

'Shit I'm such an ass. Of course we both agreed to be friends with benefits but that doesn't mean I should make her feel like she's nothing but a piece of ass.'

"Alright I'll be back later tonight if anything changes I'll send you a text I know. You're going a bit stir crazy being cooped up in the house all the time but please stay here where you're safe. Until everything falls into place we need all the players on the board before we can reveal your still alive and an Alpha. Peter us getting justice for your family as we speak and drawing in more hunters. And most likely the ring leader behind all of this."

"I know you don't have to remind me I agreed to your plan when you first brought it up. Just try and be back soon. Tonight's the full moon and you're not a hundred percent in control of yourself yet. Also here feed these herbs to your new Beta and she'll sleep through the full moon" -Laura.

"Yeah I'll try and be back by 10. Thanks for the herbs."

"No problem, we're both Alphas of the same pack now. It's my responsibility to help you and to cover your bases that you might overlook or forget about."-Laura.

(Side note: in case her statement throws people off she has fully accepted the mate bond and is his Alpha female whether he knows it or not. He hasn't accepted any mate bond or anything like it. He's still going to have multiple friends with benefits. It may end up being a Harem with multiple mates tied to him I have thought that far ahead. If it does and people who previously liked it don't because of the possibility of that sorry. If those who do like the possibility of such circumstances and it doesn't pan out, sorry. I just haven't gotten that far into it yet hope you all can understand that and be patient with it.)

[14] Your mom is Alexis Fawks?

Looking at the Impala as I walked through the garage I couldn't wait to finish building her and go Gank some sons a bitches.

'Saving people hunting things. Carry on my wayward son don't you cry no more, there will be peace when you are done don't you cry no more. Ahh now that songs stuck in my head."

Cruising listening to Kansas and AC/DC. I arrived at Erica's house knocking on the door and my mouth hung open as I was greeted by ALEXIS FAWKS.

"Hello you must be Erica's new friend and the young man that helped her today. My name is Alexis Reyes but you can call me Alex handsome."-Alexis.

'Haa, fuck this is like one of my fourteen year old me's fantasies. No boner-kun stay away.'

"H-hi miss.Alexis, Yeah I'm Erica's new friend it's nice to meet you."

I held out my hand but she pulled me into a hug barring my face into her massive tits.

'This is life.'

'He's so handsome. And cute I just want to eat him up. I'll have to convince Erica to let me join them with the excuse of educating her. Ara Ara Ara.'-thought Alexis.

When Alexis released me from her hug I immediately wanted to find an excuse to be reburied into that heavenly valley. But my attention was soon drawn away by Erica wearing a beautiful yellow summer dress that highlighted all of Erica's considerable assets.

'This girl is way too beautiful. Combine that with her mother looking like the pornstar myself and probably 75% of the world I came from used to star in our fantasies. And the fact it's a full moon tonight where our inhibitions are lowered and our lusts are heightened this is a very dangerous place for me to be.'

We sat down at the table and had Lisangian. While Alexis started asking me questions.

"So where are you from Shane?."-Alexis.

"New York."

"Really that's a nice city. I've been there on a few occasions for work."-Alexis.

"What about your family don't you miss them?."

"I don't have a family. I've been in and out of the foster system my whole life and got emancipated a few months back."

"Ohh I'm so sorry to hear that. If you'd like, you can stay here with Erica and I. I'm gone a lot for work but I'm sure it'd be better than staying on your own."-Alexis.

"Thank you for the generous offer but I actually bought my own home here in Beacon Hills and have come to quite enjoy the freedoms of living alone. But I'd be more than happy to share a meal with the both of you or just come and keep Erica company. And if you're okay with it Erica can visit my home and of course you as well are more than welcome to come over as well."

"Hmm I'm fine with that and can understand enjoying the freedoms of living alone. Now tell me any Hobbies or girlfriends we should know about?."

"Well girlfriends no I went through a rather bad break up before moving here. As for hobbies, working on cars would probably be number one. But I also like hunting, fishing, swimming and playing video games."

'I know that look he was cheated on poor dear. I know he's not lacking in the size or looks department. And from the muscles I could feel under his shirt I doubt there's any issues with endurance. She must have just been a bitch. Like Erica's father was that no good cheating dirty bitch bastard.'-thought Alexis.

"Yeah Mom you should see Stiles's Jeep, he made it look so awesome."-Erica.

"Stiles Stiles isn't that the boy's name that you have a massive crush on?. Or right he's Claudia's son and that Jeep must have been hers. I remember going out with her to parties in that Jeep."-Alexis.

"So are you currently working on anything?."

"Yes actually thanks to bringing Erica home. I was driving back to my house when I saw a late 60's Impala rotting away on someone's lawn and ended up buying two cars, a 67 Impala SS and a 71 Chevelle SS. I'm actually mid tear down on the Impala now."

"Very nice, my first boyfriend had a 67 Impala with nice big back seats."-Alexis.


"When I'm done with restoring her I'd be more than happy to take you for a drive."

"Ara Ara Ara, I'm looking forward to it."-Alexis.

"Hey what about me?."-Erica.

"Of course you as well Erica."

"Humph, good."-Erica.

"Ahh shoot look at the time I better get going."

"Really but it's only 9:30 and we haven't even had dessert yet and it's not like you have school in the morning."-Alexis.

"Yes I'm sorry dinner was excellent, I actually have a meeting early in the morning with a business opportunity. If I didn't I'd happily stay here and continue our conversation."

"Okay, but you have to come over for dinner at least once a week so I can make sure you're eating properly."-Alexis.

"Hahaha, Alright then at least once a week I'll come over for dinner as long as I can."

"Good. Erica why don't you see him out. You both look like you want to say something to each other without me around."-Alexis.


After walking outside I gave Erica the herbs Laura had given me earlier for her.

"Erica tonight when you go back into the house I need you to eat these herbs they'll keep you asleep for the full moon."

"O-okay, I'm sorry about my mom. I know she can be a bit overbearing."-Erica.

"I found your mother rather sweet so don't mind it too much. Goodnight Erica."

"Goodnight Shane."-Erica.

[15] The Dread Doctors & My wish made me a Natural Chimera.

I was driving along with the windows down and the music cranked. All of the sudden the radio turned to static and the lights of my truck flickered in and out before turning off.

The hairs on my body stood on end. I could smell the scents of blood, metal and Ozone in the air. I tried to TP away but couldn't. It was like in the show when someone used a D-chip.

Four men or women dressed up like they were steampunking surrounded my truck. While a fifth ripped me from the driver's seat I fought back but I lost my consciousness.

When I woke up I was strapped to a table with my chest cavity cut open. I was in so much pain I couldn't even scream out. I watched as the Dread Doctors took pieces of me out and put new ones in. All while a silver substance was pumped into my veins.

Days blended together with blackness and pain. My body is always healing itself and adapting to whatever the Dread Doctors were doing to me. One day I woke up in a space similar to the one Scott, Alison and Stiles entered when they were trying to locate the Nematon.

After a black smoke forced its way into my body. In this space I came face to face with Sébastien Valet also known as The BEAST of Gevaudan. We fought and fought for so long that it started to lose all meaning to me. Finally an opportunity for victory presented itself to me. Using TK I pinned his arms and thrusted my now blue talons that pulsed with electricity into his chest.

The Black substance was absorbed by my body as Sébastien spoke his final words.

"Thank you for freeing me from my curse."-Sébastien.

I opened my eyes and roared into the sky as the Dread Doctors were hailing me. I quickly slaughtered them in rage. Looking at my own reflection in the pools of blood and mercury I saw my reflection. I looked similar to the beast but my eyes were still slit like that of an alpha but now I had dragon esque wings. Claws sparking with electricity my tail now had spikes jutting out of it whipping my tail spikes shot out from it impaling the nazi werewolf in the tank. I also felt like I had a few more new abilities to reach for them. I watched as I turned invisible and back to normal multiple times familiarizing myself with my new powers.

Launching lighting bolts while commanding a blue flame my body now produced, I destroyed the lab. That they created me in and TP'D to the Beacon Hills reserve. Looking down into the lake I forced myself to shift back to my normal appearance naked covered in blood and scars, some still healing, some looking so old they were just raised white lines.

I TP'D to Deaton's clinic only to find Laura, Erica, Scott, Stiles and Dereck half dead lying on the floor.

"Hey I'm back. He's poisoned by the Nordic Blue Monkshood."

I said before passing out unconscious. I woke up to Deaton looking me over while Laura and Erica stood sentinel by the wall Derek. Was trying to get his sister's attention but failing miserably at doing so. Stiles and Scott were just standing around looking lost.

"Mr.Jameson I'm surprised you're still alive there's just as much mercury pumping through your veins as there is blood. Can you tell me what happened?."-Deaton.


"Dread Doctors."

Deaton went stiff and so did Laura and Derek.

"Killed them."


"Shh rest now. Your body is going to need lots of rest to heal from all of the changes it's gone through."-Deaton.

While Mc is unconscious.

"He's a murder, how do we know he's not the Alpha who's running around killing people. We-we should call your Dad Stiles and have him arrested."-Scott.


"Scott you know I love you like a brother but right now you're being retarded. Look at him he looks like he's been tortured and starved for months he can't even stand. And you really think he's the big bad Alpha who's running around killing people."-Stiles.

"You're only taking his side because he fixed Roscoe. What if he did that just to get close to me and turn me."-Scott.

"Hahaha, get close to you a whiny little bitch hahaha. Keep dreaming, loser. He did it because he likes Stiles and wanted to work on a car."-Erica.

"I gotta agree with Erica on this one Scott he barely tolerated your presence when we hung out with him at his place."-Stiles.

'Wha-what but I'm the best thing since sliced bread whatever that means.'-thought Scott.

"Laura I'd think it best if you took Mr.Jameson home where his rest and recovery can be peaceful."-Deaton.

I woke up in my bed with Laura and Erica on both sides of me. I tried moving but my body felt like a slab of lead. A soft whimper left my throat and both girls woke up and acted like helicopter mom's.

They both took a side each and carried me into the bathroom and helped me handle my business.

'This is so fucking humiliating. I'll never let myself be this weak again. Though it is kind of heartening to see how much two drop dead gorgeous women care for me so deeply that they are willing to do this.'

Laura went downstairs after she laid me back down on the bed with Erica's help. Erica remained with me and laid down on the bed beside me resting her head on my chest just above my heart.

"We really missed you and were scared when we couldn't feel you anymore."-Erica.

"I'm sorry I made you worry Blondie."

"Snort, don't do it again Blondie."-Erica.

I could smell food cooking downstairs and my stomach rumbled at the rich savory scents.

"Laura's nice. But I thought you said you didn't have a girlfriend."-Erica.

"Laura is a girl and a friend with benefits. I care for her but we aren't in a serious relationship."

"Can we have the same. I mean uhh friends with benefits?."-Erica.

"Yeah if that's something you want."

"It is."-Erica.

[16] Being coddled by two she-wolves

Things were very interesting for a week or so while I recovered Erica rarely left my house or my side. While her mother Alexis stopped in when she returned from a work trip.

I was coddled by her as well though she could hardly keep her eyes off of me. My cut muscles mixed with scars most know looking healed over in the 3 weeks I was missing. It seems Erica revealed her new fangs and claws.

I guess Alexis accepted it turns out she was a friend of Talia Hale and had seen her shift on more than. A few occasions and was just relieved that her daughter wouldn't have to suffer any longer.

After Deaton stopped in and gave me a clean bill of health I was allowed. To return to my garage and work on my Impala though Erica and Laura were still acting like helicopter mom's.

It was overwhelming to say the least I'd never experienced this much love and care before in either life as myself or John nor from the memories I got from Sébastien.

Both girls were willing to get dirty with engine grease, oil, coolant and other automotive fluids while helping me finish "baby". I could feel that something inside me had changed. I was more emotionally open towards them now. Even Braeden who did a few sporadic pop ups.

Something inside drew me to them like a magnet and filled me with assuredness that I could feel love and trust for them, especially the two she-wolves that had devoted themselves to my care.

But like the Eq stunted caveman that I am, I shutdown those feelings when they became too strong and played the images of Cara cheating on me.

Or John in our special place to remind myself why feeling such things was a bad idea along with the last image of my past life. My cousin, my best friend wrapping me in a one arm hug as he stabbed a knife into my stomach.

'That is what loving and trusting someone gets you don't let your brain be eroded by such petty sentiments like love and trust.'

Smiling softly at the two sleeping beauty's passed out on the Impala bench seats as they both rested their heads against each other. I used my tail to carry one while the other I carried in a princess carry in my arms. Taking them both to the spare bedrooms they'd claimed for themselves. Tucking them in and wishing them sweat dreams in a voice lighter than a whisper.

I felt like going for a run through the woods being cooped up and coddled all this time has been driving me stir crazy. Not that I'm complaining about being loved and cared for but just from the fact I'm not allowed out of their sight for a moment.

Being as quiet as possible I snuck out of the house while turning on all the security measures. I ran into the woods feeling a call deep in my soul giving into I felt myself running on all fours looking down quiet I noticed I had four paws. Like actual wolf paws granted on the large side like grizzly bear sized paws.

Looking down into a lake I was shocked at my own reflection. Looking back up at me was a midnight black wolf with touches of neon blue, purple, red and white fur standing at approximately 6ft tall and 10-12ft long. With my red eyes with slit pupils but now there were small outlines of blue, purple, red and white around the slit pupils while the dominant color was red representing my status as Alpha.

I heard a twig snap and looked up across the lake. A curious Malia in her werecoyote form was looking back at me. I TP'D in front of her and we started playing with each other tag hide and go seek and all sorts of Alex predator games. To hone our skills but at the end of it all Malia led me to her sad lonely den. And whimpered at me to stay with her.

I laid down and touched my nose to hers since I couldn't fit all the way inside her Den. But from the happy yips and her licking my face I could tell she was happy.

'It's time you meet your family, Malia. Forgive me for not giving you a choice in the matter though.'

Shifting back into a human I held Malia's head gently but firmly and used my Alpha powers to command Malia to shift.


She whimpered softly but a shudder ran throughout her body and the coyote melted away leaving a stunned naked shivering girl filled with fear.


"It's time you meet your family, you're real family."

"No I can't, I'm a monster."-Malia.

"You're not a monster Malia, what happened to the Tate's wasn't your fault. You were attacked by a bounty hunter called the desert wolf. She was your birth mother. It's why you're a werecoyote instead of a wolf."

"How do you know all of this?."-Malia.

'Well I watched a tv show.'

"Research and investigation."

"Why would my mother want me dead?."-Malia.

"Haa, So this part is a little tricky to explain because I'm not a 100% on it but basically. When you were born you took some of your mother's powers like all children born from a female shifter. But where as usual the mothers happily sacrifice some of their powers for their children, your mother became enraged and wanted it back."

"So she tried to kill me because I took something by accident and my sister and mom had to die for it?."-Malia.


"I want to kill her, I want to look in her eyes and make her realize her mistake that she made by not finishing me off when she had the chance."-Malia.

"I'm fine with that and if you decide you want it I'll help you out by helping you find her. But first it's time you meet your cousins Laura and Derek you're only living relatives besides your father who is a slightly insane murdering psychopath that could charm the pants off of anyone."

"Hehehe, You sound like you like him a lot."-Malia.

"Hahaha, Yeah I guess I do but don't tell your cousin Laura that you're pops tried killing her and would have succeeded if I hadn't got involved."


"Yeah I know I'm weird alright come on I'm going to shift again and you can ride on my back."

(So someone brought up there are inconsistencies with the characters. Let me ask you if humans in general are consistent. In anything besides persecuting each other?. Humans aren't three dimensional beings, we're so much more complex and simpler at the same time. I'm trying to represent that maybe I've failed at doing so. People are complicated to write. People change their moods and ideals 100s if not thousands of times a day. Third person stories are easy but boring. Who wants to read something entirely narrated by the author? At least this way I try to represent mc's emotional and mental issues from his pov. I feel like I've done a horrible job in doing do though.

also for those of you who thought the Dread Doctors appeared too soon ehh it's debatable. Look at it from my view an anomaly appears out of nowhere with a

seemingly rare power skill set.

that is already exhibiting the qualities of a Chimera something they've spent a few centuries on trying to create and perfect. A prime piece of experimental material no devoted scientist would pass that up and these are scientists and doctors who invented a psuedo-form of immortality to reach what they considered the pinnacle of their research. Is it a little fast maybe but then again Teen Wolf is a fast series everything happens in less than 3 YEARS ! ! !. )

(There are most definitely grammatical and spelling errors. If someone wants to fix them I'd be more than happy to work with someone to do so.)

[17] dropping out and a trip to South America to find a missing Pup.

After returning home in wolf form with a very beautiful naked girl riding on my back I felt a chill down my spine but I'm an Alpha.

So I shut that bitch down and stood proudly as Erica opened the back door letting me into the house. While Laura stood there with her arms crossed wearing an irate expression that turned dark seeing the naked girl on my back.

Shifting back I caught Malia with my lizard tail before she could fall to the floor.

"Laura, this is Maila, your cousin and Peter's daughter. Malia, this is your cousin Laura daughter of your Aunt Talia and rightful Alpha of the Hale pack. Your other cousin Derek isn't here right now. But I'll call him later and invite him over so you can meet each other."

"Cousin, how do I not know about this better yet how do you know about this?."-Laura.

"He said research."Malia.

"Snort, Tell us the real answer."Erica.

'Ugh how to even answer that question?.'

"Would you guys believe me when I said I'm from an alternate reality where. Your lives were a popular tv show and that you Laura were supposed to die but I intervened saving your life. Or that you Malia were supposed to live as a coyote for another year until that idiot Scott came along and fucked things up like he always does."

"The real reason please."-Malia.

"Whatever, don't believe me then. I have the abilities of Telekinesis, Telepathy and Teleportation. I can read people's thoughts and connect the dots. Don't worry I haven't read any of the minds in this room even if it is tempting to do so."

"At least we have a believable answer now."-Laura.

Both Erica and Malia nodded in agreement.

'Shot through the heart. No, don't look at me with those pitying eyes. Traitors, I'll have my revenge.'

(Mc drawing circles on the floor as a little storm cloud appeared over his head as he cried anime tears.)


Going out to the garage I started buttoning up the Impala and putting the finishing touches on her. Like the devils trap and weapons chest in the trunk.

Getting in the Impala turning loving the way she roared to life for the first time since the break in stage. Putting in the mix tape that was very hard to make in 2012 into the cassette player blaring carry on my wayward son.

Roasting the tires as I peeled out of the garage. I was driving down the highway on my way to a place that I'd been informed was a Wendigo community by Marin through a few files she had Braeden drop off to me.

It turns out after I eliminated their number one huburger supplier they started openly hunting in their own neighborhoods. There's currently 37 missing people reported, some of them being young children.

As soon as I pulled into the town I could smell the scent of rotting flesh, stale blood and death wafting from many of the house's in the cul de sacs in the town.

'Time to save some people and hunt some things. The monster that hunts other monsters. Ohh I should make a pack of werewolves that hunt other supernatural creatures. OOO I could make a monster hunting academy for werewolves and human hunters and have them work in pairs to fight the things that go bump in the night. Nah that'd be too difficult.'

Wendigos are nasty little shits, their bites burn like a mother trucker. And they can spit acid like it ain't no thang. I started using my electrokinesis during my recovery as an improvised welder to practice contro. While doing so I discovered that I needed to charge up after using a certain amount of energy or I'd drain away my own vitality.

After ditching my car at the motel I took a walk through the rest of the town. Catching the different scents of many supernaturals. When I smelled fresh blood and the scent of silver coming from the alley I was walking by when I heard some familiar voices.

"Dammit Sam, I told you to wait for me."-Dean.

"Well Dean I couldn't just stand around and do nothing while you hooked up with Janet the waitress with Daddy issues."-Sam.

"Dammit you darned idgiots. Get your heads out of your asses, we've a whole slew of Wendigos snacking on anything they see."-Bobby.

"Hi I'm an Alpha werewolf and I'm here to help solve the Wendigo problem."

(Sounds of 3 45.cal 1911's firing.)

"Now that you've gotten that out of your system."

(More sounds of 45.cal 1911's firing.)

'Sigh, Just like the show these idiots never seem to realize that their gun's won't kill or even hurt what they're hunting 90% of the time.'


"Look at what you idgiots did now the cops are here."-Bobby.

"You're the one that shot first Bobby."-Dean.

"Come on we gotta get outta here you two."-Sam.

"Let me help."-Castiel.

"Hey Cas, why'd you bring the werewolf with us?."-Dean.

"Yeah man, we hunt them, we don't work with them."-Sam.

"Yeah feather brain, listen to the demon fucker that started the apocalypse."-mc.

"How do you know about the apocalypse?."-Castiel.

"Who doesn't?. It's all the supernatural community can talk about. Good Ole Sam and Dean Winchester the two brothers that would rather kill the world then be separated from each other."-MC.

"That's not how it happened."-Sam.

"Sammy it is."-Dean.

"Are all the werewolves siding with the humans?."-Castiel."

"Probably not."-mc.

"Then why are you?."-Castiel.

"Well you see, a while back I killed two Alphas and a super huge pack that had been chopping people up and selling them out of a slaughterhouse just outside of Bakersfield California.

I noticed the presence of Wendigos and had planned to hunt them down but things happened and I was laid up for nearly a month and the situation with the Wendigos has gotten out of hand."-mc.

"So all these innocent people dying is your fault."-Sam.

"Stop right there with your sanctimonious bullshit moose. Do you have any idea of the backlash from your hunts?. The innocent bodies left rotting after you whip outta town. Not only that have you even grasped the number of innocent people that have died since you. freed the king of hell from his prison."-mc.

"I I"-Sam.

"That doesn't matter, this is your mess."-Dean.

"Ohh I know it's my mess, it's why I'm working on cleaning it up instead of attending high school."-mc.

"You're nothing but a kid. How'd you even get involved in this life?."-Bobby.

"I saved a pretty girl from being killed and she bit me and it turned out she was a werewolf."-mc.


This made both Sam & Dean back off while Castiel just looked at me curiously.

"Do you guys have a map of the area with the houses on it?. If you do I can mark down the ones I smelled the scents of rotting flesh and stale blood coming from."-mc.

Bobby opened one of his bags and pulled out a map similar to a real-estate map. That had all of the house numbers marked on it in little square blocks. Making check marks on each block that represented the house's that I caught the scents from.

"These are the houses I passed by that had the scents coming from them. I don't know the numbers that are inside the house nor what the center of town is looking like. I'd have to do some more recon."-mc.

"This is better intel than what we usually work with. We'll split up in pairs. Sam you're with me Dean you'll be working with."-Bobby.


"Dean, you'll be working with John. Castiel."-Bobby.

"I have to return to heaven."

(Wings flapping sounds.)

"He disappears like that alot doesn't he?."-mc.


Half an hour later Dean and I were walking around town scenting the air. Dean would write down every place I pointed out to him that I instinctively related to Wendigos.

"How do you do it, adjust to being what you are now compared to what you were?."-Dean.

"It's not as hard as you think. Think about it like this: you probably read a few comic books growing up right?. Or some cartoons involving superheroes now imagine if you suddenly turned into someone that could heal from most wounds. Lift a car above their head and run at speeds approaching 60mph."-mc.

"So you feel like you're Spiderman."-Dean.

"Hahaha, sure if Spiderman was a killer and had to be locked up on the full moon."-mc.

"You know you're not so bad for a werewolf."-Dean.

"Thanks you're not so bad yourself."

After that we walked around for another half an hour before we headed for my motel that was only a block away. Dean started drooling over my Impala.

"Sweet ride man."-Dean.

"Thanks I put a lot of time into her. I've got a 71 Chevelle SS with a stock 454. I'm going to start working on soon."

"Sweet man you know you should talk to Bobby if you're into old cars he's got a scrap yard full of umm. I'm sure he'd be willing to part with some of them."-Dean.

"Thanks I'll ask him, I'd like to work on an old Lincoln continental and a Mustang."-mc.

With Sam & Bobby.

"Bobby, what do you think about this working with a werewolf I mean."

"Sam, times are changing less and less. Hunter's are out there somethings gotta change if we can make peace with and work with a werewolf that means others can too. We're fighting a losing battle Sam. We need all the help we can get. We've started working with an Angle. What's the difference between working with an angel and a werewolf?."-Bobby.

"But Cas is a friend."-Sam.

"So could John be if you give him a chance. Look Sammy I'm old and it's only thanks to Crowley that I'm on my feet again I'm not saying you have to trust him. But you, no we all need to learn to put aside our differences and work together."-Bobby.

"I don't know Bobby."-Sam.

"Dammit Sam, we've forgiven you and moved on from the fact you were too busy fucking and sucking down Ruby's skanky demon blood. Let this go and concentrate on the job at hand."-Bobby.


We pulled into Sam, Dean and Bobby's motel. Getting out of the car and going inside.

"So what did ya Idjits find out?."-Bobby.

"There's 17 apartment buildings, 2 warehouses and a deli. Along with the houses scooby marked earlier."-Dean.

"Dean, how are we going to clear out all of these nests?."-Sam.

"I have a suggestion even though I'm a werewolf my roar should draw them out to me or it could make them dig in deeper. We pick a place where we can funnel them in and wipe them out as they come. Or they dig in and we incinerate them in the places they've dug into."

"That could work."-Dean.

"What about collateral damage?."-Sam.

"There's always acceptable losses in war."

"Those acceptable losses you're referring to are innocent people."-Sam.

"People die all the time, what's a few more in the grand scheme of things."

"There aren't acceptable losses for us. We save everyone we can no matter the risk to ourselves, that's what it means to be a Hunter."-Dean.

"Snort, Right then we'll walk in blind and hope for the best with our machetes, shotguns and homemade flamethrowers. Got it so what are we pussy footin around here for it's a school night ya know."-mc.

Looking over the map I found an old dam that looked like it would be a good place to have the Wendigos funnel into a killbox. From an elevated position Sam, Dean and Bobby could hail down a rain of lead and fire on their ass's and I could play the floater killing off stragglers, escapees and the more tenacious bastards.

"Here is where we will set up."

"The Dam?."-Sam.

"Yup it'll give you guys a higher vantage point and a good barrier so to speak. Of course you guys will have to keep an eye out for yourselves but it looks like the best location away from innocents as you guys said."

"It sounds like you Idjits got a plan then."-Bobby.

Once we arrived at the dam that looked like they were once river locks. I helped Sam, Dean and Bobby secure their area before moving on to setup incendiary devices inside the funnel along with the gas cans Bobby kept in the trunk of his Chevelle.


"Is anybody else wondering where a 16 year old recently turned werewolf got military grade weapons and explosives from?."-Sam.

"Not really we had the same stuff when we were younger than him Sammy."-Dean.

"Yeah but we're different, we had Dad."-Sam.

"Sammy, haven't you noticed it yet the way walks the way he talks his mindset doesn't it remind you of someone?."Dean.


"He reminds me of John. A less worn out and broken John."-Bobby.

"Are you saying he's our dad back from the dead Dean and that now he's a werewolf."-Sam.

"No Sam I'm saying he's had military training and been through some really bad shit and is still only a teenager. I'm saying the reason you're so against him is because he reminds you of dad."-Dean.

"I think he's like us Sam and was raised as a Hunter."-Dean.

As Sam was about to respond to his brother their ears felt like they were going to explode as the ground trembled beneath their feet.



The three Hunter's hair stood on end at the sound of their werewolf allies roar. But they felt a chill at the resounding death rattle that could only come from an Alpha Wendigo.

It was rare, almost unheard of for a Wendigo to reach the rank of an Alpha but it had happened before and everything it did once it reached that peak was recorded in the history books. The last known occurrence was during the black plague.

The last time a Wendigo almost rose to Alpha rank was the swine flu academic. No one really knows why it happens in such a way but it's been hypothesized that Wendigos are servants of pestilence and gluttony. And only those that win the favor of both can rise to the rank of Alpha.

But not much is really known as fact besides that they need to consume human flesh to stay alive. The earth started to tremble like it did when a large herd of cattle got worked up into a stampede. There were at least 300 Wendigos in the first charge; their human facades gone in their place was their ghoul-like appearance white pupil-less eyes, long limbs with talon-like clawed hands and needle-like teeth dripping acid spit as they charged.

(Their Teeth are like Supernatural Vampires.)

'I definitely wasn't expecting this many even with how strong the scents were, I guess I should have spent more time training.'

Sam, Dean and Bobby started firing as soon as the Wendigos came into their range of fire. What bypassed their hail of gunfire I tore to shreds with my claws. There were only 20 or so Wendigos of the first charge left when the alpha came into the clearing. It was the same chesty blonde I watched eat a member of the Slaughter pack. Her eyes glowed a magenta color as her body morphed into that depicting her actual species. She was bigger than all of the Wendigos before that all stood at around 5'8" to 6'0" she stood at 8" tall and broad shouldered.

We moved in closer to each other as I heard Sam, Dean and Bobby dealing with the last of her kind.

In a gravelly voice.

"Why would you side with the Hunter's haven't we been persecuted enough just for existing even when we only feed off the dead. Haven't werewolves been hunted unjustly just so the Hunter's can take your claws and fangs for trophies. You should be fighting with us, not against us."-Alpha Wendigo.

"Ha-Ha-Ha hahahaha, I couldn't care less about all of that. Who do you think slaughtered the slaughter pack?."

"You, you're why we've been starving and had to expose our community to eat, even if I die I'll take you with me."-Alpha wendigo.

She stopped circling me as I raised my hand and clenched my fist holding her a few inches off the ground. (Darth Vader style.) She wheezed as she tried releasing whatever was grasping her throat but to no avail.

"You and your kind disgust me do you even know the majority of the food you ate was human veal?. As in children. From the look in your eyes I can see that the answer is yes and from a lot of the house I smelled your stank coming from having toys on the lawns. I'll assume that most of the people you fed on were families with young children to right?. You asked why I'd side with the Hunters. It's because I find you and any monster that hunts and feeds on children disgusting. You aren't fit to walk upon the same earth as me."

With that I ripped her apart using TK and used my new found pyrokinesis to turn her remains to ash. I jumped up to where Dean, Sam and Bobby were engaging in close combat with 10 Wendigos and helped kill them. I hit the detonator switch triggering the incendiary devices while throwing the corpses of the remaining wendigos into the roaring blaze.

"Anybody else need a drink?."-Bobby offered his flask.

"Hell yes I'm beat."-mc.

"Hahaha, isn't that you're Holy water flask Bobby?."-Dean.


Sam, Dean and I all chuckled at Bobby's reaction.

"Can it ya Idjits."-Bobby.

"Come on I got a bottle or two in my trunk."-mc.

We parked our cars in a triangle away from the sight of our fight while we passed around a handle of Jack Daniel's. Bobby spoke up first.

"It was nice working with you kid. Here's my number. Call me any time you got yourself a problem. While I'll see you boys but this old man needs his rest."-Bobby.

"Hey Bobby, do you mind if I tag along with you?."-Sam.

"Sure, Sam."-Bobby.

Bobby and Sam left, it was just Dean and I sitting in the turn around.

"So am I a friend or should I expect a few Hunter's gunning for me from now on?."-mc.

"If this was a few years ago we wouldn't even be here like this. I'd have ganked you already. But I've lost a lot of friends and there's few Hunter's left at this point. Some of my closest friends and allies now would be what I'd once thought of as monsters. So no you're not an enemy but at some point if you go bad I'll be the one coming to put you down. So for now we're friends."-Dean.

Dean reached into his Impala's glove box and tossed me a burner phone.

"If you ever need mine or Sammy's help call us on that all our numbers are programmed into it same with Bobby's. See ya John."-Dean.

"See ya around Dean."

I sent Dean a text from the phone with my number on it. As I got into my Impala and started the drive back to Beacon Hills.


After a few hours I stopped at a 24-H motel taking a shower in bleach and soap before cleaning the shower drain making sure I left nothing behind. Once I was done with cleaning myself and the room of any traces of myself. I went out and sanitized my Impala. To make sure I didn't leave any scents or other traces for a possible enemy to trackers to pick up by chance. Once the car was done drying I left the motel behind in the rearview mirror.

I was feeling a bit lonely after the past few weeks or so of having Laura and Erica in my life being so caring and loving. I had been able to put most of John's baggage behind me but still I was holding myself back. From admitting my feelings for them because John wasn't the only one with baggage with his love life or past. Besides my issues with commencement and abandonment there was this feeling that if I gave into the developing connection I had with then it'd be permanent.

And that scared me I wasn't ready for that I probably never would be. Even if they are both amazing, beautiful, loving, caring and funny women. Arriving back at Beacon Hills at around 9 in the morning I didn't head for my house though I went to Alexis Reyes's house she had given me a key for her place.

As a sort of statement and open invitation in return I gave her a guest code to the security system and a key to my place. It was incredibly sexy seeing her flush along with her bashful smile that could light up any room. Like an embarrassed school girl whose crush told her he liked her.

Entering the house u could smell the rampant scent of female arousal and pleasure pheromones loud moans reverberated from Alexis's bedroom.

"Ahh yes ahhnnn yea mmm fuck your girlfriend's mommies pussy baby."-Alexis.

Scenting the air again I was able to tell that only Alexis was home. I waited until she was done before knocking lightly on her door frame.

"Come in."-Alexis.

"Ohh hi, Shane, did you enjoy the show?."-asked Alexis.

"Mmmhmm it was stunning."

"Hehehe If you'd like we could reenact it in person."-Alexis.

"I'd like that but first I think I need the advice of a beautiful experienced woman with some issues that I have."

"Hmm are these pesky little issues the ones you have with love and commitment that my daughter keeps complaining about to me and about how you haven't ripped her clothes off and had your way with her yet."-Alexis.

"If you want my serious opinion you should kick all those girls out of your house and get your own shit straight. But it's obvious you're just way too nice and caring to do that with the way you treat everyone. End whatever sexual relationship you have with Laura and find someone you can really open up to and with or just have hot passionate meaningless sex with beautiful women."-Alexis.

"Sigh, All of those sound like great ideas."

I layed down resting my head against Alexis's tight tummy. I couldn't see her face though because her nice big full naked tists blocked my sight. Her strong womanly musk made my body react by my cock growing erect in my pants.

"I care for them and you, ya know I don't want to hurt any of you but I also don't want to get tied down and fall in love with just anyone. been there and done that and it leads to the kind of pain that tears your soul apart. I think you already know how I was different before I became a shifter for my kind. We don't just love the person we connect with them on a deeper level we feel what each other feels. We hear what the other thinks it's very intrinsic and deep so much more so then I can even truly begin to explain."

"It sounds wonderful and amazing, while also horrific and terrible at the same time."-Alexis.

"It is and it hurts so much more than you can possibly imagine to have that bond betrayed. It's earth shattering, soul breaking, it's not something I think I can ever get past."

"You're lying to yourself. Ohh not about the pain or how badly it hurts I can't say I know what it's like to love someone that deeply. But I can tell you when I found my husband cheating on me it shattered my world and a part of myself I won't ever be the same woman that loved him ever again but that doesn't mean that I can't love someone anymore. I already fell in love with a very handsome young man that has such a big heart after all even though he's less than half my age and my daughter is in love with him."-Alexis.

"So in part what I'm saying is grow the fuck up and grow your balls back already stop letting that bitch carry your balls around in her purse and take what you want and show how much the people you love mean to you before you end up losing them to someone that isn't afraid."-Alexis.

"Hmm, I think I should start putting your advice to use now."

I started planting Kisses on Alexis' tight naked tummy. As I cupped her large breasts in each hand.

"Ahhnnn yes baby make mommy feel good haaa."-moaned Alexis.

I moved downwards instead of up pulling the sheet off of her delicious thighs revealing her moist inner thighs and wet pussy lips. Making use of my Kanima tongue I slithered it inside her tight mature womanly folds enjoying the taste of her strong womanly nectar's rich taste.


Pushing my lips at hers I drank the sweet and rich nectar that was pouring out of her delicious folds as I kept working my tongue inside enjoying the way her inside tried constricting my tongue.


Giving her quivering fold a final lick slowly kissing my way up her body her hands grabbed my hair and pulled me into a searing kiss. As she used the opportunity to roll us over and put me on my back. Pulling back from the kiss her eyes held warmth, and lust but also there was something I couldn't quite understand.

"Are you sure you want me? I'm old. I have a daughter that's madly in love with you. I don't mind sharing you with her or others but I also don't want to go further if this will put up a barrier between us and between my daughter and I." Spoke Alexis through her lust.

In response I pulled her hips down impaling her on my hard cock making her eyes roll back and her mouth open in a silent scream as she collapsed onto my chest and I pistons upwards into her as she moaned and drooled on my chest with her eyes rolled back and her eyelids fluttering.

"I'm going to love all of you and stop being an asshole because of a fucking cunt. Thank you Alexis I can't make a promise that there won't be issues between the three of us or that whatever this is between us won't end but I'll do my best to make you feel loved and appreciated even with their being others in my life."

With those words I broke through a wall and started shooting my seed deep inside of her as her womb hungrily drank it in and her walls milked harder for more. I wrapped my arms and tail around Alexis falling asleep with her unconscious form on top of me still convulsing and orgasming.

"Wake up I really have to pee and you're holding me too tightly. And it hurts having your big thing even when it's soft just resting inside me all night." Frantically whispered Alexis

Smirking to myself I get up from the bed making my cock hard as a rock and stared fucking her pussy while carrying her to the bathroom feeling warm fluids running down my thighs enjoying the moans that left her throat. Once in the bathroom I carried us both into the shower and turned on the hot water.

"It's alright now mommy you can let it out now."

"Ahh, you're so dirty." Alexis moaned as her walls tightened from arousal.

I could tell she was about to burst so I slipped out from inside her and spun her around as a highly pressurized tsunami came out of her splattering against the tile wall. After that we lost track of time exploring each other's bodies and making love to one another in her shower that had a bench like seating in it.

"Ugh, I'm so pruned I have to get out of here it's horrible for my skin I'll look all wrinkly." Alexis complained as she lifted herself from my lap and a flood of cum came rushing out of her.

"I could give you the bite like I did for Erica. It will keep you looking younger and healthier for a long time."

"I, No I can't as much as I'd love spending more time with you and my daughter I can't. I have too many obligations to my business and work to get involved any further with the supernatural. I'm sorry." Said Alexis sadly but resolutely.

"At least take some time to consider it Alexis."

"Fine, fine I'll think it over more carefully and give you my answer after you start being a man and fuck my daughter's virgin pussy like you did her mother's." Said Alexis.

"Hahaha, I think you're the only mother in the world that would tell the guy that just had sex with you to fuck you're daughter."

"I'm not believe me I'm definitely not the first or the last mother that fucks the guy her daughter has a crush on and the tells him to go fuck that daughter not by a long shot handsome." Spoke Alexis in a matter of fact tone.

"I better get going see you later?."

"Mmm, I'll probably stop by later to pick-up Erica so we can go out to dinner together." Said Alexis.

"Ohh yeah where are you guys going?."

"Little Roma's, it has very good Greek and Italian cuisine." Replied Alexis.

"Sounds good I still stop and get pizza and wings."

"Actually you should, they have some of the best wings in Beacon Hills there." Replied Alexis.

Slowly getting dressed making sure to tease Alexis as I did so I leaned down giving her a kiss goodbye. As she called in my order for me at Little Roma's.

"Yes Hi Rosalia it's me Alexis I'm calling to confirm my reservations and put in an extra large order of pizza and wings for early pick-up. Yes, that's wonderful, okay ready?. I need 3 large pizzas, 1 plain chess, 1 meat lovers and one mushroom and sausage, then I need a hundred garlic parmesan wings, 100 mild and 100 BBQ. Nope that's it girlfriend, mmmhmmm love you to see you tonight. Are you three really going to eat all that?." Asked Alexis feeling a bit disturbed.

"Yeah I can tell you though nobody better be stealing my Garlic parm wings from me or else." A growl left my throat.


"~giggle~ mmm what is the or else? I may just have to steal some of your wings. Hehehehe." Teased Alexis.

"Hmm, while there were a few things we didn't do." I smirked as I rubbed my tail between her nice sexy ass cheeks that could have a quarter bounced off of them.

"Ahhhnn. Not there, it's dirty. Let me prepare it for you first." Moaned Alexis.


"Mmm." Moaned Alexis.

"Good, I want to have all of you. I better get going see you later Lexis."

"Bye honey." Replied Alexis.

I couldn't help the silly smile that spread across my face at the sweet way Alexis called me. While imagining her talking dirty while getting Erica ready for me.

"Come on honey come fuck your baby girls cute hungry little pussy."

My dirty thoughts almost had me turning around and going back to Alexis. But I still got into my Impala cranking the radio while some F.F.D.P played through the speakers.

[Breep breep]

(Hey man it's Dean, Sam went missing after a demon skank rode his dick, if you hear or see anything call me or Bobby, thanks.)

(Ugh, yeah I'll Jeep an eye out and ears open, but didn't this happen once before?)


Setting my phone down on the seat enjoying the music and the feeling of the wind against my skin as it messed my hair.

Arriving at the place that I assumed was a pizzeria only to find a slightly gaudy Greek architecture inspired restaurant before I could even knock on the door.

A gorgeous olive toned skin milf with a saucy smirk was opening the door for me.

"Hi I'm." I started to say.

"Ohh I know who you are little Erica loves showing off a picture of you to me and my daughter." Huskily teased the older woman.

'What kind of pictures is Erica showing off?.' I asked myself struggling to keep my eyes off of her seductive body and on her eyes.

"Come on in your order will take a good fifteen to twenty minutes longer to complete." Said the woman her eyes filled with a youthful exuberance and mischievousness.

"Ahh, thank you sorry for putting in such a large order so early in the day. I hope you weren't too inconvenienced by it." I replied honestly.

"Hehehehehe, not at all it's not everyday we get a 500 dollar order. If you don't mind me asking, are you throwing a party by any chance?." Asked the older woman who seemed to be plotting something.

"Ummm, Nooo just I've been out dealing with some business for a bit and didn't have a chance to eat anything and I have quite a few house guests and I don't particularly feel like cooking for 3 other people and myself." I replied letting out a tired sigh.

A strange look appeared and vanished so quickly in the woman's warm chocolate brown eyes I thought I must have imagined it.

"Yes my daughter did mention that Erica made a couple new friends and often stayed at your home with them, she's a bit jealous and afraid that she's losing her best friend." A bit of judgment leaked into her voice even as the light scent of arousal drifted off of her.

I had to physically control myself not to smirk as I caught her subtly exploring glances.

'Definitely a classy milf.' I thought absent-mindedly, my own eyes starting to explore her body instinctively.

On a better observation I came to a realization this woman looked like a younger Marisa Tomei around mid to late thirties.

As I thought this the woman spun around swaying her hips my eyes instantly drawn to her shapely ass as if pulled and held there magnetically.

Her body disappeared behind the swinging doors of the kitchen only then did I snap myself of my induced trance only to see her poke her head back out wearing a knowing smirk.

Completely unbothered by staring her eyes shining with amusement and something else more demure but all the same unreadable as she disappeared behind the doors again.

Taking a better look around the place I finally noticed how truly expensive the place was. Red and black granite floors a matching counter top where the pizzeria part of the business was handled.

While the dining room was separated by a wall that had delicate floral artwork and statues of women and a chibi angel playing a harp.

The tables and chairs all look incredibly expensive giving it a high class but comfortable atmosphere with the custom Gothic lighting fixtures and spacing between the tables offering some privacy for conversations.

'Definitely old money.' This place reminds me too much of my friend's restaurant from my past life not to be in a similar situation.

"Do you lime the place? This is my third remodel in the past year?." Asked Rosalia.

"Yes it gives an elegant high class but comfortable feeling of a place you could sit and enjoy a conversation long after you've finished your meal." I responded to her question.

"Ahhh, good I've been trying so hard to get it right, you know this restaurant has been in my family since 1917. My great grandfather immigrated here and opened this place up as a whole in the wall fast food pizza place.

It didn't expand into a restaurant until my mother took over the business turning it from a great pizza place into a family restaurant.

But in the past couple years the class of people living in Beacon Hills have increased and caused the place to see a downward spike in business compared to the newer more trendy places.

So I've been putting everything I have back into this place to increase its popularity back to what it had when I was a little girl.

Sorry you probably don't want to hear about the ramblings of an old woman." Said Rosalia the seductive milf of before reduced to a self-deprecating mess of a stressed out woman that desperately needed some emotional support.

"Hahahahhahaha, I don't mind at all. This place actually reminds me of a place I spent a lot of time at growing up. While besides the bars that is.

And you're not that old, what are you in your twenties at most." I looked over my shoulder giving her a cheeky smile to see an equally cheeky grin in return.


"Ohh, my what a flatterer." The older woman smiled happily in return while laughing lightly.