
Vanishing Act

Shizuka Joestar, Joseph's adopted daughter, has grown a lot since the Bizarre Summer of 1999. Now in 2016, following the passing of both her parents, she returns to Japan to get away from some of the pressure of the United States. Soon she finds herself weaved into something far wilder than she ever could have imagined, joining a group of mysterious thieves against a new slew of insidious Stand users and a conspiracy that threatens the world at large.

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9 Chs

Asmodeus Kamoshida (IV)

"Why are we here?" Shiho asked from the alley they had settled in. The shadow of Shujin falling over them had left her a little worried and no doubt it was bringing up some painful memories.

"It's... part of the plan," Ann remarked. She glanced to Shizuka, seeing the uncertainty in Shiho's eyes. "You sure this is a good idea?"

"Sure I'm sure," Shizuka said. She had seen Ann in action, and Akira had said Ryuji had been like a goddamn hurricane when he got his Stand. They were both pissed at Kamoshida, and got some pretty impressive power from it. And so, she reasoned, if Shiho could do the same then she'd be an invaluable asset. After all she had the most motive to be pissed at Kamoshida.

But more than that, it would be good for her. She could settle the score, take her misery and turn it into a righteous anger to power through that pain. And get justice.

Shizuka took her phone from her pocket and let her thumb hover over the glowing tile of the Meta Nav. "Okay Shiho, this is gonna be really weird at first, but... well, just take a deep breath and trust that it's all gonna be okay." Before Shiho could ask what she meant, Shizuka pressed on the tile and felt the air ripple and distort around them with a rushing purple hue.

Just like that, Shujin was replaced with the looming towers and high walls of the mysterious castle. "O-oh my god!" Shiho exclaimed in a shocked gasp, nearly falling off her crutches until Ann managed to catch her from behind. And then she noticed that Ann and Shizuka's entire wardrobe had changed. "W-what just... your clothes... what..."

"I-it's okay Shiho, it's still us, we're just... uh... in another dimension?" Ann groaned and wanted to slap herself. Yeah, like saying stuff like that would help Shiho stay calm. "I know this is gonna sound super weird, and I doubt I can describe it right but... this is a cognitive world. A place shaped by the human mind. And that castle is Kamoshida's heart, it's how he views the school."

Shizuka nodded. "Yeah, that about sums it up. I mean Mona would probably get anal about some details but..." She rolled her hand in the air and decided to give Shiho some more details. "Uh... the new clothes are a side effect of this world. If you get powers, you get some new duds and a mask. Oh yeah, and we use codenames. Cause apparently it'd be bad news to shout our real names inside a Palace. I'm Sting, she's Panther... for the record I'm still pissed you didn't go for Catwoman."

"Is now really the best time to be talking about that?" Ann asked with an annoyed sigh.

The two spent several minutes explaining the finer points to Shiho. The Metaverse, Shadows, the powers a person gained here (Ann said Persona, Shizuka liked to insist on Stand) and their plan.

"So if you take the treasure..." Shiho said, slotting the pieces together in her head "It'll cause Kamoshida to change as a person? He'd... confess to all the things he's done?" Both girls nodded. "You sure that will work?"

"Well... Mona thinks so, and Mona's kinda the expert on this place," Ann began "So I'll trust the cat on it. And conventional methods... won't work." They both knew that Akira and Ryuji had given it the old college try, but nobody on the volleyball team was willing to speak up. Even after one of their teammates tried to kill herself.

Shiho pondered this news for a few quiet moments. Then she looked at the duo with a strong intensity in her expression. "Show me more. I want to see inside." Ann knew the look in her eye. It was clear she wouldn't change her mind on this.

"Just... stick close to us. Sting, work your magic."

Houdini appeared above the raven-haired girl, and it instantly became clear Shiho couldn't see Shizuka's Stand. In a split second the trio were suddenly invisible, making the injured girl gasp in surprise. "Follow our lead," Shizuka explained.

She led on until the trio moved through the vent they used for all their infiltrations, moving into the warm interior of the castle. As had been the last time they were here, the main entrance was devoid of any knights. It seemed that with the thieves moving in deeper, the guards were being reassigned to follow suit.

As soon as they were inside, it didn't take Shiho long to see all the banners and portraits with Kamoshida's face on them. "You said this is how he views the school, right?" Shiho asked in a soft whisper. She laughed bitterly. "All these pictures of him... yeah... that matches his ego alright. Everyone not on the volleball team practically worships him. I really wish... I could have realised as much sooner."

"Shiho..." Ann murmured.

They continued on, down into the dungeon. Few guards were to be found here, and those that were were probably the weakest in the whole castle. And the cognitive versions of the volleyball team would help motivate Shiho further.

The walls became stony and grey, encrusted with grime that looked surprisingly ancient. The light became much duller, provided only by small candles mounted on the walls that were half eroded away. Cells lined the walls, and Shiho seemed to slow down with each one they passed. The injured volleyball members in those cells were definitely familiar to her.

"These people..."

"They're not real," Ann quickly said. "They're like... how Kamoshida views the school as his castle, he views the volleyball team as his uh... his..."

"Slaves?" Shiho finished with a sad sigh.

When Houdini rendered things invisible, Shizuka could still see an outline of them through her eyes. It left her aware that Shiho was gripping one of the bars for support, and she proceeded to settle a strong hand on her shoulder.

Just as Shiho was catching her breath, all three became aware of the sound of heavy metal footsteps approaching them. And those ironclad feet carried voices with them, the leisurely chatting of guards. "King Kamoshida's been more uh... tense than usual, don't you think?"

"Quiet down dumbass! The captain might be nearby... but, you have a point. I guess all this stuff about the thieves is really gettin' to him. He'll probably wanna use the Concubine again tonight."

"The Concubine? Yeesh. Don't wanna be anywhere nearby when that happens. The last beating was pretty brutal."

Ann and Shizuka shared an uncertain glance. That was a new one to them. From their position they could look down the long hallway, toward a small drawbridge over running water that bridged a gap toward more cells. The trio of chatting knights passed by their field of view and continued their rounds.

Suddenly Shiho pushed forward, and even though she was invisible Ann and Shizuka both felt a little nervous and quickly followed after her across the drawbridge. Soon they found one cell in particular that Shiho was rendered stone still at the sight of. Inside the cell was herself, or a cognitive version at least, bruised and covered by rags... and the other female figures in the cell weren't much better. "That's... me... and that's how he sees me, and the other girls on the volleyball team, right? The 'Concubine' huh..."

Shizuka glanced from side to side and then dropped the invisibility field Houdini created. They were in the clear for the time being.

"You gonna let him get away with this?" she asked. "If something about him isn't done, then he's just gonna keep on like he's been doing. No, he's gonna get worse. But if we steal his treasure, then he's never gonna hurt another person," Shizuka explained.

After a few quiet moments, Shiho clenched her fists. Then she trembled, and it quickly became clear that she wasn't shaking from fear, or tears, but anger. A rage that was quickly bubbling to the surface.

"We... should really get out of here," Ann said. She seemed worried, watching her best friend closely. She turned on her heel, and then immediately went rigid as she hear metal footsteps rapidly approaching them.

"Intruders! Halt!"

The trio from earlier were rapidly coming back the way they came, and to their right Ann could see two more coming up from their left. The way over the drawbridge was clear, but if they didn't move quickly they'd likely be surrounded. Shizuka sighed. "Of course they'd come back as soon as I turn it off..."

But even though they were at risk at being caught, Shiho didn't move. She kept her eyes on the cell, of the cowering facsimile of herself she could see. "If something isn't done, he's going to get worse," she repeated to herself. There would be more victims, more people like her. People who would be too terrified to do anything about it. Shiho gasped as she felt a wave of agony wash over her, as if a spike of hot iron had been drive into her brain.

"You see it now, yes? Running away accomplishes nothing. Closing your eyes and covering your ears solves nothing. If you wish for justice... if you wish for vengeance... if you wish for what is fair... then the only path is to strike back!"

Ann and Shizuka shielded Shiho from both sides, Carmen and Houdini hovering above them. The knights hadn't made any moves, but their blades were drawn and their shields were raised, and they would strike at any moment.

"Is she... unlocking her power?" Ann asked, awestruck.

Shiho clutched the sides of her head, her crutches clattering to the ground as her legs wobbled and nearly buckled beneath them. But, for reasons she couldn't quite understand, it felt as if the broken bones were mended completely. She blinked then, the pain subsiding until she was aware of something. The top half of her face was covered in an ivory blindfold, a red eye painted into the center of it.

"Are you done running? Are you ready to call my name?"

"Yes... this... this needs to be done. Come to me, Aradia."

The pain returned with a vengeance as Shiho gripped the blindfold, wisps of blue fire coiling around her. She screamed in pain, blood seeping out from under the fabric as she struggled to tear it from her flesh. "Yes! You have felt corruption firsthand, and now you are free to strike back! I am thou, thou art I. I am Aradia, the breaker of chains!"

Shiho tore the blindfold off with one bloodied pull, screaming as the fire engulfed her with a wave of force that blew the encroaching Shadows backward. Ann and Shizuka shielded their eyes until the blowed died down, revealing Shiho's changed attire. She was dressed in some sort of dark ninja garb with white plate gauntlets and boots, the chest looking about as armoured and reinforced. Her belt was weighed with throwing stars, and in her left hand she held a dangerously sharp naginata.

"H-holy crap," Ann murmured.

For as impressive as Shiho's change was, her Persona was nothing to sneeze at either. It was a tall and strong female with ice white skin, dressed in a similar dark suit to Shiho. A white shawl was draped over her shoulders, and broken chains dangles around her wrists. The top half of her face was concealed with a sparkling ruby that seemed almost embedded in her flesh, and glowed with an imposing power.

"If this is how Kamoshida views the world... then I can see now that just running away won't accomplish anything. It won't help me, and it won't help anyone stuck on the team." She turned, glaring toward the trio of guards at her right. "So you're going to fight for him? Fine, take your best shot!"

The armoured figures bubbled and shifted, rapidly transforming into a group of floating Pyro Jacks, and scowling amorphous Slimes. They were still surrounded and the enemy numbers had only increased.

Houdini shot forward, catching the first Pyro Jack with a crushing kick that launched it across the room, leaving it to explode into a pile of goo as it connected with a grimy wall. Another of the pumpkin headed creatures raised his lantern and fired off an explosive bolt of fire that erupted against Houdini's crossed arms, making Shizuka grunt from a stinging wave of discomfort rocking her.

Ann quickly swung around, lashing her whip out and catching another of the Pyro Jack's. These ones were particularly weak, cleaved in half from that single strike, but Ann knew well enough that Carmen's firepower wouldn't work against these particular Shadow's.

The numbers were still impressive, and Shiho wasn't in a mood to be left behind. She clenched her fist and quickly took aim at a group of Slimes rapidly sliding across the filthy floor toward her. Aradia raised her hands, a golden energy shimmering around her until several daggers of holy light suddenly formed into existence around her. "Get 'em!"

The blades of light lanced outward, striking the incoming Slimes and tearing them apart with quick stabbing motions. Like the rest of their kin, the Shadows melted to goo and then faded into nothing.

The last Pyro Jack took a swing at Ann with his lantern, making her yelp as the hard iron collided with her forearm and nearly knocked her clean off balance. Shizuka lunged forward with her short sword held tight, and swung down with all the might of her right arm. It went through the Pyro Jack's body like a hot knife through butter, inky goo bursting outward and coating the floor.

"Whoof... those guys were weaklings, but... we should really run before reinforcements come to check up on them," Ann said, managing a small laugh. She turned quickly and looked over the drawbridge. "Still... Shiho, that was incredible," Ann said, grinning at her friend.

Shiho managed to smile but, as had been the case for Ryuji and Ann before her, a wave of fatigue suddenly hit her. She gasped, gripping her naginata tight for support. "This power... m-my Persona..." she murmured, trying to ignore how heavy her body felt. "I don't understand I... I felt so powerful but right now I can't, I just can't..."

"It's okay... it's normal to get tired out," Ann said. She made her way over and let Shiho rest her weight against her. Shizuka quickly snatched up the two crutches and turned her back on the cells. If Morgana was to be believed, then there was nothing that could be done for the people imprisoned here. They were about as alive as the portraits on the wall, nothing more than very convincing dolls. "Come on, let's get going."


It was only once they were outside the Palace, and back in the alley across from Shujin, that Ann and Shizuka took the time to give Shiho some extra information. Their role as Phantom Thieves, the risk of expulsion hanging over Akira and Ryuji, and that Shizuka had used her power to catch Shiho mid-fall.

"... I see," Shiho murmured, leaning against the wall for support. "Yes, that makes sense now. I didn't think much of it at the time, but... yeah, something felt odd about that. Like someone had caught me." She smiled up at Shizuka "Thank you."

A brief wave of embarrassment crept through the young Joestar, causing her to tip her head back while she scratched under her nose. "Yeah well... I had to. I mean, I couldn't just sit back."

After a brief pause, Shiho stood up fully on her crutches "Listen, all this thief stuff... it all sounds weird to me, but count me in." Ann bounced back in surprise. "In that Palace, I realised something... I realised that trying to kill myself was just some desperate attempt to escape how horrible things had become. And thinking back on it, it felt like there was a... a voice in my head driving me forward. But I saw the depths of his depravity. And if something isn't done, then there'll be some other poor girl in my position before I know it. Turning a blind eye just isn't possible."

"Shiho..." Ann seemed to hesitate and then shook her head. "If I can do it, then you can definitely do it. We'll have to talk to Akira and Ryuji though. Oh, and meet Morgna! You'll totally flip when you meet him," the blonde happily said. "Ryuji will probably be concerned but... well, he'll come around quick." She paused and turned, looking to Shizuka. "You planned for this, didn't you Shizuka-chan?"

Shizuka dismissively rolled her shoulders "Pff, as if. I don't ever plan for anything. This is all just a delightful turn of events. And besides, it all worked out for the best. We could use some extra manpower to deal with Kamoshida."

"I'm gonna kick his ass," Shiho murmured. "Oh, but ah... thanks again, Joestar-san."

"Naaah, no need to be so formal! Just call me Shizuka. Or JoJo, if that sounds better. Cause, you know, some of the kanji on 'Shizuka' can be read as 'Jo.' And my family has a loooong tradition of people being called JoJo."

Ann smiled "Well, I'll definitely keep that in mind. But, for today..." She settled an arm around Shiho's shoulders "We better get you back to the hospital before your folks arrive."

"Ah, right..." Shiho snickered. "It's strange but, for the first time in a while I'm really not worried about things like that. Getting my Persona... it's like a huge weight got lifted off my shoulders. I'll help you guys with everything I have. And Lifeson's a cool guy, I'm sure I can slip out every once in a while."

"Well, see you tomorrow," Ann said, smiling at Shizuka.

"See you," she replied. She leaned against the alley wall. Shizuka remained there for a few moments and pondered all that had happened today. Yeah, bringing Shiho had been a risk. Even with their powers it was a big one to take.

But... in the end, Shizuka couldn't sit back and see someone be abandoned. Ann aside, the people at Shujin had just discarded Shiho. Almost as soon as she dropped, the topic of discussion and gossip seemed to slither along to something new. And it was the kind of thing she couldn't abide, not when she had been abandoned too. Joseph, his entire family, they had taken her in and gave her a place to belong. So why not try to do the same to others who had been in that position?

She let the tension melt from her shoulders and resolved to head home.


The concrete bubbled and shimmered. A pair of neon yellow eyes abruptly sprouted from the solid ground, and watched Shizuka's back for several long minutes. Then they receded back into the cement, as if they had never been there at all.