
As a symbiote In Teen Wolf

As a Symbiote traveling through the multiverse starting in Teen Wolf.


Mutated Symbiote Biology: The Symbiote can mimic any type of clothing whatsoever, as well as blending in its surroundings, rendering it invisible. The Symbiote has augmented all of its host's physical abilities to superhuman levels equal to, and in some cases greater than, Spider-Man's.

Superhuman Strength: Enabling host and symbiote to lift 2 to 70 tons. However, this is not his true limit as his strength increases with hosts variable muscle mass.

Superhuman Durability: Anti-Venom's body is highly resistant to physical injury, capable of withstanding assault from high-caliber bullets as well as attacks from super powered individuals. When distributed at a typical thickness over the host's body, the Symbiote is capable of absorbing bullets from small-arms weapons firing conventional ammunition. The symbiote is invulnerable to the traditional weaknesses of symbiotes, fire and sonics.

Superhuman Stamina: Symbiote is capable of surviving in harmful areas for long periods of time such as underwater or in toxic gases, the symbiote filtering breathable air to the host.

Accelerated Healing Factor: Additionally, the symbiote is capable of healing injuries in the host at a faster rate than normal human healing allows. The symbiote is also capable of healing injuries and illnesses that current human medical care cannot such as cancer. This is even more advanced for it can regenerate from a shotgun wound to the head in a matter of seconds.

Genetic Memory: The symbiote possesses some limited psychic ability, making it capable of obtaining information from its hosts and even other people and symbiotes simply by touch. It can however, be forced to forget information if the symbiote is inflicted with heavy trauma.

Offspring Detection: The symbiote is also capable of psychically detecting its offspring, however with effort this ability can be blocked.

Wall-Crawling: The symbiote is capable of the ability to cling to walls by controlling the flux of inter-atomic attraction between molecular boundary layers.

Webbing Generation: Can shoot strands of the alien's substance. The symbiote's substance seems to be composed of tough, flexible fibers of organic polymers, which regenerate swiftly after "shedding". The one limitation to this ability since the webbing itself comprises the costume, if used too much it will be rendered vulnerable since the symbiote is unable to replenish its lost mass for a short period of time while exhausted. webbing as well as tentacles or tendrils that can be used to attack or ensnare opponents also has this limitation.

Constituent-Matter Generation: can also use the same substance comprising the symbiote in the form of constituent matter or tentacles, and use it in this method for lethal force against enemies. can send a part of the symbiote and direct its movements into a victim's body, smothering them from the inside. Or use it as a drone body controlling it from its hive mind or transferring its conscious mind into it.

ESP: Possesses an extrasensory ability symbiote can detect danger from every direction and conduct, can dodge a gunshot or a relatively close barrage of bullets.

Camouflage Capabilities: The symbiote is capable of mimicking the appearance of any form of clothing, camouflaging with its surroundings, and even mimicking other people and or clothing.

External Entity Rejection: the symbiote has the ability to reject external and or foriegn bodies/entities from entering the body of its host's. If it releases too many antibodies while curing people, it is possible for this power to be weakened.

Constituent-Matter Manipulation: Can manipulate its matter to enlarge or stretch its body in order to augment its attacks. For example, it can enlarge its host's fist and slam it into target magnifying the impact of the blow. Symbiote is capable of morphing its host's hands into objects, such as to form a blade or fabricate a shield.

Impurity Sense: Anti-Venom can sense foreign substances within a person's body. This includes symbiotes, radiation, narcotics, viruses, and other diseases.Internal Bodily

Cleansing: After sensing an impurity such as toxins, drugs, diseases, and other malignant substances, The symbiote can forcefully "cure" the substance from the person's body using antibodies produced by the symbiote and to cure a heroin addiction. This power can also be used to depower some superhumans, and nearly cleanses powers that are or were not a part of a person being cleansed since birth.

Hive Mind/clone-drone creation/control/Parallel thinking: Can separate a piece of itself from main mass and use it as a second or multiple duplicate bodies while bonding to multiple hosts.

Pocket Dimension or Pocket Storage: a place where Symbiotes extra mass is stored and or contained. This space has no meaning of time.

Fire immunity: In contrast to the other symbiotes this symbiote is immune to fire and extreme heat. Examples of this include withstanding the full force of a flamethrower and enduring a super-hot, radioactive blast from a nuclear weapon.

Sonic immunity: In contrast to the other symbiotes this symbiote shows strong resistance against sonic-based attacks.

Abilities: The symbiote produces antibodies that can "cure" a person afflicted by radioactivity, parasites, diseases, and drugs.


"Spin the wheels." Said the R.O.B while sitting on a throne made of gold and marble.

Walking up to the slot machine like wheels that had various worlds race and abilities and powers on it.

[Dum Du Dum Dumb]

[Race: Symbiote]

[Boon: world traveling system]

[Please select a world and time frame.]

'Teen Wolf the night Laura Hale dies.'


A black and blue portal opened up below me and then I started to fall gaining more and more momentum. Then boom a crack of dim light entered my previously dark confines. My world opened up. I could see everything around me under and above me in an omnidirectional view. It was dark out and I was standing/sitting in a smoking crater next to the meteor I arrived on earth in.

I was crawling my way across the forest floor where I landed when I heard a girl's voice and went in that direction. I arrived just in time to see an early twenties beautiful, brown haired girl put her hands on the shoulder of a scared guy that looked like he was suffering from down syndrome.

"Ahh, Uncle Peter it's me Laura ! ! !. Screamed Laura.

The man turned into a big lycan-like creature just as he or it, plunged his claws into who I now believe is Laura Hale.

"Blwgh." Laura coughing up blood as claws were plunged just under her rib cage.

I watched as Peter ripped his claws free, tearing Laura in two just above the waist. And for some reason Laura's body continued to turn into a wolf's. Peter perked up his head as a whistle sounded and took off running in its direction. I made my way over to the still twitching and dying body of Laura Hale whose body was still clinging to life fusing or bonding with her top half and sending connecting tendrils to her lower half.

After what felt like I was like playing the old operation on crack I reassembled the close to death body and repaired the damage but by the time I was done what made Laura, Laura was gone now there was just an empty Laura like fully healed and functioning husk or shell.

'Well I have nothing against girl power and all that but I'm partial to being a guy and having a cock. Hmm that could work if I could turn this new body into a hermaphrodite. I could enjoy the best of both worlds. I've always been curious about how it feels to have sex as a woman anyway. So let's give this a shot and if it turns out I can't turn myself into a Hermaphrodite I'll look for a new host body.'

Laura's memories and experiences were safely stored in her brain and I was able to download all of them and sync with her body and abilities easily. Going to stand up I realized I must have gotten some wires crossed when I was repairing my new body. Instead of taking a step forward I punched myself in the face…

"Finally to think two tiny minuscule nerves could cause such a fucking issue."

Using the powers that came with this body through both genetics and magic I shifted into a black timber wolf and started running in the direction of the Hale house.

'This is so much fun. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.'

I arrived at the remains of the Hale house after only running for a few minutes.

'Aww, I'm already here.'

I consumed the blood dirt and whatever else was on my body adding some minuscule amount to my total mass before shifting back into a person walking into the remains of the once grand brick and wood mansion in made my way to one of the intact bedrooms that the original owner of this body had claimed for herself the bedroom had been tastefully restored with warm earthy colors along with the bathroom still being operational.

There was a hand crank generator and a few dozen deep cycle batteries to store power along with a solar panel in the window that powered a water pump, a mini fridge and a microwave.

'Nice little setup there chika.'

Walking into the bathroom I started admiring my new looks touching my C-cup breasts and tight tummy while sliding a hand downwards to my nice and trim pubic hair softly rubbing a nipple.


'Fuck that feels good I wonder what it would feel like to suck on them."

Softly my fingers brushed against my exposed clit.

"Fuuuck, that makes a thrill run through my entire body."

I started rubbing my clit in a circular motion that made my entire body vibrate in pleasure.

"Haa, haa, mmm, fuck."


(Panting sounds.)

"Holy Fuck that felt fucking amazing. Who knew being a girl could be so liberating. I still miss having a nice thick meat stick swinging between my legs though."

Grabbing a clean washcloth I wiped away my cum that was staining my thigh and fingers before slipping into a lacy black thong and a pair of black yoga pants while putting on a black training bra. While grabbing a gunmetal grey loose belly tank top absorbing the clothes and mimicking them with my symbiote physiology. I was once again fully dressed but technically naked.

'Next time I do that I should use my tentacles and get the full experience.'

I looked around and found a set of car keys that had the Porsch emblem on it along with a one shoulder backpack filled with cash and various identification papers and a few cards from my memories. I knew they were all debit cards for the many accounts Laura had under her control. The wealth Laura had immediate access to was 27.3 million usd. Which was nowhere near as much as the 100 and something Peter has in bale bonds waiting for him.

Hitting the alarm button on the Porsche keyfob I looked into the direction of the sound following the Alarm until I reached a large barn made of riverstone and wood. Hitting another Keychain fob that had open and close on it the main barn door slid open as fluorescent lights turned on revealing a 100 plus cars. All years, makes and models from 1920 to 2005 sat with a layer of dust on them all but the brand new Porsche Cayenne turbo s.

Pressing the remote again the alarm turned off. The Porsche was a beautiful black and red modified for off-roading; it had a push bar in the front with 4 led pods and a cargo rack with 4 led flood lights along with a lift kit and beefy tires. Taking a walk around the back it had a full sized spar along with a mounting plate and two metal gas canisters.

'You definitely had good taste Laura. It's too bad you had to die. I wouldn't have minded being your symbiote.'

Getting into the Porsche and driving to Beacon Hills General Hospital. I snuck into the morgue going into the big freezer they use for John & Jane Doe's and the usual vagrants and drug addicts. I found a handsome guy in his early twenties that looked a lot like Ian Somerhalder. Shooting out many tendrils of my true body I consumed the body and added its mass and genealogical data to my stores. Repeating the process for the other people's bodies I would have found attractive if they were still alive.

With the knowledge and templates I just gained I altered my face a bit by changing my cheekbones and jaw a bit making myself even more attractive before exiting the morgue and leaving the hospital. As I was driving along I noticed a 24 hour library.

'Hmm a good way to brush up on human biology, microbiology and physiology along with computer programming and whatever else I might need.'

Going into the library I spotted a good looking middle-aged librarian that could fill the role of naughty teacher or librarian in quite a few fantasies with her massive tits and a nice shapely ass with only a slight bit of softness on her tummy who was standing on a 12' step ladder putting away books.

"Hi, I'm looking for books on human biology, anatomy and microbiology."

She didn't seem to hear me and started swaying her hips singing a song but the ladder she was on didn't have a steady base and started to tip over. The ladder fell quickly.

"Ahh." Milf librarian.

Everything slowed down to a point where it looked like nothing was moving. The floor cracked below me as I exerted more than necessary force to propel me forward. Catching the gorgeous milf before she could hit the floor.

'Wait why don't I hurt mmm so warm and soft.'

"Hey are you alright?" I asked in concern.

"Hmm." Librarian.

'Wow, she's so beautiful and strong." Milf librarian.

"Pretty." Said the milf absent-mindedly.

"Ahh, s-sorry." Said the milf embarrassed.

"It's alright gorgeous are you okay." I asked.

"Ye-yes because of you." Milf.

"Here let me set you down. This must be awkward for you to be held in the arms of another woman." I said.

"No, I mean no it's not awkward at all it actually feels quite nice. Not that I want to make you hold me all night I mean." Said the fiercely blushing milf.

Setting her down gently copping a feel of her nice big shapely ass she let out a little startled moan.

"Ahhhnn." Milf.

'Mmm her hand felt good grabbing my ass. God what are you even thinking Jen you're married with kids and this very gorgeous, sexy strong young woman is only a few years older than your daughter.' Thought the milf Jenifer.

(Jennifer looks like Jennifer White.)

"Can you point me in the direction of the medical books please?." I said.

"Ri-right I'll walk you over to where we keep them. I will have to unlock the cabinet for you. We keep them locked up because they're quite expensive." Said the milf Jennifer.

'Such a delicious ass, she didn't seem to mind when I took a look at it. Maybe I should be a bit more aggressive with her.'

Looking around making sure there was no one around. As she was unlocking the book cabinet I put my hands on her hips and started sliding them sensually along her contours while kissing her neck and nipping her ear and sucking on her earlobe.

"Nghhh, wha-what haa are you doing?." Asked the milf even though she knew what was being done to her.

"Mom, you know what I'm doing you sexy Milf. And you like it, don't you?."

"Yea-yeah, I mean no I'm married and have a daughter almost your age." Milf.

"Shh, none of that now we're just two beautiful horny women that want to explore this attraction we have towards one another."

"But my husband." Milf.

"He'd get so hard and would stand there jerking himself off as we fucked each other. You know men have those kind of fantasies watching their wife, girlfriend, sister, daughter, mother, aunt and mire having sex with other women right in front if them."

As I slipped my hands down the front of her mom jeans and found her panties were soaked through. Slipping a finger inside her tight count while my thumb rubbed her clit. Making her moan loudly in case there was someone around to hear I quickly moved in and sealed her lips with mine. Increasing my tongue's length by about 6 inches u completely dominated her tongue. While I lengthed and thickened the finger that was currently being crushed by her clenching sucking folds.

"Haahhhnn nghhh hhhnnn." Moaned the milf.

'Good as time as any to try and make a cock.'

She pulled back as her eyes rolled backwards and her tongue pointed out of her mouth as she started spraying girl cum like a fire hose.

"Suck a naughty milf cumming like that in a library of all places."

"Huaahhhnn." Moaned the milf.

Pushing her jeans and panties down to her ankles I pulled free my new rock hard appendage and rubbed it against her pussy lips.

"Do you want my girl cock in this naughty horny pussy of yours?."

"Yeash." Milf.

Thrusting forward hard and fast making her scream out in pleasure.


As I was pounding into her from behind I also worked on making my new cock fully functional, converting my ovaries into sperm producing organs while making a storage tank in the center between them big enough to hold a liter's worth of hot jizz to fill horny cunts and wombs with. While still pounding into the sexy milfs cunt with reckless abandon. While squeezing her E-cup breast in each enlarged hand.

I started to partially bond with the milf's name that I learned was Jennifer Reyes deploying tendrils to her nipples and clit sucking hard on them while I created two more tentacles for her mouth and ass. She went to scream even louder when I broke into her virgin ass but I stuffed her mouth and throat full of my tentacle cock.

"That's right you dirty milf you're getting gang banged by a monster alien girl who's going to turn you into her breeding bitch along with your daughter."

Her already tight pussy and clenching pussy and ass managed to get even tighter while her womb sucked the tip of my cock.

"Are you ready bitch are you ready to get so full of cum you might explode?." At my question Jennifer squirted again as I started pumping all her holes full of cum.

"Yeaashhh." Mentally screamed Jennifer in a moment of clarity.

Lowering her to the floor as she passed out from being filled with cum I gave her a cum shower while grabbing the books I wanted to study. Leaving her ass up face down with her eyes rolled back up into her head with her tongue hanging out Leaving one of my drones behind to protect her from any unsavory types.

[2] studying

I quickly absorbed the knowledge in the medical books and was easily able to discern areas in which there was wrong or misleading information mentally correcting it.

I finished all the medical books in the library and started on various sciences, languages and many other things. Though I could have gained all of this knowledge simply by bonding with someone who already had it.

I heard soft unsure footsteps approaching me from behind. I could see Jennifer approaching me holding a knife above her head ready to stab me.

"Now now lover is that any way to treat me after stealing my heart and virginity. You know you're my first, (haa)." I sighed heartbrokenly.

Jen froze, her eyes opening wide in shock as her hand started to tremble. The knife slipped from her grasp and almost stabbed her foot but I caught it.